Science Persuasive Essay Scoring Guide Name: Score: This scoring guide is used to verify that specific tasks are performed when producing a persuasive essay. If the task has been successfully completed, all points are awarded. No points are awarded if the task is not evident. Pts Student Teacher Category Scoring Criteria Evaluation Evaluation Introduction 15 points Body of the Report 30 points ( three separate paragraphs) Conclusion 15 points Final Handed In Project 30 points Draft 10 points An opening statement that gets the reader’s attention (a hook). State your opinion. State 3 topics that support your opinion that you will cover in your paper. The essay demonstrates your ability to research and share ideas about the topic. You will need to research your topic and include that information in your report. Information in the essay is presented in the student’s own words, not “cut and pasted” from research sources. Use of complex vocabulary must be defined. Each paragraph covers only one topic. Including facts, statistics, examples, etc. Use of transition words is important. Call the reader to action. Student’s thoughts presented in the essay are summarized. The most important research findings are restated. (What do you want the reader to remember the most?) No new information is introduced. Final Copy will include: Cover Sheet (1 picture, Report Title, Author Name, & Date), Dedication page, Body of the Report (3 small pictures may be included in the body of your report and must pertain to the written content), Author’s Page (written in third person), Bibliography (Noodle Tools). There are no spelling or grammar errors. (proofreading is required even with spell check. Be on the look out for there, their, to, two, etc.) The essay is typed using a standard 12 or 14 point font. (Font style must be easy to read.) Report is enclosed in a folder. Attached to your final report you must include: Prewrite, Rough Draft with editing marks, and SBWL’s Total Possible Points Comments: 5 5 5 10 10 10 5 5 5 15 10 10 10 100 Persuasive Essay Information A persuasive essay is a multi-paragraph explanation on a specific topic in which the author supports an opinion. An Essay Includes: An opening paragraph that introduces the topic and the opinion of the author. Three (minimum) body paragraphs that develop or explain the opinion through reasons, facts, statistics, examples, anecdotes, beliefs, and/or values. A strong conclusion that satisfies the reader and concludes with the author’s call to action. Project Time Line Topic Chosen Tuesday 1/22/08 Research Complete Tuesday 1/29/08 Tree Map Wednesday 1/30/08 Rough Draft Monday 2/6/08 Final Copy – Published Tuesday 2/15/08 Bibliography: All of your sources should be input into NoodleTools and printed out when you are ready to submit your report and included in the packet of information as outlined in the scoring guide. Include at least 3 sources. 2 of those sources must be from different mediums such as the following. Website (URL address, author, date published) Magazines (Magazine Name, Publish date, Article Title, Author) Encyclopedia (Encarta, World Book etc., Topic Researched) Books (Title, Author, Publisher, Copyright date) Research Hints: Print out 2 or 3 good articles to base your report on. Use what you know about determining importance, highlighting, and making notes in the margins to mark up your research. Keep good notes. Once you have done your research follow the steps of Persuasive Writing as you have learned in the classroom. You are to write a 5 paragraph persuasive paper.