US CLIVAR High Latitude Surface Flux Working Group Overall plan (revised as of April): telecon 1: introductions; defining the problem telecon 2: user requirements telecon 3: NWP flux issues telecon 4: producing turbulent fluxes; in situ observation First Telecon Notes (March 14, 2008) Agenda: ● Introductions (and consideration of possible membership gaps) ● Discussion of current challenges with fluxes ● Assessment of working group aims, objectives, and schedule Aims of the working group are to do what we can to obtain better high latitude fluxes. Motivation: Surface fluxes at high latitudes are important for a number of reasons including: ● water mass transformation and meridional overturning circulation in the ocean depend on surface processes ● global heat budgets are controlled by surface fluxes ● wind energy input to the global ocean is dominated by high latitude exchanges ● CO2 exchange is largest at high latitudes in Southern Ocean ● salinity governs the Southern Ocean upper ocean heat balance, so freshwater matters as well as heat ● changing open water regions due to changing ice implies significant changes in air-sea fluxes and in albedo feedbacks Expectations for the working group: ● define current state of fluxes and requirements for future fluxes. Summarize findings in a paper (aimed at BAMS). ● run a workshop intended to entrain a broader segment of the community into this discussion. ● lay the groundwork to push for future field work, reanalysis efforts, data analysis, etc. that might be needed to resolve current flux challenges. note: IPY Arctic reanalysis is being planned. Can we prod the directions for that effort? Working group membership spans a number of interests: Flux users: ● Sarah Gille (SIO). Southern Ocean processes, upper ocean heat budget ● Lynne Talley (SIO). Mode Water and Intermediate Water transformation processes. ● Gudrun Magnusdottir (UC Irvine). large scale dynamics; feedback with ocean and ice ● Kevin Speer (FSU) [at sea for this telecon]. International CLIVAR Southern Ocean working group. Interests in water mass transformation and upper ocean heat budgets. In situ fluxes: ● Will Drennan (RSMAS, U. Miami). Flux measurements from buoys, platforms, towers, ships, including one north of S. Georgia Islands. ● Dave Carlson. (BAS, IPY). Organizer of big projects; Experience with air-sea interface, particularly at low-wind end; big view. Satellite measurements: ● Mark Bourassa (FSU). QuikSCAT scatterometer and gridded products; comparisons with ship observations; flux modeling, SAMOS program. ● Gary Wick (NOAA, Boulder). SeaFlux project, SST and satellite determination of ● turbulent air-sea fluxes; Numerical weather prediction: ● Ross Hoffman (AER). Scatterometer for ocean surface winds and variational analysis methods (including through ECCO GODAE). ice: ● Cecilia Bitz (U. Washington). Sea ice in climate system, climate modeling. Notes no data set characterizes uncertainties. ● Mark Serreze (U. Colorado). Largely satellite reanalysis. Interests in atmosphere and ocean heat budget. Notes that budgets don't close. Modeling/observations of turbulent fluxes: ● Chris Fairall (NOAA, Boulder). Measurements from ships, ice, and towers. Involvement with World Climate Research Program Surface Flux Working Group, SEAFLUX, and Arctic Sea Ice programs. Kevin Speer sent e-mailed comments suggesting 4 issues to consider: 1. Producing a relatively high space-time resolution flux data set for some period of years in the Southern Ocean (open water) is within reach and should be a tangible goal. (Mark Bourassa has done much of work, he says.) Moisture fluxes remain an issue. 2. How do we extend this to Arctic, with decreasing ice cover? Do the same methods work, and does the same satellite coverage apply 3. Flux through sea ice as a function of ice concentration would be useful. Presumably ice thickness is harder to work with. 4. Can we estimate flux in coastal polynyas (following work by Moore, Renfrew). We considered potential areas of importance that might not be covered in working group membership: ● aircraft measurements: covered by Drennan, Fairall ● gas exchange: Fairall, Drennan ● clouds: Fairall (SHEBA used Arctic ice cloud lidar; SEARCH cloud radar) ● radiation: could include satellite cloud radiation retrievals, satellite perspective using new products; surface observational perspective from satellite; low clouds are an issue Sample names suggested: Jennifer Kay, Rachel Pinker, Bill Rossow Discussion of graphics: Mark Bourassa's plots of flux product differences: ● ● ● ● JRA versus ERA-40 show large rms differences NCEP-1 is a big problem; NCEP-2 also has issues topgraphy could be an issuesstorms in NCEP; operational products are better than reanalysis MB noted high resolution in space and time wold be good NWP products: ● SURFA working group on surface fluxes (WCRP), numerical experiments ● have obtained operational weather model fields, archived in real time, 4x daily at ½ degree resolution ● 5-6 operational products all to be archived within a year ● also pointers to archive of buoys and in situ data ● intended as a mechanism for operational centers to improve flux products ● weather centers like to improve operational model (rather than reanalysis) ● more leverage with weather centers if looking at their operational models blended wind (Eta + QuikSCAT) used for some purpose high resolution model can be averaged to coarse resolution realistic errors for satellite data would help How good are fluxes now? What could be done to improve them? Grid resolution issues Applications with ERA-40 storms: everywhere and continuous Spatial and temporal variability? 1 hour and 10 km from point measurements as validation requirement? Validation will be a challenge. ● Closure studies (e.g. heat budget closure) can be best choice ● In situ observations: validate at selective points TAO network: derived fluxes and comparisons Peter Taylor as contact(?) TAO has learned a lot (including wind vane issues; etc.) close to meeting 10 W/m^2 requirement concern that 2/3 of NDBC buoys have broken sensors IPY objective: wind and energy observations for observing system SOOS and SAON (Antarctic and Arctic programs) are in planning on 12 month time scale We should aim to contribute to discussion of what to keep from IPY and what to add Preliminary results will need to be examined ● IPY cruises: some flux oriented; some cloud research ● THORPEX: Barents Sea, tremendous surface flux SEAFLUX papers coming out soon; could leverage off of these papers Should we aim to have workshop first and write article afterwards? Or write article now to combine with IPY? (DC suggested workshop first?) Defer decision to after initial telecons. Homework: Each of us should write a pargraph explaining interests; contribute material for web site The MJO Working Group web site is a good template with lots of science questions and information.Second Telecon Notes (April 21, 2008) On the phone: Legler, Bitz, Gille, Magnusdottir, Speer, Bourassa, Serreze, Wick, Fairall, Carlson, Drennan. (not available: Hoffman, Talley) Agenda: ● Applications ● Accuracy and resolution requirements ● Can applications be used to help validate surface flux estimates? A number of graphics were made available, and we spent time discussing them. list of graphics: Kevin Speer: Fig10.pdf Cecilia Bitz: Bitz_fig4.pdf Mark Bourassa: bourassa.pdf Mark Serreze: fluxes_serreze.pdf (or .ppt) Gudrun Magnusdottir: telecon2.pdf (pp. 1-2) Sarah Gille: telecon2.pdf (pp. 3-) Chris Fairall (slides by Simon deSzoeke, sent after meeting): flux_analysis_slides.ppt comments on Fairall slides (sent after meeting) Ship observations: comparing with Woods Hole flux estimates and Bill Large's estimates good comparisons in equatorial Pacific and Easter Pacific and stratocumulus regions 2 degree resolution versus transects (75-85W, at 20S); N-S transects from 10N to 8S include sensible, latent, IR, cloud properties Gille example: Shenfu Dong plotted trends and differences between flux products. For WHOI flux, some question whether latest flux version was used. can we get realistic satellite winds, diurnal cycle, inertial cycle hard to resolve Kevin Speer: notes need a region of buoyancy gain (or heat gain) mixed layer heat budget 10 W/m^2 compare solid line (box inverse), dotted (NCEP), diamonds (ERA), dashed (COADS), dash-dotted (NOC); assigning errors for fresh-water matters Chris: reanalysis looks pretty poor. better on net; cancelling errors doesn't necessarily help to balance heat and freshwater Large products and Woods Hole probably better than reanalysis STG: CLIMODE has advocated ECMWF values with COARE-3 algorithm.... Serreze example: ERA-40 (1979-2001) ERA-40 + hydrographic data in Arctic, seeking info on seasonality long-term annual mean (net flux mean) essentially zero, as expected broad brush assessment: ERA-40 not bad but interannual variability, trends not present desired resolution: 1 degree lat/lon, monthly in time, 10 W/m^2 broad brush not bad, but “devil is in details” spatial component: Arctic Ocean as a whole OK, but smaller regions .... temporal issue: monthly means average out a lot of sins January flux downward into ocean budget requirement; keep up requirement for horizontal exchanges horizontal flux bigger in July than January changing heat flux implies changes in horizontal requirements SHEBA July 1985: July +100; January -60 JRA reanalysis comparable to ERA-40; take closer look at CERES products Bitz example: heat budget in CCSM2 net flux into ocean panel (a) minus (d) mismatch ocean heat content Bourassa: more humidity in JRA makes difference Serreze: barotropic correction for mass imbalance in atmosphere in reanalysis have to correct for this to use imbalance Kevin Trenberth has pointed out net mass flux into Arctic if correction not made diabatic versus adiabatic rearrangements model output looks better than observations; unclear how to make comparison Bourassa: working with Shawn Smith; can measure all data that go into flux algorithm and do bias correction Serreze: surface flux implies ice thickness changes net fluxes don't have much to balance same ocean information ice thickness change not available point measurements: point versus grid scale latent and sensible heat flux: 10 meters from surface Bourassa: difference in scaling larger than observational error issues Serreze: precipitation: Arctic precip as flux; need 3 or 4 stations within grid scale to make robust measurement strategy: look for grid cell with 20 stations ask how many stations do I need for stable precipitation estimate---3 or 4 apparently requires instrumenting 100 square km to death to get a handle on station issues ice versus no ice: leads show up on satellite images ice concentration measured 25 km resolution to 6 km resolution differences MODIS for clear sky for leads open water versus ice ice concentration data matters: pretty good for passive microwave 250 m resolution: leads can be open water only briefly Magnusdottir example: short time scales: weather scales incluence on ocean over Pacific signature in surface flux at 45N weather noise drives ocean; heat flux positive into atmosphere; transients non-linear; drive changes at surface and influence overturning improving parameterization: need field campaign with global observations better assesssment Bourassa: reanalysis versus operational products surface data base; now compiling surface fluxes SURFA compiling fluxes no documentation: NCDC NOAA Climate Data Center T-PACS? weather prediction airborne measurements, ships, radar; no surface fluxes need improvement in parameterization of flux Bourassa: tower work is problematic; models good; data are poor Fairall: winter conditions; lack of data is a problem rather than flux parameterization Magnusdottir: coupled reanalysis would help; weather patterns can force ocean; are fluxes in reanalysis fluxes can we trust NCEP reanalysis? NCEP-II versus NCEP-I reanalysis fluxes: performance very similar Bourassa example: weather noise transient storms modify multi-year regions in heat examples: sensitivity MM5 simulation: 2 strong systems (labeled LC1 and LC2) high resolution mesoscale model good boundary layer; tracks of ??? surface latent heat flux; sheared; strong sensitivty to latent heat flux perturbation in weather influence over region warm air/cold air influence storm differently small scale noise over SST or gradient huge bias by ignoring terms; small scale, short-term variability asymmetry: long-term mean removed warm sector: is it more stable than cold sector? net cooling effect? cold sector has unstable air? larger area in cold sector MM5 parameterization Fairall: polynomial stability—probably OK (Louis bulk flux parameterization) Magnusdottir (later by e-mail): notes that LC1 is anticyclonically breaking transient, and LC2 is a cyclonic breaking one, so differences between two events are not so surprising. Fairall: STREX field program in 1980s. told fluxes don't matters where to go from here: summaries of telecons to be made available highlight unresolved issues put documents on password protected web site