Continence Prescription Service Leaflet April 2015v3

How to order your prescription
When you receive your items
You have been registered with the
Continence Prescription Service.
Specialist continence nurses are now
responsible for prescribing your continence
The prescription telephone line is open
Monday to Friday, 10.00am to 2.00pm.
Always check your prescription when it arrives
to check you have the right items. If you
unsure you have received the correct items
ring the service immediately so that we can
check on your behalf
Contact Details
They can be contacted by telephone on
01493418146 - Monday to Friday (closed
on public holidays). They will be able to
help and advise you with any product
related problems you may have.
Regular Review
While you are registered with our service
your product needs will be reviewed at
regular intervals and you will be offered the
opportunity to try different brands of
products where appropriate.
When you contact our service to order your
prescription you will be asked if you have
experienced any problems since your last
prescription was issued. It is important that
you tell us if you have experienced any
skin reactions or urine infections so we can
review your product needs accordingly.
This information booklet explains the
procedure for ordering your prescription.
Phone the prescription line
When you give your details and your
prescription needs to the person at the end of
the phone (prescription co-ordinator) they will
arrange for you to receive your products. They
can also pass on any problems you may have
had to the appropriate person. If the line is
busy when you ring you will be asked to leave
your name and number and the prescription
co-ordinator will phone you back as soon as
Checking the product is the best
for you
The prescription co-ordinator will ask you a
three or four questions to check you are still
using the best product to meet your needs.
Please answer these questions honestly as
this will ensure you are prescribed products
which are best suited to your clinical needs.
Getting your prescription
A prescription for continence products is the
same as a prescription for tablets. The same
prescription charges and exemptions apply.
The items can either be dispensed at a
pharmacy / chemist or through a Dispensing
Appliance Company (DAC).
We will discuss with you how you would like to
receive your items. Your prescription will
usually be for two month’s supply of products.
Storing and caring for your
prescription items
It is important that you store your products
correctly. All products should be stored away
from direct heat, damp, dirt and dust. Products
must be stored in their original packaging until
you actually use them. This ensures sterile
items remain sterile and that we can identify
batch numbers if we are asked to re-call
products which may be faulty.
It is good to keep a small stock of your
products to ensure you do not run out,
however this should not be more than one
week’s supply. When you receive new
products make sure you use your older stock
first to ensure good stock control.
Use your products as advised. If you feel your
product is causing problems let us know so we
can look for alternatives for you. Please do not
make your own adaptations as this can make
the product unsafe and place you at risk. You
will be told which products can be washed and
re-used and which need to be used once and
thrown away. If you are unsure contact us for
Incontinence Pads
This service does not include the delivery of
incontinence pads.
If you are prescribed incontinence pads you
should continue to order these in the same
way as you have done previously by calling
0800 093 4741.
Comments and Complaints
PALS, Patient Advice and Liaison Service
PALS may be the best starting point if you have
a question or concern about the NHS. If you
would like to find an NHS dentist, know where
your nearest doctor is or talk through a problem
you have had with a service, you can contact the
PALS service.
To contact PALS: Call 01502 718666
Or write to:
East Coast Community Healthcare
1 Common Lane North,
Beccles, Suffolk. NR34 9BN
Patient Information
If you would like this leaflet in
large print, audio cassette,
Braille or in a different language
please contact Andrea Dawson
on 01502 719521
Jei šios publikacijos kopija noretumete gauti savo
kalba prašome susisiekti su Andrea Dawson
telefono numeriu: 01502 719521.
Jezeli chcieliby Panstwo otrzymac niniejsza
publikacje w tlumaczeniu na jezyk polski, prosimy o
kontakt z Andrea Dawson pod numerem telefonu:
01502 719521.
Pokud byste chteli kopi této publikace ve Vašem
jazyce, prosím kontaktujte Andrea Dawson ovou na
telefonním císle 01502 719521.
Prescription Service
Being treated with dignity and respect
is the right of every patient
Bu yayinin kendi dilinizde bir nüshasini isterseniz,
lütfen 01502 719521 nolu telefondan Andrea
Dawson ile temasa geçiniz
Se pretender uma cópia desta publicação no seu
idioma, por favor contacte Andrea Dawson no
número 01502 719521.
Produced by East Coast Community Healthcare ©
Issued: April 2015