October 2013 Master Agenda - St. Teresa of Avila Catholic Student

Faith in Action Night Agenda
October 17 , 2013
6:30 p.m. - Opening Prayer in church—
 Introduce any new members—
Notes from Christine
o If you would like your agenda included in the FIA packet, please send it to
chrisitneharsh@gmail.com by 9am on the Monday prior to FIA
o Please label it as agendaMONTHYEARCOMMISSION=agendaJune2012Education.
o When you send your minutes, please label them as
minutesMONTHYEARCOMMISSION = minutesJune2012Education
o Thank you
Handout Minutes that were available at time of printing
Reminder: The Commission Chairs are invited to attend the next Pastoral Council
meeting on Thursday, November 7, 2013 at 7pm in the Community Room.
Next Meeting is scheduled for November 21, 2013 at 6:30pm in the church. .
6:35 p.m. - Commission activity review by Commission Chair or designee
Education Commission - Christine Woods
Parish Life Commission – Mary Joy Boby
Spirituality Commission – Kris Conrad
Social Justice Commission – Mary Persyn—Meeting will be held on 10.24.13
Stewardship Commission –
Liturgy Commission- Nathan Parlee—Meeting will be held on 10.28.13
7:00 p.m. - Adjourn to designated meeting areas: (Please note location changes: The Antioch
Room, St. John of the Cross, or Community Room are not available meeting spaces for
Education—Southeast Corner of Church
Parish Life—Northeast Corner of Church
Spirituality—Choir Area of Church
Social Justice— Meeting on 10.24.13
Stewardship— St. John of the Cross Room (10.17.13Meeting)
Liturgy—Meeting on 10.28.13
Thank you for putting your “Faith into Action”!
St. Teresa of Avila Social Justice Commission Minutes
October 3, 2013
Present at the meeting were Tina Bowers, Dan Ruggaber, Tina Ryczek and Mary Persyn, chair. The
meeting convened at 7:00 pm.
1. The members did a short review of the drive for Sojourner Truth House. The total number of bags
collected was 128.
2. We discussed the Fair Trade Fair to benefit Catholic Relief Services (CRS). Most of the meeting was
dedicated to reviewing the CRS order catalog for items available and selecting the items we wish to
offer in the Fair. Non-perishable items are on consignment. Any items not sold can be returned to CRS.
Perishable items (coffee and chocolate) cannot be returned. Dan will place the order for the items.
There was a preliminary discussion for timing and staffing for the Fair. Final decisions will be made at
the next Commission meeting on October 24. We will probably need at least 3 people at all times that
the sale is open.
4. We held a preliminary discussion of the Hilltop Food Pantry food drive. Bags will be distributed at the
Masses on October 26-27, with donations due on November 2-3. Mary and Tina B. will distribute bags
at the 4 pm Mass, Dan and Ann will distribute bags at the 8 am Mass. We will be looking for volunteers
to distribute bags at the 10 am Mass. Delivery of the donations to Hilltop is scheduled for November 13
at 9 am.
5. Mary agreed to ask Dennis for a fuller explanation of the questions sent to the Commission chair by
the Pastoral Council.
6. Because Mary will be out of town on October 17, the next Commission meeting will be on October 24
at 7 pm in the Antioch Room.
The meeting adjourned at 8:35 pm.
Mary Persyn, Chair
Education Commission
September 19th, 2013
Community Room
Meeting called by:
Chris Woods
Steve Weigand, Colleen Clark, Deon Lemmons, Chris Woods
Agenda item: GIFT
Steve Weigand
Required VIRTUS training caught some parents off guard. It is difficult in a large group to engage
everyone in the subject matter. Discussion is key. Unfortunately, there wasn’t time afterwards to
discuss in a small group setting or decompress. The only goal was to alert parents to be aware of their
surroundings and create a safe environment for their children.
Engineering building is working out well…good proximity.
Babysitting is for children 3 years old and below. Pre-K and K will be reserved for ages 4 and 5.
Wednesday, October 23rd = Parent Advisory Committee mtg. Deon will invite parents to this meeting
at the October GIFT session. Steve will be there to clarify any questions or issues that might be
brought up from the parents. He is not on the agenda since it is an open forum discussion. Deon will
facilitate the evening.
 Next time VIRTUS training will be done differently.
 Maybe look into a different series b/c abuse is global…issues of internet bullying, verbal, etc. should
also be addressed.
 Steve will confirm space for advisory mtg.
Agenda item:
Colleen Clark
Adult Formation
Monday, October 21st = Day of the Dead presented by Pancho Rodea.
Fat Tuesday/Burying the Alleluia was presented to all commission at FIA for immediate feedback. Will
confirm next month, but responses seemed positive. 8a Mass band members will provide music and
are thrilled to do it. We will keep the terminology, “Burying the Alleluia,” because it has very traditional
roots and we want community to make the connection for many teachable moments.
 Colleen will create a bulletin announcement for Day of the Dead presentation.
 Colleen will also approach Joan Funk about letting community help prepare the church for Lent.
 Look into children’s entertainment for Fat Tuesday.
September 19, 2013
Members Present: Melisa Carter-Chenoweth, Kris Conrad, Barb Hanson, Cindy Jenkins
Jean David came to us with a proposal for a 14 week in depth study on the Interior Castle,
meditations from St. Teresa of Avila. She would like to form a small group where each member
takes a turn leading the reflections. She suggested meeting on a weekday morning, which will
make folks who are retired her primary audience. Melisa suggested having an evening session
available as well. It was decided that when people register, they can indicate whether they prefer
day or evening and we'll see what the demand dictates. Kris suggested Advent as a good time to
start this series, and all agreed. Jean will write up a bulletin announcement to go out in midNovember.
Finalized plans for Women's Breakfast on Sept. 21, with Sr. Peg Spindler as guest speaker.
Talked about using next breakfast on Nov. 16 as an advertisement for future faith sharing groups
and/or Interior Castle.
Dove into plans for our day of reflection, tentatively titled, "A Homecoming Weekend", based on
the Henri Nouwen book, "The Return of the Prodigal Son." It was agreed to make it a daylong
event (9am-3pm), providing a light breakfast and hearty lunch. Money in budget to purchase the
books as well as food for the event. We will makes books available by the first weekend of
October, with each of us taking turns after Mass to take registrations. The day will consist of 3
witness talks (one identifying with the younger son, one with the elder son and one with the
father), with time for small discussion and guided questions. We would also like to incorporate
some music and/or meditation that then gives participants time to journal on their own. The day
will conclude with 4:00pm Mass. We will meet again on Oct. 6 after Mass to hammer out
a schedule for the day.
Kris is looking into a tentative date during late to have Anita from Women of the Bible back with
us. She has also made contact with Teresa Tomeo about a possible weekend mission in
September 2014. Teresa speaks on the power of the media in our culture and how to preserve the
family in the midst of it. She also speaks on spiritual topics such as seeing oneself through the
eyes of Christ. Depending on next year's budget, we hope to have one or both ladies come spend
some time with us.
We briefly touched on an Advent idea: Stations of the Crib (ala Stations of the Cross during
Lent.) Will discuss more at next meeting.
We agreed that we would like to participate in the Mardi Gras Party/Prayer Service, as well as
the Soup and Bread dinner on Ash Wednesday. We would be happy to lead the prayer service
after the party.
Meeting was adjourned with prayer.
Next meeting is October 17 at 6:30pm
St. Teresa of Avila Catholic Student Center
Liturgy Commission
September 23, 2013
-Opening Prayer – led by Nathan
-Review of Recent Liturgies – The Ministers of Hospitality role in the Communion procession will
continue to be reviewed, as some parishioners start to process to Communion before Fr. Kevin has
returned to the altar;
-Student Ministry Signups – John and Fr. Kevin are taking care of contacting the students and
organizing the training
-All Saints Day – November 1, Mass at 5:15, the morning Mass will be reviewed as the VU Chapel
Break is now at an earlier time
-All Souls Day / Mass of Remembrance – November 2, Mass at 9am
-Advent – Advent theme to be discussed at future meetings, A&E will keep the sanctuary simple for
the Advent Season
-Ministry Updates – Some ministries are seeing a slight increase in involvement, leadership and
direction for the Ministers of Hospitality continues to be discerned and prayed upon
-Next Meeting Date – Monday, October 21 @ 6:30pm in SJC
-Closing Prayer – led by Zach Sefcovic