Chemical Analysis Group Lifecycle User Information Plan User Information Plan Document Information: Filename Current Owner Product Identifier Project Identifier USERINFO.DOC Deborah Perkins H5926A 6890/7890 GC Revision Log: Date April 26, 2007 Reason For Update Initial Product Delivery Requirements 1. Course Description: H5926A is a 5-day course providing lectures and hand-on laboratories. It covers the full functionality of the Agilent 6890/6850/7890A GC and ChemStation software. 2. Course Outline with correlation to file names: GC Overview…………………………..(01_GCoverview.ppt and doc) Introduction to 7890…….……………..(02_intro 7890.ppt. and doc) Component Overview .………………..(03_componentoverview.ppt and doc) Inlets………………….…………...…...(04-inlets.ppt and doc) Lab 1 04_ Introduction to GC Columns………………..………………(05_columns.ppt and doc) Capillary Column Installation………….(06_capillarycolumninstallation.ppt and doc) Lab 2 06_ Column Install Detectors..………………..…………….(07_detectors.ppt and doc) GC Keyboard.………………..………...(08_GCKeyboard.ppt and doc) Lab 3 08_ Keyboard Familiarization ChemStation Introduction.……………..(09_ChemStationIntro.ppt and doc) Lab 4 Template Revision T.04 Date Printed: 2/17/2016 09_ ChemStation Configure Agilent Technologies Confidential Printed Copies are Uncontrolled See Project Plan for location of Controlled Documentation Page 1 of 9 Chemical Analysis Group Lifecycle User Information Plan Preparation for GC Operation…………..(10_prepforoperation.ppt and doc) Data Acquisition………………………..(11_DataAcquisiton.ppt and doc) Lab 5 11_ Data Acquisition Data Analysis…………………………...(12_DataAnalysis.ppt and doc) Lab 6 12_ Data Analysis Report Specification……………………(13_ReportSpecification.ppt and doc) Calibration……………………………...(14_Calibration.ppt and doc) Lab 7 14_ Calibration Lab 8 14_ Fast GC Sequences……………………………....(15_Sequences.ppt and doc) Lab 8 15_ Sequences Advanced Sequences…………………..(16_AdvSequences.ppt and doc) Lab 10 16_ Calibrated Sequence Sequence Reprocessing………………...(17_SequenceReprocessing.ppt and doc) Lab 11 17_ Sequence Reprocessing Custom Reporting……………………...(18_CustomReporting.ppt and doc) Lab 12 18_ Custom Reporting Maintenance and Monitoring…………...( and doc) Lab 13 19_labmonitor.doc 4. Instructor or Delivery Agent skills and training required to deliver the product: The following general skills are required in order to deliver customer education courses in the GC product line. Thorough technical knowledge in the use of GC as an analytical technique. Demonstrates technical knowledge in the operation of Agilent 6890, 6850, and 7890A GC- Template Revision T.04 Date Printed: 2/17/2016 Agilent Technologies Confidential Printed Copies are Uncontrolled See Project Plan for location of Controlled Documentation Page 2 of 9 Chemical Analysis Group Lifecycle User Information Plan systems. Demonstrates technical knowledge in the operation of Microsoft Windows operating systems and software packages. Makes technical presentations which are professional and effective by: Pacing the presentation to match student comprehension based on observation and feedback. Demonstrating effective time management during course sessions in order to complete the required training material. Adapting the course material by citing specific examples appropriate for the students application. Relating personal experiences that reinforce the course material. Conducts quality training through proper preparation, organization, and use of materials. Accurately sets customer’s expectations while showing sensitivity to the customer’s needs. Provides feedback to CSS about course materials where improvements can be made in the course organization or printed material. Demonstrates the ability to systematically solve problems during laboratory exercises in order to maximize the customer’s experience and minimize wasted time. Maintains classroom/equipment in working order and presentable condition. Ability to maintain a mature and professional attitude while dealing with problem students. Practices appropriate standards of business conduct as defined by Agilent. 1.1 The following course specific skills are required in order to deliver H5926A Detailed knowledge of the principles of GC (theory and applications). Detailed knowledge of the operation of the Agilent 6890 and 7890A GC. Detailed knowledge and understanding of the ChemStation software. Detailed knowledge of basic chemistry principles. Detailed knowledge of GC hardware and maintenance. Detailed knowledge of the original and the enhanced integrator Detailed knowledge of creating calibration tables, perform sequencing (with bracketing and cyclic recalibrations), and sequence summary reporting. Template Revision T.04 Date Printed: 2/17/2016 Agilent Technologies Confidential Printed Copies are Uncontrolled See Project Plan for location of Controlled Documentation Page 3 of 9 Chemical Analysis Group Lifecycle User Information Plan Detailed knowledge of generating customized reports with custom report generator, and have familiarity with commands and macros Detailed knowledge of the security access included in the Windows operating system. 5. Equipment (Instrumentation and Software) required for product delivery: Agilent 6890 and 7890A (and optional 6850) GC with Rev. B.03.xx PC ChemStation Software. The 6890 and 7890A should have Purged Packed and Split/Splitless inlets and TCD and FID detectors. Columns Needed: Two each of 30m x 0.32mm x 0.25um Phenyl Methyl Silicone (DP-5) (or equivalent) 30m x 0.25 mm x 0.25um Phenyl Methyl Silicone (DP-5) The recommendation is that a GC/ChemStation be shared between two students and a printer can be shared between no more than two ChemStations. Current Agilent GC ChemStation Configuration and Software: G2070AA Rev.B.03.xx ChemStation Software CD-ROM. Laboratory Maintenance and Diagnostic software – configured. Microsoft Internet Explorer and Video drivers are necessary for laboratories. Minimum Configuration PC Pentium III 128 Mbytes CD-ROM LaserJet 2100 Recommended PC Configuration Pentium IV 128 Mbytes CD-ROM LaserJet 2100 Lecture material consists of electronic PowerPoint 2003 presentations. A high resolution (800x600) LCD projector is required. The Student Manual is a Word2003 document containing student notes for each PowerPoint slide and lab exercises for each module. Classroom Computer for slide presentation and software demonstration. All files for the course delivery. A copy of these files can be downloaded from the EPI Template Revision T.04 Date Printed: 2/17/2016 Agilent Technologies Confidential Printed Copies are Uncontrolled See Project Plan for location of Controlled Documentation Page 4 of 9 Chemical Analysis Group Lifecycle User Information Plan Warehouse. A CD is provided with each book. It contains Data, Method, and Sequence Files that are used in the laboratory exercises. Each student should be given a CD for saving additional files. 6. Consumables required for product delivery: CD with method, data and sequence files identified below. 2. 7. Samples required for product delivery: The following samples are required for each GC: 1 vial of hexane 1 vial of hydrocarbon mix labeled BGC-1 containing 0.3% each of C-14, C-15, and C-16 in hexane (GC checkout for FID or TCD). 1 vial of hydrocarbon mix labeled BGC-4 containing 0.3% of C-11OH (undecanol) and 0.15% C-12OH (dodecanol) in hexane. 1 vial of hydrocarbon mix labeled BGC-5 containing 0.15% each of C-12 OH added as the internal standard in hexane. BGC-1 – FID Checkout mix pn 5080-8842, 18710-60170, n-Tetradecan n-Pentadecane n-Hexadecane all in hexane and each at 0.033W/W% 1 vial of hydrocarbon mix labeled BGC-4 containing 0.3% of C-11 OH (Undecanol) and 0.15% C-12 OH (Dodecanol) in hexane 1 vial of hydrocarbon mix labeled BGC-5 containing 0.15% C-12 OH added as the internal standard in hexane. 8. Electronic Files required for product delivery: B.03.xx ChemStation Software CD-ROM with GC Companion Software and the Retention Time Locking software. All files for the course delivery. A copy of these files can be downloaded from the EPI Warehouse. A CD is provided with each book. It contains Data, Method, and Sequence Files that are used in the laboratory exercises. 9. Tools required for product delivery: Tools for routine GC maintenance. 10. Activities required prior to product delivery: Ensure that the Agilent ChemStations are operational. The HP6890 Keyboard Tutorial Template Revision T.04 Date Printed: 2/17/2016 Agilent Technologies Confidential Printed Copies are Uncontrolled See Project Plan for location of Controlled Documentation Page 5 of 9 Chemical Analysis Group Lifecycle User Information Plan should be loaded on each PC. Instructor should arrive in enough time before the class starts to ensure proper and complete setup. Some limited instructor notes can be viewed by turning on hidden text in the .doc files. Hidden text can be turned on using the Show/Hide tool in Word. 11. Activities required during product delivery: Supervision of the students during lab exercises. Instructor should refer to the “instructor notes” for specific information. 12. Activities required after product delivery: Ensure students complete required evaluation forms. Report any significant feedback from the customers or instructors to CSS. Shutdown equipment according to local facility requirements. User Task Analysis The user needs to know the basic chemistry to understand the separation mechanisms. The user needs to know basics of Microsoft operating system. Audience Analysis GC education levels range from lab technician being a college grad to chemist high school grad to Ph.D. Experience levels range from no experience to several years. Template Revision T.04 Date Printed: 2/17/2016 Agilent Technologies Confidential Printed Copies are Uncontrolled See Project Plan for location of Controlled Documentation Page 6 of 9 Chemical Analysis Group Lifecycle User Information Plan 2.1 Summary of the New 6890/7890A and B.03.xx ChemStation Course Material 2.2 Module 1: Overview of the basic GC theory and the basic instrumental schematic of GC. Module 2: Introduces the new aspects and additions of the 7890A GC. Module 3: Pictorial overview of the major components of the 6890 and 7890A GC’s noting differences. Module 4: Similar to the previous inlet module with the addition of the differences in the 7890A. Module 5: Similar to the previous column module. Module 6: Step by step procedure for the installation of capillary columns inlet any Agilent GC with a split/splitless inlet and a FID. Module 7: Similar to the previous detector module with more discussion added on the ECD and the FPD. Module 8: Overview of functionality of the 6890 and 7890A GC keyboards. Module 9: Similar to the previous module 3 for the basic introduction to the ChemStation with the addition of file path orientation for exploring the new B.03.xx discs and the basic commands and activities for the main levels of the ChemStation. Module 10: Parts are similar to the previous module 4 and 5 with the addition of the setup of the basic GC flows and a review of the different ALS configurations. Discussion was also added on the G1888 headspace sampler and capillary flow technology configurations. Module 11: Parts are similar to the previous module 5 included the dialogue for method editing and detailed overview of the edit parameter part of the method. Module 12: Similar to the previous module 6 with an expanded discussion on chromatogram annotation, signal overlays, integration and the updated list of peak separation codes. Module 13: Details on the report specification part of the method including chromatogram scaling and orientation. Module 14: Similar to the previous module 10 with expanded discussions on the quantification techniques. Module 15: Discussion on the creation of a simple sequence. Module 16: Discussion on the use of automatic sequence recalibration, using partial sequences, fill down wizards, and various sequence outputs. Module 17: Discussions on how different ChemStation versions handle sequence data with reprocessing and batch review. Module 18: Similar to the previous module 12. Module 19: Reviews preventative maintenance procedures and the LMD software. Template Revision T.04 Date Printed: 2/17/2016 Agilent Technologies Confidential Printed Copies are Uncontrolled See Project Plan for location of Controlled Documentation Page 7 of 9 Chemical Analysis Group Lifecycle User Information Plan Labs Lab 1: This lab involves taking apart the split/delay split inlet after taking off the top covers of the GC. Flow lines for the inlets and detectors are to be identified. The flow schematic is reviewed. Part 2 involves calculating the length of the capillary column and configuring their lengths into the GC with the GC keyboard. Part 3 is the inlet leak test for the split/delayed split inlet. Lab 2: The capillary columns are installed into the GC. Part 2 involves setting up a GC method to condition the column before use. Lab 3: The existing 6890 keyboard tutorial needs to be available for use. Part involves configuring the GC method using the keyboard. Lab 4: This reviews the configuration editor. Lab 5: A method is created for split injection into the FID. Method file “Dualcol” needs to be loaded. Part 2 involves the injection of BGC-1 for three replicates. Lab 6: The three BDC-1 injections are now going to be analyzed. his involves optimizing the integration parameters, annotating the chromatogram and overlaying the chromatograms. The final part of the lab reviews the navigation table in data analysis. Lab 7: Using the BGC-1 data, a calibration table will now be created. Part 2 involves creating a multi-level calibration with five calibration standards. Method “5 LEVEL CAL BACK” needs to be loaded as well as data files 201B0101, 202B0201, 203b0301, 204B0401, and 205B0501. The last part of the lab involves exploring the calibration settings page. Lab 8: The BGC-1 mixture is injected again into the existing GC column (DB-5 30mx0.32x0.2µm) before a new column (DB-5 30mx0.25mmx0.2 µm) is installed. Resolution factors will be calculated as GC parameters are varied to achieve a fast analysis. Lab 9: Test mixture BGC-4 and BGC-5 will be injected when creating a multi-level calibration with a sequence. Sequences will also be creates with reprocessing. The last part of the lab involves creating a dual tower sequence. Lab 10: Sequences for explicit calibration, internal calibration, and bracketing recalibration are created in this lab. The following files need to be loaded: Cal Lab2e.m Template Revision T.04 Date Printed: 2/17/2016 Agilent Technologies Confidential Printed Copies are Uncontrolled See Project Plan for location of Controlled Documentation Page 8 of 9 Chemical Analysis Group Lifecycle User Information Plan Recal_01.d Recal_02.d Recal_03.d Recal_04.d Unk_1.d Und_2.d Unk_3.d Unk_4.d Unk_5.d Batch reviews are also performed. Lab 11: This lab explores sequence reprocessing from the navigation table in data analysis. The following files need to be loaded: CLASS_SEQUENCE 2006-04-2723-40-29 (folder) Packed.m Lab 12: This lab provides a guide for customizing a report. The following files need to be loaded: Recal 3.m Recalbrk.s Unk_2.d Template Revision T.04 Date Printed: 2/17/2016 Agilent Technologies Confidential Printed Copies are Uncontrolled See Project Plan for location of Controlled Documentation Page 9 of 9