Women’s Enterprise Foundation, Inc. PRE-AWARD CERTIFICATION ADDENDUM For the NAWBO PHOENIX MEMBERSHIP SCHOLARSHIP PRE-AWARD CERTIFICATION for the NAWBO PHOENIX MEMBERSHIP SCHOLARSHIP Application Deadline: January 31 Membership Start Date: March 1 The WEF NAWBO Phoenix Membership Grant covers: • A one year membership to NAWBO Phoenix. • Attendance fees to all NAWBO Phoenix Luncheons, including the Red Affair and Gala. • Attendance fees to all NAWBO U Phoenix programs. Completed Addendums should be submitted with the Grant & Scholarship Application to: Women’s Enterprise Foundation, 6340 S. Rural Rd, #118-137, Tempe, AZ 85283 Or email to info@WEFPhx.org For additional information about Women’s Enterprise Foundation (WEF) visit www.WEFPhx.org ELIGIBILITY REQUIREMENTS: _______ Initial Applicants for the WEF NAWBO Phoenix Membership Grant must meet the following criteria. (Initial each one Applicant meets) I certify that I have been in business for a minimum of one year. DATE Business Established (mm/dd/yy): _______ Initial I certify that I am not, nor have I been, a member of NAWBO Phoenix. _______ Initial I certify that I am a resident of the greater Phoenix area. CONDITIONS of the WEF NAWBO Phoenix Membership Grant _______ Initial I understand I must present a business plan with application. Business Plan Attached? _______ Initial I understand I must attend 10 out of 12 NAWBO Phoenix events (cost included in Grant). _______ Initial I understand I must attend 6 out of 8 NAWBO U Phoenix programs (cost included in Grant). _______ Initial I understand I must sit at WEF Board table at the monthly NAWBO Phoenix Luncheons no less than 50% of the time. _______ Initial I understand I must submit a letter summarizing the outcome and value of the NAWBO Phoenix Membership at the end of the term of membership covered. (See Instructions for guidelines) YES NO ESSAY for the WEF NAWBO Phoenix Membership Grant Please attach an essay of 200 words or less, explaining why a WEF NAWBO Phoenix Membership Grant will help your business. Please be concise, yet thoughtful. Essay may be typed or legibly handwritten in black ink. NMS_PAC_AD_v1_100106 © 2009 Women’s Enterprise Foundation, Inc.