2008072218-PRS2008-00288 (2)

July 22, 2008
Mr. Nathan Goddard
Walton Construction
3252 Roanoke
Kansas City, MO 64111
The Planning and Development Services Department reviewed the plans submitted on
June 30, 2008. The following comments are from various divisions within the Planning
and Development Services Department.
When resubmitting your plans, include a cover letter complete
with project name, address, and plan review number, and
indicate how you have addressed each plan review comment.
Please refer to the enclosed guidelines (Attachment A) and
sample cover letter (Attachment B).
Building Safety Division - Plan Review
The following comments are from the Building Safety Division-Plan Review. Direct any
questions regarding these issues to Gregory Maggiore, M.C.P. at (913) 895-6248.
Construction Type: 11-B
Use Group: I-2
Fire Sprinklers: Yes
Fire Alarms: Yes
The proposed design contains recovery room 141 with oxygen and nitrous oxide
gas systems and angio suite 151 with a Phillips Allura FD 20 (angioplasty
apparatus) also with oxygen and nitrous oxide gas system. The proposed use
creates conditions under which a patient will not be able to respond and is not
capable of self preservation in the event of an emergency. It is the policy of the
Building Safety Division/Plan Review  Fax 913/895-5016
Nathan Goddard
July 22, 2008
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City of Overland Park that such a use, regardless of occupant load or number of
persons is to be an I-2 occupancy and such a space shall conform to the
provisions of the 2006 IBC for an I-2 occupancy. Please revise proposed B
occupancy to an I-2. Some of the consequential comments are related to an I-2
occupancy; if upon clarification or revision for a B occupancy is obtained further
comments will follow.
Please provide height and area calculations that substantiate existing building are
code compliant for an I-2 occupancy.
Please provide a fire sprinkler system, a control room, and appurtances as
required by 2006 IBC 903.2.5.
Sheet AO item J17; please revise fire ratings that all corridors are to be
constructed as smoke partitions as required by 2006 IBC 407.3.
Please revise occupant load based upon function of space as per Table 1004.1.1
in 2006 IBC.
Please provide a toilet fixture count based upon 2006 IPC Table 403.1 as
amended under OP Code 16.130.403.1.
Please clarify wall type construction of existing wall to remain between waiting
room 101 and corridor 140; to substantiate compliance with the 2006 IBC 407.3.
Sheet A3 part J11 note 4 calls out for blocking; please provide information on
drawings that all wood blocking is to be fire retardant treated wood as per 2006
IBC 603.1.
2006 IBC Table 508.2 requires all walls for soil room 152 to be 1 hour fire rated.
Consequently, 20 minute fire rated doors are required.
10. Door schedule does not clarify that doors on corridors or other doors are to be
rated or labeling requirements as per 2006 IBC 407.3.1, 508.2, and 715.4.5.3.
Please revise door schedule as per code requirements.
11. Please clarify wall type construction of existing corridors in area of no work
located in the North East corner of tenant space; to substantiate compliance with
the 2006 IBC 407.3.
12. Please provide manufacturers information for proposed furnaces located in room
118 including BTU input capacity. Please refer to 2006 IBC 1015.3 for egress
requirements due to input capacity exceeding 400,000 BTU.
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July 22, 2008
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13. Provide a hi/low drinking fountain on the accessible route as required by ADAAG
14. Sheet M1 shows no duct work from the HVAC system to Medical Gas 124 with a
12" square make up duct directly to the outside. Please clarify how the
requirements 2006 IFC 3003.3.5 freeze protection and 3003.7.6 heating are
15. 2006 IFC 3006.2 calls for medical gas to be stored in rooms to serve no other
storage or use. Proposed design has egress to Mechanical 125 thru Medical Gas
124. Please provide another means of egress to Mechanical 125 and not use
Medical Gas 124 for egress to other spaces.
16. Please clarify the quantity of oxygen and nitrous oxide in cubic feet at NTP to be
stored in Medical Gas 124. Please refer to 2006 IFC Table 2703.1.1(1) for
permitted amounts and requirements for 3006.2 when quantities of gas exceed
permit amounts. Also refer to 2006 IFC 4003.1.1.3 for maximum allowable
oxidizing gas storage.
17. Please provide strobe fire alarm appliances in all existing and new exam rooms as
per 2006 IBC 907.9.1 and 907.9.1.1.
18. Please provide information on existing audible/visible fire alarm appliances to
remain or proposed audible/visible fire alarm appliances for general usage areas,
conference rooms, halls, lobbies, break rooms, or other areas for common use
such as rooms 130, 138, 113, 151, and areas of no new work as per ADAAG 4.28
19. Please provide information on sheet E5 of proposed insulated conductors, and
material of conduit to substantiate compliance with 2005 NEC Chapter 9 conduit
20. Please substantiate that proposed #10 ground is adequate (sheet E5 note 10) for
bus as per 2005 NEC 240.4(D).
21. Please provide either calculations that show existing roof structures is adequate;
or structural drawings showing required upgrades to existing roof structure with
calculations to substantiate new RTU's will be properly supported as per
requirements of 2006 IBC 106.1.1 and Chapter 16.
22. Please provide structural calculations that substantiate existing roof structure will
be adequate for additional loads imposed upon by new Phillips Allura FD 20
angioplasty apparatus as per requirements of 2006 IBC 106.1.1 and Chapter 16.
23. Please provide an accessible shower in room 148 and detail information on
drawings that substantiate accessibility as per 2006 IBC 1109.2.
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July 22, 2008
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24. Please substantiate that at least 5% not less than one of lockers are accessible
for both patients and staff as per 2006 IBC 1109.8.1 and 1109.11.
25. Please provide the materials of all proposed pipe and fittings to be used for water
service, water distribution, waste, vent, medical gas, natural gas, and
26. Sheet P1 floor plan shows CS-1 with out plumbing and on sheet P4 is not shown
on schematic; please clarify.
27. Sheet ME1 RTU-3 is shown with out any gas supply; please clarify.
28. Please provide information on drawings for U value and to what extent hot water
pipe insulation will be installed based upon heat trap system used. Circulating
systems require minimum 1" thick with a U value of .27 throughout. Non
circulating systems with out integral heat traps require minimum .5" with a U value
of .27 for the first 8' as per 2006 IECC 504.5.
29. Please provide information on drawings that all piping serving as part of a heating
or cooling system shall be thermally insulated (thickness and U or R value) in
compliance with the energy code as per 2006 IECC table 503.2.8.
30. Please provide information on drawings minimum R value for ducts in relation to
their location in compliance with energy code as per 2006 IECC 503.2.7.
31. Provide information on plans for interior lighting power allowances for each
proposed new areas only or use in compliance with energy code as per Table
505.5.2 in the 2006 IECC. Please use 1.2 watts per square foot for I-2 use and 1
watt per square foot for B use or other areas; provide square footage of each
space maximum allowable watts and proposed watts whereas proposed watts
shall not exceed allowable watts (rooms 113, 114, 115, 141and 151 are exempt).
32. Please obtain a letter or written approval from Johnson County Wastewater that
permits manual drain from BeaconMedaes LW-7D-N80 medical vacuum system
to discharge into a floor drain.
If you have questions or alternatives to discuss on the above-mentioned items, please
contact the appropriate person above, or contact me at this office at (913) 895-6248.
Gregory Maggiore M.C.P.
c: Lou Ciancia, 16825 Northchase Drive, Suite 1300, Houston, TX 77060