User Information Plan Template Document Information: Filename Current Owner Product Identifier Project Identifier Current Lifecycle Phase Revision Log: Version Date A.00 May 27, 2003 Form Rev. Feb 05, 2002 USERINFO.DOC Deborah Perkins H2297A (Cerity A.01) SS030154 Release Reason For Update Initial user information plan. Product Availability Date: May 27, 2003 Localization Plans: Japanese Product Release Bulletin Available(location): EPI Warehouse Course Description: This two-day lecture and laboratory course is designed for those Cerity Pharmaceutical QA-QC operators who will have full access to the software including method development tasks. The topics covered include advanced topics in reprocessing, building custom queries, integration, peak identification, quantitation, custom sample variables, custom calculations, system suitability, report templates, sequences, instrument details, and Agilent 1100 software specifics. H2296A is a prerequisite for this course. Course Deliverables: Powerpoint slides for instructor presentation Word modules for each presentation Word manuals, student and laboratory manual Pdf of student manual and laboratory manual Pdf of instructor manual with userinformation plan. There are not many instructors notes. All known information is either provided in the student notes or in the “Preparations” section of the laboratories. 1. Course Outline with correlation to filenames: 1. Result Review 01_resultsreview.ppt/.doc 2. Laboratory Exercise: Results Review 01_labresultreview.doc 3. Queries 02_querywizard.ppt/.doc 4. Laboratory Exercise: Query Wizard 02_labquerywizard.doc Agilent Technologies For Internal Use Only 1 5. Integration 03_integration.ppt/.doc 6. Laboratory Exercise: Integration 03_labintegration.doc 7. Compound Identification 04_peakident.ppt/.doc 8. Advanced Quantitation 05_advquant.ppt/.doc 9. Laboratory Exercise: Compound Identification, Calibration, and Quantitation 05_labquant.doc 10. Sample Variables 06_samplevariable.ppt/.doc 11.Custom Calculations 07_customcalc.ppt/.doc 12. Laboratory Exercise: Custom Calculations 07_labcustomcalc.doc 13. System Suitability and Limits 08_suitability.ppt/.doc 14.Report Template Editor 09_reporttemp.ppt/.doc 15.Laboratory Exercise: Report Template Editor 09_labreporttemplate.doc 16.Advanced Sequencing 10_advsequence.ppt/.doc 17.Instrument Details 11_instrumentdetail.ppt /.doc 18.Agilent 1100 HPLC 4. 12_agilent1100.ppt/.doc Instructor or Delivery Agent skills and training required prior to product delivery: a. The instructor must be able to set up a Cerity NDS Pharam QA-QC professional system. b. The instructor must have command of the following Cerity features: developing Cerity methods, sample entry, sequence entry, running samples and sequences, result review and reprocessing, integration, acquisition method parameters, and accept/reject. In addition, the instructor must be able to create custom calculations, custom variables, custom queries, and report templates. c. The instructor must be able to set up and maintain and Agilent 1100 Series HPLC. The instructor must also know common maintenance and tests for the Agilent 1100 Series HPLC such as detector intensity test, pump ripple, etc. 5. Instructor Set-up To avoid extra work, install a series of professional systems, two students per system. Use the Installation Manual found on the EPI warehouse for Cerity NDS for Pharmaceutical QA-QC to install the professional systems. You can make one image of a professional system and copy to each required computer in the classroom. It is much more difficult to set up in a client/server environment as you Agilent Technologies For Internal Use Only 2 cannot duplicate usernames and passwords. Also, problems may occur with customers trying to access the same methods at the same time. The subjects the students are learning in this course are not compromised by the use of professional systems. The minimum hardware for a professional system is: Pentium III, 40 GB, 512 MB memory, display 1024 x 768. Agilent 1100’s are not required for this course. The data systems with restored data are the only required instrumentation. 1) Follow the instructions in the Cerity Installation manual to install a professional systems. 2) Create an NT and Cerity user that has administration rights for the students to use. If you have professional systems, you can use the same name and password for each student pair. 3) In the Cerity Software administration add the database on each professional system. Add the following licenses: PharmaQC Client Certificate Id = 227718958 License Code 1=15883188 License Code 2=1112809637 Cerity GMP Module Certificate Id = 253930026 License Code 1= 15630315 License Code 2 = 1381245605 4) Create users for the students and give them all rights (administrator). Explain that they may not have all rights in their laboratory. You will need to provide the students with their usernames, passwords, and database name before the first laboratory exercise. There is a place in the laboratory exercise for them to write down the information. 5) 6) Add printers. The report template laboratory requires the use of printers. 7) Restore the data for this course. The data is found in the EPI warehouse. Search for the course, H2297A. Download the zipped file, Restore the sequences first, then the samples. 5. 6. Consumables Required for Delivery : None Electronic files required for product delivery: Restore the data provided using the archive and restore utility. You need only restore sequences and samples. The methods will restore with the sequences. Agilent Technologies For Internal Use Only 3 7. Tools required for product delivery: No tools are required. 8. Laboratory Preparation Instructions: Restore sequences and samples 9. Activities required during product delivery: Cerity software is complicated. Check on students to make certain they are not having problems during the lab exercise. 10. Activities required after product delivery: Please forward any comments to Agilent Technologies For Internal Use Only 4