
NOTE: To fill out this form online, please visit:
Worldreader Preliminary Application Form
Thank you for your interest in working with Worldreader! This form is
designed to give us critical information about your organization so that
we can best select from the organizations who have the kind of
infrastructure necessary to implement a successful program. Take your
time to fill it out well and if you have questions, please don't hesitate to
contact us at
In your own words please briefly describe what Worldreader
How did you hear about us?*
Are you a:
 School
 Library
 Technology and Resource Center
 Mix
 Other (please specify): _______________________
Worldreader is a US 501(c)(3) public charity, EIN 27-2092468
Tell us a little bit about yourselves
It's important to note here that while we appreciate and are inspired by
the enthusiasm of individuals, at this stage we have chosen only to work
with established organizations that are already active in the communities
or schools they would like to implement an e-reader program in.
Individuals interested in starting their own e-reader pilot or program
should refer to our website ( and the publicly
available reports available on it.
Name of Organization*
Name and title of primary contact*
Phone number of primary contact
Email of primary contact*
Your website*
Your organization's stated mission*
Worldreader is a US 501(c)(3) public charity, EIN 27-2092468
Primary reason for partnering with Worldreader*
How long have you been active as an organization?*
How many staff do you have in total, approximately?*
(International organizations, please include local and international staff)
What is your organization's annual budget in USD?*
Please list the country (or countries) that you work in
alongside the regions or cities that you focus on*
If you work around the world, just list the countries or regions that are
relevant for this application.
How many schools do you work with in total as an
Worldreader is a US 501(c)(3) public charity, EIN 27-2092468
(For libraries, how many libraries do you have?)
Across these schools, what is your best estimate of the
number of students you impact?*
(Libraries, give the number of patrons you have, on average, in a month)
Worldreader is a US 501(c)(3) public charity, EIN 27-2092468
Tell us about your project
The following questions apply specifically to the school or schools you
intend to launch in. If you're a library or resource centre please answer
the questions below in reference to how many people or children you
currently impact and how many you think will be directly impacted by the
e-reader program.
What is the name of the school or library?
Is the school (or schools) public or private?*
(Libraries select public for government run or publicly funded and private
for privately (donor) funded)
 Private
 Public
 Mixed
 Other (please specify): _______________________________________
How much are the monthly school fees?*
What is the language or languages of instruction?*
(libraries please answer with the language spoken within your community)
Worldreader is a US 501(c)(3) public charity, EIN 27-2092468
Relationship with the school/library. If the applicant is
not the school/library itself, then how is the applicant
related to the school/library? Does the applicant represent
an organization that provides funding and/or services to the
school/library? if so, please describe in detail:
How long have you been involved with the school(s)?
Please describe the other interventions currently in play in
the school(s)
For example: food programs, ICT programs, building programs, etc.
Please list the number of grade levels and number of
classrooms per each grade level*
(For libraries or resource centres, please describe the age group who
frequents your library)
What the average class size?
Worldreader is a US 501(c)(3) public charity, EIN 27-2092468
(Libraries or resource centres can skip this one)
How many teachers are there?*
(Libraries, please provide the number of staff, including librarians)
How would you describe the school(s) current access to
books? What are you hoping to accomplish with the ereaders and how will you know that technology has made a
If possible, please attach one photograph of your
students/school when you return this form.
Worldreader is a US 501(c)(3) public charity, EIN 27-2092468
The E-reader project
Ideally, when would you like to see devices in the hands of
your children? (Please list a date)*
What deployment model would you ideally like to start
Don't worry if you're not sure, we will work with you to find the right
model for your project.
 E-readers in a library
 A set of e-readers in a classroom
 Every student has an e-reader
 Other (please specify): _______________________________________
How do you typically fund your projects? Do you rely on
large private donors or grants? Tell us a little bit about how
you would fund this particular program if you were
We estimate that the start up costs for an e-reader program
come in at around $194-$275 USD per device (this includes
all hardware, 100 books per device, expertise and additional
material). We tend to start working with projects that begin
Worldreader is a US 501(c)(3) public charity, EIN 27-2092468
at 50 devices, which means a starting investment of
around $9,600. Is that figure realistic for you?*
 Yes, we have funds presently available that we could allocate
 Yes, we have some funds but would require additional funding
 No, we would need to apply for grants and external funding
 No, we are not able to self fund this project
 I need more information - can we talk about this?
 Other (please specify): _______________________________________
How many devices would you like to start with?*
Please select a number between 50 and 500. For numbers larger than 500,
please email
Number of devices: __________
If you were not limited by funds, how many devices would
you like to have at your school, library or community
Please select a number between 50 and 500. For numbers larger than 500,
please email
Number of devices: __________
Content/Books for Your Project
Worldreader has an extensive library that we are continually expanding.
However, we strive to work with projects that are comfortable launching
using content from our existing content library. We can work with
publishers to request content and are happy to work with partners to
build the library of material they want over time, but with any request
Worldreader is a US 501(c)(3) public charity, EIN 27-2092468
there is minimum turn around time of around 2 months. Please take a
look at the general list of content we have below and in the following
question indicate the suitability of this content library to fulfill your needs:
1.Ghanaian and Kenyan storybooks, readers and novels across all age
ranges; however our content is presently weighted toward primary
2.Ghanaian textbooks from primary to senior high school. Our
coverage of grades and subjects is thinner in senior high school but
almost complete for lower grades.
3.Kenyan texts for primary.
4.A limited number of texts, storybooks and readers in Twi, Swahili,
Kinyarwanda, Kikuyu, Dhoulo. We are actively expanding our
number of texts in African languages and the number of languages
we have in our library.
5.Western and North American reference material, storybooks and
readers across all age ranges but weighted toward younger grades.
This material is a mix of free content (like the CK 12 library) and
content donated from publishers like Penguin, Random House, etc.
6.Some limited content from Sierra Leone, Nigeria, Uganda and
Zimbabwe that ranges from primary to adult.
To browse our library follow this link:
How does the content library described above meet your
 It's perfect! From what I can tell it has everything we'll need
 Our project could launch and operate successfully with this library but
there's material we'd like to talk to you about acquiring
 It's missing content we think we need to have a successful project, but
we'd be willing to launch with this content
Worldreader is a US 501(c)(3) public charity, EIN 27-2092468
 It's missing so much content I don't think we could launch with
this. Can we talk about this?
 We can't work within this content library
 I need more specific information about the exact books in your library
in order to know if your library is right for my project
 Other (please specify): _______________________________________
Wi-fi, 3G connectivity and Power
It's important to be able to access at least high speed wi-fi periodically as
a partner. 3G is not integral, though it helps.
Is there wi-fi available onsite?*
 Yes, my school or library was wi-fi access
 No, but our head office (or another location we have routine access to)
has wi-fi
 No there is no wi-fi onsite
 Other (please specify): _______________________________________
If you have wi-fi, how fast is it?*
 Dial up
 Slow - Browsing is difficult and I don't even try to watch videos
 Medium - I can browse with ease but I can't watch videos
 Fast - I can watch whatever I want on it, have Skype calls and browse
Worldreader is a US 501(c)(3) public charity, EIN 27-2092468
If you have wi-fi at your head office or an alternate
location, how far away is it from the project site?
 Under ½ an hour away
 Under 1 hour away
 Under 2 hours away
 More than 2 hours away
Do you have 3G coverage?*
 Yes
 No, I don’t think we have cell phone reception
 I’m not sure
 4G, actually
 No, but we have Edge
If yes, do you know if it happens to be Vodafone coverage?
 Yes, it is
 I don’t know
 No, it’s not
Do you have access to power onsite?
 Yes
 Yes, but we don’t have very many outlets
 No
 No, but there is electricity available close by
In general, is there anything else you'd like us to know?
Worldreader is a US 501(c)(3) public charity, EIN 27-2092468