Section 504 Meeting - New Mexico State Department of Education

Appendix B
Sample Forms for Section 504
 B-1
Section 504—General Information (for Parent and Student Manuals)
 B-2
Section 504—Referral Form/Packet
 B-3
Section 504—Invitation to Parents for Initial Section 504 Meeting
 B-4
Section 504—Parents Rights
 B-5
Section 504—Parent Input
 B-6 Section 504—Consent to Evaluate
 B-7
Section 504—Notice of Evaluation Review Meeting
 B-8
Section 504—Evaluation Review and Identification Meeting
 B-9
Section 504—Accommodation Plan
 B-10 Section 504—Notification of Evaluation &
Identification Results (in absence of parent participation)
 B-11 Section 504—Plan Review
 B-12 Section 504—Grievance Form
New Mexico Public Education Department: Section 504 Guide—Appendices
Information for Parents Regarding
 Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act Of 1973
Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA)
Section 504 is federal law that prohibits discrimination against persons with a disability in
any program that receives federal financial assistance. The law defines a person with a
disability as anyone who
Has a mental or physical impairment that substantially limits one or more
major life activities (major life activities include activities such as caring for
one’s self, walking, seeing, speaking, learning, breathing, sleeping,
standing, lifting, reading, concentrating, thinking, communicating, working,
helping, eating, bending, operation of a bodily function).
In order to fulfill its obligations under Section 504, the school district recognizes its
responsibility to avoid discrimination in policies and practices regarding its personnel and
students. No discrimination against any person with a disability will knowingly be
permitted in any of the programs and practices in the school system.
The school district has specific responsibilities under the law, which includes the
responsibility to identify and evaluate students suspected of having a disability. If the
student is determined to be identified under Section 504 an accommodation plan will be
developed on order to provide the student with equal access to education.
If the parent or guardian disagrees with the determination made by the professional staff
of the school under Section, he/she has a right to file a grievance or request a hearing
with an impartial hearing officer provided by the district.
The federal Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) also specifies rights
related to educational records. This Act gives the parent or guardian the right to the
 Inspect and review his/her child’s educational records.
 Make copies of these records.
 Receive a list of all individuals having access to those records.
 Ask for an explanation of any item in the records.
 Ask for an amendment to any report on the grounds that it is inaccurate,
misleading, or violates the child’s rights.
 Request a hearing on the issue if the school refuses to make the amendment.
If you have questions, please feel free to contact:
District Section 504 Coordinator
Form B-1
New Mexico Public Education Department: Section 504 Guide—Appendices
Section 504 Referral Packet
Name/Signature of Referring Teacher
Name of Parent/Guardian
Fill out sections A-D for all students. Fill out section E only if behavior is an area of concern.
A. Mark only areas of concern below that significantly affect the student’s classroom
experiences. Rate your concern as (H) High or (S) Some. If you are not sure, do not mark it.
physical attributes
attention span
memory skills
activity level
ability to follow directions
oral comprehension
listening skills
language development
response to questions
language fluency
ability to focus on task
problem-solving ability
frustration threshold
organizational skills
easily confused
gross motor skills/coordination
social/interpersonal skills
fine motor skills
low self-esteem
lack of responsibility
academic progress ( list skills/areas of concern)
New Mexico Public Education Department: Section 504 Guide—Appendices
medical/health (manifestations/areas of concern) Note: Vision and/or hearing concerns
should be screened and resolved prior to continuing the Section 504 process and
documented here.
behavior (observations/areas of concern)
emotional/social (specify and describe)
OTHER (specify and describe)
B. Add any other information you can to help the team better understand your concerns. Also
describe the student’s strengths.
New Mexico Public Education Department: Section 504 Guide—Appendices
1. Of the areas listed below, which have you changed in some way in an attempt to
address the concern? Check the area(s) and describe how you differentiated or provided
an intervention.
 Differentiated Instruction: How core content has been presented to provide a different
avenue for student to acquire content and/or ideas
 Student Products: Changing the assignment or project to adjust to student skill,
readiness, or learning preference
 Physical Environment: Changes to the classroom arrangement and learning
2. Below is a partial list of possible Tier 1 interventions and/or accommodations. Check
any that have been used prior to this point to address the concern. Add other specific
interventions/accommodations that have been tried.
 tiered assignments
 memory drills
 previewing; rephrasing
 anchor activities
 using graphic organizers
 computer-assisted instruction
 posting charts; labeling
 manipulatives for math, other subjects
 learning contract
 study buddy
 giving visual/verbal clues
 reading buddy
 peer tutoring/coaching
 varying level of questioning
 use of alternative materials
 ESL (English as a Second Language)
 cooperative learning
 study buddy
 use of frequent praise
 Title I reading
 use of corrective feedback
 Bilingual Education
 small-group instruction
 guided practice/extra practice
 use of flexible grouping
 reteaching of certain concepts
 acknowledging correct responses
 linking relevance to students’ lives
New Mexico Public Education Department: Section 504 Guide—Appendices
 dividing tasks into smaller portions
 giving opportunities for success
 providing task choices
 giving opportunities for leadership
 incorporating cultural differences
 promoting family involvement
 providing bilingual signs/labels
 building on student’s strengths
 using student interest profile
 tutoring
 academic improvement plan (AIP)
 other
 other
 other
3. How many rounds of universal interventions have been implemented at Tier 1 and
what was their duration in weeks? If none, note why.
Rounds of Interventions
 0
 1
Duration: _________ weeks
 2
Duration: _________ weeks
 3
Duration: _________ weeks
If the student is having academic difficulties, please attach a sample(s) of the student’s
work, standards-based or short-cycle assessment, and/or other progress monitoring data
results reflect your specific concern(s).
 sample(s) attached  N/A
If there is a medical concern, please attach any known relevant information or history.
 information attached  N/A
If there is a behavioral concern, please attach any disciplinary action taken or other
documentation and fill out section E: Teacher Input for Addressing Problem Behaviors.
 documentation attached  teacher input completed (section E)  N/A
New Mexico Public Education Department: Section 504 Guide—Appendices
E. Teacher Input for Addressing Problem Behaviors
(Teacher fills out this section if student is being referred to the SAT for behavioral concerns.
If behavior is not an issue, there is no need to complete this section.
1. Describe the behavior(s) of concern. Use measurable terms. Example: Rather than “Lisa picks
fights,” describe the actions and frequency: “Lisa demonstrates aggressive behavior
toward other children at least 2-3 times a day, often more. She shows her aggression by
such actions as pushing, grabbing materials from others, and by using verbal commands
and name-calling.”
2. When is the behavior most and least likely to occur? Mark each as M (More Likely),
L (Less Likely), or U (Unlikely).
On a particular day or days of the week, such as Fridays?
If so, which?
At a particular time or times of the day, such as lunch or transitions?
If so, when?
During certain types of activities or tasks, such as math or independent work?
If so, when?
When interacting with certain people—individuals or groups?
If so, who?
Under specific environmental conditions, such as in crowds or outdoor recess?
If so, what?
When physically tired, hungry, or sick?
If so, which?
New Mexico Public Education Department: Section 504 Guide—Appendices
3. What do you think the student gains or avoids by demonstrating the behavior?
Get attention?_____What kind? From whom?
Avoid attention?
Get control?
What kind? From whom?
Of what?
Avoid embarrassment?
Get relief?
From what?
Avoid task?
Regarding what?
4. Describe the specific expectations you have for the student that are not being met.
5. How have you conveyed your expectations to the student?
6. Do you think the student can’t (is unable to) or won’t (is unwilling to) demonstrate the
appropriate/desired behavior? Why?
7. What appropriate/acceptable behavior(s) could the student use as a substitute for the behavior
regarded as unacceptable?
8. What have you already tried to change about the situations in which the behavior occurs?
 modified tasks/assignments to align better with student’s skills
 changed the student’s schedule or order of activities
 changed the curriculum for this student
 provided extra assistance
 changed the student’s physical environment (seating, room arrangement, grouping…)
 other
 other
New Mexico Public Education Department: Section 504 Guide—Appendices
9. What techniques have you already tried to help the student meet behavioral expectations?
 posted rules for the whole class
 denied desired items/activities
 immediate feedback
 notes/phone calls to parents
 teacher-student contract
 loss of privileges
 met with parents
 reprimands
 reward system
 warnings about transitions
 ignored the behavior
 decrease task difficulty
 hand or other signals
 detention/suspension
 offered options/choices
 referral to office
 consistency of enforcement
 referral to school counselor
 modified discipline plan
 truancy corrective action plan
 other
 other
NOTE: For in-depth analysis and guidance regarding behavior issues, see the New Mexico
Public Education Department’s publication Addressing Student Behavior: A Guide
for Educators.
New Mexico Public Education Department: Section 504 Guide—Appendices
Invitation to Parents for
Initial Section 504 Meeting
Student _____________________________________________ Date _____________
School _______________________________________________________________
Dear Parent or Guardian:
This letter is to inform you that the Student Assistance Team (SAT)/Section 504 Team
at the school has concerns about your child’s academic and/or behavioral progress.
Prior to this time, the SAT may have developed and implemented academic and/or
behavioral interventions/accommodations with your child. They include the following:
After evaluating the SAT Intervention Plan and/or your child’s current performance, we
believe that additional information is necessary to fully determine your child’s
educational needs and whether he/she might be eligible for accommodations in the
general classroom under Section 504—a federal law that provides accommodations to
identified students. We would like to meet with you to discuss a possible evaluation
under Section 504 in order to ensure that your child is afforded an appropriate
We have scheduled a meeting on ____________________at_____________.
This meeting will be held at ________________________________________.
It would be helpful if you could fill out the attached parent input form and bring it to the
meeting or send it to your child’s teacher if you cannot attend. If you have any
questions, cannot attend, or if this meeting time is not convenient for you, please call
me at ___________________________. We will discuss your questions or arrange a
mutually convenient meeting time. A description of your rights under Section 504 is
School Section 504 Representative
Form B-3
Attachment: Section 504 Parent Rights, Parent Input Form
New Mexico Public Education Department: Section 504 Guide—Appendices
Section 504 Parent Rights Notice
School _________________________________________ Date ___________
The intent of this notice is to keep you fully informed concerning decisions about your
child and to inform you of your rights if you disagree with any of these decisions.
If your child is identified for Section 504 accommodations/services, you have the
right to the following:
1. Have your child take part in and receive benefits from public education programs
without discrimination based on a disability.
2. Receive written notice with respect to identification, evaluation, or placement of your
3. Have your child receive a free appropriate public education. This includes the right to
be educated with other students without disabilities to the maximum extent
4. Have your child educated in facilities and receive services comparable to those
provided to students without disabilities.
5. Have evaluation, educational, and placement decisions made based upon a variety
of information sources and by individuals who know your child, the evaluation data,
and placement options.
6. If eligible, have your child receive accommodations under Section 504 of the
Rehabilitation Act of 1973.
7. Give your child an equal opportunity to participate in nonacademic and
extracurricular activities offered by the school.
8. Examine all relevant records relating to decisions regarding your child’s
identification, evaluation, educational program, and placement.
9. Obtain copies of educational records at a reasonable fee or no cost if the fee would
effectively deny you access to the records.
10. Receive a response from the school to reasonable requests for explanations and
interpretations of your child’s records.
11. Request amendment of your child’s educational records if there is reasonable cause
to believe that they are inaccurate, misleading, or otherwise in violation of the
privacy rights of your child. If the school refuses this request, it shall notify you within
a reasonable time and advise you of the right to a hearing.
12. Request mediation or an impartial due process hearing related to decisions
regarding your child’s identification, evaluation, educational program, or placement.
You and your child may take part in the hearing and have an attorney represent you.
13. File a local grievance or complaint to the Office for Civil Rights in Denver, Colorado.
The office is part of the U.S. Department of Education. The regional office is located
at 1244 Speer Boulevard, Suite 310, Denver, Colorado, 80204-3582. The person at
the school who is responsible for Section 504 compliance is
School Section 504 Representative
Telephone Number
Form B-4
New Mexico Public Education Department: Section 504 Guide—Appendices
Section 504 Meeting
Parent Input
Student Name:
Father’s Name:
Mother’s Name:
Who has legal authority to make educational decisions for this child?
With whom does this student live?
Please answer any questions that you think might be helpful to the 504 Team.
What are some of your child’s strengths?
What does your child do when not in school?
Please describe your child’s behavior at home
What activities does the family do together?
Have any family members had learning problems?
Have there been any important changes within the family during the last 3 years?
Do you feel your child is experiencing problems in school?
When were you first aware of this problem?
What do you think is causing the problem?
Form B-5, page 1 of 2
New Mexico Public Education Department: Section 504 Guide—Appendices
What time does your child go to bed at night?
Does your child usually eat breakfast?
What methods of discipline are used with your child at home?
What is your child’s reaction to discipline?
Has your child mentioned any problems with school? If so, how does he/she feel about
the problem?
Health History
Were there any problems before, during, or immediately after birth?
Please describe any serious illnesses, accidents, or hospitalizations.
Does your child appear to have any physical health problems, including allergies?
Is your child receiving service(s) from another agency?
Is your child currently taking medications? If so, please list.
Are there any known side affects from the medication?
Please tell us anything else that you think would be helpful in planning for your
child’s success at school.
Form B-5, page 2 of 2
New Mexico Public Education Department: Section 504 Guide—Appendices
Section 504
Consent to Evaluate
Student Name __________________________________________________
School _______________________________________Date _____________
Following a discussion with school personnel acquainted with my child, I authorize the
use of school educational diagnosis for my child to determine possible identification for
Section 504 accommodations/services. The school is requesting your consent to
conduct the following evaluation procedures:
Evaluation Procedures
Person Responsible
_____________________________________ ______________________________
_____________________________________ ______________________________
_____________________________________ ______________________________
_____________________________________ ______________________________
_____________________________________ ______________________________
I understand that following the evaluation, I will be given the opportunity to meet with
appropriate school staff to review the evaluation results and plan next steps for my
child’s education.
I give written consent to have my child evaluated.
Parent Name (printed)
Copies: Parents
Student file
Form B-6
New Mexico Public Education Department: Section 504 Guide—Appendices
Notice of Section 504 Meeting
to Review Evaluation Results
Date sent/mailed: _________________________
Student’s name:
Parent’s Name:
Home Phone:
Work Phone:
This letter is to inform you that the Section 504 Team at your child’s school would like to
meet with you to discuss the results of an evaluation under Section 504. Your insights
and contributions will be quite helpful to us in effecting the best decisions possible. If
you have not already done so, please fill out and return the Parent Input Form.
Meeting Date:
Meeting Time:
Please call me at
if you have any questions or need to arrange
an alternative date.
School Section 504 Representative
Copies: Parents
Student file
Attachment: Parent Input Form
Form B-7
New Mexico Public Education Department: Section 504 Guide—Appendices
Section 504 Identification Determination Summary
Student’s name:
Parent’s Name:
Home Phone:
Work Phone:
Student Referred by:
Date of Referral:
Date of Meeting:
The Section 504 Team reviewed and carefully considered the following data that was gathered from the
following sources, including the Referral Document. (Please check all that apply.)
Grade reports
Teacher/Administrator input
Disciplinary records/referrals
Student work portfolio
Standardized Tests/Other Assessments
School Health Information
Medical Evaluations/diagnoses from
Parent input
Based on the evaluation data gathered from a variety of sources, the Section 504 Team
answered the following questions to determine Section 504 identification:
1. Does the student have a physical or mental impairment? If so, please describe the
2. Does the physical or mental impairment affect one or more major life activities? If so, which
major life activity or activities is/are affected?
3. Does the physical or mental impairment substantially limit a major life activity?
4. Does the student need Section 504 accommodations?
If all four questions were answered “Yes,” the student is identified for accommodations under Section 504, and
the Section 504 Accommodation Plan should be developed. If any answer is “No,” the student is not identified.
The Section 504 Team’s analysis of the identification criteria as applied to the evaluation data indicates
The student is not identified for services under Section 504 and will continue to receive general
education and any available regular education resources and programs.
The student is identified under Section 504 and will receive an Accommodation Plan, which governs
the provision of 504 services to the student.
The student remains identified under Section 504 and will receive an updated Accommodation Plan,
which governs the provision of 504 services to the student. (Annual and 3-year evaluations only)
The student is no longer identified for Section 504 and is exited from the program. The student will
now receive general education without Section 504 services.
Form B-8, page 1 of 2
New Mexico Public Education Department: Section 504 Guide—Appendices
Signatures and Printed Names
Person knowledgeable of the child
Person knowledgeable of the
evaluation results
Person knowledgeable of placement
If you disagree with the school team’s decision, please contact the School’s Section 504
Representative and consult the Parents Rights Notice for other options.
Copies: Parent
Student file
Form B-8, page 2 of 2
New Mexico Public Education Department: Section 504 Guide—Appendices
S e c t i o n 5 0 4 A c c o m m o d a t i o n Pl a n
The student has a mental or physical impairment that substantially limits one
or more of his/her major life activities.
The impairment substantially affects the student’s overall performance
at school in
 seeing
 hearing
 concentrating  caring for oneself
 breathing
 walking
 speaking
 communicating
 eating
 learning
 working
 sleeping
 operation of a bodily function
 thinking
 lifting
 helping
 standing
 other
 bending
To be identified for a 504 Accommodation Plan, both answers above must be YES.
Is this student is eligible to receive a 504 Accommodation Plan?
Below describe what evaluation data was used.
Also describe this student’s circumstances and its educational impact in more detail (that is,
document the basis for the 504 Plan):
The case manager for this Section 504 Plan will be:
Title: ________________________________________
Phone: ______________________________________
Date of Meeting & Initial Plan _____________________
Annual Review scheduled for _____________________
New Mexico Public Education Department: Section 504 Guide—Appendices
List each need in order of priority and describe the specific accommodation.
If there are more than two accommodations, reproduce additional copies of this page.
Specific Need
Accommodations that Address the Need
Special Materials or Training Needed—Who, How, and
Who Will Implement the Accommodations?
Criteria for Evaluating Success
Specific Need
Accommodations that Address the Need
Special Materials or Training Needed—Who, How, and
Who Will Implement the Accommodations?
Criteria for Evaluating Success
New Mexico Public Education Department: Section 504 Guide—Appendices
Section 504 Plan Team
, as this student’s parent(s)/guardian(s),
 give
 do not give
permission for my/our child to receive the accommodations described.
Copies: Parent, Student file
Form B-9, Page 3 of 3
New Mexico Public Education Department: Section 504 Guide—Appendices
Notification of Section 504 Evaluation
and Identification Results
(in absence of parent participation)
Date Sent/Mailed:
Student’s Name:
Parent’s Name:
Home Phone:
Work Phone:
This letter is to inform you that the Section 504 Team had a meeting on
__________________. After careful review of relevant evaluation data, the Section 504
Team made the following decisions regarding you child’s placement:
 General education without Section 504 services
 Placement in general education with Section 504 services. A copy of the Section
504 Accommodation Plan is enclosed
Will continue Section 504 services. A copy of the Accommodation Plan is
Exit from Section 504
Referral for a full initial evaluation for consideration for special education
A copy of the Section 504 Identification Determination Summary is enclosed. If you
have any questions concerning this decision, please call me at
School Section 504 Representative
Attachments: Section 504 Identification Determination Summary
Section 504 Accommodations Plan, if applicable
Copies: Parents
Student file
Form B-10
New Mexico Public Education Department: Section 504 Guide—Appendices
Section 504 Plan Review
Case Manager
Purpose of meeting: It is necessary to periodically review the student's progress under
Section 504 services and make recommendations to continue, modify, or terminate the
program(s) (504 plan should be reviewed once each year.)
Discussion of progress
 Continue present services with no changes.
 Modify the present Accommodation Plan (see new plan attached).
 Conduct additional evaluations.
 Exit from Section 504 services based upon the following evaluation
Discussion of recommendations:
The following members of the Section 504 Team participated in this review:
Parent /Guardian
Date: ________
Copies: Parent
Student file
Form B-11
New Mexico Public Education Department: Section 504 Guide—Appendices
Section 504 Grievance Form
Student Name:
Parent Name(s):
1. Summary of Grievance—What is the problem? What are the facts?
2. How can the problem be solved?
3. Who have you spoken to or met with at the school to address this situation?
What was the result of this contact? __________________________________
4. Please describe any corrective action you wish to see taken with regard to
this grievance.
Please attach any additional information or documentation you wish the district to
consider. You also have the right to file a complaint with the regional office of the U. S.
at without going through the district’s
grievance procedures
Signature of Parent
Received by:
Signature of Section 504 Coordinator
Copies: Parent
Student file
District 504 Coordinator file
Form B-12
New Mexico Public Education Department: Section 504 Guide—Appendices