Modbury Parish Council Meeting Monday 14th April 2014 Pavilion, Queen Elizabeth II Recreation Field Draft Minutes Present: Mr Watts (Chairman). Mesdames Flood, Freeman, Shepley, Messrs Cole, Lawrence, Rickman, Rosevear, Pratt and West. Apologies: Mr Preston, Mrs Ward Presentation 1: Flood Risk Management – DCC, South West Water and Pell Frischman Martin Hutchings from DCC introduced Dave Turner (Pell Frischman) and John Galt (DCC) who proceeded to give detailed presentations on the methodology and findings from the Modbury Flooding Investigations. Copies of slides from the presentation are available from the Parish Clerk. Summary of presentations: Process to date: 1. Camera survey of culverts 2. Topographical survey following the 2 tributaries that run through the town 3. Ariel survey to build up a model of the landscape in order to calculate water flows. 4. Drainage mapping to assess where the water goes 5. Flow monitors and rain gauges in water courses and sewers and where the water can run once they have reached capacity. 6. All the information has been used to model where water will run in extreme weather conditions to identify vulnerable areas 7. The model can be used to apply different solutions and evaluate impact Next steps: 1. Following the unsuccessful bid for funding to the Flood Defence Granting Aid last year a second bid has been submitted for £300,000 this week. The result of the bid will not be released until December. Successful funding requires that the bid identifies that a significant number of properties are at risk and that the funding will significantly reduce this number. In order to increase the chances of a successful bid the project focusses on improving the whole catchment area rather than piecemeal work to remedy isolated vulnerable areas. 2. If the bid is unsuccessful for a second time alternative options will be explored and priorities for work agreed. 3. There will be a public drop-in to collect feedback on a selection of modelled solutions. 4. The criteria for the selected solution will be: - Level of protection offered - Design life - Value for money Questions. Mr Lawrence asked for the time-scale. If all goes to plan work will take place during the summer 2015 Mrs Freeman asked why Somerset had received funding when work has been on-going for so long in Modbury. It was agreed that Somerset was a different and exceptional situation Mr Watts asked if the new money recently announced by Government would make a difference. This money will go into the same funding stream and so does not provide an alternative avenue for grant aid but could potentially increase the chances of a successful bid. Mrs Gage asked whether a phased approach would be considered to at least get something done. This, however would reduce the chances of receiving grant aid (see point 1. above ) -1- Mr Lawrence asked how the drop-in session would be arranged and communicated to residents. The Parish Council would have responsibility for organising and promoting the event Mr Cole requested confirmation that DCC was working closely with South West Water. Assurance was given. Mr Rosevear asked for the cost of the project. It is estimated that it will be in the region of £400,000. The maximum bid of £300,000 has been submitted. Modbury is first priority with DCC. Mr Rosevear commented that it was a lot of work to get a relatively small amount of money. This is how the system works. Councillor Ward had submitted the following questions on behalf of Modbury residents: 1.The recommendations in the Jacobs report covered the whole of the catchment area - Will the new proposals covering works upstream of Swanbridge Mill be balanced by addressing the culverts downstream of Swanbridge Mill. 2 Jacobs made it clear in their report that it was a 'preliminary assessment' and recommended further surveys. Have LiDAR and/or topographical surveys been used to determine the volumes of water to calculate accurately the volumes and flow rates. If not then how have flow capacities / actual flows and the capability of the infrastructure to permit adequate flow been calculated? 3 The Jacobs report was based on clear water flow. Have the culverts - particularly downstream of SWW CSO - been assessed taking in to account sediment, debris and general rubbish? It was agreed that the presentation had confirmed that all these actions had been taken. Presentation 2: South West Water Modbury Bathing Water Scheme – Poundwell Meadow Mike Court SWW (Project Manager) introduced Sally Walters Pell Frischman (Principal Engineer) Copies of slides from the presentation are available from the Parish Clerk. Summary of presentation: 1. EU revised Bathing Water Directive (rBWD) came into force in March 2006. Reporting under rBWD starts 2015. SWW want to ensure all bathing waters meet the new “sufficient” classification which is approximately twice as stringent as the current mandatory standard. 2. Mothecombe is one of 7 Bathing Waters across the South West that requires work to ensure compliance and work needs to be done in Ivybridge, Ermington, Holbeton and Modbury to achieve compliance. 3. SWW and DCC worked together to model performance of surface water and sewer network systems to assess overall performance and operation in storm conditions. 4. £2.5m will be spent increasing the depth of the shaft in Poundwell Meadow car park, improving storm storage and upgrading treatment works. 5. The work will be disruptive but will avoid disturbance to the Health Centre and access to the footpaths will be maintained. 6. Although the ultimate goal is to improve the bathing water at Mothecombe Modbury will benefit from a reduction in the number of spills from 29 to 3, improved storm storage that will alleviate potential flooding and a 64% reduction in storm spill. 7. All modelling has taken into account future development plans in Modbury. 8. Time-scale: Sept. 2014 – End Jan 2015 Poundwell Meadow June 2014 – End January Sewage treatment works Questions Mr Cole asked why the project didn’t move everything down to the sewage treatment works. This option had been considered but the cost and technical issues made it an unviable solution. Monthly Forum: The monthly forum opened at 8.30PM Mr Smith presented the Church Lane Petition (Discussed in correspondence) -2- “Preventing something before it happens”. Highlighting the dangers of the road and requesting that the Parish Council work to introduce some form of traffic calming. Police Report: Nothing to report District Councillors’ Reports: Cllr Ward submitted a written report read by Councillor Holway 1. Important Parish Council Consultation A revised Local Planning Validation Checklist is out for consultation. The deadline for town and parish councils to respond to this consultation exercise is Friday, 9 May 2014. 2. Flood Support Schemes At its special meeting on 20 March 2014, the Council agreed to adopt (and administer) four new flood support schemes to help local residents and businesses who were affected by flooding between 1/12/13 and 31/3/14 (extra details are on the website) 3. Allotments Following discussions with officers a site meeting will be convened to discuss future options 4. Local Discretionary Welfare Support Extra money is available this year. Advice on the support and how to apply can be obtained from the website or directly from Councillor Ward as portfolio holder. Cllr Holway 1. Parish Councils now have 3 minutes to make presentation to the Planning and Development Committee. 2. SHDC Chief Executive will not be replaced under the new staffing structure. 3. Work continues on the transformation process of working practices and service delivery. 4. Modbury will soon receive £750 being its share of the TAP fund granted for self-help work in the Parishes. Cllr Holway left the meeting. Minutes: Of Meeting of 10th March 2014 were circulated. Proposed by Mr Rickman, seconded by Mr Lawrence and agreed unanimously that this was a true record. Minutes: Of the Planning Sub Committee of 24th March 2014 were also circulated. Proposed by Mrs Flood, seconded by Mrs Freeman and agreed by all who were at the meeting that this was also a true record. Declarations of interest: 14.38 Mr Rickman RA1 (Min 14.45), Mr West RA1 (Min 14.45) Church Lane petition: 14.39 Agreed to bring forward from Correspondence in order that Mr and Mrs Smith could leave the meeting earlier Resolved that representation would be made to DCC Highways requesting: Speed check on a Sunday morning during the peak summer holiday period The installation of rumble strips The installation of pedestrian warning signs Mr Cole proposed blocking off the top of Prigdon Hill This was seconded by Mr Rickman and put to vote. 5 voted for the proposal, 4 against and 1 abstained. -3- This action would also be added to the representation Matters Arising: 1. Parish Cluster meeting minutes (14.31 item 3) - Noted 2. Parish Cluster meeting – TAP funds - (14.31 item 4) - Noted 3. Fire station Leat – Adam Bojar. Clearing and annual maintenance routine has been confirmed (Matters arising 13/01/2014 item 9) 4. TRO – letters from Alex Hammerstein and Mark Harris (matters arising 14.10.2013 item d) - noted Correspondence: 14.40 1. Clerks cluster meeting minutes - noted 2. South West Water - Sewerage and Sewage Treatment Proposals for Modbury – agreed that this had been covered in the earlier presentations. Also noted by Mr Rickman that no mention had been made during the presentations of the lorry traffic that would be an inevitable part of the construction work. 3. DALC Newsletter – regional conference (Planning) – No Councillor to attend from Modbury on this occasion 4. New town signage Proposed by Mr Lawrence, seconded by Mr Rickman and all in favour of the new signs being erected before the 17th May Twinning event 5. Runaway Lane – sign to deter misuse of the Lane Proposed by Mr West, seconded by Mr Lawrence that the proposed sign be erected 6. Old Traine Footpath – access Confirmed that this was not a Public Right of Way and that therefore the Parish Council could not get involved with access disputes 7. Diptford Parish Council invitation to meeting - The end of general maintenance to minor lanes, Green Lanes and Tracks - Noted 8. DCC – Library and Children’s Centres Consultation Resolved that the Parish Clerk respond to the consultation supporting continuation of the essential current mobile service 9. SHDC – Our Plan Workshop Resolved Mr Rosevear and Mrs Shepley to attend 10. SHDC – Off street parking order. Noted that parking on New Mills Industrial Estate is for permit holders only 11. SHDC – Play area maintenance checklist. Regular checks of play equipment is required for insurance purposes. Resolved that Parish Clerk check frequency of checks by SHDC and request copies of records made 12. Alex Hammerstein – Freedom of Information Request. Noted that work is in hand to respond within the time-scale 13. Devon Association of Local Councils – Membership renewal and survey. Resolved to review benefits of membership prior to making a decision regarding renewal of subscription at the finance sub-committee meeting 14. Memorial Hall website – Agreed that it is an attractive and user-friendly website and agreed for link to site from Parish website 15. Public footpath at Little Modbury – report from a walker of an incident on the public footpath concerning dogs. Councillors have spoken to the landowners regarding their responsibility to control the dogs. Accounts: 14.41 The following accounts were presented for payment:P Thorns. £144.00 (Hedge-trimming); Memorial Hall £21.00 (Room hire); SHDC £572.96 (Messenger printing march); OTM Services £28.40 (Car park sign); Pickles of Modbury -4- £61.24 (Equipment); HMRC £59.84 (PAYE / NIC); OTM Services £761.58 (Road signs – grant funded); DALC £354.33 DD mandate signed for non-domestic rates payment £847.80 From Pavilion account: Dupere. £742.46 (Curtains); ACE Fire Alarms £126.00 (Maintenance); Pickles of Modbury £8.02 (Equipment) Proposed by Mrs Flood, seconded by Mr Lawrence and agreed unanimously that these accounts be paid with the exception of; DD mandate signed for non-domestic rates payment £847.80. Resolved that the Parish Clerk compare the ratable value of the Parish Office to ensure best value from exemption. DALC £354.33 (See correspondence point 13 above) Emergency Plan: 14.42 Mr Lawrence requested that grant money available through emergency planning be used to purchase a water level indicator and alarm system. Resolved that the purchase be made and MPC agree to undertake maintenance of the tool after 2 years. Councillors are currently identifying vulnerable residents and at risk properties in the town. Development Site RA1 – Palm Cross Green: Agreed to move this item to the end of the agenda so that Mr West and Mr Rickman could take part in the remaining discussions before leaving the meeting. Town Square/Development Site RA2: 14.43 Nothing to report AOB: 14.44 1. Mr Rosevear Modbury TIC special general meeting to consider dissolving the service. Of the 24 people present 23 chose not to dissolve. The service will move forward with a robust business plan and new voluntary staffing arrangements. 2. Mr Rosevear Website working group will be meeting soon to progress work on a joined-up presence for Modbury. All technical and design work identified will go out for tender. 3. Parish Clerk to report condition of Barracks Road to Devon Highways 4. TRO – Parish Clerk to check detail of proposed yellow lines next to the Modbury Inn. It has been noted that the visual plans do not represent the initial intention for just the existing advisory yellow lines to be confirmed. Messrs Rickman and West left the meeting. Development Site RA1 – Palm Cross Green: 14.45 1. 165 people attended the recent workshops 2. Mr Lawrence stated that his perception was that Bloor are only interested in developing the land they control and not necessarily taking into account what the community wants. 3. There will be a workshop on 30th April by invitation only 4. Resolved that the steering group request the rationale from DCC Highways regarding the reported reluctance to develop a road from the A379 across to Barracks Road and that continued representation is made to Bloor regarding the needs of the community. The meeting closed at 10.20PM -5-