Social Science History - Six essays for budding theorists

Social Science History - Six essays for budding theorists
By Andrew Roberts
Acton, J. (Lord) 1895 Inaugural Lecture on the Study of History. Delivered at
Cambridge, June 1895, reprinted in Lectures on Modern History, originally published
1906, page number from Fontana reprint 1960.
Aiken, H.D. (Editor) 1956 The Age of Ideology. The Nineteenth Century
Philosophers. New American Library
Aristotle/Metaphysics Metaphysics Translated by W. D. Ross
Aristotle/Politics Politics Translated by Benjamin Jowett 1885, Oxford 1905.
(See extracts section)
Aron, R. 1967 Main Currents in Sociological Thought Penguin edition
Bacon, F. 1627 Novum Organum: or, True Directions for the Interpretation of Nature
Bahmueller, C.F. 1981 The National Charity Company. Jeremy Bentham's Silent
Beck, Lewis White (Editor) 1963 Kant on History Bobbs-Merrill
Belloc, H. 1911 The French Revolution
Bentham, J. 1776 A Fragment on Government
Bentham, J. 1793 Manual of Political Economy (written, but not published)
Bentham, J. 1797/Outline Outline of a Work Entitled Pauper Management Improved.
Reprinted in French in 1800; in English in 1812.
Bentham, J. 1797/Observations Observations on the Poor Bill (circulated in
Bentham, J. 1791 Panopticon; or, the Inspection-House: containing the idea of a new
principle of construction applicable to any sort of establishment, in which persons of
any description are to be kept under inspection.
Bentham, J. 1830 History of the War Between Jeremy Bentham and George 3rd, By
One of the Belligerents.
Bible 1611 The Holy Bible authorised to be read in churches by King James 1 of
England in 1611.
Blackstone, W. 1765/9 Commentaries on the Laws of England.
Burke, E. 1790 Reflections on the French Revolution and on the Proceedings in
Certain Societies in London Relative to that Event. Dent/Everyman 1910
Carlyle, T. 1837/1839 The French Revolution. Two Volumes Dent 1906
Checkland S.G & E.O.A. (Editors) 1974 The Poor Law Report of 1834 Penguin
Cobban, A. 1961 (2nd edition) A History of Modern France, vol. 1: 1715-1799.
Cook, T.I. 1947 Two Treatises of Government by John Locke with a supplement:
Patriarcha by Sir Robert Filmer Haffner Library of Classics
Coole, D.H. 1988 Women in Political Theory: From Ancient Misogyny to
Contemporary Feminism. Chapter 4, “Hobbes and Locke: Natural Right against
Natural Authority”. Diana Coole discusses the same three theorists (Hobbes, Filmer
and Locke) as I do, but with special reference to the implications their theories have
for the power relations between men and women.
Comte, A. 1853 The Philosophie Positive of Auguste Comte A condensed version of
Cours de Philosophie Positive, freely translated into English by Harriet Martineau.
Extracts Aiken 1956 pp 124-137.
Davis, D.B. 1975 The Problem of Slavery in the Age of Revolution. 1770-1823
Cornell University Press.
Durkheim 1892 Quid Secundatus Politicae Scientiae Instituendae Contulerit
Durkheim's latin thesis on Montesquieu. English version in Durkheim 1960.
Durkheim, E. 1893 (English 1933) The Division of Labour in Society
Durkheim, E. 1895 (English 1938) The Rules of Sociological Method
Durkheim, E. 1897 (English 1952) Suicide. A Study in Sociology
Durkheim, E. 1912 (English 1915) The Elementary Forms of Religious Life (See
extracts section)
Durkheim, E. 1918 Le `Contrat Social' de Rousseau, published. Part of lecture course
given 1901-1902. English version in Durkheim 1960
Durkheim, E. 1937 Professional Ethics and Civic Morals. Translation of lectures not
published in Durkheim's lifetime.
Durkheim E. 1960 Montesquieu and Rousseau. Forerunners of Sociology
Containing translations of Durkheim 1892 on Montesquieu and Durkheim 1918 on
Rousseau's Social Contract.
The Encyclopédie (of Diderot and D'Alembert). Selected articles (in French). Edited
by J. Lough 1954 (second edition 1969)
The Encyclopédie of Diderot and D'Alembert. Cambridge University Press.
Encyclopedia Britannica Articles by James Mill from the supplement 1816-1823
reprinted in Mill, James 1825/1967
Engels F. 1876/1878 Anti-Dühring, quoted Draper, H. 1970 The Death of the State in
Marx and Engels in Socialist Register 1970 p.303
Engels F. 1880 Socialism: Utopian and Scientific
Evelyn, John 1818 The Diary of John Evelyn, edited (1818) by William Bray. Dent
Filmer, R. 1680 Patriarcha or The Natural Power of Kings (See extracts section). It
is reproduced in Cook, T.I. 1947 Locke Two Treatises of Government with Filmer's
Patriarcha and Laslett, P. 1949 Filmer's Patriarcha and Other Political Works. There
are many quotations from this in Locke's first treatise. Locke 1689 treatise 1 chapter 2
paragraph 8 is Locke's summary of Filmer. Locke refers to Filmer as "A" or "our
author". When he puts "O" beside a reference it is to Filmer's Observations on Hobbs,
Milton etc (see extracts section), otherwise the reference is to Patriarcha.
Fletcher, R. 1971 The Making of Sociology. A Study of Sociological Theory. Volume
2 Developments
Ford, J. 1975 Paradigms and Fairy Tales. An Introduction to the Science of
Fraser, D. 1984 [2nd edition] The Evolution of the British Welfare State.
Gerth, H.H. and Mills, C.Wright (Editors) 1948 From Max Weber
Giddens, A, 1971 Capitalism and Modern Social Theory. An Analysis of the Writings
of Marx, Durkheim and Max Weber
Giddens, A. 1972, Politics and Sociology in the Thought of Max Weber.
Gilmour, I. 1983 Britain Can Work Chapters 2: Political Economy, 3: The Socialist
Antithesis, 4: The Synthesis and the Tory Tradition.
Goffman E. 1961 “On the Characteristics of Total Institutions” in Asylums. Essays on
the social situation of mental patients and other inmates
Gouges, O. 1791 Les Droits de la Femme English translation in Levy, D. 1979 pp 8796. Includes Declaration of the Rights of Woman and the Female Citizen (See extracts
Halevy, E. 1913 England in 1815
Halevy, E. 1927 The Triumph of Reform (1830-1841). Page number refers to the
1961 Benn edition.
Hansard: The record of Parliamentary Debates.
Hayek, F. 1952 The Counter Revolution of Science
Hegel, F./History. The Philosophy of History. Based on lectures given first in 18221823. He discuses the French Revolution in part 4, section 2, chapter 3: The
Eclairissement and Revolution.
Hillerbrand, H.J. (Editor) 1968 The Protestant Reformation. Harper & Row
Hobbes, T. 1651 Leviathan, or The Matter, Form and Power of a Commonwealth
Ecclesiastical and Civil.
Hobhouse, L.T. 1913 Development and Purpose.
Hooker, R. 1593-1648 (8 Volumes) Laws of Ecclesiastical Polity. Quoted Locke, J.
1689. Extracts in Hillerbrand 1968
Hufton, O. 1971 “Women in Revolution, 1789-1796” Past and Present no.53,
November 1971. Reprinted as Chapter 6 in Johnson, D. 1976 (pp 148-166)
Hume, D. 1739/1740 A Treatise of Human Nature: Being an Attempt to Introduce the
Experimental Method of Reasoning into Moral Subjects. Book 1 Of the
Understanding; Book 2 Of the Passions; Book 3 Of Morals.
Hunt, L. 1992 The Family Romance of the French Revolution
Inglis, B. 1972 Poverty and the Industrial Revolution. Panther
James, C.L.R. 1938/1980 The Black Jacobins. Toussaint L'Ouverture and the San
Domingo Revolution.
Johnson, Douglas (Editor) 1976 French Society and the Revolution. Essays published
in "Past and Present" 1966-1976.
Kant, I. 1784 What is Enlightenment? First published in Berlinische Monatsschrift 4,
12.12.1784. In Beck 1963 pp 3-10, and Reiss 1970 pp 54-60.
Kelly, Linda 1987 Women of the French Revolution. Hamish Hamilton.
Kline, M. 1953 Mathematics in Western Culture. Page numbers from Pelican 1972
Knies, Karl 1853 Die Politische Oekonomie vom Standpunkte der geschichtlichen
Methode [Political Economy from the Historical Point of View]
Krüger, D. 1987 Max Weber and the Younger Generation in the Verein für
Sozialpolitik in Mommsen 1987 pp 71-87.
Laslett, P. 1963 Locke, J. 1689 Two treatises of government. A critical edition with
an introduction and apparatus criticus by Peter Laslett.
Levy D., Applewhite H.B., Johnson M.D. (Editors) 1979 Women in Revolutionary
Paris, 1789-1795. Selected documents translated with notes and commentary.
University of Illinois Press
Locke, J. 1689 Two Treatises of Government. “In the former, the false principles and
foundation of Sir Robert Filmer and his followers are detected and overthrown. The
latter is an essay concerning the true original, extent and end of civil government.”
(See extracts section)
Locke, J. 1690 An Essay Concerning Human Understanding
Logan, R.W. 1963 Haiti and the Dominican Republic. Oxford University Press.
Lowes Dickinson, G. 1927 (2nd edition) Revolution and Reaction in Modern France
George Allen and Unwin
Lukes, S. 1973, Emile Durkheim, His Life and Work. A Historical and Critical Study.
Macaulay, T. B. 1829 Review of Mill's Essay on Government. Edinburgh Review,
vol.49, 1829. Page numbers as reprinted in appendix to Mill, J.S. 1976.
Macpherson, C.B. 1968 Introduction to the Penguin edition of Hobbes' Leviathan.
Malthus, T. 1798 An Essay On the Principle of Population as it Affects the Future
Improvement of Society, With Remarks on the Speculations of Mr Godwin, M.
Condorcet, and Other Writers.
Malthus, T. 1803 Second (much enlarged and altered) edition of Essay on the
Principle of Population
Marcus Aurelius, translated by A.S.L Farquharson. Dent 1961. Meditations.
Marcuse, H. 1955 (2nd edition) Reason and Revolution. Hegel and the Rise of Social
Marshall, A. 1890 Principles of Economics. An Introductory Volume. Page 634 in
Macmillan (1966) reset reprint of 8th (1920) edition. This appendix was part of the
Introduction in the 1890 edition.
Marx and Engels 1848 The Communist Manifesto
McCulloch, J.R. 1828 “On the poor laws” Edinburgh Review May 1828
Mead, G.H. 1934 Mind, Self and Society, From the Standpoint of a Social
Behaviourist. Edited with an introduction by Charles W. Morris.
Mill, James 1820 Essay on Government Page numbers as in Mill, James 1825/1967
Mill, James 1821-1822 Elements of Political Economy.
Mill, James 1825/1967 Essays on Government, Jurisprudence, the Liberty of the
Press, Prisons and Prison Discipline, Colonies, the Law of Nations, and Education.
Reprinted by permission from the Supplement to the Encyclopedia Britannica.
Reprints of Economic Classics, Augustus M. Kelley, New York 1967
Mill, James 1829 Analysis of the Phenomena of the Human Mind.
Mill, J.S. 1843 (8th edition 1872) A System of Logic Ratiocinative and Inductive Being a connected view of the principles of evidence and the methods of scientific
investigation References by book, chapter, section.
Mill, J.S. 1844 Review of Michelet's History of France. Edinburgh Review volumes
79, 1844. Reprinted in Mill, J.S. 1976 pp 90-93
Mill, J.S. 1845 "The Claims of Labour" (a review) in the Edinburgh Review. Vol. 81.
April 1845. Reprinted in Mill, J.S. 1976 pp 273-302
Mill, J.S. 1848 Principles of Political Economy - With Some of Their Applications to
Social Philosophy.
Mill, J.S. 1865 Auguste Comte and Positivism. Page numbers from Mill, J.S. 1969.
There are also selections from the 3rd edition (1882) reprinted in Mill, J.S. 1984 pp
Mill, J.S. 1874 Autobiography Page numbers from 1969 Riverside Edition, edited by
Jack Stillinger. Houghton Mifflin Company, Boston.
Mill, J.S. 1969 Collected Works volume 10 Essays on Ethics, Religion and Society
Mill, J.S. 1976 On Politics and Society (Essays selected and edited by G.L. Williams)
Mill, J.S. 1984 Utilitarianism, on Liberty and Considerations on Representative
Government. Everyman/Dent
Mommsen, W. and Osterhammel, J. (Editors) 1987 Max Weber and his
Morton, A.L. (Editor) 1962 The Life and Ideas of Robert Owen
Newton, I. 1686/1729 Sir Isaac Newton's Mathematical Principles of Natural
Philosophy and his System of the Worlds. Translated into English by Andrew Motte in
1729. The translations revised, and supplied with an historical and explanatory
appendix, by Florian Cajori. University of California Press. 1934. Volume One The
Motion of Bodies
Nietzsche, F.W. 1883 Thus Spake Zarathustra. Part One
Nisbet, R. (Editor) 1965 Emile Durkheim: With Selected Essays
Owen, R. 1814/4th Essay The Principles of the Former Essays applied to Government
Addressed to the Prince Regent. (in Owen 1927 pp 63-90)
Owen, R. 12.3.1817 Report to the Committee for the Relief of the Manufacturing
Poor. (Owen 1927 pp 156-169) (“The first statement of Owen's famous Plan”.
Morton 1962 p.34)
Owen, R. 1820 Report to the County of Lanark (Owen 1927 pp 245-298)
Owen, R. (1927 Edition) A New View of Society (and Other Writings) Everyman/Dent
Parsons, T. 1937 The Structure of Social Action
Parsons, T. 1951 The Social System
Pearce, F. 1989 The Radical Durkheim
Pearson, R. and Williams, G. 1984 Political Thought and Public Policy in the
Nineteenth Century.
Popper, K.R. 1945 The Open Society and its Enemies
Popper, K.R. 1963 Conjectures and Refutations. The Growth of Scientific Knowledge
Poynter, J.R. 1969 Society and Pauperism
Proctor, C.E. 1990 Women, Equality and the French Revolution. Greenwood Press:
Rendall, J. 1985 The Origins of Modern Feminism. Women in Britain, France and the
United States. 1780-1860 Macmillan
Reiss, H. (Editor) 1970 Kant's Political Writings
Ricardo, David 1817 Principles of Political Economy and Taxation. Page number
from Everyman edition.
Rousseau/Cole 1913/1986 Everyman collection The Social Contract and Discourses.
Page numbers from the 1986 setting.
Rousseau, J.J. 1750 A Discourse on the Arts and the Sciences pp 2-29 of
Rousseau, J.J. 1755(I) A Discourse on the Origin of Inequality: pp 32-126 of
Rousseau/Cole 1913/1986
Rousseau, J.J. 1755(PE) Political Economy: pp 128-168 of Rousseau/Cole 1913/1986
Rousseau, J.J. 1759 The General Society of the Human Race Chapter two of the
original draft of The Social Contract (the Geneva Manuscript). pp 169-177 of
Rousseau, J. 1762(SC) The Social Contract: pp 180-308 of Rousseau/Cole 1913/1986
(See extracts section)
Rousseau, J.J. 1762(E) Emile
Rude, G. 1959 The Crowd in the French Revolution Oxford University Press
Rude, G. 1988 The French Revolution Weidenfeld and Nicholson
Runes, D.D. 1960 Dictionary of Philosophy Peter Owen
Russell, B. 1961 (2nd edition) History of Western Philosophy
Scruton, R. 1980 The Meaning of Conservatism Chapter 2 "Authority and
Smith, A. 1759 Theory of Moral Sentiments
Smith, A. 1776 An Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations
Stoddard, T. Lothrop 1914 The French Revolution in San Domingo Negro
Universities Press, Westport, Connecticut 1970
Stone, G.P. and Faberman, H. 1967 “On the edge of Rapprochement: was Durkheim
moving towards the Perspective of Symbolic Interaction?” Sociological Quarterly, 8.
Sumerscale, J. (Editor) 1965 The Penguin Encyclopedia
Taylor, A.J. 1972 Laissez-faire and State Intervention in Nineteenth Century Britain.
Thompson, W. 1824 An Inquiry into the Principles of the Distribution of Wealth Most
Conducive to Human Happiness
Thompson, W. 1825 Appeal of One-half of the Human Race, Women, Against The
Pretensions of the Other Half, Men, to Retain them in Political, and Thence in Civil
and Domestic Slavery.
Tomalin, C. 1974 The Life and Death of Mary Wollstonecraft. Penguin 1977
Tuck, R. 1989 Hobbes Oxford Past Masters
Tyson, G.F. 1973 (Editor) Toussaint L'Ouverture. (Great Lives Observed) PrenticeHall. Spectrum.
Watkin, B. 1975 Documents on Health and Social Services 1834 To the Present Day.
Watkins, J.W.N. 1957 "Historical Explanation and the Social Sciences" British
Journal of Philosophy of Science 1957
Weber, M. 1919/Politics Politics as a Vocation in Gerth & Mills (Editors) 1948 pp
Weber, M. 1930 The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism, being a translation
by Talcott Parsons of an article published by Weber in 1904/1905
Weber, M. 1947 The Theory of Social and Economic Organization. A translation by
Talcott Parsons of volume 1 part one of Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft
Weber, M. 1958 Gesammelte politische Schriften quoted Giddens 1972 with a note
that it is the standard collected edition of Weber's political writings
Weber, M. 1962 Basic Concepts in Sociology. This is Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft
Volume 1 part one, chapter 1. Translated and introduced by H.P. Secher, who tries to
use more everyday language than Parsons used in Weber 1947
Weber, M. 1968 Economy and Society. An Outline of Interpretive Sociology, Being
an English edition of Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft by Guenther Roth and Claus Wittich
incorporating earlier translations of parts.
Wollstonecraft, M. 1792 A Vindication of the Rights of Woman: With Strictures on
Political and Moral Subjects. Chapter 1, The Rights and Involved Duties of Man