Maths Policy - Blue Gate Fields Infant School

Blue Gate Fields
Infant School
Maths Policy
Agreed by staff
Agreed by governors
Date: July 2013
To ensure that all children experience a range of purposeful, well-planned, and differentiated
activities, which allow them to develop appropriate mathematical skills, and a positive attitude
towards the subject of mathematics. To ensure that all children are able to talk about their work,
and explain their ideas to others, using appropriate mathematical language and language structures.
Finally to equip them, to be able to use and apply these skills in the future, to problem solve in
everyday life.
To encourage and provide opportunities for pupils to:
 Establish an approach in the classroom which promotes and reflects the using and applying
aspect, as set out in the National Curriculum Document.
 Develop their confidence to ask and answer questions, giving reasons where appropriate, share
ideas, and work collaboratively.
 Communicate their ideas using appropriate mathematical vocabulary, and of using language
structures to support.
 Record in a variety of different ways. Unsupported and supported, using mathematical
equipment and tools.
 Develop as independent learners with a positive self image, through purposeful learning
 Develop their own mathematical theories, and be aware of patterns and relationships of
 To use ICT to support in the understanding of mathematics.
Teachers in each year group are encouraged to plan together in their team, using the new medium
term plans adapted from the Tower Hamlets Renewed Curriculum Framework in KS1 and the New
Foundation Stage Profile for Early years. These are adapted to meet the needs of the children. A
weekly planning sheet is used. This ensures that all members of staff are aware of the learning
intentions taught for that week. Activities are differentiated and planned with different learning
styles (VAK) to ensure that all children have access, so as to make the very best progress. The
planning for each year group is stored under whole school planning on the store box.
A balance between, practical and recorded activities are taught, allowing children time to understand
and develop mathematical concepts, using a range of skills and strategies. Children are taught (usually
as a whole class, in groups of six, or in pairs) how to record their work when appropriate using a
variety of methods, as we recognise that each child has individual strengths. Children are for the
most taught by ability, in order to ensure that each child is delivered the appropriate curriculum.
Activities are open ended and include opportunities for problem solving where appropriate. ICT is
used to practice key skills. Maths books (squared papers) are used where appropriate for the
activity. Key vocabulary and language structures are promoted to support understanding and develop
appropriate use of mathematical vocabulary.
Cross Curricular Links
Mathematics has many links to other areas of the curriculum. These include
 Literacy – language structures – key vocabulary – questions and explanations.
 Science – tables and data collecting and measuring.
 Geography – co-ordinates and measuring (length, time & positional language)
 History – time lines (ordering)
 PE – Co-ordinates – number – measuring (length, time & positional language)
 Art – 2D & 3D shape
 DT – 2D & 3D shape - measures (length/ volume/ capacity)
 Music – Time
Equal opportunity
We are committed to providing a teaching environment conducive to learning. Each child is valued,
respected and challenged regardless of race, gender religion social background or culture of
disability. Each child will have equal opportunity to participate in all activities.
Please refer to the relevant policies:
Inclusion (including provision for gifted and talented, EAL and SEN)
We recognise that there are children of widely different mathematical abilities in all classes and we
ensure that we provide suitable learning opportunities for all children by matching the challenge of
the task to the ability of the child. We achieve this in a variety of ways by:
 Setting common activities, which are open-ended and can have a variety of responses.
 Setting activities of increasing difficulty.
 Grouping children according to ability in the room and setting different activities for each
ability group.
 Providing resources of different complexity, matched to the ability of the child.
 Using classroom assistants to support the work of individual children or groups of children.
Gifted and Talented children are identified in line with the Inclusion policy and planning will include
extension activities for these children. EAL and SEN children are also identified in line with the
Inclusion policy and planning made appropriate to specific children’s needs. Our work in Mathematics
takes into account the targets set in the children’s Individual Education Plans (IEP).
Children’s work is marked and assessed to the learning intention/ success criteria. Next steps are
provided to pinpoint the child’s next stage of learning in that area so that the child is aware of what
is expected of them and of what is being assessed. Teachers assess children’s progress weekly using
this information for when planning for the following week, or when revisiting the same teaching block
the next term. At the end of each term children’s achievement is assessed using the Maths
Assessment sheets and Assessing Pupil Progress levels. The children are assigned a National
Curriculum level or EYFS level. Progress is monitored by the co-ordinator and SL to ensure that
expected levels are being reached.
By the end of Foundation Stage the performance of the majority of the pupils should be within the
range of 40 – 60 months age band. By the end of Key Stage One the performance of the majority of
children are expected to achieve level 2, with the more able, approximately 35%, achieving level 3.
Children at Blue Gate Fields Infant School consistently achieve above the national average in
Maths lessons are monitored usually once a year by the SLT and co-ordinator. Both written and
verbal feedback is given to the individual teacher highlighting areas of good practise, and also the
areas of work for development. General feedback is given to the whole school on the subject’s good
practise and areas for development. A work survey is under taken each year to monitor children’s
progression and level of achievement within the year group and in line with the school expectations
for that year group and the National curriculum.
Involving parents
During Maths week, parents are invited to participate in Mathematical related activities with their
child. In EYFS parents are encouraged to attend the Ocean Maths sessions where they work with
their children in school. Children are given the opportunity to take home an Ocean Maths Pack, which
includes practical resources and equipment to support maths at home. At the beginning of each term,
the parents are given a list of targets the children are expected to achieve within that term.
This Mathematics policy was approved by governors in September 2013 and signed by the chair of
……………………………….. …………………. Chair of governors.
……………………………………………………. Date
It will be reviewed in September 2014