Iron-Deficiency Anemia Iron deficiency is used to designate a condition in which the total body iron content has been depleted, no matter what the cause. Since body stores of iron must be exhausted before red cell production is restricted, anemia is a late stage of iron deficiency. I. Prelatent iron deficiency In the mildest stage, the reticuloendothelial iron stores are subnormal but there is no biochemical evidence of deficiency. The only physiologic consequence of prelatent deficiency is a compensatory increase in the rate of iron absorption. II. Latent iron deficiency It may be said to exist when iron stores are exhausted, but the blood hemoglobin level remains above the lower limit of normal. In this stage, certain biochemical abnormalities in iron metabolism are usually detected, such as an increase in free erythrocyte protoporphyrin and a reduced plasma iron level. III. Iron-deficient erythropoiesis It refers to any situation in which red cell production is limited by the plasma iron level. Such a limitation regularly occurs when transferrin saturation falls below 16%. Stage Normal Prelatent deficiency Latent deficiency Early iron-deficie ncy anemia Late iron-deficie ncy anemia R-E* Iron Stores Normal Reduced Stages of Iron Deficiency Plasma Iron Anemia Hypochromia Microcytosis Normal None None Normal None None Absent Reduced None Usually none Absent Reduced Mild to moderate In some cells Indices normal severe Severe Reduced MCV, MCHC Absent Reduced Other Features -----Increased Iron absorption Increased FEP* *FEP: free erythrocyte protoporphyrin; R-E: reticuloendothelial. -----Epithelial changes IRON METABOLISM Distribution of iron in normal individuals Protein Hemoglobin Myoglobin Ferritin and Hemosiderin Transferrin Enzymes Total iron in compound, mg 2500 140 100(males) 100-400(females) 3 -1 Function O2 transport, blood O2 transport, muscle Storage Transport O2 utilization, etc. The body of a normal adult man contains approximately 50mg iron per kilogram of body weight, that of a woman contain 35mg/ kg. About two-thirds of this amount is found in hemoglobin, and only about 3mg circulates in the plasma as transferrin, a globulin. A very small proportion of the total body iron is present in myoglobin and the hemeabsorbed. When there is increased need for iron, absorption may be more efficient (10 to 20 percent). Iron derived from hemoglobin and other heme protein of animal origin is absorbed as the intact heme molecule. Most other forms of iron must be converted to ferrous iron in the stomach and duodenum in order to be absorbed. Absorption is most efficient in the duodenum and upper part of the small intestine. Iron is transported through the mucosal cell, but the exact mechanism is still uncertain. The absorbed iron is then bound by plasma transferrin and transported to the bone marrow for hemoglobin synthesis. The normal plasma iron level is 60 to 190 up per 100ml, but it is more useful to think of the serum iron in terms of percentage saturation of transferrin, normally 20 to 45 percent. Iron turnover is rapid, so that 25 to 40mg iron is transported in the plasma per day. The great bulk of this transport is to marrow erythroblasts. Since the total red blood cell mass contains approximately 2500mg iron and the red blood cell life span is 120 days, about 20mg iron is delivered each day to the erythron. Conservation is the characteristic feature of iron metabolism. The iron derived from the breakdown of hemoglobin joins the body pool and is used again and again. Loss of iron from the body is minimal: probably about 1mg per day in men and an average of 2mg per day in menstruating women. Most of this amount is contained in cells desquamated from the intestinal mucosa or the skin. In women, menstrual iron less is highly variable but, undoubtedly, is the greatest normal cause of iron loss. A normal woman loses an average of 17mg iron during a normal period. The loss of iron during a normal pregnancy is about 700mg, i.e. an average of about 2.5mg per day. CAUSES OF IRON DEFICIENCY The possible factors loading to iron deficiency are (l). insufficient iron in the diet. (2). impaired absorption. (3). increased requirements, and (4). loss of blood. In many instances, more than one of these factors is responsible for the resulting deficiency. Except in infants and in rapidly growing children, chronic loss of blood by hemorrhage is by far the most common cause of iron deficiency. Furthermore, the nature of the diet itself other than its iron content, influences the absorption of iron. Thus, both phosphates in the diet and phytates in cereals form a complex with iron and reduce its absorption. Ascorbic acid favors iron absorption, probably by promoting the reduction of ferric iron in food to the ferrous form. The gastric hydrochloric acid favors ionization and thus absorption, yet many persons are found in whom achlorhydria has existed for years without iron deficiency developing. CLINICAL MANIFESTATOINS Most individuals with iron deficiency are asymptomatic. Pica (perverted appetite) may be a striking manifestation, affected individuals macrave earth or clay (geophagia), starch (amylophagia), or ice (pagophagia). Abnormalities in epithelial tissues, including atrophic tongue, sore mouth, angular stomatitis, thinning and spooning of the nails (keilenychia), or dysphagia, may occur in an occasional patient who is iron-deficient. The plunner-vinson syndrome (sideropenic dysphagia) is characterized by the feeling of food sticking in the throat. LABORATORY FINDINGS Stages in the development of iron deficiency Normal Mild Moderate Severe Hemoglobin 150g/L 130g/L 100g/L 50g/L MCV N ↓ ↓ ↓↓ MCHC N N ↓ ↓↓ Marrow Fe Stores Present Absent Absent Absent Serum Fe/TIBC 100/300 75/300 50/450 25/600 ug/100ml Fe enzymes N N N ↓ NOTE: MCV: mean corpuscular volume, MCHC: mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration, TIBC: total iron binding capacity, N: normal. The anemia is hypochromic and microcytic. The percentage of reticulocytes is usually normal but may increase temporarily following an acute episode of blood loss. The bone marrow reveals moderate erythroid hyperplasia. Many of the late normoblasts appear to have scanty cytoplasm. Plasma and marrow iron Normal Iron deficiency anemia Marrow hemosiderin +,++ 0 Marrow siderocyte (%) 20-90 0-15 Plasma ferrin (μg%) 100±60 <10-20 Plasma iron (μg%) 115±50 15-60 TIBC (μg%) 330±30 >360 Plasma iron saturation (%) 35±15 <15 RBC protoporphrin 20-40 100-600 (μg/100ml RBC) Management Every effort must be made to define the etiologic factor. This should be possible in about 80 to 85 % of patients. In the remainder, it is possible that the underlying disease is in remission; therefore, continued observation for new clues as to its nature is warranted. Once the etiologic diagnosis is made, appropriate treatment becomes possible. Standard Therapeutic Oral Iron preparations Preparation Size Iron Content Usual Adult Daily Dose Ferrous sulfate 300mg 60mg 3 tablets Ferrous gluconate 300mg 37mg 5 tablets Ferrous 300mg 100mg 2 tablets The following possible explanations for failure to respond to iron given orally should be considered: (1). incorrect diagnosis; (2). complicating illness; (3). failure of patient to take prescribed medication; (4). inadequate prescription (dose or form); (5). continuing iron loss in excess of intake, and (6). malabsorption of iron. Parenteral Iron Therapy Iron-dextran complex and iron sorbitex, both of which contain 50 mg of iron per ml of solution. The total dose of parenteral agents may be calculated from the amount of iron needed to restore the hemoglobin deficit plus an additional amount to replenish stores. One formula that allows for both is as follow. Iron to be injected (mg) = (15-patient’s Hb)× body weight× 3 (g / dl) (kg) Zhonglu