Anthropology of Religion Orientation Document

Anthropology of Religion Orientation Document
Anthropology of Religion (Magic Witchcraft and Religion) is an examination of
belief systems, dealing particularly with supernatural beliefs in cultural systems. We will
be examining many Indigenous beliefs in the articles assigned. It is easy to dismiss these
beliefs as primitive, childish or just simply weird. If we read these articles with a Western
mindset (all things western are what all humans should aspire to be and those
populations that are not as ‘civilized’ as Westerners are deficient in some capacity), you
will miss much of the information and education this class provides.
All religions function in society similarly, and often have similar structures. We will
be looking at religion as a cultural system developed to help us with the task of living
together (promotes acceptable behavior), feeling good about ourselves (reaffirming and
directing choices made), creating solidarity (giving people a common paradigm), reducing
tension, relieving stress and anxiety generated by the unknown or in times of crisis
providing hope and security against, events and phenomena of which we have little or no
control and finally and maybe most importantly, to connect our lives to a deeper meaning
of experience.
I am not necessarily referencing ‘GOD’ when I speak of religion; very often people
relate their religious beliefs with ‘GOD’, in the sense of the only truth. My perspective in
teaching this class is that all religions are equally valid in achieving their goals (when a
religious system fails it is eventually replaced or revitalized). All religions are true and
valid to the adherent, it is to the degree that you invoke and practice your belief that
determines how real it is, .in your thoughts and therefore your life. It does not matter if
there is a ‘GOD’ or not, it is the belief that brings the experience of ‘GOD’ to one’s
thoughts and therefore one’s life experience.
I am not suggesting there is not ‘GOD’ or that there is a ‘GOD’, I am saying religion
is away to connect to that which is not tangible, to that which is unknowable, to the
transcendent. One can feel the experience of the transcendent, identify with it and have
that experience deepen their act of living, in any religion or belief system they embrace.
People have done this, arguably, for at least 50,000 years. Therefore, to be able to step
outside the symbolic system that holds power and a depth of meaning for you in
relationship to the supernatural, will enhance your ability to understand the religion of
others, through a relativistic anthropological perspective. I am not suggesting you
dispose of your belief, just give others the same respect, in what they hold as valid, as
your belief is for you
Finally, the term primitive has been misused; in this class we are not talking about
less capable humans, less advanced humans or humans with a lower potential, when the
term primitive is used…. We referring only to types of technology used in different
Try to keep these things in mind as you read the assigned articles, it will allow you
a more complete understanding people and their beliefs, not to take away from your
belief, but to enhance your understanding regarding belief systems in general and
possibly enhance your own beliefs
John McDermott