CRAFT NI RESOURCE SPACE PUBLICATIONS 1. Craft NI Publications 2. Crafts Council of Ireland Publications 3. Crafts Council UK Publications 4. Craft Gallery Information 5. Exhibition Catalogues 6. Northern Ireland Maker Publications 7. Northern Ireland Art & Culture Guides 8. Trade Fair 9. Books 10. Craft Related Magazines 1. CRAFT NI PUBLICATIONS 1. E-bulletin Craft Ni printouts 2. Launch Programme 2005 –invitations +leaflet 3. C3- Collecting Contemporary Craft- brochure 4. Craft Month- August 2010- magazine 5. Craft Month- August 2011-magazine 6. Craft Month- August 2013-magazine 7. Craft NI ‘Craft’ August 2007-brochure 8. Craft Month- August 2010- leaflet 9. Craft Month August 2009-brochure +leaflet 10. Craft Month August 2008-leaflet 11. Craft, August 2007-brochure 12. Craft Month- August 2009- poster 13. Craft Month- August 2012- booklet 14. Making it- leaflet + brochure 15. Making it 2007- flyer +leaflet (different designs) 16. Making it (Work)-flyer 17. Making it. Craft Exhibition (Clotworthy Arts Centre 2006) Brochure +flyer 18. Making it 2005 –print out + price list 19. Making it 2006- leaflet 20. Craft NI: ‘Encouraging economic growth, diversification, communities, employment, creativity, tourism- in rural areas’ 21. Made in Northern Ireland- brochure 22. Craft NI at Showcase. 10.Spotlight on Craft, 2014 23. Craft NI- leaflet (+ Derek Wilson and Pia Raeymaekers leaflets) 24. Perspective. Inspiration Unveiled. Leaflet + mini poster 25. A Future in the Making. Why the Crafts matter. 2007- Advocacy document publication 1 26. A Future in the Making. Executive Summary- publication 27. Contemporary Crafts of Northern Ireland- leaflet 28. Contemporary Craft Sponsorship Opportunities 29. A Future in the making. Champions & Partners (2008) –printout 30. Northern Ireland Craft- brochure 31. Craft NI- Season’s Greetings- Christmas card 32. ‘Buy Contemporary Craft This Winter’ –leaflet 33. ‘Unique, Local & Handcrafted’- flyer 34. ‘Making Changes’. Contemporary Craft in Northern Ireland 35. ‘Contemporary Souvenir’ 10th October 2006 (day of discussion & practical advice) brochure 36. ‘A Guide to Business Development’ A blueprint for creative industries-2 versions leaflet 37. Made in Northern Ireland. Rediscover Ni, 2007- booklet 38. Making Changes. Contemporary Craft in NI- booklet 39. Art & Design- poster 40. ‘Best to buy at Craft NI’- print out 41. ‘Growing craft-based tourism in NI’ brochure 42. South Belfast Life- Magazine Clippings 43. Work together: Architecture & Craft 2007 (postcard invitations) 44. Artists’ Information and Labels -Peter Meanley -Celine Traynor -Alison Fitzgerald -Louise Murphy -Rachel McKnight -Karl Harron -Fiona Kerr 2. CRAFT COUNCIL OF IRELAND PUBLICATIONS 1. Irish Craft Directory for Retailers 2. Irish Craft Portfolio 2010 (2 copies) 3. Irish Craft Portfolio 2010 4. Irish Craft Portfolio; Critical Selection 2013-2014 5. Creative Island 2012: Imagined, Designed, Made in Ireland. 6. Creative Island: Imagined, Designed, Made with Passion in Ireland. 7. Arts Council of Northern Ireland Annual Review 2009-2010 8. Arts Council of Northern Ireland Annual Review 2011-2012 9. Arts Council of Northern Ireland Annual Review 2013-2014 10. ‘A short guide to Craft and Design in Ireland’ (booklet, 2 copies) 2 3. CRAFT COUNCIL UK PUBLICATIONS 1. 2. 3. 4. Craft Council ‘Craft Matters’- brochure (30 copies) ‘Putting Craft into new contexts’ + ‘Projects’ + ‘Programme July-Oct 2007’ –information pack ‘Why do the Crafts Matter?: The case for the crafts’ ‘Making it in the 21st Century; A summary of the main findings and related trends’ (A socioeconomic survey of crafts activity in England & Wales, 2002-03) 5. Assemble 2010. The Crafts Council Conference 5 a. ‘Making Value: Craft and the Economic and Social Contribution of Makers’ (Executive summary by Mary Schwarz and DR Karen Yair) 5 b. ‘Consuming Craft: The contemporary Craft market in a changing economy’ (Executive summary by Morris Hargreaves McIntyre) 6. Crafts Council Strategy and Plans 7. The Craft Blueprint: A workforce development plan for Craft in the UK (Creative & Cultural Skills, 2009) 8. Crafts Council Collective: Introductory Pack 4. CRAFT GALLERY INFORMATION 1. The National Centre for Craft and Design. Spring/Summer 2014-04-09 2. Craft Galleries Guide (Applied Arts Galleries throughout the UK, with pilot foreign section) 3. National Glass Centre. The Living Home of Glass –information pack 4. Black Swan Arts (October 2005-06) 5. The Appleyard Gallery –leaflet 6. The Glass Art Gallery. Peter Layton- ‘Tangents’ Exhibition leaflet 7. Primavera- Craft Gallery, Cambridge-leaflet 8. Malcolm Sutcliffe-Glass Gallery- leaflet 9. Gallery Top- leaflet 10. The National centre for Craft & Design Spring/Summer 2014 5. EXHIBITION CATALOGUES 1. Figure. Contemporary Ceramic Sculpture (2 copies) 2. Culture Craft. Culture in the Making. An exhibition of contemporary craft (Derry/Londonderry 2013) 3. Tyrone design guild. A culture of making, evolution and growth (2013) 4. ‘Argillaceus’: Adjective- Containing a considerable amount of clay matter 5. 2013 RDS National Crafts Competition. Exhibition catalogue. 6. Artists 0 Presentation (Otto.Taiteilijat 0. Esittäytyminen) 7. Textile Art Now! (Tekstiilitaid nyt!) 8. Galleri Nørby (1998) 9. Breaking out. New emerging makers 2008. Crafts Council of Ireland. National Craft Gallery (2 copies) 3 10. The shape of things/At Flow (London, 2010) 11. A visual history of wwt castle espie ‘Traces’ by artists from sea court print workshop 12. Craft & Design Colective ‘Inspired by’ 13. Another dimension. Seacourt Print Workshop. ( F.E. McWilliam Gallery & Studio) 14. ‘Between Art & Industry’ National Craft Gallery 2012 15. ‘Unearthed’ An exhibition of Emerging Ceramic Artists at the University of Ulster 16. ‘Jack Doherty’. Curated by Marta Donaghey. National Craft Gallery. August 2009 17. Rochester Art Gallery & Craft Case Exhibitions (January-June 2006, booklet) 18. Ceramic Art. London 2010 19. Crafts Culture. Nov-Feb 2006 ‘Table Manners. Contemporary International Ceramics’ 20. ‘transFORM’. Ceramics Ireland 21. ‘Silver Connections’. Three applied artists, two generations, one hundred years of experience. 22. Fabrics & Fabrications. Traditional. Context Gallery 23. Edmund de Waal ‘ A line round a shadow’ 24. ‘ BEIAIERLANXIANDAIYISHUZUOPINZHANZUOPINJ’ catalogue 25. The Silver Trust (2 copies) 26. ‘Out of darkness’ 40 years of Northern Ireland Press Photography 27. ‘The soft estate’ Philip Napier, Mike Hogg 28. Plan X 29. ‘From the edge 2004 contemporary textiles’ 30. ‘Anodyne’ Safer printmaking in a new century 31. The Schwemberger Photographs 32. Resolutions. New Art from Northern Ireland 33. ‘ A Shout in the Street: Collective Histories of Northern Irish Art’ Declan Mcgonagle (gt Gallery) 34. ‘The double image: Collective Histories of Northern Irish Art’ Dougal McKenzie (gt gallery) 35. Folk Art and Fairy Tales 36. Futuke Craft. Research Exposition (Georgina Follett & Louise Valentine) 37. HANDASHH. Unity in Pattern. Zarah Hussain 38. Designers & Makers 2009. An exhibition of fine craft and design 39. ‘Carved Earth’ Halima Cassell 40. Ceramics degree show 41. ‘Unique Reproducion’ Definitions of original printmaking in a digital age 42. Pretty Deadly. New Work by Michael Brennand- wood 43. ‘Taking Time: Craft and the Slow Revolution (A touring exhibition from Craftspace curated with Helen Carnac) 2 copies 44. ‘European Baskets’ curated by Mary Butcher and Joe Hogan (national Craft Gallery, Kilkenny 2008) 45. ‘Fifty Rings’ (Space Craft Gallery 2008) 6. NORTHERN IRELAND MAKER PUBLICATIONS 1. Frances Lambe. ‘Microcosmos’ 2. Jack Doherty 3. Derek Wilson, Ceramics- booklet (3 copies) 4 4. Michelle Stephens- Catalogue 2013 (3 copies) 5. Alison Lowry, Catalogue (2 copies) 6. Diane Lyness, Goldsmith Portfolio + booklet 7. Catherine Keenan: Northern Irish Glass Artist 8. Ballydougan Pottery –information pack 9. Katie Brown Designs- information pack 10. Eamonn Higgins, Sculptor –information print 11. The Fellows: The contemporary Craft Fellowship Scheme 2007-09. Fabrizia Bazzo, Jenny Beavan, Katie Bunnel & Jessie Higginson, Fionna Hesketh, Janet Stoyel. 12. ‘Our Objects’ Contemporary Ceramics in Context (2009 Glasgow School of Art) 7. NORTHERN IRELAND ART AND CULTURE GUIDES 1. My NI (Northern Ireland Tourist Board) 2. University of Ulster Masters of Fine Art. Twenty-five years. On. (2 copies) 3. ‘Craft in the City: Your Indispensible guide to Derry’s vibrant craft scene.’ (2 copies) 4. Belfast Family Art Map 5. Belfast Art Guide 6. ‘Public Art Handbook for Northern Ireland’ ACNI (2 copies) 7. ‘Art for Arterial Routes: Connecting the Communities of Belfast.’ (2 copies) 8. ‘Cathedral Quarter. A visitor guide to its historic buildings’ 9. ‘Cathedral Quarter Belfast: Strategic Vision and Development Plan. 2012-2017’ 10. ‘A look around Laganside. A photographic essay by John Baucher’ 2006 11. ‘Shopping Directory’. The ultimate guide to Britain’s finest independent shops and suppliers. The Guardian Dec 2007 12. The guardian guide to Craft (2007) 13. A Cultural Guide to Belfast. 72 hours (Belfast City Council) 14. Culture Night Belfast 15. The Belfast art Guide (Belfast City Council) 16. The creative peninsula 2013 8. TRADE FAIR 1. British Craft Trade Fair Show Directory 2. Handmade in Britain 12. The Contemporary Crafts and Design Fair 3. Handmade in Britain 13 The Contemporary Crafts and Design Fair. Appreciating British Craftsmanship (4 copies) 4. Showcase Directory 2013 5. Showcase. The Plan to do Business- booklet (2 copies) 6. Showcase Directory 2014 7. Connect- catalogue 5 8. Great Northern Contemporary Craft Fair at Spinningfields. October 2013 –booklet 9. Collect. The International Art Fair for Contemporary Objects. 2006. -book 10. Collect. The International Art Fair for Contemporary Objects. 2009. -book 11. Collect. The International Art Fair for Contemporary Objects. 2011. -book 12. Collect. The International Art Fair for Contemporary Objects. 2012. –book 13. The Crafts Guide to Collect 2012 14. The Crafts Guide to Collect 2013. 15. ‘Look up’ Visit the enterprise zone. Showcase 2014 16. ‘Look up’ enterprise zone. Showcase 2013 17. British Craft Trade Fair 2014- leaflet 18. Showcase 2014 –magazine +brochure 19. British Ceramics Biennial (2009 Stoke-on-Trent) 20. ‘Craft and design marketing in Europe’ International survey on craft and design product and service marketing. 9. BOOKS 1. Turku Palaa, 2011 2. Vrije Vorm Geving. Mapping Dutch conceptual crafts (ed. Monika Auch) 3. 100% Norway (2010) 4. ‘Eligius’ The Noble Jewellers. The Finnish Goldsmith Association 5. Fiskars 1649. 360 years of Finnish Industrial History (2009) 6. Muotoilijat ’10. Finnish Designer Awards 7. Touch This: Graphic Design that feels good. Scott Witham 8. Herinner-Ring. Remember-Ring 9. **The Journal of Modern Craft. Volume 1, issue 1, March 2008 10. Art Works 1987-1994. Permanent works of Art Collection. University of Ulster (1998) 11. City Art. The York’s percent for Art Program (ed. Marvin Heiferman) 12. Craig Mitchell (2005) 13. The Crafts in Britain in the 20th Century. Tanya Harrod 14. Irish Ceramics. The best of Irish Ceramic Sculpture. John Goode (2011) 15. The sleep of reason. Stephen Dixon 16. Irish Hands. The tradition of Beautiful Crafts. Sybil Connolly (1991) 10. CRAFT RELATED MAGAZINES ‘PERSPECTIVE. JOURNAL OF THE ROYAL SOCIETY OF ULSTER ARCHITECTS’ 2006 Vol.15 No.5 Sept-Oct 2007 Vol.16 No.1 Vol.16 No.2 Jan- Feb March- April 6 Vol.16 Vol.16 Vol.16 Vol.16 No.3 No.4 No.5 No.6 May- June July- August Sept- Oct Nov- Dec 2008 Vol.17 No. 1 Vol.17 No. 3 Vol.17 No. 6 Jan- Feb May- June Nov- Dec 2009 Vol.18 Vol.18 Vol.18 Vol.18 Vol.18 No.1 No.2 No.3 No.5 No.6 Jan- Feb March- April May- June (2 copies) Sept- Oct (2 copies) Nov- Dec 2010 Vol.19 Vol.19 Vol.19 Vol.19 No.1 No.3 No.5 No.6 Jan-Feb May- June Sept- Oct Nov- Dec 2011 Vol.20 Vol.20 Vol.20 Vol.20 No.1 No.2 No.4 No.6 Jan-Feb March- April July- August (2 copies) Nov- Dec (2 copies) 2012 Vol.21 Vol.21 Vol.21 Vol.21 Vol.21 No.1 No.2 No.4 No.5 No.6 Jan- Feb March- April July- August Sept- Oct Nov- Dec 2013 Vol.22 Vol.22 Vol.22 Vol.22 Vol.22 Vol.22 No.1 No.2 No.3 No.4 No.5 No.6 Jan- Feb March- April May- June July- August Sept- Oct Nov- Dec 2014 Vol.23 No.1 No.2 Jan-Feb March/April 7 ‘CRAFTS. THE MAGAZINE FOR CONTEMPORARY CRAFT’ 2005 No.196 No.197 Sept- Oct Nov- Dec 2006 No.198 No.199 No.200 No.201 No.202 No.203 Jan- Feb March- April May- June July- August Sept- Oct Nov- Dec (2 copies) 2007 No.204 No.205 No.206 No.207 No.208 No.209 Jan- Feb March- April May- June July- August Sept- Oct Nov- Dec 2008 No.210 No.211 No.212 No.213 No.214 No.215 Jan- Feb March- April May- June July- August Sept- Oct Nov- Dec 2009 No.217 No.219 No.220 March- April July- August Sept- Oct 2010 No.222 No.227 Jan- Feb Nov- Dec 2011 No.228 No.229 No.230 No.231 No.232 No.233 Jan- Feb March- April (2 copies) May- June July- August Sept- Oct Nov- Dec 2012 No.234 No.235 No.236 Jan- Feb March- April May- June (2 copies) (2 copies) (2 copies) (3 copies) (2 copies) 8 No.237 No.238 No.239 July- August Sept- Oct Nov- Dec 2013 No.240 No.241 No.242 No.243 No.244 No.245 Jan- Feb March- April (2 copies) May- June (2 copies) July- August (2 copies) Sept- Oct Nov- Dec 2014 No.246 Jan-Feb ‘CERAMIC REVIEW’ 2005 Issue 214 215 216 July/August Sept/Oct Nov/Dec 2006 Issue 217 218 219 220 221 Jan/Feb March/ April May/ June July/August Sept/Oct + Gallery Map 2007 Issue 223 224 225 226 Jan/Feb March/ April May/ June July/August +Gallery Map 9 ‘ARTS PROFESSIONAL’ 2011 Issue 239 241 243 244 246 4 July 29 August 10 October 31 October 12 December 2012 Issue 247 248 254 255 256 16 January 6 February 11 June 2 July 23 July 2013 257 258 259 260 September October November Dec/ Jan 2013 261 263 February April ‘IRISH ARTS REVIEW’ (Crafts Council of Ireland) Irish Craft 2007 (Annual Craft Edition) Irish Craft 2008 (Annual Craft Edition) ‘Special edition of the Irish Arts Review to celebrate the 175th Anniversary of the office of public works’ Vol.24 Vol.24 Vol.24 No.2 No.3 No.4 Summer 2007 Autumn 2007 Winter 2007 Vol.26 Vol.26 No.3 No.4 Sept- Nov 2009 Nov 2009- Feb 2010 Vol.29 No.4 Dec 2012- Feb 2013 (2 copies) 10 Vol.30 Vol.30 No.1 No.2 March-May 2013 June- August 2013 ‘LIVING DESIGN’ Summer Spring Spring Autumn 2010 2012 2013 2013 (2 copies) ‘CERAMICS IRELAND’ 2013 ‘MAILOUT’ Issue 31 (The national magazine for developing participation in the arts) Dec 2005/ Jan 2006 ‘SMITHSONIAN ASSOCIATE’ May 2011 ‘CITY BUSSINES’ Spring 2010 11