Please provide enough details specifying your role/participation in projects and what types of work (methods/techniques) the project involved, to clearly demonstrate your competency with the criteria. Table 1: Fisheries Assessment Specialist Qualification Requirements Component Requirements Education Degree/Diploma and specialization MTO Fisheries Protocol Training Experience Qualifications Degree/Diploma: Institution name: Date completed: Date successfully completed: Related Work Experience Have____ years work experience in the _____________field since completing degree/diploma (provide a brief summary of experience). Conducting fisheries inventories and habitat assessments Have conducted ____ fisheries inventories and habitat assessments (provide a brief summary of projects). Evaluating effects of development and/or land use activities on fish habitat Have completed _____fisheries impact assessments involving development within or adjacent to fish habitat and including evaluating the effects of roadway construction/widening on fish habitat for (provide a brief summary of projects). Planning and designing fish and fish Have developed fish and fish habitat habitat mitigation measures mitigation measures for ____ projects (provide a brief summary of projects). Experience and/or knowledge of the application of DFO’s Risk Management Framework and the Fisheries Act Authorization process, gained through project experience and/or successful completion of a supplementary case study exercise administered by MTO Provide a brief summary of projects that demonstrates that you have sufficient project experience using DFO’s Risk Management Framework (i.e. multiple projects) and knowledge of the Fisheries Act Authorization process. If you do not have sufficient project experience with the RMF, you may contact your MTO Regional Environmental Office to arrange to complete a case study exercise to satisfy this requirement. Knowledge of federal and provincial legislation, policies and procedures for fish and fish habitat in Ontario Extensive knowledge of federal and provincial legislation and policies for fish and fish habitat in Ontario through the experience stated above including impact assessments, Class EA projects, construction supervision, etc. (list applicable legislation and policies). Below are some specific examples to assist you. Component Experience Requirement Conducting fisheries inventories and habitat assessments Qualifications Conducted fisheries assessments and inventories on various watercrossings throughout project limits. OR Completed fisheries assessments and inventories on 50 watercourses/drainage crossings. OR Conducted fish sampling (25+ sites) throughout Lake Ontario Component Experience Requirement Conducting fisheries inventories and habitat assessments Qualifications Conducted fisheries assessments and inventories on various watercrossings along Hwy X using backpack electrofishing and seine netting. Identified fish species and collected length/weight data to assess community structure. Responsible for collecting baseline data on streams which have the potential to be impacted by ongoing mining and forestry. OR Conducted fisheries inventories on 48 watercrossings within the Hwy X project limits including: • Electrofishing (backpack) • Spawning Surveys and habitat assessments Component Experience Requirement Experience and/or knowledge of the application of DFO’s Risk Management Framework and the Fisheries Act Authorization process, gained through project experience and/or successful completion of a supplementary case study exercise administered by MTO Qualifications I have taken the Fisheries Protocol training and have used DFO’s Risk Management Framework before. OR I have not had the chance to use the Risk Management Framework but I did take the training. Component Experience Requirement Experience and/or knowledge of the application of DFO’s Risk Management Framework and the Fisheries Act Authorization process, gained through project experience and/or successful completion of a supplementary case study exercise administered by MTO Qualifications I have used the Risk Management Framework to determine the level of risk on 12 projects. E.g. Project X: o Widening a 2-lane highway to 4 lanes; o Impacts to 3 coldwater creeks and aquatic SAR but no channel realignments o Completed an Aquatic Effects Assessment to determine the negative residual effects; using the RMF determined that the Scale of Negative Effects was low and the Scale of Sensitivity was moderate. o Overall risk of impact to fish and fish habitat was determined to be low. E.g. Project Y: o Widening a 4-lane highway to 6 lanes o Impacts to 4 warmwater and 5 coldwater watercourses including 6 channel realignments; no aquatic SAR o Using the RMF it was determined that due to the channel realignments, the Scale of Negative effects was high and the Scale of Sensitivity was moderatehigh resulting in an overall high risk of impacts to fish and fish habitat. o Worked collaboratively with MTO and DFO to develop a compensation plan o Completed a LOI and Fisheries Act Authorization application and submitted to DFO for review. o Authorization granted, BU-09-8765 OR Successfully completed the case study exercise at the East Region MTO Office on March 1, 2013. Although I have not had any projects requiring a Fisheries Act Authorization, I am familiar with the principles behind the process. For example, where a project is determined to have a moderate or high risk of impact to fish and fish habitat, a FAA would be required. In this case, a compensation plan would need to be developed in consultation with DFO. Once agreed upon, this would then be submitted to DFO along with the required supporting documentation including the Letter of Intent and Fisheries Act Authorization application form for approval. If the application is accepted and an Authorization is granted, the construction and monitoring of the project would proceed according to the conditions detailed in the Authorization.