CHEMISTRY 308 IDENTIFICATION OF POLYMERS BY INFRARED SPECTROSCOPY Polymer films may be identified by allowing infrared radiation to pass through the material and recording the spectrum of the radiation that emerges. Certain chemical bonds absorb radiation of specific wavelengths and give rise to absorption bands in the emergent radiation as follows: Stretching Modes for various functional groups: O-H Stretch at 3400 cm-1, usually a broad peak (cm-1 = wave numbers) N-H stretch at 3300 cm-1, usually sharper than an O-H C-H stretch is found near 3000 cm-1 (sp2 =C-H > 3000; sp3 C-H < 3000 cm-1) C≡ stretch at 2250 cm-1 C=O stretch at 1735 cm-1 (ester) and 1660 cm-1 (amide) The C=O appears at a lower value of about 1720 cm-1 if it is next to a benzene ring C=C stretch at 1650 cm-1 (not part of benzene ring!) The benzene ring is observed at 1600 and 1450 cm-1 (often two bands at each position) C-F stretch at 1240 to 1100 cm-1 C-O stretch appears between 1300 and 1000 cm-1 in alcohols, ethers, and esters C-Cl stretch in poly(vinyl chloride) occurs as a pair of bands between 700-600 cm-1 Bending Modes C-O-H bending and R-N-H bending modes are often observed at about 1600 cm-1 CH2 bending occurs near 1450 cm-1 CH3 bending occurs near 1375 cm-1 Aromatic ring out-of-plane bendings (oops): monosubstituted ring; pair of strong peaks at 700 and 750 cm-1 para-disubstituted ring; one strong peak at about 750 cm-1 It should be noted that plasticizers often have C=O absorption at 1735 cm-1 or lower. In some cases, their presence does not alter the remainder of the spectrum, and the peak at 1735 cm-1 may simply be ignored when analyzing the spectrum. PVC is the most common example of plastics that contain plasticizers. Page 3 and 4 show some common infrared bands in organic compounds and polymers. You would expect that a polyester should have all of the features expected for a non-polymeric ester. Likewise, a polyamide should look like a non-polymeric amide! Work in groups of three for this experiment Obtain one clear packaging or other plastic sample and bring it to the laboratory (opaque materials may also be analyzed). Examples of possible materials include: sandwich bags, wrapping materials (Glad wrap, Saran wrap, etc.), oven bags, meat wrap from the supermarket, transparent tape, packaging materials of various kinds, windows used in business envelopes, cookie tray from inside package, credit card insert from wallet, gift wrap from fruit basket, and thin films of plastic made by pressing the plastic on a hot press in the Plastics laboratory in the Engineering Technology Building. Samples should be as thin as possible in order to obtain a good spectrum. In addition to the sample you bring, I want you to analyze two of my samples. First run a background scan. Then, secure your sample with a piece of tape on one of our holders in such a way that it will hang in the infrared beam in the sample compartment without the light beam hitting the tape, itself. Alternatively, mount the material on a card and insert the card into the beam of the infrared spectrometer. Now determine the spectrum of the polymer. Label the prominent peaks with their frequencies. Try to identify the material by using the spectral values given on page 1, 3 and 4. Look for prominent features such as the carbonyl group (C=O). Be sure to write the number of the sample on your spectrum for identification purposes. It is difficult to make an absolute identity of the polymer sample without making reference to a library of spectra. In some cases, the best we can do is to place the sample into a certain class, for example, polyester, polyamide, polyethylene, polypropylene, or polyurethane. We will attempt to identify the sample by comparing your spectrum to those in the Lampman polymer library or by comparison to spectra in the books by Dieter O. Hummel. The Hummel books contain hundreds of spectra of various polymer samples. Wilson library has the books in its collection. Library call number: QD139.P6 H813 vol.1 and vol. 2 located in the oversize section of Wilson Library, 4th floor west. These volumes are the 1971 edition of his books. Library call number: QD139.P6 H8 1991 v.1 Bd.1 Pt.A and Pt. B located in oversize section of Wilson Library, 4th floor west. This is the 1991 edition of his books. Most copolymers and homopolymers can be identified by looking at the Hummel books or my collection of spectra. Don't expect to differentiate conclusively between various "grades" of polymers (i.e. manufacturer). It may also be difficult to differentiate between similar materials. For example, you will have a hard time differentiating between nylon 6,6 or 6,10 or 6. All of these nylons look pretty much the same! Fillers and colorants, etc. aren't easy to spot in the spectrum because they may not be present in sufficient quantities. Remember that infrared spectroscopy is really only good for identifying functional groups. Also, remember that the thickness of the sample can make identification difficult. The Hummel samples may be thinner than your samples. The spectrum for an identical sample may look different. Thick samples will "bottom-out" on the spectrum obtained. Now repeat the process with the two samples of polymers that I supply to you. Label the peaks with frequency values on each spectrum. Print copies of each spectrum. Look for the major peaks to see if you can use the information in the experimental writeup to make a tentative identification. Now look at the Hummel library to see if you can make a positive identification. Common Infrared Peaks in Organic Compounds and Polymers Type of Group Types of Compounds OH R-OH alcohol R-C-OH carboxylic acid O Infrared Value 3400 cm-1 3400-2400 cm-1 very broad RNH2 1O amine H R-N-R H N H 2O amine 3300 cm-1 NH R-C-NH 2 O H R-C-N- R O C-H sp3 carbon =C-H sp2 carbon amide may overlap with OH amide -CH3 -CH2 -CH alkene C-H about 2950 cm-1 about 3050 cm-1 benzene C-H R C N C N nitrile 2250 cm-1 R C O C O aldehyde 1725 cm-1 C O ketone 1715 cm-1 C O ester 1735 cm--1 O amide 1660 cm-1 H carbonyl group R R RO R HN R C R about 1715 if next to benzene ring Type of Group C C Types of Compounds Infrared Value 1650cm-1 alkene Carbon-Carbon double bond aromatic rings, including substituted benzene ring 1600 - 1450 cm-1 two or more weak peaks in range alcohols ethers esters carboxylic acids C-O -Cl -Br -F R-Cl R-Br R-F halides 1300 - 1000 cm-1 These peaks are very strong! It is very difficult to identify these halides, except for fluorides R-F 1240 to 1100 cm-1 R-Cl and R-Br are often out of the range; below 700 cm-1 ______________________________________________________________________________ LAB REPORT 1. Indicate the source of the sample you brought. Write the sample number printed on the two mounted samples that I give you, on your spectrum. 2. Identify on each spectrum the bands of diagnostic value. Draw the functional group on the spectra. Examples include: C-H, O-H, benzene ring, C=O, C-O, etc. If possible, identify the polymer samples using only the infrared spectrum. 3. Make a "positive" identification of each of the plastic samples by using Hummel books. Draw the chemical structure for the polymer on each spectrum. 4. Submit the three labelled spectra with your report. Attach the plastic sample that you brought to the lab onto the spectrum. 5. What infrared bands are likely to be found in the following polymers? Be sure to assign C-H aromatic, C-H aliphatic, C=O, C-O, O-H, N-H, C≡ and C-Cl with expected cm-1 values under each polymer structure: O CH 2 O (CH 2)4 CH 2 CH 2 CH CH 2 CH 2 CH 2 (CH 2)6 N H CH 2 CH 2 CH 2 CH 2 linear polyethylene Polystyrene O N H Polyamide (Nylon 6,6) Polyester (PET) CH O O O O CH 2 Cl CH CH 2 Cl CH Poly(vinyl chloride) PVC without plasticizeer polyoxymethylene (Delrin) O O CH 2 OH CH CH 2 OH CH Poly(vinyl alcohol) Revised 2 April 2007 CH 2 N C CH CH 2 N C CH H3C CH 2 H3C O CH CH 2 O CH Poly(acrylonitrile) Poly(vinyl acetate)