Lesson Plan 1-5 For Week of Oct. 20-24 Lesson Date: Oct. 20-24 Current Domain: Reading/Alphabet Student(s): Group 1: Group 2: Gary Trent Lisha Harry David (Only letters “Ss” and “Nn”) Terry Trevor Steve Archie (12) Jimmy Tiffany (Alphabet Sounds /Ff/) Time of Lesson: 9:15-10:00 Teacher: Length of Lesson: 45 minutes Lesson Codes A= Acquisition GP= Guided Practice F= Fluency IP= Independent Practice M= Maintenance G= Generalization QCC’s: K-[19] Topic: Reading Standards: Identifies upper- and lowercase letters of the alphabet out of sequence. 9 Topic: Reading/Writing Standard: Associates sounds with letters and letter combinations. 7 Topic: Reading/Writing Standard: Identifies/names letters of the alphabet out of sequence and the sounds they represent. Student Objective(s) G1-Students will recall orally alphabets letter sound /Ss/, when given visual/oral prompt, with 90% accuracy, consistently across 3 consecutive sessions. G2- Students will recall orally Alphabet letters “Ss” and “Nn” upper/lowercase, when given a visual prompt, with 90% accuracy, consistently across 3 consecutive sessions. Teacher Procedures Instructional Strategy: Direct Instruction Learning Styles: Materials: Lesson 1: Teacher In-Serve Day (No Students) Lesson 2: Letter “Ff” jar, Alphabet flashcards, Letter “Ss” drawing sheets, Crayons, Pencils, Letter Sheets, Stickers Lesson 3: Drawing worksheets, Alphabet flashcards, Letter puzzle worksheet, Letter “Ss” and “Nn” books, Paste, Crayons, Scissors, Smarties, Letter “Ss” worksheet, pencils Lesson 4: Letter Ff jar, Alphabet flashcards, Letter collage material, Construction paper, Paper plates, Crayons, Pencils, Scissors, Paper plates Lesson 5: Alphabet flashcards, Letter books, Paper, crayon, pencils, Scarecrow worksheets, paste, scissors, straw, Seeds, Letter papers Technology Integration: If time permits, students are allowed time at the computer to work on reading skills. Reference(s) for Instructional Strategy: Kemper, E., (2002). Research on direct instruction in reading. Journal of Education for Students Placed at Risk. 7. 107- 10. Winterling, T.R., (1990). The Effects of Constant Time Delay, Practice in Writing or Spelling, and Reinforcement on Sight Word Recognition in a small group. Journal of Special Education, 24, 101-116. Lesson Code And Time Monday Tuesday 9:15 9:20 A 9:25 A Lesson Teacher In-Service Day (No Students) Introduction: Today we are going to learn the sound that the letter “Ss” makes. 1. The T. will start by asking the SS. to listen to two sounds and then tell her if they are the same or if they are different. (T. will give each S. a chance to answer individually) 2. The T. will now ask the SS. to ‘echo’ the Ss sound after her. After they have ‘echoed’ a few times, the T. will ask them to get out their magic pencils. (their finger) The T. will model writing Ss on the board and ask the SS. to write their own letter using their magic pencils. Now they will practice writing the letter Ss as they say the letter sound. Each S. will receive numerous opportunities throughout the lesson to recall orally letters of the alphabet and the sound they make. The T. will give corrective feedback/reinforcement by orally repeating the correct letter or sound after the S. If the S. answers incorrectly, the T. will correct the S. by stating the correct answer and allowing the S. to given the answer again. Choral responses are also given. 3. G1- The T. will ask the SS. to try to name objects that begin with the letter Ss. The T. will have the letter Ss jar to help prompt SS. to answer. After each student has named one object, they will look around the room for other Ss words. G2- T. will use the constant time delay strategy to teach the letters “Ss” and “Nn”. T. will give Evaluation Procedures 9:30 GP 9:40 9:45 9:55 10:00 Wednesday 9:15 A 9:20 A each S. a chance to recall the letters orally. When the SS. answer, their responses will be recorded. Record each response as follows: √= correct before prompt, += correct after prompt, -= incorrect before prompt, 0= no response. All SS. should provide a correct response after prompt. Reinforcement: Right/Good, Good, Correct, Good Job. 4. T. will give each S. a letter Ss drawing sheet. She will explain to the SS. that they will brainstorm about objects they can draw. The object’s name must start with the letter Ss. The SS. will then draw a picture of their object. 5. SS. will show and tell their pictures. 6. SS. will be given a letter sheet and stickers. They will be instructed to stick the stickers on the paper to form the letters S and s. 7. SS. will start to clean up and get ready to change classes. Introduction: Today we are going to review the sound that the letter “Ss” makes. 1. The T. will now ask the SS. to ‘echo’ the Ss sound after her. After they have ‘echoed’ a few times, the T. will ask them to get out their magic pencils. (their finger) The T. will model writing Ss on the board and ask the SS. to write their own letter using their magic pencils. Now they will practice writing the letter Ss as they say the letter sound. Each S. will receive numerous opportunities throughout the lesson to recall orally letters of the alphabet and the sound they make. The T. will give corrective feedback/reinforcement by orally repeating the correct letter or sound after the S. If the S. answers incorrectly, the T. will correct the S. by stating the correct answer and allowing the S. to given the answer again. Choral responses are also given. 2. G1- SS. will review Ss words by using the letter Ss jar. G2- T. will use the constant time delay strategy to teach the letters “Ss” and “Nn”. T. will give each S. a chance to recall the letters orally. When the SS. answer, their responses will be recorded. Record each response as follows: √= correct before prompt, += correct after prompt, Responses will be recorded on the data sheet provided. Responses will be recorded on the data sheet 9:25 GP 9:35 GP 9:50 10:00 Thursday 9:15 A 9:20 A -= incorrect before prompt, 0= no response. All SS. should provide a correct response after prompt. Reinforcement: Right/Good, Good, Correct, Good Job. 3. G1- T. will give each S. a Letter puzzle worksheet. The SS. will have to color each picture that begins with the letter Ss. They will then have to cut and paste the picture into a Ss shape. G2- SS. will be given a letter Ss and Nn book to complete. To complete the book, they have to color the pages and circle all the Ss and Nn letters. 4. Whole Group- SS. will be asked to wash their hands. The T. will explain to the SS. that she is thinking of a type of candy that begins with the letter Ss. (Smarties) After guessing the candy, the SS. will be instructed to paste the smarties onto each letter Ss. 5. SS. will start to clean up and get ready to change classes Introduction: Today we are going to review the sound that the letter “Ss” makes. 1. The T. will now ask the SS. to ‘echo’ the Ss sound after her. After they have ‘echoed’ a few times, the T. will ask them to get out their magic pencils. (their finger) The T. will model writing Ss on the board and ask the SS. to write their own letter using their magic pencils. Now they will practice writing the letter Ss as they say the letter sound. Each S. will receive numerous opportunities throughout the lesson to recall orally letters of the alphabet and the sound they make. The T. will give corrective feedback/reinforcement by orally repeating the correct letter or sound after the S. If the S. answers incorrect the T. will correct the S. by stating the correct answer and allowing the S. to given the answer again. Choral responses are also given. 2. G1- SS. will review Ss words by using the letter Ss jar. G2- T. will use the constant time delay strategy to teach the letters “Ss” and “Nn”. T. will give each S. a chance to recall the letters orally. When the SS. answer, their responses will be provided. Responses will be recorded on 9:25 GP 9:35 9:50 10:00 Friday 9:15 A recorded. Record each response as follows: √= the data correct before prompt, += correct after prompt, sheet -= incorrect before prompt, 0= no response. All provided. SS. should provide a correct response after prompt. Reinforcement: Right/Good, Good, Correct, Good Job. 3. Whole Group- The SS. will construct a letter collage. They can choose the color paper they want to use. When they choose their paper, they will have to stick the stickers to the letter paper. They will also be asked to draw and color other pictures/objects that start with the letter Ss. The teacher will provide prompts if needed. 4. The T. will explain to the SS. that they are going to make and animal that’s name begins with the letter Ss. The T. will give the SS. clues until they guess the animal. (spider) She will explain how to make the spiders and show the SS. a visual model of a finished spider. They will be given two paper plates to color and paste together. Next, they will write the letter Ss. on the spider’s body. Last, they will cut eight stripes of paper for the legs and paste the legs on the spider. 5. SS. will start to clean up and get ready to change classes Introduction: Today we are going to review the sound that the letter “Ss” makes. 1. The T. will now ask the SS. to ‘echo’ the Ss sound after her. After they have ‘echoed’ a few times, the T. will ask them to get out their magic pencils. (their finger) The T. will model writing Ss on the board and ask the SS. to write their own letter using their magic pencils. Now they will practice writing the letter Ss as they say the letter sound. Each S. will receive numerous opportunities throughout the lesson to recall orally letters of the alphabet and the sound their make. The T. will give corrective feedback/reinforcement by orally repeating the correct letter or sound after the S. If the S. answers incorrect the T. will correct the S. by stating the correct answer and allowing the S. to given the answer again. Choral responses will 9:20 2. 9:25 3. GP 4. 9:40 5. 9:50 6. 10:00 also be given by SS. G1- The T. will review words/objects that begin with the letter Ss. The T. will provide prompts if needed. (the letter Ss jar) G2- T. will use the constant time delay strategy to teach the letters “Ss” and “Nn”. T. will give each S. a chance to recall the letters orally. When the SS. answer, their responses will be recorded. Record each response as follows: √= correct before prompt, += correct after prompt, -= incorrect before prompt, 0= no response. All SS. should provide a correct response after prompt. Reinforcement: Right/Good, Good, Correct, Good Job. Whole Group- The SS. will construct a letter collage. They can choose the color paper they want to use. When they choose their paper, they will have to stick the stickers to the letter paper. They will also be asked to draw and color other pictures/objects that start with the letter Ss. The teacher will provide prompts if needed. SS. will be shown a scarecrow. The T. will tell the SS. that they are going to make their own scarecrow. They will be given a scarecrow worksheet to color and cut out. When all the pieces are cut and pasted together, they will paste straw onto the hands and feet. When SS. finish their scarecrows, they will be given a letter Ss sheet. They will be instructed to paste seeds into the shape of a letter Ss. (this activity will be for the SS. who finish early) SS. will start to clean up.