PHED 1010 Physical Fitness for Life 3 Credit Hours Fall 2008

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Online Course Syllabus
PHED 1010 Physical Fitness for Life
Office Hours:
Course Webpage:
Ally Hattermann
Gordon Hall 26
MW 9:00 am to 12:00 pm; TR 11:00-12:00 pm
Fitness Pearson Custom Library Copyright 2013. Pearson Leaning Solutions, Pearson 2013. ISBN:
13 978-1-269-11032-7. Not available online. Students must purchase this text book from the Gordon
State College Bookstore.
“Introduction to Fitness and Health with an emphasis on physical activity, nutrition, weight
management, and health related fitness concepts. Students have the opportunity to asses their physical
fitness, nutrition, and activity patterns and to develop a personalized health and fitness program.
Students will be introduced to and will participate in a variety of physical fitness activities.” Gordon
College Academic Catalogue 2014-2015 (3 credit hours).
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Students will demonstrate an understanding of:
The impact of physical activity on our overall health and wellness.
Basic exercise physiology concepts and their applications.
Basic skeletal muscle physiology and its response to exercise.
Basic cardio-respiratory physiology and its response to exercise.
The techniques and tools for physical fitness assessments and exercise prescriptions.
Nutritional and weight management concepts.
In Class Component
We will meet on campus twice this semester for physical fitness assessments. Both meetings will be
held on the gym floor of Alumni Memorial Hall. Please dress out in workout attire and bring a writing
utensil and your Gordon State College student ID. Although the first assessment will not be a graded
assessment, you need to attend and participate for course enrollment verification purposes AND because
your results will be used for your lab report. Should you NOT attend the first assessment, you will
receive a ZERO on the LAB REPORT as well (even if you turn one in) because you will not have any
verified physical fitness scores to use to complete your project. The second class meeting will be a
repeat of meeting #1; however, you will be graded based upon performance standards for your age and
gender by the following point scale:
3 min step test
Sit and Reach Test
Body Composition Analysis
Total possible points for on campus work
20 points
20 points
20 points
20 points
20 points
100 points
Online Component
You are responsible for completing all assignments, quizzes, exams, etc before the posted deadlines on
D2L. You will also see a schedule of deadlines at the end of the syllabus. You will receive zero points
for missed/late work.
 Quizzes
 Lab Report
 Facility Assignment
 Cardiorespiratory Plan
 Muscular Strength Training Plan
 3-Day Nutritional Analysis
 Discussions
 Activity Log
 Final Exam
Total points for online work
60 points
40 points
25 points
25 points
25 points
30 points
25 points
70 points
100 points
400 points
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Final Course Grade (out of 500 possible points)
A: 447.5 points and above
B: 397.5 points to 447.4 points
C: 347.5 points to 397.4 points
D: 297.5 points to 347.4 points
F: 297.4 points and below
You will calculate your grade in this course by totaling the points you earn on each
assignment and divide it by a possible of 500 points. A grade worksheet is attached to the
back page of this syllabus.
Attendance: All students are required to attend the two scheduled class meetings. Students are
expected to make arrangements in advance for release time from any work obligations as well as make
the necessary arrangements for child care.
Technical Requirements: Webpages/ Email: This course will be conducted through Desire to Learn
(from the MY GORDON link at The instructor will use Microsoft Office to post
course information (PowerPoint, Word, Excel, etc). Students will be required to contact the instructor
using their Gordon State College email account. The instructor will not correspond with students
regarding the class through any off campus email or D2L email.
Make-up Work: There will be no make-up work for any part of the online component of this course.
You are responsible for completing all assignments, quizzes, exams, etc before the posted deadlines.
You will receive zero points for missed/late work. Therefore, you are encouraged NOT to wait until the
last day/minute to complete your assignments as you may experience technical difficulties (which is not
an excuse). This class is also scheduled to meet two dates over the semester to test your physical fitness.
In order to make-up a missed on campus assessments, you will need to provide verifiable written
documentation to the instructor within 1 week of the absence. If you cannot present the requested
information within 1 week of the absence, you will not be allowed to make up the assessments and you
will receive zero points for all assessments missed.
Illness/Injuries/Pregnancies: If a situation or condition presents itself where you are unable to exercise
and complete the course requirements, I will need proper medical documentation supporting the
illness/injury/pregnancy and we will then discuss assigning an incomplete for this course and finishing
the requirements next semester.
Accommodations of Disability: If you need academic accommodations for a disability, you must go
through the process of receiving approved accommodations through the Student Counseling and
Disability Services office, Student Center, Room 212, phone #678-359-5585.
Academic Dishonesty: Cheating will not be tolerated. Please refer to the Academic Dishonesty Policy
in the Gordon State College Handbook.
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Other Notes: Students ARE required to dress out in workout attire (t-shirts, shorts, SOCKS, closed toe
athletic shoes) when this class is scheduled to meet for fitness assessments. Jeans, work boots, flip flops
etc are inappropriate and you will not be allowed to participate in assessments.
Spring 2015 Due Dates
All online deadlines are at 11:59 pm. No late work will be accepted or graded
Monday, January 12th:
On Campus Meeting – 2:00 PM Gym Floor
Tuesday, January 13th:
Alternate On Campus Meeting – 9:30 AM Gym Floor
Thursday, January 14 :
Alternate On Campus Meeting – 9:30 AM Gym Floor
*Students must attend ONE of these sessions. A signup will be emailed from
Sunday, January 18th:
Lab Report Due
Sunday, January 25th:
Fitness Facility Assignment Duet
Sunday, February 1st:
Chapter 1 Quiz Due
Sunday, February 8th:
Chapter 2 Quiz Due
Sunday, February 15th:
Cardiorespiratory Endurance Exercise Plan Due
Sunday, February 22nd:
Chapter 3 Quiz Due
Sunday, March 1st:
Strength Training Exercise Plan Due
Sunday, March 8th:
Sunday, March 15th:
Sunday, March 22nd:
Chapter 4 Quiz Due
Sunday, March 29th:
Chapter 5 Quiz Due
Sunday, April 5th:
Chapter 6 Quiz Due
Sunday, April 12th:
3-Day Nutritional Analysis Due
Sunday, April 19th:
Online Comprehensive Exam Due (Chapters 1-6)
Sunday, April 26th:
Activity Logs Due & Discussion Board Closes
Thursday, April 30th:
Final On Campus Meeting. Section A at 5:00 PM, Section B at 7:15
PM. Gym Floor. Student’s must attend one of these sessions and a
signup will be emailed through
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Student Grade Worksheet
In order to calculate your grade, take the points you earned on each assignment (student grade)
and divide it by the total possible points for the assignment (assignment total).
Chapter 1 Quiz
Chapter 2 Quiz
Chapter 3 Quiz
Chapter 4 Quiz
Chapter 5 Quiz
Chapter 6 Quiz
Comprehensive Exam
Lab Report
On Campus Meeting #2
Fitness Facility Assignment
Cardio Workout Plan
Strength Workout Plan
3 Day Nutritional Analysis
Activity Log
(add all points from student
grades and divide by 500)
Student Grade
Assignment Total
Percentage Grade
Final Course Grade (out of 500 possible points)
A: 447.5 points and above
B: 397.5 points to 447.4 points
C: 347.5 points to 397.4 points
D: 297.5 points to 347.4 points
F: 297.4 points and below