CAMBRIDGE ENGLISH FUNDED RESEARCH PROGRAMME ROUND 7 (2016) PROPOSAL FORM Please complete sections A,B,C then submit the form to: by midnight GMT 11 January 2016. Late or incomplete submissions will not be accepted. A: RESEARCH OVERVIEW Name Host institution(s) Current position(s) Lead Researcher(s): Research Assistant(s): Contact Email: (for all correspondence) Contact Telephone: (for all correspondence) Contact Address: (for all correspondence) Research Title: Research Topic: Area: (1-5) Sub-topic: (a-l) B: RESEARCH PROJECT DETAILS Research Summary - max 250 words, state objectives, methodology, outcomes Are any data or materials required from Cambridge English/Admissions Testing Service? YES / NO If yes, specify exactly what data or materials are required below: Type: Quantity: How flexible is this requirement? Research Proposal - max 1500 words, including research questions, research design and method, implications for Cambridge English/Admissions Testing Service and the wider field, references Ethical Guidelines If applicable, obtain approval from your institution’s ethics committee before submitting your proposal and/or provide a link to the ethical guidelines you will follow here and briefly explain how your research will meet these guidelines. Research Timeline Please ensure that your data collection / analysis / report submissions coincide with the published schedule: Date Activity Published Schedule 12 Feb 2016 All applicants notified. Feb-Mar 2016 Finalise research design; sign research agreement and submit invoice 1 (25% of total amount) on signature; commence research Apr 2016 May 2016 June 2016 08 Jul 2016 Interim report due 08 July; submit invoice 2 (50%) on approval of report. Aug 2016 Sept 2016 Oct 2016 Nov 2016 Dec 2016 31 Jan 2017 Final report due 31 January; submit invoice 3 (25%) on approval of report. Project Budget Details Amount requested (GBP) Staff Costs: (include any institutional overheads and number of days per person) Lead Researcher/s: Research Assistant/s: Administrative support: Travel (overseas travel will not be funded) Resources (large items such as PCs or printers will not be funded) TOTAL Who will the monies be paid to? What currency will you be invoicing us in? (GBP preferred) C: RESEARCHER DETAILS (Please complete for each researcher - max 2 pages each) 1. Lead Researcher Full name including title: Relevant experience and qualifications: (include research interests, experience of qualitative/quantitative methodologies, presentations, publications etc.) Will you be undertaking other funded research during 2016? YES / NO If yes, please give details below and copy/paste any further boxes required: Start/finish date: Title: Funding Body: Most recent grant funding (not from Cambridge English/Admissions Testing Service): Please give details below: Start/finish date: Title: Funding Body: Insert 2nd Researcher(s) information below: Lead Researcher Full name including title: Relevant experience and qualifications: (include research interests, experience of qualitative/quantitative methodologies, presentations, publications etc.) Will you be undertaking other funded research during 2016? YES / NO If yes, please give details below and copy/paste any further boxes required: Start/finish date: Title: Funding Body: Most recent grant funding (not from Cambridge English/Admissions Testing Service): Please give details below: Start/finish date: Title: Funding Body: Insert any further Researcher(s) information here (copy/paste boxes as required). Lead Researcher declaration Project title: I confirm that all information in this proposal is correct and that I will agree to abide by the Cambridge English/Admissions Testing Service rules for publication/presentation of the results of this project. Signed: Dated: Please check that you have fully completed and signed this form by hand/with an e-signature and send it to: by midnight GMT 11 January 2016. Keep a copy for your records and check with us if you do not receive an email acknowledgement within 5 working days of submission. Thank you.