Thematic Interpretation Rubric Literary Analysis

Thematic Interpretation Rubric
Unsatisfactory Partially Proficient
Literary Analysis
How thoughtful
are the ideas in
this essay?
How well does this essay
show mastery of the skills
of literary analysis?
How carefully
supported and
illustrated are the
ideas in this essay?
How logical is the
structure of this
How effective is the
use of language in
this essay?
The essay reveals
significant, original
insight into the literary
work, strong
elaboration of key
ideas, and an obvious
sense of the student’s
personal engagement
in the process.
The essay persuasively
demonstrates a thorough,
independently derived
understanding of a specific value
judgment, perspective, and/or
intent of the author; incorporates
substantial analysis of literary
elements that develop the
author’s intent; shows significant
understanding of the theme’s
relevance to the human condition.
The essay provides
persuasive, substantial
evidence for key ideas,
with precisely cited,
relevant, and
references to the work.
The essay’s structure is
consistently focused,
coherent, and
purposeful, moving the
reader through the
interpretation of the
work efficiently and
The essay’s use of
language is lively,
powerful, engaging, and
virtually error-free,
making the style of the
essay an effective aid in
the transmission of its
The essay reveals
insight into the literary
work with good
elaboration of key
ideas and some sense
of personal
The essay displays some
understanding of a specific value
judgment, perspective, and/or
intent of the author; incorporates
some analysis of literary elements
that develop the author’s intent;
shows understanding of the
theme’s relevance to the human
The essay provides
specific evidence for
key ideas, with relevant,
accurate references to
the work.
The essay’s structure is
effective, moving the
reader through the
interpretation of the
work clearly.
The essay’s use of
language is lively and
clear, with few
significant errors in
conventions or usage.
The essay reveals
understanding of the
literary work, but
without much depth.
The essay identifies a specific
value judgment, perspective,
and/or intent of the author;
occasionally examines literary
elements that develop the
author’s intent; identifies the
theme’s relevance to the human
The essay makes some
specific references to
the work.
The essay’s structure is
often uneven or
illogical, making it
difficult for the reader to
follow the writer’s train
of thought.
The essay’s use of
language is clear but
often unvaried, flat, or
occasionally imprecise,
with errors in
conventions or usage
that distract the reader.
The essay reveals
very little
understanding of the
literary work; and/or
the essay consists
mostly of undigested
summary or
The essay makes reference to a
value judgment, perspective,
and/or intent of the author; makes
few and/or ineffective references
to literary elements that develop
the author’s intent; fails to or does
not clearly identify the theme’s
relevance to the human condition.
The essay gives
general and/or
inappropriate examples
from the work.
The essay’s structure is
largely chaotic or
seemingly purposeless,
with ideas and details
arranged haphazardly.
The essay’s use of
language is generally
ineffective, with
numerous errors that
interfere with the clarity
of the essay’s content.
Reading and Writing Standards IV and VI
Reading and Writing Standards I, II, and III
Palmer High School English Department
Palmer High School English Department