Passive Thermal Performance of Chez Soleil, Self Sufficient in Central Texas Paul N. Breaux Texas Solar Energy Society 11301 Lime Creek Rd. Volente, Texas 78641 e-mail: A unique opportunity for studying the passive solar and passive cooling performance of a house in the hot/humid Sunbelt is presented in this paper. “Chez Soleil” is an entirely self-sufficient house built in 1996 in central Texas near Austin. Results of over 5 years worth of thermal data show that the ground-coupled high thermal mass design works quite well even in a challenging Texas climate. The thermal performance of this house is presented during 4 extreme cases as well as during the entire heating and cooling seasons. Temperature fluctuations are studied from completely sunny and from completely overcast days within six weeks of the winter and summer solstices. These extreme conditions are picked from 4 years worth of temperature monitoring data from 1998-2001. Hourly temperature measurements were made at strategic locations within the house. Dallas SC 1820 temperature sensors were placed in strategic locations throughout Chez Soleil and its environs. These semiconductor temperature sensors were hooked up to a HotTherm apparatus provided by Spiderplant. For this paper, only data from one sensor from a central point on the “First Floor” is used. This sensor is located at a height of 4.5 feet above the floor. Examining this data can accurately describe the thermal performance of this passive house design. This data includes a variety of climatic conditions occurring over a 4 year period 1998-2001. A nearby weather station run by the Texas Natural Resource Conservation Commission (now TCEQ) provides hourly data for outside temperature, wind speed and solar radiation among other parameters. Outside temperature data is taken from the CAMS 38 air monitoring station at 12200 Lime Creek Rd., which is about 1 mile, southeast. This also is hourly data, which has been monitored since 1997. Figure 1 shows results of temperature measurements during completely sunny Summer days. This chart describes the temperature profile during 13 different days within six weeks of the Summer Solstice. During these Summer days, the house orientation and shading devices prevent any significant amount of solar radiation from entering the house. As a result, any heating would have to occur by conduction or convection except for a small amount of bluesky radiation. The lighter (color) broken line in figure 1 shows the actual outside temperature as measured at the nearby TCEQ station. This outside temperature fluctuates from about 70 to 105 degrees, which is typical during the summer in central Texas. The dark solid line describes the hourly temperature taken in a central part of the house on the first floor. Due to the ground-coupled high thermal mass design of this house, this inside temperature fluctuates very little. The temperature inside the house on the first floor is shown to vary by only 1 or 2 degrees even with no added active heating/cooling systems. The temperature appears to actually peak in the evening at about 10 pm during these sunny Summer days. This is a good measure of the entirely passive cooling performance of Chez Soleil. Figure 2 describes results of 13 selected cloudy Summer days. Actually, only the first 3 days were completely cloudy while the rest were mostly cloudy. It is hard to find many completely cloudy days in the middle of Texas during the summertime! The temperature curves in this case are quite flat, especially for the first 3 completely cloudy days. The first floor temperature even stays very stable during the first day (5/4/01) even though the outside temperature fluctuates quite a bit. This shows the stabilizing effects of the high thermal mass design. Figure 3 presents results from 13 selected sunny Winter days within one month of the Winter solstice. These examples show a variety of outside temperatures ranging from 25 to 75 degrees. In most cases, the first floor house temperature is seen to rise up to about 5 degrees warmer as a result of the incoming solar gain during the daytime. A similar temperature rise is seen inside the house regardless whether the outside temperature is much colder or warmer. Figure 4 shows the results of 13 completely cloudy Winter days. The first floor temperature is shown to maintain a fairly level temperature even when the outside temperature is up to 30 degrees colder. This temperature can decline up to about 5 degrees per day during extreme conditions with no solar gain. A variety of cloudy wintry conditions are presented in the chosen days described in this figure. The next two figures describe the more long-term performance of the passive heating/cooling at Chez Soleil during the Winter and Summer. The monitored temperature on the first floor of the house was averaged for each hour of each day during the 4-year period 1998-2001. This was done in an attempt to average out some of the short-term fluctuations, which normally occur. The outside temperature was also averaged for each hour of each day during this same time period. In addition, a running average of the following 24 hours of average outside temperatures was done to smooth out this data. Well over 95% of the outdoor temperature data is available during these monitoring periods. However, for a variety of reasons, about 90% of the first floor data is available during June-Sep and only about 65% is valid from November-Feb. The results are presented in figures 5 and 6. Figure 5 presents the averaged temperatures during the Winter months in central Texas (November through February). The first floor temperature is described by the thicker solid upper line, while the outside temperature is shown by the thinner dashed line. It is apparent that the house maintains a significantly higher temperature than the average outside temperature during the entire wintertime even without any additional active heating. The average of all the first floor temperature measurements during this winter period is about 63 degrees. A spreadsheet calculation was done in EXCEL to determine the temperature difference between outside and inside (first floor) temperatures for each hour. During the month of November, the average hourly difference in temperature was calculated to be nearly 8 degrees F. For December, January, and February; the average temperature difference was determined to be 11, 9.4 and 5.9 degrees respectively. The average total temperature difference for the entire 4month period was calculated to be 8.6 degrees. Figure 6 illustrates similar temperature characterization for the summer months June – September. As before, the outside and first floor temperatures were averaged during the 4 year period of monitoring 1998-2001. The first floor temperature remains relatively stable with small daily fluctuations throughout the Summer. The temperature peaks during August and quickly declines by midSeptember because of outside cooling and ventilation through windows. The average of all the first floor temperature measurements during this Summer period is 79 degrees. Spreadsheet calculations determine that the averaged hourly temperatures in the first floor remain at about 3.7 degrees cooler that the corresponding average smoothed outside hourly temperatures for June. Similarly, this average temperature difference is 3.4, 2.3, and –0.8 degrees for July, August, and September. The total average temperature difference for June through August is slightly over 3 degrees Fahrenheit. These numbers were very similar when using the unsmoothed non-running averaged data for the outside temperature. Figure 7 presents the results of ground temperature measurements taken at the foundation level and beneath. The ground temperatures are obtained from direct measurements every 2 weeks and averaged over the 5-year period 1998-2002. The annual average for measurements at all depths is very close to 70 degrees. The deepest temperature is taken from a well under the house at a depth of 6 feet below the foundation in the “Dungeon”. This temperature varies from 66 to 75 degrees and peaks during September and is shown as an even dotted line in figure 7. The temperature is monitored just below the foundation level (near the solar hot tub). The thicker unbroken line in figure 1 describes this “Foundation” temperature. This temperature fluctuates from 63 to 77 degrees and peaks during August-September. The temperature was also monitored in an enclosed water tank in the garage. This temperature ranges from 58 to 83 degrees and peaks during August. Rainwater is collected in this tank and the water volume varies, so this measurement can only be considered a rough estimate of the true average temperature in the garage throughout the year. The effects of wind were also investigated but showed no significant effect on the inside house temperature. The results of the passive performance of “Chez Soleil” show that this design works well for the Texas climate. Sunny Summer Day Temperatures 100 95 90 85 80 75 First Floor Temp TNRCC Outside Temp 70 65 5/22/00 5/23/00 5/24/00 5/28/98 6/1/98 6/2/98 6/3/98 6/28/00 8/11/99 8/12/99 8/13/99 8/14/99 8/15/99 Fig. 1: Sunny Summer day temperatures. Cloudy Summer Day Temperatures 95 90 Degrees F 85 80 75 70 First Floor Outside 65 60 5/4/01 6/20/99 8/22/98 5/5/00 Fig. 2: Cloudy Summer day temperatures. 5/9/99 5/13/98 5/19/01 5/27/00 6/5/98 6/7/01 6/14/01 7/4/98 Sunny Winter Day Temperatures 75 First Floor Outside Temperature 65 55 45 35 25 12/13/98 12/14/98 12/16/98 12/13/99 12/14/99 12/16/99 12/17/00 1/5/00 1/4/99 1/10/99 1/9/00 1/15/99 1/16/99 Fig. 3: Sunny Winter day temperatures. Cloudy Winter Day Temperatures 75 65 55 45 35 First Floor 25 Outside Temperature 12/1/00 12/12/00 12/9/98 12/11/99 15 Fig. 4: Cloudy Winter day temperatures. 12/12/99 12/18/98 12/20/99 1/7/00 1/12/00 1/26/00 1/27/00 1/28/00 1/29/99 Average Temperatures Winter 1998-2001 75 70 65 60 55 50 45 40 35 30 First Floor Outside Average November December January February Fig. 5: Average temperatures during Winter (1998-2001). Average Temperatures Summer 1998-2001 100 95 90 85 80 75 70 First Floor 65 Outside Average 60 June July 55 Fig. 6: Average temperatures during Summer (1998-2001). August September Average Ground Temperatures 1997-2002 90 Foundation Dungeon 85 Garage Tank 80 75 70 65 60 55 Jan Feb Mar Apr May 50 Fig. 7: Average ground temperatures 1997-2002. June July Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec