Appendix iii - Draft Trees Theme Review

(This is where we want to be in 20 years time)1
The Cotswolds AONB is a place where trees and woodland are planted and
traditionally managed to conserve and enhance the special qualities of the
Cotswold landscape, and where the landscape and recreational value of trees
and woodland is widely understood and appreciated.
(to be completed)
See existing Management Plan and SEA Scoping report
FORCES FOR CHANGE (new issues in italics – descriptions to be taken
from existing MP or added)
FWK1: Woodland management is a poor investment
FWK2: The landscape impact of woodland planting and management
FWK3: Loss of hedgerow trees
Agreed at AONB Forum October 2005 as still relevant
New issues identified:
Bio fuels/wood fuels
Climate change will influence trees – should beech be planted?
Also see Landscape Strategy and Guidelines
(This is what we want to achieve)
Objectives of current plan:
FW1: To ensure that all new woodland planting is in keeping with the landscape character of the
FW2: To encourage a sustainable woodland economy, combining economic viability with management
regimes which enhance the Cotswold landscape and ecology.
FW3: To promote the conservation and enhancement of ancient woodland, parkland and veteran trees,
to maintain their landscape, ecological and cultural value.
Explanations of headings (in italics) are taken from the Countryside Agency Guidance for
the review of AONB Management Plans
Proposed revised objectives
(Objectives are to be written to include outcomes)
FW1: All new tree planting is in accordance guidance based on landscape
character assessments which identify the special qualities of the Cotswolds
FW2: A sustainable woodland economy is encouraged, that matches
economic viability with enhancement of the Cotswolds landscape and
FW3: The conservation and enhancement of ancient woodland, parkland,
hedgerow, urban and veteran trees is undertaken to maintain their landscape,
ecological and cultural value.
FW4: There is greater awareness, understanding and involvement of those
who live, work in and visit the area of the positive benefits of trees and their
FW5; The impact of climate change on trees in the Cotswolds is understood
and steps taken to mitigate the impact of that change and adapt to its
(This is how we will get things done)
Policies in current Plan:
FWP1: To ensure that woodland planting and management takes full account of the landscape
character and biodiversity and ecological value of the AONB and is supported by appropriate advice and
grant aid mechanisms.
FWP2: To protect and enhance ancient and semi-natural woodlands, veteran trees, especially beech
woods, particularly within the proposed Cotswold Beechwoods Special Area of Conservation.
FWP3: To ensure that information and guidance is available on hedgerow management and to support
hedgerow planting where appropriate to maintain an important characteristic form of field boundary
within the AONB.
FWP4: To assess the condition of veteran and other important groups and individual trees, and promote
their care and replacement where necessary.
FWP5: To promote the development of markets for timber, wood products and other appropriate
profitable uses of woodlands which are consistent with conserving and enhancing natural beauty, in
order to encourage their return to economic viability and associated management.
FWP6: To assess the value of woodland pasture as a management system within the AONB.
FWP7: To ensure that tree and woodland strategies the various regional forestry frameworks adopt a
consistent approach to the Cotswolds AONB based on the Landscape Character Assessment.
Proposed revised policies
(Alternatives are used for SEA process)
FWP1a: To ensure that throughout the Plan period tree planting and
management takes account of economic, social and environmental principles
and is this supported by advice,grants and strategies.
FWP1b: To ensure that throughout the Plan period tree planting and
management is undertaken to secure the greatest possible economic return.
FWP1c: To ensure that throughout the Plan period tree planting and
management is undertaken in favour of environmental objectives alone.
FWP1d: Pursue throughout the Plan period a large expansion of new planting
to develop a new woodland economy.
FWP2a: To take action during the Plan period to protect and manage ancient
and semi-natural woodland, veteran trees and important individual trees.
FWP2b: To take action during the Plan period to concentrate activity on new
planting and the management of newly planted trees and woodland.
FWP3a: To provide during the Plan period information and guidance to tree
owners to promote the management of trees and to the public to increase
their understanding of the value of trees.
FWP3b: Take no action
FWP3c: To provide during the Plan period information to landowners to
maximise the economic return from their woodlands.
FWP3d: To provide during the Plan period advice to the public informing them
of the dangers of trees and woodland.
FWP4a: To promote throughout the Plan period the development of markets
for timber, wood fuel and other products and other income generating uses for
woodland, including access, which encourages sustainable management and
economic viability.
FWP4b: To promote throughout the Plan period woodland management that
is based entirely on environmental principles.
FWP4c: To promote throughout the Plan period the exploitation of wood
products and other opportunities for income generation for economic benefit
FWP4d: To promote during the Plan period a reduction in the extent of
woodland actively managed
FWP5a: To ensure that by the end of the Plan period the impact of climate
change on trees in the Cotswolds is understood, and progress is made in
developing methods for mitigating this impact and adapting to its
FWP5b: To continue throughout the Plan period tree planting and
management appropriate current climatic conditions.