Mount Sinai Hospital RADIATION DOSIMETER APPLICATION FOR X-Ray Workers Send Completed Form To Barry Ivo (t 416-586-4800, ext 4408), Rm. 6-201-7 REVISED: JULY 2, 2008 ROOM NUMBER MARCH 2010 NAME: DATE: DEPARTMENT SITE: ROOM# Applicants working with Nuclear Materials under license by the CNSC must use the application issued by the Radiation Safety Office (Nuclear). As required under the Ministry of Labour Regulation respecting X-ray Safety (the Occupational Health and Safety Act, Regulation 861), this is to inform you of your status as an "x-ray worker" as defined by the Regulation. This infers that as a necessary part of your employment you may be exposed to x-rays, and may receive a dose equivalent in excess of the annual limits set out for the general workforce. The Effective Dose Equivalent (as defined by Regulation 861) is a measure of Occupational Dose. The Hospital has in place engineering controls and procedures in order to ensure that potential and actual whole body Effective Dose Equivalents received by staffs shall be as low as reasonably achievable and, in any case, shall not exceed the annual dose limits as set by the Provincial Regulations. * The Hospital shall provide each x-ray worker with a personal dosimeter on a quarterly basis to monitor the employee's x-ray radiation exposure. X-ray workers under the MOL definition who routinely wear lead aprons will also be issued a second dosimeter. This second dosimeter is normally worn over the thyroid collar, at the neck level. Compliance with the requirements of the x-ray safety program at MSH, which includes the wearing of personal protective equipment and personal dosimeters, is a requirement of Workers under Ontario's Occupational Health and Safety Act and a condition of employment at MSH. *In the case of pregnant x-ray workers, the integrated dose equivalent received by the abdomen (taken as equal to the Chest badge reading) must not exceed 5 mSv for the term of the pregnancy. Current Ontario X-Ray Worker Effective Dose Equivalent Limits: 50 mSv per year. Most UHN/MSH staffs record readings below 5 mSv per year. Manager Ext. Signature Employee's Signature: DATA SECURITY STATEMENT AND REQUIREMENTS FOR MANAGERS: This information in this form is legally required by the National Dose Registry, Health Canada and will be held in strict confidence Security Requirements: FAX MACHINE: The fax machine may print confirmation reports containing an image of the faxed document. Be certain to collect this as well as the original document before leaving the fax machine. MAILED APPLICATIONS: Must be in a sealed envelope marked “Personal and Confidential”. ORIGINAL APPLICATION COPIES: To protect confidentiality, Managers are advised to shred original DOSIMETER Applications after transmission is confirmed. PLEASE COMPLETE THE FOLLOWING INFORMATION (Print in clear block letters) SURNAME FULL GIVEN NAME INITIAL Surname/previous surname(s), Given name (not nickname) - exactly as they appear on your SIN ID card. WORK PHONE NUMBER PAGER CHECK YOUR SIN CAREFULLY. IF IT IS INCORRECT, THE GOVERNMENT MAY PRESUME IDENTITY THEFT BIRTHDATE DD/MM/YY SEX: MALE COUNTRY (or Province) of BIRTH FEMALE SIN OCCUPATION DO YOU WORK WITH FLUOROSCOPY? HAVE YOU WORN A TLD/LUXEL PREVIOUSLY? ARE YOU A VISITOR TO THE HOSPITAL Yes Yes Yes No No No Yes ARE YOU PREGNANT? No If so, where? If so, who is your employer? All Workers must have x-ray safety training before starting work in an x-ray exposed environment. Proof of UHN/MSH x-ray safety training is provided with this Dosimeter application Yes No If NO: The Worker’s Manager must authorize training exemption and indicate how the Worker’s safety issues will be managed Radiation Protection Office Only: ACCOUNT: SERIES: PARTICIPANT#: TYPE: *Persons requiring a Visitor’s badge do not need to provide a SIN. JOBCLASS: P01 P08 ISSUE DATE: U3 DELETE DATE: