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Closing Keynote Overview: “Red Flag Rules of Dispensing”
10:30am – 12:30pm Closing Keynote: “Common Clinical Encounters” – 2 CE
Location: Lecture Theater, Victoria Conference Center, Level One
Presented by Ted Venema, PhD, Click here for Dr. Venema’s Bio
Common Clinical Encounters; Do We Really Know Them? Take a tour through the whole ear,
from outer to middle to inner to the brain. We make about 15 pit stops along the way where
specific issues that many clinicians take for granted and think they know well, but really don’t.
Dr. Venema asks the questions we want to answers to. Remember how 60 Minutes reporter
Andy Rooney would always ask, “Do you ever wonder why…?” Dr. Venema is going to be
asking this question about important topics important directly to hearing healthcare professions.
The idea is to highlight and expose the gems beneath the otherwise boring looking surface. Get
ready for an energetic and knowledge packed presentation bursting with tons of illustrations
and diagrams. This is the perfect way to close the Symposium and send you home excited to
get back to your patients with a re-energized spirit.