Evan and Andy Proposed Paper on Adaptability in Africa Wednesday, 17 February 2016 Assessing Vulnerability in Dryland Agricultural Systems in Sub-Saharan Africa: applying the panarchy framework to livelihood strategies and adaptability Draft 3 from Andy Thursday, 08 January 2004 Abstract This paper will present a theoretical framework from assessing assess community adaptability of dryland agricultural systems to major global changes caused by land use intensification and/or climate change. This will be based around interdisciplinary field work done on dry-land agricultural communities in Sub-Saharan Africa and will make three contributions to the literature on global change and adaptation. First, this paper will make a theoretical contribution by applying the panarchy framework developed to assess whether ecosystems are vulnerable to disturbances from human communities. This framework characterizes vulnerable systems according to the wealth and diversity in the system and the degree to which individuals in the system are connected to one and other. Second, this paper will provide local empirical case study information based on dryland agricultural regions in Southern Africa. This will build on a growing body of case studies that link global change with local vulnerability. Third, this paper will assess how farming systems that react to economic changes may make themselves vulnerable to environmental changes; thus far the literature tends to evaluate market and environmental changes in isolation without assessing how they interact. Results from the case studies suggest that market forces and Government policies have resulted in farmers specializing in cattle production, reducing livestock diversity reducing plant biodiversity in savanna rangelands. The biological wealth of this system has increased with grazing induced environmental changes transforming ecosystems from being dominated by slow-growing perennials to a dominance of thorny shrub species and faster growing and water/nutrient demanding annuals grasses. Market changes have led to extensive regions of intensively grazed rangelands that increase the connectivity of the landscape. Together these changes in ecosystem wealth, diversity and connectivity have increased the vulnerability of pastoral agricultural systems to the three main types of ecological disturbance common in drylands: drought, overgrazing and fire. Appropriate policy responses need to re-establish traditional pastoral management practices that would increase the diversity and mobility of grazing animals, by working with communities to establish ways of allowing farmers to share grazing rights, thereby reducing the risk that a drought will devastate any one locality, and to establish mechanisms to ensure poorer members of society have access to economic opportunities. In conclusion, the characteristics of vulnerability outlined by the panarchy framework help explain how farmers who exploited market opportunities have increased the vulnerability of dryland landscapes to environmental disturbances. However, when we examine the policy responses, we need to promote wealth in the community and social connectedness to increase the human adaptive capacity. This is the reverse of what the landscape ecology literature suggests are characteristics of vulnerable systems. As such, when we apply the panarchy framework to human systems, it is necessary to re-define the role of wealth and connectivity in specific localities. Introduction The science of global change is contested. In terms of climate change, most scholars are unwilling to predict future regional weather patterns based on current global circulation models. The impact of changing weather patterns on communities is even less clear (Adams, Fleming, Chang, McCarl, & Rosenzweig, 1995; Adams et al., 1990; Mendelsohn, Nordhaus, & Shaw, 1994; Pimentel, 1999; Rosenzweig & Hillel, 1995). This is especially difficult in dryland systems that are typified by great spatial and temporal variability resultant from the highly dynamic nature of changes in rainfall, fire and grazing regimes (Behnke, Scoones & Kerven., 1993; Ludwig, Walker 1 Evan and Andy Proposed Paper on Adaptability in Africa Wednesday, 17 February 2016 & Holling, 1997; Scheffer, Carpenter, Foley, Folke & Walker, 2001). Similarly, there is little agreement on the future outcome of economic globalisation on global agricultural systems, and scholars continue to debate whether global trade leads to better environmental management and reduced poverty or the reverse (Chung & Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development. Environment Directorate., 1998; Ervin, 1997; Halweil, 2002; Reilly, Hohmann, & Kane, 1994; Robertson & Kellow, 2001). In light of this uncertainty, one approach to understand the effect of global changes is to assess the capacity of individual communities to adapt to environmental changes. A number of scholars propose characteristics of “resilient” communities, or communities that have the ability to adapt (Bryant et al., 2000; Smit, Burton, Klein, & Wandel, 2000; Smit & Skinner, 2002; Watson, 1996). There are two challenges in this approach. First, work on adaptation has led to many definitions of resilient communities and characteristics of communities that possess social capital (Berkes & Folke, 1998; Boggs, 2001; Carpenter, Walker, Anderies, & Abel, 2001; Pretty, 2003; Putnam, 2000). Although academically interesting, this approach seems to create long lists of traits implying everything social and political must be considered (Yohe & Tol, 2002). These are too complex to be useful policy making tools (Fraser, Mabee, & Slaymaker, 2003). Second, the way a community adapts to one set of threats might make it more vulnerable to other threats. For example, in adapting to changing market conditions, a farmer may specialize on a particular cash crop for export. This may make a harvest more vulnerable to environmental changes such as droughts or floods than a more diverse subsistence agro-ecosystem. The interaction between threats posed by environmental and economic changes lead some scholars to propose that there is a “double exposure” where communities face multiple threats and may adapt in ways that inadvertently create hidden vulnerabilities (Leichenko & O'Brien, 2002; O'Brien & Leichenko, 2000). Thus far, however, assessments of multiple risk expose have been done at the national level. Problems, however, are expected to occur at sub national or regional levels. This is because regional problems usually occur due to interactions between specific management practices and local environmental conditions (Dalgaard, Hutchings, & Porter, 2003; Risbey, Kandlikar, & Dowlatabadi, 1999). To meet these two challenges, this paper will present a preliminary framework for evaluating whether a system is vulnerable to shocks or disturbances that is based on just three overarching characteristics, and then apply this framework to a number of dryland case studies drawn from across Southern Africa to evaluate how communities that adapt to market change made themselves vulnerable to environmental changes. This will then conclude with a discussion on how policy can help reduce vulnerability. Panarchy Framework Landscape ecologists are particularly interested in a framework that helps establish the vulnerability of systems (Adger & O'Riordan, 2000; Berkes & Folke, 1998; Carpenter et al., 2001; Holling, 1986). This small group of scholars has developed tools that can help us analyse how ecosystems adapt to shocks and disturbances (Holling, 2001; Holling, Gunderson, & Peterson, 2002). Shocks are defined as discrete events (in either space or time) that disrupt the structure of an ecosystem, and are a common occurrence (Attwill, 1994; White, 1985) especially for dryland systems. Drawing on such diverse ecosystems as the everglades and the boreal forest, some landscape ecologists propose that the impact of a disturbance on an ecosystem is based on three key characteristics. The first characteristic is the “inherent potential of a system that is available for change” (Holling, 2001 p. 393), which can be defined loosely as “wealth.” In a terrestrial ecosystem, a rich foliage or high biomass that indicates a mature system would represent the “wealth” of this system. A wealthy system is more liable to be affected by a disturbance than a non-wealthy system, largely because it has more resources that may be affected by the disturbance. The second characteristic is the degree to which a system can control external forces. This can be measured by assessing how connected the components of the system are to each other and to the external world. The third characteristic is the adaptive capacity or resilience of a system, which can be measured as the diversity in that system. This is key as 2 Evan and Andy Proposed Paper on Adaptability in Africa Wednesday, 17 February 2016 diverse systems are better able to tolerate a wide range of environmental conditions than simple systems (Altieri, 1999; Benbrook, 1990; Gliessman, 1998; Mannion, 1995). Using this terminology, ecosystems recover after a disturbance by accumulating wealth (in this case biomass). As wealth builds up, connectivity increases as ecological niches are filled in, and resilience drops as the more successful species out-compete less successful species. After a period, the system becomes so well connected, so wealthy, and so specialized that an external event (such as a wind storm, fire, or pest outbreak) may trigger a quick release of the accumulated capital, and cause the system to revert to a less organized state. When this happens the system may collapse entirely and enter a new phase of reorganization that leads again to wealth accumulation, increased connectivity and reduced diversity. Where disturbances are frequent, as in rangelands typified by grazing disturbances, episodic fire events and regular droughts it is unlikely that a constant (equilibrium) state is ever reached (Illius & O’Connor, 1999). Alternative ‘state and transition’ ecological models have been provided for savanna ecosystems to conceptualise the changes associated with various disturbances, thresholds and recovery patterns (Westoby, Walker & Noy-Meir, 1989; Friedel, 1991; Dougill, Thomas & Heathwaite, 1999; Oba, Weladji, Lusigi & Stenseth, 2003). These models show that biomass accumulation (or wealth) is only one factor, of many, affecting ecosystem resilience to disturbance (Walker & Abel, 2002). This description of wealth accumulation, decline in resilience, release of capital and system recovery has been formalized as the Panarchy framework by Gunderson and Holling (2002) and preliminary discussions for rangelands provided by Walker & Abel (2002). The Panarchy framework has been effectively utilized to examine the impacts of disturbance between nested spatial scales, from the local to the global level. This framework suggests that disturbances may cascade up and down landscape scales, precipitating further disturbances and triggering collapses in neighbouring systems. This may be particularly true if higher levels in the Panarchy “…have also accumulated vulnerabilities and rigidities…” (Holling, 2001, p. 398). An ecological example is when a small ground fire spreads to the crown of a tree, which then can cascade up to the patch, forest and landscape depending on the connectivity, wealth, and diversity of each scale in the landscape. While the majority of the scientific work done with the Panarchy framework relates specifically to natural or managed ecosystems, preliminary evidence suggests that these three characteristics (wealth, connectivity and diversity) may also help illuminate vulnerability in social systems (Holling, 2003). There are a number of published studies that explain the effect of historic disturbances on communities in terms of wealth, connectivity and diversity. The Irish Potato Famine, for instance, resulted when a large number of communities depended entirely on an agro-ecosystem that was biologically wealthy, connected and had low diversity (Fraser, 2003). Similarly, Berkes and Folke use this model to draw parallels between the Hindu caste system and the evolution of ecosystems (Berkes & Folke, 2002). As yet the move from theory to practice in terms of contemporary sustainability and resilience assessments remains limited to a number of regional case studies (e.g. Walker & Abel, 2002; Gunderson, Holling & Peterson, 2002) which this paper aims to add to with a re-evaluation of studies assessing ecological changes and community adaptive strategies from three study locations across the Kalahari sandveld of Southern Africa. Applying Panarchy to Sub-Saharan Africa Market changes such as the EU subsidies on cattle production led to increased cattle production. This affected the landscape in three ways. First, diversity went down as reflected in two statistics: the increase in cattle and commensurate decrease in sheep and goats, and reductions in the diversity of plants available for forage. Second, this became a wealthier system (biologically speaking): biomass increased on pastures as farmers switched from slow-growing perennials to water-thirsty annuals that supported high stocking densities. Third, the connectivity of the landscape increased, as marginal pastureland was brought into use, and bushland/savannah was converted into pasture (table 1). Therefore, the characteristics of this agro-ecosystem match the trajectory described by the panarchy framework of a system becoming more and more vulnerable 3 Evan and Andy Proposed Paper on Adaptability in Africa Wednesday, 17 February 2016 to environmental changes such as droughts and fires. Indeed, preliminary evidence suggests that droughts and fires are more common in this region now than they were a generation ago (****) and that the duration and intensity of these disturbances has also increased. In light of long-term climate change models, which predict increasing drying of this region, these landuse changes are especially worrying. Table 1 Summary of land use changes and resulting vulnerabilities to environmental change Case Study 1 Case Study 2 Changes in Diversity 15 ha of mixed perennial grassland converted to high yielding annuals Changes in Connectivity 10% loss in forest cover, commensurate increase in pasture land Changes in Wealth Stocking density increased from 10 LU/ha to 15 LU/ha 5 ha of mixed perennial grassland converted to high yielding annuals 15% loss in forest cover, commensurate increase in pasture land Stocking density increased from 5 LU/ha to 10 LU/ha Results Increased vulnerability to fire – preliminary evidence suggests that there has been an increased in the number of annual hectares burned. Increased vulnerability to fire – preliminary evidence suggests that there has been an increased in the number of annual hectares burned. There have been a number of key policy responses to this situation. Programmes have been established to increase social connectedness. This includes bringing farmers together over large areas so that if one experiences a drought, they can use grazing lands belonging to farmers who still have abundant grass. Other simple measures to promote social connectivity are disturbing mobile phones to allow communities communicate over large areas, and ensuring that farmers have access to cattle trucks to allow them to move livestock out of drought stricken regions. Another appropriate group of policy responses is to engage in poverty reduction strategies to ensure that low income communities have access to income generating opportunities. Finally, strategies to reduce vulnerability would be to encourage farmers to diversify livestock types and the grass/forage species livestock are fed. Discussion The panarchy framework suggests that homogenous, connected and wealth systems are most vulnerable to collapse. This is confirmed by the assessment of how market changes led to landuse changes that do indeed seem to have created a more vulnerable landscape in Sub-Saharan Africa. Although wealth and connectivity are characteristics of ecologically vulnerable systems, they are not characteristics of vulnerability within the human populations. For the communities in question, increasing their social connectivity and the wealth they have access to are key methods of reducing vulnerability. The difference lies in the roles of wealth and connectivity in human and ecological systems. In ecosystems, wealth, measured by biomass, is fixed until released by a disturbance. In a human system, however, wealth has the potential to change forms based on the needs of the person who owns it. A wealthy person can use their capital and invest it in ways that reduce their vulnerability. 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