BA1 THE ARTIFICIAL REPRODUCTION OF ANIMALS (NORTHERN IRELAND) ORDER 1975 (AS AMENDED) ARTIFICIAL INSEMINATION OF CATTLE REGULATIONS (NORTHERN IRELAND) 1988 (AS AMENDED) APPLICATION FOR APPROVAL OF BULL FOR USE IN AI PLEASE COMPLETE IN CAPITALS PART I NAME OF APPLICANT ADDRESS POSTCODE TELEPHONE HERD NUMBER PART 2 NAME OF BULL HERD BOOK NUMBER BREED DATE OF BIRTH EAR TAG NUMBER OR TATTOO MARK (only in case of animals born prior to 1/7/94) ADDRESS OF FARM PREMISES, WHERE ISOLATION ACCOMODATION FOR BULL IS LOCATED : POSTCODE Version 09/2006 BA1 PART 3 1. TO BE COMPLETED FOR ALL APPLICATIONS State name and address of operator of stud to which bull is to be admitted for semen collection. POSTCODE 2. State number of straws you wish to have collected: 3. State proposed use of semen collected (PLEASE READ NOTE 7): OWN USE 4. RESALE EXPORT State name and address of your veterinary surgeon to whom a request for completion of the pre-entry animal health test certificate will be sent by the Department: (PLEASE READ NOTE 4) NAME ADDRESS POSTCODE TEL NO FAX NO 5. State whether the bull has been blood typed YES NO If YES state: Name and address of organisation which carried out the blood typing: Serial No or Blood Type: NOTE: It is a requirement under EC Directive 87/328 EEC that the identity of any pure-bred bull whose semen will be used in intra-Community trade has been ascertained by analysis of its blood group. Version 09/2006 BA1 NOTE: Bull owners are advised that the bull will only qualify for entry to an AI centre within 28 days of the date on which the Private Veterinary Practitioner carries out the first tests. PART 4 DECLARATION AND UNDERTAKING I/we, the undersigned hereby declare that the fore-going particulars are true and correct and that I am the owner/we are the joint owners (delete as appropriate) of the bull to which this application relates. I/we have read the Notes of Guidance relating to the approval of bulls for semen collection for use in artificial insemination of cattle. I have confirmed with the Semen Collection Centre that the bull can be accommodated. I/we undertake to keep the bull to which this application relates in isolation approved by the Department for a period of 30 days prior to entry to the semen collection centre specified in Part 5 and not to use the bull in the natural service of any cow during that period. I/we hereby declare that as far as can be ascertained the bull is not the progeny through the female line of any animal in which Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy has been confirmed and I/we undertake to inform the Department immediately if BSE is confirmed in the bull, dam (or surrogate dam in Embryo Transfer cases). WARNING Any person who knowingly or recklessly makes a statement which is false in a material particular for the purposes of obtaining an approval for a bull for the collection of semen therefrom for use in artificial insemination shall be guilty of an offence under the Artificial Insemination of Cattle Regulations (Northern Ireland) 1988 and shall be liable on summary conviction to a fine not exceeding £5,000. Any application which contains a statement which is false in a material particular shall be void. NAME NAME ADDRESS ADDRESS SIGNED SIGNED DATE DATE: THIS APPLICATION MUST BE ACCOMPANIED BY A FEE OF £47 (Cheques payable to “DARD Cashier”) and returned to:Department of Agriculture and Rural Development Veterinary Service Room 922 Dundonald House Upper Newtownards Road BELFAST, BT4 3SB Version 09/2006 BA1 THE ARTIFICIAL REPRODUCTION OF ANIMALS (NORTHERN IRELAND) ORDER 1975 (AS AMENDED) ARTIFICIAL INSEMINATION OF CATTLE REGULATIONS (NORTHERN IRELAND) 1988 (AS AMENDED) APPLICATION FOR APPROVAL OF BULL FOR USE IN AI Notes for Guidance The following Notes are for your guidance in applying for approval to have semen collected for use in artificial insemination. 1. Under the Artificial Insemination of Cattle Regulations (Northern Ireland) 1988, every bull from which semen is to be collected in Northern Ireland for use in artificial insemination must be approved by the Department of Agriculture and Rural Development. Approval will be given if certain animal health tests are conducted with negative results. 2. An application for the approval of a bull for use in artificial insemination may be made only by the owner/owners. The application must be in writing on the form provided by the Department. 3. Before completing the BA1 application form you must contact the AI Centre to which the bull is to be taken for semen collection to confirm that the bull can be accommodated and to obtain the agreement of the AI Centre to the entry of the bull for semen collection. This statement forms part of the declaration to be made by you on the application form. PLEASE NOTE: it is entirely the decision of the operator of the nominated AI Centre whether or not the bull is admitted. 4. Each bull must be subjected to a clinical examination and testing by a private veterinary surgeon approved by the Department. The necessary forms will be sent to the veterinary surgeon nominated on your application form for completion and returned to the Department. Enquiries are also made within the Department to determine whether the health of other stock with which the bull has or may have been in contact has been satisfactory. Details of the test results and other relevant information will be passed to the approved veterinary surgeon at the nominated AI Centre. 5. It will normally take about 6 weeks to complete the approval of an application, including the testing of the bull. No bull will be admitted to an AI Centre for semen collection unless and until an approval certificate (Form BA-5) has been issued by the Department. This certificate (Form BA5) together with movement notification documents ( MC2B and MC2C) and copy of the veterinary surgeons certificate BA-3 must be presented to the Centre Veterinarian on arrival. NOTE: MOVEMENT NOTIFICATION FORM MC2A MUST BE COMPLETED BY YOU AND FORWARDED TO YOUR LOCAL DIVISIONAL VETERINARY OFFICE. 6. The Department shall restrict the purpose for which the semen collected is to be used to that specified by the applicant in the application, i.e. if you state that the semen is to be collected for Version 09/2006 BA1 export, the semen collected may not be put to any other use without further application to the Department for an amendment to the original approval. 7. Approval is granted subject to the owner informing the Department should:(a) any progeny of the approved bull show any sign of abnormality. Any other person who the owner knows to be in possession of semen from that bull must also be informed; (b) the bull die, giving circumstances in which it occurred and complete death notification, copy attached; (c) the bull develops Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy; and (d) the bull changes ownership. 8. The charge for an approval or for an amendment to an existing approval is £47. This fee must be submitted with the application. Version 09/2006 BA1 DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE AND RURAL DEVELOPMENT NOTIFICATION OF DEATH OF APPROVED BULLS NAME HERD NUMBER ADDRESS POSTCODE In accordance with the Artificial Insemination of Cattle Regulations (Northern Ireland) 1988 I hereby notify the Department that the following approved bull/s have died in my herd. IDENTIFICATION NUMBER DATE OF BIRTH BREED CIRCUMSTANCES OF DEATH SIGNED POST-MORTEM RESULTS (Owner of approved bull) DATE IN THE EVENT OF THE DEATH OF AN APPROVED BULL THIS NOTIFICATION SHOULD IMMEDIATELY BE RETURNED TO VETERINARY SERVICES, ROOM 922, DUNDONALD HOUSE, UPPER NEWTOWNARDS ROAD, BELFAST, BT4 3SB. Version 09/2006