Audio Postcard Days Day 3 of the 12 Day Program- Unhealthy Beliefs Dr. Alex Loyd: Hello this is doctor Alex Loyd. And welcome to category number three of The Healing Codes—Unhealthy beliefs. Dr. Bruce Lipton, cellular biologist at Stanford University said in his research there that the thing that causes illness and disease is stress. And the thing that always causes stress is a wrong belief. Now that wrong belief is imbedded in our cellular memories. Dr. Lipton goes on to say that if you can heal that wrong the belief, the stress goes away and the immune system in the body will heal everything even genetic illnesses and disease. Wow! That’s is absolutely the truth. And guess what? When you heal the wrong belief you also heal the thing that is blocking the success and prosperity in life. Why? Because stress drains your energy—it gums you down and it causes you to come at everything from a negative perspective. Well how in the world are you going to be successful when you can’t think strait, you don’t have any energy and you’re coming at everything from a negative perspective, because every negative thing flows from fear? And the wrong belief, according to Dr. Lipton’s research, causes us to be afraid when we should not be afraid. So what comes from fear? Anger, sadness, depression, manipulation, dishonesty, every crime that is ever committed, on and on and on, being lazy, we’re lazy out of fear. Did you know that? For fear of success, for fear of failure, for fear of some other things. So this category can absolutely change your life. In fact if you could just live in the Unhealthy Beliefs section of The Healing Codes and have great results the rest of your life and never go to any other category. Let me run through the issues for the Unhealthy Beliefs. Here they are: I am unlovable, I ‘m insignificant, I am flawed, I am hopeless, I’m worthless, life is hopeless, something bad is going to happen to me, the future will be like the past, I am not ok, something must change right now for me to be ok, people will take advantage of me, people are too sensitive, I am bad, I am not good enough, I am unforgivable, people are out to get me, I must be in control, it’s not fair, people must think well of me for me to be ok, I can’t do it, I’m not capable, others should do it for me. Those are the unhealthy beliefs that block us from living the life we want to live. And when they’re healed can change our life forever, for our health and prosperity. Brainstorm, think of the wrong beliefs that bother you when you think of them right now—one of those that I just read, or maybe another one that I didn’t read. Pick out the one that bothers you the most, rate it zero to ten, say the prayer, insert all of those issues, especially the one bothering you the most and then relax and do the first code. The Unhealthy Beliefs—I hope you have your pocket guide—code number one is two positions, six to ten minutes, two to four times a day. We encourage you do the maximum or even more but remember about healing responses. And then code number two is four positions. Remember nine to twelve minutes per code, two to four times a day. Remember to rotate to a different position every thirty seconds, that’s the most effective way to do it. So, do code and relax and then re-rate that wrong belief that was bothering you the most and continue to focus on that one until it goes down to zero to one and then shift to the wrong belief that’s now bothering you the most. You could probably spend the rest of your life and this, but we want you to spend one day and then move on to the next category. Now once you’ve gone through all twelve categories one time, you can come back and focus on any and all of these that you need to spend more time. The wrong belief category is almost certainly one where you’ll need to spend more time. That’s how you do the wrong belief category. It can change your life in one day. I’ve seen that happen many times—someone’s life was changed within twenty-four hours focusing on the wrong belief category. Why? Because those wrong beliefs create stress that causes every problem that we have—health, success, prosperity, relationships, you name it. So have a fabulous day. Do the healing code today and change your beliefs and by doing so, change your life. Have a wonderful day. Thank you. Bye.