1 17 Introduction; Atmospheric Evaporativity 17.1 INTRODUCTION Relevance "On a continental scale approximately 75% of the total annual precipitation is returned to the atmosphere by evaporation and transpiration and in many climatic regions the annual evaporative demand exceeds precipitation. For example, throughout a large part of the semi-arid prairie region of central Canada, annual free-surface evaporation is on average about double annual precipitation, 750-1000 mm compared to 350-500 mm, and in many years aveage montly summer evaporation may exceed rainfall by a factor of five or more. In this region and other climatically-similar zones water lost to evaporation and transpiration is a major factor, affecting agricultural production, water resource management, wildlife habitat and the planning and design of hydroelecric power and water supply facilities." (Gray, 1993) Process "Evaporation involves the change in state of a liquid to a vapour. The process occurs when water molecules, which are in constant motion, possess sufficient energy to overcome the surface tension at the liquid surface and escape into the atmosphere. Concurrently, some of the water molecues in the atmosphere, which are also in motion, penetrate the water surface and are retained by the liquid. It is the net exchange of water molecules between liquid and atmosphere per unit area per unit time that establishes the evaporation rate." (Gray, 1993). The rate of evaporation is directly proportional to temperature, wind speed, solar radiation, and inversely proportional to relative humidity and is dependent upon the supply of water to the evaporating surface. The proper quantification of evaporation must thus consider these factors. 17.2 PENMAN'S COMBINATION FORMULA Penman's method is a combination of the aerodynamic and energy budget methods. The original equation was just for evaporation from a free water surface rather than actual evapotranspiration. The equation has been developed further by others to allow for determination of actual evapotranspiration. Penman's equations remove some of the limitations of the previous equations, while maintaining a sound physical basis. All measurements may be made at standard weather stations and only one height is needed (2 m). The method retains considerable accuracy as long as the parameters used are measured and not estimated. The rate evaporation of water from a surface is dependent upon the temperature of the surface, the temperature of the air it is evaporating into and the relative humidity, RH. The evaporation of water is a phase change which requires energy to move from the liquid state into the vapour state. The energy is taken from the surface the water is resting upon (whether it be soil, a plant leaf, or your skin), also from incoming solar radiation, and from the air temperature itself. Overall the effect of water evaporation is a loss of heat from the surface it rests upon (i.e., the cooling effect received when one leaves a swimming pool). The evaporation of 1 kilogram of water would utilize 2.45 MJ of energy at 20°C. This is approximately equilivalent to the amount of solar energy received in one day upon an horizontal surface 0.1 m2. 2 Penmans: Actual Evapotranspiration The following equation is a form of Penman's equation and allows for estimation of water loss from a crop or soil surface in which evaporation is limited by physical properties of the plant or the soil. It enables estimation given the measurement of vapour pressure, wind, and temperature at only one level, usually at 2 m above the ground. Qe = (Qn - Qg ) + [acp (e*a - ea) / rH] + * [17.1] This equation describes the energy used in evapotranspiration (Q e) in terms of environmental parameters (energy budget, vapor density, temperature) and diffusion resistances of both heat (rH ) and vapour (rv) providing the ability for stomatal resistance to control transpiration. The components of the equation are: Qe latent heat flux density (W m-2) slope of saturation vapor density curve at T m = (TL + Ta)/2 and e*m = (e*a + e*L)/2; TL and Ta are leaf and air temperatures; e*a and e*L are the saturation vapor densities at air and leaf temperature. If the leaf temperature is lacking, can be evaluated at Ta with minimal loss of accuracy. = 5311 e*m/(Tm)2 [17.1a] Qg Qn a cp rH * Where e*m is in pascals and Tm is expressed in Kelvin. At 20°C is 144.5 Pa/K soil heat flux density per unit area (W m-2) net radiant flux density per unit area (W m-2) density of air (1.204 kg m-3 at 20°C) specific heat of air (1.01 kJ kg-1 °C-1) the resistance to heat transfer for a flat surface with forced or free convection. Two methods can be used to calculate this; both of which are semi-physically based. The first method considers the interplay of inertial, viscous and buoyant forces in whether heat transfer is via forced or free convection while the other method uses wind and temperature profile measurements which already account for whether convection is free or forced. For conditions of air temperature at 20°C; a surface temperature of 30°C; a wind speed of 5 m/s and a leaf width of 2 cm a value of about 15 s/m for rH can be approximated. apparent psychrometer constant: rv/rH [17.1b] is the thermodynamic psychrometric constant and is an expression of: e*w - ea = cp pa = Ta - Tw 0.622 hv [17.1c] where pa is atmospheric pressure. At 20°C and 101 kPa = 66 Pa °C-1 rv is the resistance to vapor flow from the surface of a leaf that considers the resistance of the epidermis, r vs, (stomate and cuticle) and the boundary layer resistance, rva . For further information refer to Appendix: r v Method. For relatively free transpiration from a leaf in which the stomates are open an rvs of 100 s m-1 is an reasonable approximation. For closed stomate conditions an r vs of 3200 s m-1 can be used. 3 19 AIR AND WATER VAPOUR PRESSURE 19.1 PRINCIPLES Gases are often quantified by their temperature and pressure which can be related to the mass and velocity of its molecules as described by the Kinetic Theory of Gases, which are based upon Newton's Laws of Motion. When a force is applied to a body, its momentum, the product of mass and velocity, changes at a rate proportional to the magnitude of the force. The pressure, p, which a gas exerts on the surface of a liquid or solid is a measure of the rate at which momentum is transferred to the surface from the kinetic motion of the molecules, which strike it and rebound. Gas law: by assuming that the kinetic energy of all the molecules in an enclosed space is constant and assuming a perfect gas the following relationship will hold: V = nRT/p [19.1] where V is volume of the gas (m3) R is 8.314 J mol-1 K-1, called the molar gas constant. T temperature in Kelvin (K); n is number of moles of gas; p is pressure (kPa) of the gas Thus, one mole of gas at STP (standard pressure, 101.3 kPa, and temperature, 273.2 K) is 0.0224 m 3. Example 19.1 Find the volume of one mole of 'air' at STP and at 20°C (293K) Solution: In SI units, p = 101.3 kPa, T = 273.2 K and using [Eq 19.1] V = nRT/p = 1 mol (8.314 J mol-1 K-1) [273.2 K/(1.013 x 105Pa)] V = 0.02242 J/Pa = 0.0224 m3 at 273.2 K V (293.2 K) = 0.0241 m3. Partial pressures Total atmospheric pressure is the sum of the pressure of each individual gas, which is a function of its molar concentration and temperature. This includes water vapour. Total atmospheric pressure may be calculated by summing the partial pressure of each gas: pa = n1RT/V + n2RT/V + n3RT/V [19.2] where pa is total gas pressure; n1, n2, n3 are moles of different individucal gases. If gases listed in Table 19.1 are substituted the standard atmospheric pressure of 101.3 kPa can be calculated. Table 19.1. Composition of dry air (Monteith and Unsworth, 1990) Gas Molecular weight (g) Nitrogen Oxygen Argon CO2 Air 28.01 32.00 38.98 44.01 29.00 Density at STP (kg m-3) 1.250 1.429 1.783 1.977 1.292 Per cent by volume 78.09 20.95 0.93 0.03 100.00 Concentration (kg m-3) 0.975 0.300 0.016 0.001 1.292 4 19.2 ATMOSPHERIC MOISTURE Saturated vapour pressure (e*a) is the highest concentration of water vapor that can exist in equilibrium with a flat, free water surface at a given temperature (Fig. 19.1). If a container of pure water is uncovered in a closed space water will evaporate and the amount of water vapour in the gas phase will increase in concentration until an equilibrium between the number of water molecules in the gas phase being captured by the liquid is equal to the number leaving. An increase in temperature increases the random kinetic energy of the molecules resulting in more molecules escaping the liquid, thus increasing the saturation vapor pressure. Saturated vapour pressure (e*a) may be related to ambient air temperature (Ta) by: For T 0°C (note that really is 237.3) e*a = 611 exp 17.27 Ta Ta + 237.3 , or [19.3] For T < 0°C (note that really is 273.2) e*a = 611 exp 19.59 Ta Ta + 273.2 [19.4] in which e*a is in Pa when T is in °C. Non-saturated vapour pressure (ea, Fig. 19.1) also known as ambient vapour pressure is that which occurs at ambient conditions. Relative Humidity (RH; Fig. 19.1) is the ratio of ambient vapor pressure (ea) to the saturation vapor pressure at the ambient air temperature (e*a). Relative humidity is sometimes multiplied by 100 to express it as a percent rather than as a fraction. ea [19.5] RH = e*a Absolute humidity (AH, v) is the vapour density per cubic meter of air. The density of water vapour per unit volume of air may be expressed as a function of the vapour pressure by the perfect gas law: v = 2.164 ea /(Ta + 273.2) Vapor pressure (ea) is in pascals when vapor density, v, is in g/m3 and Ta is in °C. Specific Humidity (q) is the mass of water vapour per unit mass of moist air (kg/kg). [19.6] 5 Dew Point Temperature (Td, Fig. 19.1) is the temperature at which air with vapour pressure ea when cooled without changing its water content, just saturates: Td = Ta - 273.2 1 - (lnRH)/A [19.7] where Ta is ambient air temperature (K) RH is relative humidity A is 5311/Ta Td is in °C Wet Bulb Temperature (Tw, Fig. 19.1) is a measure of the maximum cooling effect of evaporation, i.e., the temperature drop achieved by adiabatic evaporation of water into unsaturated air. If the air was saturated than no water would be evaporated from the surface of the wet bulb and the temperature would be the same; thus if RH = 1.0 than T = Tw = Td; otherwise T > Tw > Td. Psychrometric 'Constant' () relates the heat capacity of the atmosphere to the energy used in the evaporation of water. The evaporation of water requires heat. Air is cooled by evaporating water into it and at the same time the vapour density of the air increases as the water evaporates. The heat content of the air thus changes by the amount of the temperature drop. This must equal the latent heat of evaporation for the amount of water evaporated into it. This relationship between air heat content and the latent heat of evaporation may be expressed as: Heat lost by air = Heat used in evaporation acp (Ta - Tw) = 0.622 a hv[e*w - ea]/pa [19.8] where hv is the latent heat of vaporizaton for water, 0.622 is the ratio of the molecular weights of water vapour and air, a is the density of air, pa is standard air pressure, cp is its specific heat (1.01 kJ kg-1 °C-1), and e*w is the saturation vapor pressure at Tw. Equation 19.8 can be rearranged to give the psychrometric equation: e*w - ea = cp pa = Ta - Tw 0.622 hv [19.9] with defined as a thermodynamic psychrometric "constant". The value for depends upon temperature and atmospheric pressure and thus cannot be strictly viewed as a constant. At standard atmospheric pressure, 101.3 kPa, = 66 Pa K-1 at 0°C increasing approximately linearly to 67 Pa K-1 at 20°C. Equation 19.9 can be arranged to solve for ea which defines the family of straight diagonal lines in Fig. 19.1: ea = e*w - (Ta - Tw) [19.10] 400 0. 6 -10 300 7000 200 0. 4 -20 0. 2 100 0 0 -10 0.4 -20 30 5000 te m pe ra tu r e( °C ) 0.3 4000 W et bu lb 3000 0.1 10 2000 0.2 20 1000 0 0 10 20 30 Air temperature (°C) 40 50 Fig. 19.1. Temperature-vapour pressure-relative humidity diagram for atmospheric pressure of 101.3 kPa. The inset is for temperatures below )°C. Diagonal lines are for wet bulb temperature and are spaced at 2°C increments. Relative humidity 6000 Vapour pressure (Pa) 0.7 0. 0.5 8000 8 500 0.6 600 40 9000 1. 0 10000 0.8 1.0 0.9 6 7 Example 19.2 Given an air temperature of 30°C and an RH of 0.5 find e*a, ea, Td, and Tw using Fig. 19.1 Solutions: e*a (Saturated vapour pressure) is found from the intersection of 30°C (vertical line) with the RH=1.0 curve and obtaining the pressure from following a horizontal line to the y-axis: e*a (30°C) = 4,250 Pa ea (ambiant vapour pressure) is found from the intersection of 30°C (vertical line) with the RH=0.5 curve and obtaining the pressure from following a horizontal line to the y-axis: ea (30°C, 0.5) = 2100 Pa Td (Dew point temperature) is found from the intersection of 30°C (vertical line) with the RH=0.5 curve, following a line horizontal from this intersection to where it intersects with the RH=1.0 curve and then reading the temperature from the x-axis: Td (30°C, 0.5) = 18°C Tw (Wet bulb temperature) is found from the intersection of 30°C (vertical line) with the RH=0.5 curve, following a diagonal line horizontal from this intersection to where it intersects with the RH=1.0 curve and then reading the temperature from the xaxis: Tw (30°C, 0.5) = 22°C The Psychrometer The psychrometer consists of two thermometers placed in the air side by side. One is an ordinary thermometer and measures the air temperature and is known as the dry bulb. The other is coverd with a thin wet cloth or with a continuous film of water and as such is known as the wet bulb. The drier the air the greater the evaporation and thus the greater the heat loss from the water and the more the depression of temperature of the wet bulb. If the vapour pressure in the air is saturated then the wet and dry bulbs would read the same temperature. From reading both the wet and dry bulbs simultaneously it is possible to calculate the amount of water vapour in the air: ea = e*a - 0.066 pa (Ta - TW) (1 + 0.00115TW) where Ta and TW are in °C. Given that the two bulbs are placed in the same air stream with a wind of at least 3 m s-1, than the wet bulb will achieve maximum depression. The sling psychrometer is twirled by hand about a pivot to achieve this. The temperature difference, Ta - TW, is called the wet bulb depression. (Gray 1991). 8 20 Wind and Aerodynamic Expressions 20.1 INTRODUCTION Wind has numerous important effects within nature: it exerts a force (momentum, ); it transports energy (heat, H); water vapour (E) and other matter (eg. soil, water, pollutants); and it effectively mixes various atmospheric layers. Without wind, also known as convective currents (in both the horizontal and vertical sense), heat from the exchange surface, water vapor from an evaporating surface, or CO2 from a transpiring plant could only be transported away by the slow process of diffusion. To determine the effect of wind upon heat transfer away from exchange surfaces (i.e., soil and plant surfaces that intercept solar radiation) it is necessary to know the wind speed in the vicinity of the organism. This requires knowledge about the behavior of wind near solid surfaces and knowledge of turbulent mixing. Turbulent transfer theory allows the derivation of equations for wind, temperature, vapor density, and CO2 profiles and fluxes, thus enabling further calculations concerning water evaporation and plant transpiration. 20.2 LAMINAR AND TURBULENT FLOW (GRAY, 1991) "When air passes over a natural surface an atmospheric boundary layer develops starting with the formation of a layer of laminar flow at the leading edge followed by the development of transition and turbulent flow zones (Fig. 20.1). In fully-developed turbulent flow the lower atmosphere may be divided into three distinct layers: the laminar layer (nearest to the surface), the turbulent layer and the outer layer of frictional influence. The laminar layer, in which flow is laminar, is only a few millimetres in thickness. In this layer temperature, humidity and wind speed vary almost linearly with height and the transfer of momentum, heat, and water vapor are essentially molecular processes. Conversely, the overlying turbulent layer can be several metres thick depending on the level of turbulence. In this layer, temperature, humidity and wind velocity tend to vary linearly with the logarithm of height, and the transfer of momentum, heat and vapour are turbulent processes, which are analogous to the process of eddy diffusion. Wind has a large random component to it, in both time and space. The description of fluctuations, or eddies, in the atmosphere can approached as if they were molecules in gas; they bounce about with random motion but in the general direction of the mean gradient, here taken as the wind. The fluctuations are responsible for the transport of heat, gas, and moisture within the atmosphere and it is possible to determine the mean movement of numerous fluctuations as with the diffusion process in a gas. 9 Uniform air stream Laminar boundary layer Turbulent boundary layer z height u (z) wind velocity Onset of turbulence Fig. 20.1. Development of laminar and turbulent boundary layers over a smooth flat plate (after Monteith and Unsworth, 1990) 20.3 AERODYNAMIC EXPRESSIONS (CAMPBELL 1977 AND GRAY 1991) Vertical flux of momentum, heat, and water vapour from a surface with a horizontal wind component and that is being heated resulting in convective currents may be represented by the following equations: Flux of momentum (Q, kg s-2 m-1), Q = - K M a du dz [20.1] where KM is the eddy viscosity (m2/s) a is density of air (1.2 kg/m3) u is wind velocity as a function of height (m/s) Heat flux, (QH, J s-1 m-2), QH = - K H a cp dT dz [20.2] (m2/s) where KH is the eddy thermal diffusivity cp is mass heat content of air (1.01 kJ kg-1 °C-1) T is air temperature as a function of height (°C) Vapour flux (Qe, kg s-1 m-2) QE = - K e dv dz [20.3] (m2/s) where Ke is the eddy vapour diffusivity v is density of water vapour in air as a function of height (kg/m3) and the overbars indicate averages taken over a 15-30 minute time interval 10 These above equations are for steady-state flux for turbulent conditions, where the transport coefficients, K, are analogous to molecular diffusion. If flux is assumed to be constant with height then K will proportionally change with height above the surface, with wind speed, surface roughness, and heating at the surface. At steady-state, we assume the flux densities, Q, QH, and Qe, to be independent of height. Transport coefficients (K, are analogous to diffusion coefficients, m2/s) can be used to calculate vertical flux of momentum, heat, and vapour within atmospheric conditions. Although the mechanism for turbulent transport is different than that of molecular transport the approach mathematically is similar. Increases in the K coefficients with z must therefore be balanced by corresponding decreases in gradients in order to maintain the equations as steady-state. The K coefficients may be estimated from knowledge of certain aerodynamic properties and may be assumed to increase linearly with u* and z: KM = ku*(z + zM - d) KH = ku*(z + zH - d) Ke = ku*(z + ze - d) [20.4] [20.5] [20.6] where u* is the friction velocity and has units of m/s and is equivalent to (a)1/2; k is von Karman's constant, generally taken as 0.4; d is the exchange surface; and zM, zH, and ze are roughness parameters for momentum, heat, and water vapor. If Equation 20.4 is substituted into Equation 20.1 and the resulting equation integrated from the height of the exchange surface, d, to some height, (z + zM - d), the resulting equation describes u as a function of height: u = u ln z + zzM - d M k * [20.7] The other profile equations for temperature (Eq 20.11) and water vapor (Eq. 20.12) can similarly be obtained. Exchange surface or zero plane displacement (d, m) can be thought of as the distance from the arbitrarily chosen height, zero, to the average height of heat, vapor, or momentum exchange. This occurs where the distribution of shearing stress over the ground is aerodynamically equivalent to the imposition of the entire stress (it may also be described as a 'centre' of pressure). For a smooth surface, with z measured from the surface, d = 0. For dense vegetation (agricultural crops), d can be estimated from the average crop height, h: d = 0.64h If roughness elements are more sparsely spaced, Equation 20.8 does not hold. [20.8] 11 Momentum roughness parameter (zM, m) is a length characteristic of the form drag at the momentum exchange surface. It is dependent upon shape, height, and spacing of the roughness elements and for uniform surfaces may be estimated by empirical correlations: zM = 0.13 h [20.9] Heat and Vapour roughness parameters (zH, ze, zm) The roughness parameters for the other profile equations can be generally expressed as functions of the momentum roughness parameter. For simplification these can be set as: zH = ze = 0.2 zM [20.10] The above relationship sufficiently describes most vegetated surfaces, but should not be used for very smooth surfaces (ice, water, mud flats, etc.). Table 20.1 displays some roughness values collected from the literature. Table 20.1. Roughness height (summarized from Gray, 1991) Surface Smooth mud flats, ice Large water surfaces (average) Snow on prairie Mown grass, 1.5 cm high Mown grass, 4.5 cm Grass with few scattered bushes Long grass (60-70 cm) Alfalfa (30-40 cm) Wheat stubble (18 cm) 1-2 m high vegetation Pine Forest 5m 27 m Deciduous forest (17 m) Roughness zM (cm) 0.001 0.005 0.01 0.2 2.0 4 6.1 1.3 2.4 20 65 300 270 20.4 AIR TEMPERATURE PROFILES (CAMPBELL, 1977) Solar radiation is intercepted by the soil and the plant canopy where it is transformed into heat. The surface which intercepts solar radiation, whether it be the bare ground or a plant canopy is referred as the exchange surface. The heat is transferred away from the surface by conductance into the soil and be convection into the air layers above. With increasing height and depth the temperatures decrease and approach an overall average (Fig. 20.1). The theory of turbulent transport specifies the shape of the temperature profile over a uniform surface with steady-state conditions. The temperature profile may be described by the following equation: 12 T = To - H ln z + zzH - d * H a cp ku [20.11] where T is the mean air temperature at height z, To is the temperature at the exchange surface (where z = d), d is the zero-plane displacement height, zH is a roughness parameter for heat transfer, H is the sensible heat flux from the surface to the air, a and cp are air density and the specific heat of air (acp = 1200 J m-3 K-1), k is the von Karman constant (0.4), and u* is the friction velocity, a windspeed and surface roughness parameter. This equation is useful for predicting temperatures at the exchange surface or higher up in the atmosphere given several air temperatures at known heights. The log plot of Fig. 13.1 produces a straight line which can be extrapolated to ln zH to determine the mean surface temperature. 2 6 1 5 0 ln (z - d + zH) 7 Height (m) 4 -1 3 -2 2 -3 1 -4 0 zH -5 To 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 Temperature (°C) Fig. 20.1. Typical daytime temperature profile plotted as a function of height (left) and logarithm of height (right). The log plot shows the extrapolation of the measured profile to z-d = zH to determine the surface temperature. 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 Temperature (°C) 33 34 35 26 27 28 Some of the important things that this equation points out about the temperature profile are: 1. Near the surface the temperature profile is logarithmic; 2. Temperature increases with height when H is negative (heat flux toward the surface) and decreases with height when H is positive. During the day, sensible heat flux is generally away from the surface so T decreases with height. 3. The temperature gradient at a particular height increases in magnitude as the magnitude of H increases, and decreases as wind or turbulence increase. 13 20.5 WIND PROFILES The profile equation for wind (Eq. 20.7) is useful for extrapolating or interpolating to find wind speeds at heights where they were not measured (Fig. 20.2). The actual wind profiles are curved near the surface when plotted in conventional linear fashion, but when ln(z + zM - d) is plotted as a function of wind velocity, a straight line results, from which measurements can be extrapolated to other heights. At least two measurements are required, but of course accuracy increases if more measurements are available. 2 4 1 (d rop c ll Ta 0 z M = 0.09 m s( d = 0 m) -1 -2 -3 rop Ta ll c 1 Sh or tg 2 m) ra s ln(z - d +zM) Height (m) 3 .5 =0 ra ss -4 S hort g z M = 0.01 m -5 0 0 2 4 6 Windspeed (m/s) 8 10 12 0 2 4 6 Windspeed (m/s) 8 10 12 Fig. 20.2. Wind profiles as a function of height (left) and as a function of logarithm of height (right) for short grass and tall crop. The dashed lines on the log plot show the extrapolation of the measured wind profile to zero wind speed to determine the momentum roughness parameter (adapted from Campbell, 1977). If the heights at which the wind is measured are greater than the values for zM, then ln(z - d) can be plotted rather than ln(z - d + zM). The plots of the measured points can be extrapolated to u = 0 to give an experimentally determined estimate of zM. For a rough estimate Eqs 20.8 and 20.9 can be used to estimate zM and d, and to construct a profile from a single wind measurement. As an example, assume that the average wind at 2 m height is 3 m/s over a grass surface which has an average height of 20 cm above the soil surface. We would like to know the average wind speed at a height of 1 m where the air temperature recorder is located. Using Equations 20.12 and 20.15 d is calculated as 13 cm and zM = 2.6 cm. Inserting these values along with z = 2.0 m into the ln term of Equation 20.7 we calculate a value for the ln term of 4.29. The mean velocity of wind is known at 2 m (3 m/s) and this value is the u term of Equation 13.7. As the k value is known it is possible to calculate u* at 0.28 m/s. Now all the terms on the right side of the equation are known it is possible to calculate u at a height of 1.0 m which is 2.5 m/s. 14 20.6 MEASUREMENT OF WIND Wind is air in motion; this motion is a vector quantity, a directed magnitude and as thus needs to be properly expressed by two numbers, the direction and speed (Middleton and Spilhaus, 1953). The direction of the wind is universally considered to be the direction from which it is blowing. Wind velocity is a vector, as opposed to a scalar quantity and this is taken as both speed and direction. In Canada and the United States the direction of the wind is normally stated in terms of eight (i.e., N, NE, E, etc.), sixteen (i.e., N, NNE, NE, ENE, E, etc.), or thirtytwo compass points. The speed of the wind in Canada is presently indicated in meters per second or kilometers per hour. Often day wind is expressed as wind run, the distance travelled by air in motion, expressed in terms of kilometres. To obtain average speed, distance travelled by be divided by time. Wind Direction; Vanes The oldest meteorological instrument is the wind vane. Basically, a wind vane is a body mounted unsymmetrically about a vertical axis, on which it is free to turn; the end offering the least resistance to the motion of wind points into the wind. There are many different types of wind vanes, their design being related to sensitivity. Many have a dampening mechanism in built so that they will take an average direction and not switching direction at the slightest turbulence. Wind Speed; Cup anemometers The original cup wheel consisted of four plain hemispherical cups with their diametral planes vertical and arranged radially at equal angles about a vertical axis. Later three cups came to be preferred with a conical design which increases the strength and performance of the anemometer. The size of the anemometers has also decreased increasing the accuracy and response time. The revolutions of the cup wheel are attached to a counting mechanism or an electronic device for indicating instantaneous speed Wind speed; Propeller or windmill anemometers Propellor anemometers are rarely used. To properly operate they must turn into the wind, but this also enables them to be both a speed and direction indicators. Windmill anemometers are not used very much in meteorology any longer; however their design makes them very useful for measurement of low speed air currents in building air ducts. Their design enables a nearly linear relation between the speed of the wind and the angular velocity of the windmill. Wind speed; Thermal anemometers Thermal anemometers make use of the cooling power of moving air upon a heated wire. Hot-wire anemometers are mainly used for duct air flow measurements. 15 22 Radiation Energy Budget 22 SHORT AND LONG WAVE RADIATION 22.1 RADIANT ENERGY BUDGETS Radiant energy flux at the earth's surface is a combination of incoming and outgoing short- and longwave radiation. The net radiation for a surface is the algebraic sum of these streams of energy and can be approximated by equations described in the appendices of this section or measured with field instrumentation. For a flat horizontal surface at ground level, such as a soil surface, the net radiant flux density (Qn, W m-2) is: Qn = Qdrs + Qdfs - r (Qdrs + Qdfs) + Ql - Ql [22.1] Qn = Qsn (1-r) + Ql - Ql [22.2] or where Ql is the outgoing long-wave terrestrial radiation Ql is the incoming long-wave atmospheric radiation; Qdrs is the shortwave direct radiation Qdfs is the shortwave diffuse radiation r is the albedo of the surface. For an horizontal object suspended above the ground surface, such as a leaf, the underside of the leaf must be considered as it will receive reflected short wave radiation from the ground surface and longwave radiation from the ground. As the leaf has two sides it will emit long wave radiation from both sides. The resulting radiant energy balance for a small, flat object suspended horizontally above a surface is: Qn = Qs + rgQs + Qld + Qlu - Qle- Qle - rlQs - rlrgQs [22.3] Qn = Qs(1+ rg)(1 - rl) + Qld + Qlu - Qle- Qle [22.4] or where Qleand Qle is the long-wave emittance for each side of the object Qld and Qlu are the long-wave irradiance flux received at the up- and down-facing surfaces; Qs is the global radiation = Qdrs + Qdfs rg is the albedo of the ground surface below the object; and rl is the albedo of the leaf rl Qs Qdfs Ql Sun Qlu Qle Qdfs Sun Qdrs rQs Qdrs rg Qs Ql Qld Soil Surface Qle rl rg Qs Soil Surface Fig. 22.1. Radiant energy flux exchange for a soil surface and a leaf. 16 22 Radiation Energy Budget Table 22.1. Radiation components at Saskatoon (52°N) and Hawaii (20°N). Radiation component Shortwave Direct (Qdrs) Diffuse (Qdfs) Reflected (Qr) Longwave Terrestrial (Ql) Atmospheric (Ql) Net June, Ta 27°C, Ts 40°C Black soil Crop r = 0.1 r = 0.2 (W m-2) (W m-2) Jan; Ta -20°C, Ts -15°C Black soil Fresh snow r = 0.1 r = 0.85 (W m-2) (W m-2) Hawaii; Jan; Ta 35°C Beach sand, Ts 40°C r = 0.35 (W m-2) 972 103 -107 972 103 -215 184 83 -27 184 83 -227 810 101 -319 -529 393 -529 393 -244 144 -244 144 -529 458 831 724 140 -60 521 Negative numbers represent flux away from the earth's surface while positive is towards from the earth's surface. Latitude of Hawaii is 20°N Ta Air temperature Ts Surface temperature r Albedo REFERENCES USED IN WRITING OF THIS SECTION Campbell, G.S. 1977. An Introduction to Environmental Biophysics. Springer-Verlag, New York. Gray, D.M. 1991. Handbook of Hydrology - 1991; Chapter 6, Evaporation. Division of Hydrology, University of Saskatchewan. Monteith, J.L. and M.H. Unsworth. 1990. Principles of Environmental Physics. Second Edition. Edward Arnold, a division of Hodder & Stoughton. 291 pp. Maidment, D. (ed.) 1993. Handbook of Hydrology. McGraw-Hill, Inc. 22 Radiant Energy Appendices 17 APPENDICES FOR RADIATION ENERGY BALANCE 22A. Basic Terminology Short wave radiation is defined as that recieved from the sun. This radiation approximates that received from a 6000 K blackbody, is defined as the wave lengths of 0 to 4000 nm. The mean radiant flux density outside the earth's atmospher and normal to the solar beam is about 1360 W m-2. The ultra violet range, <400 nm, accounts for 9.0 % of the energy; the visible range, 400 - 700 nm, accounts for 39.8 %; the near infra-red, 700-1500 nm, for 38.8%, and the far infra-red, >1500 nm, accounts for 12.4% of the solar energy. Long wave radiation is that radiation emitted by the earth, as represented by a 288 K blackbody. This radiation has wave lengths between 4 µm and 80 m. The average emittance at the earth's surface is 390 W m-2. Thermal radiation or radiant energy; that type of radiation emitted by a body due to its temperature. If the temperature of an object is above absolute zero (0°K or -273 °C) it radiates energy. The wavelength of the energy emitted is controlled by temperature; thus the sun, a relatively hot object, radiates thermal energy in wavelengths visible to our eyes; however the earth being much cooler radiates thermal energy at much longer wavelengths, within the infra red zone. Radiant energy is transferred by photons, discrete bundles of energy that travel at the speed of light: c = 3 x 108 m/s [22A.1] The amount of radiant energy e for any specific wavelength may be described by an equation due to Planck: e = hc/ [22A.2] where h is Planck's constant (6.63 x 10-34 J s) and is the wavelength. Thus green photons having a wavelength of 0.55 µ would have an energy e = 3.6 x 10-19 J. This is the amount of energy available for photochemical reactions that use green light. For practical purposes the energy in a mole of photons (6.02 x 10 23) is used. A mole of photons is called an Einstein (E). Thus the energy of a mole of photons at the green wavelength is 2.2 x 10 5 J E-1. Black body is a body which absorbs all radiation falling on it. No material is a perfect black body, however some materials approach this over parts of the electromagnetic spectrum. Snow is a very poor absorber of visible radiation, but almost a perfect blackbody in the far infrared. Stephan-Boltzmann law: describes the radiant energy emitted by a unit area of surface of a blackbody radiator. QB = T 4 [22A.3] where QB is the emitted flux density (W m-2), is the Stephan-Boltzmann constant (5.67 x 10-8 W m-2 K-4), and T is the Kelvin temperature. The earth can be considered as approximating a blackbody radiator emitting at 288K. The average emittance of the Earth is therefore 390 W m-2. Using a temperature of 6000K for a blackbody approximating the sun, the energy emitted at the sun's surface is 73 MW m-2. Gray bodies; the energy emitted by nonblackbodies or gray bodies is given by: = T4 [22A.4] where is the emissivity of the surface. For a blackbody = 1. Most natural surfaces have long-wave emissivities between 0.90 and 0.98. The emissivity is a function of wavelength, though it can often be treated as constant and equal to some average value for fairly large wavebands. 18 22 Radiant Energy Appendices Absorptivity: The fraction of incident radiation at a given wavelength that is absorbed by a material. Emissivity: The fraction of blackbody emission at a given wavelength emitted by a surface. Reflectivity: The fraction of incident radiation at a given wavelength reflected by a surface. Transmissivity: The fraction of incident radiation at a given wavelength transmitted by a material. Radiant flux: The amount of radiant energy emitted, transmitted, or received per unit time. Radiant flux density: Radiant flux per unit area (W m-2). Radiant emittance: The radiant flux density emitted by a surface. Watt (W) = 1 J s-1 = 1 kg m2 s-3 Sun; 6000 °K at surface; energy emitted at surface = 72 MW m-2 Top of earth's atmosphere; solar energy received = 1360 W m-2 Scattering and diffuse reflection = 5% Absorption by molecules and dust = 15% Cloud reflection: 30-60% For cloudy sky: Clear Sky Reflection at exchange surface: by full crop canopy = 20 % by bare black soil, moist = 10% Absorption in clouds: 5% - 20% 0-45% reaches exchange surface Correction for sun's angle (dependant upon time of day, season, and latitude) For Saskatoon (52°N), June, at midday this is about = 80% For Saskatoon (52°N), Jan., at midday this is about = 20% Fig. 22A.1 Losses of incoming solar radiation by scattering, reflection, and absorption. Lambert's cosine law: the radiant flux density received at a surface depends upon the orientation of the surface to the radiant beam. Although the radiant flux of the beam itself is constant the amount received by the surface will decrease as the surface is orientated away from the perpendicular to the beam. The beam covers a larger and larger surface. Thus the amount of energy a north facing hill slope receives per unit area is smaller than that received by a slope facing the sun. The variation of flux density with the angle is described quantitatively by Lambert's cosine law: Q = Qo cos [22A.5] where Q is the flux density normal to the beam, Qo is the flux density at the surface, and is the zenith angle (between the light beam and a normal to the surface). The sun's elevation angle () is more convenient to use than the zenith angle . As they are complimentary angles, cos = sin . Bouguer's law: describes the attenuation of the flux density of a beam of radiation as it propagates through a homogeneous medium, such as light penetration in the atmosphere, in crop canopies, in water, and in snow. Q = Qo e-kx where Qo is the unattenuated flux density, x is the distance the beam travels in the medium, and [22A.6] 22 Radiant Energy Appendices 19 k is the extinction coefficient (m-1) for the medium. The law applies only for wavebands narrow enough that k remains relatively constant over the waveband. Plancks law: describes the radiant energy spectrum from a blackbody (Eq. 22A.7). Energy from a radiant source is emitted in a spectrum of differing wavelengths. Photochemical reactions in biological systems, such as photosynthesis, sight, and sunburn respond only to radiant energy in limited wavebands. i B = 2 hc2 / [5 (exp (hc / (k T )) - 1] [22A.7] where i B (W m-3) is the energy flux density per unit wavelength, or spectral emittance k is Boltzmann constant (1.38 x 10-23 J/K) is the wavelength h is Planck's constant (6.63 x 10-34 J s) c is the speed of light (3 x 108 m s-1) Wien's law: describes the relationship between the wavelength of peak emittance (on a wavelength basis) and temperature: m = 2897/T [22A.8] where is in µ and T in Kelvins. Any given spectrum for a specific blackbody temperature as described by Planck's law (Eq. A4.6) has a maximum spectral emittance (m) at some particular wavelength. For a 6000 K source, the sun, this occurs at 0.48 µ and for a 288K source, the earth, this occurs at 10.06 µ. 20 22 Radiant Energy Appendices B. Calculation of short wave radiation at the earth's surface Total shortwave (Qs ); solar radiation upon entering the earth's atmosphere is absorbed, reflected, and transmitted via particles and gases within the atmosphere. That absorbed may be emitted again in the long wavelength range. Thus the total amount of short-wave radiation reaching the earth's surface will be less than that outside the earth's atmosphere: Qs = Qdrs + Qdfs [22B.1] where Qs is total shortwave radiation received on a horizontal plane at the earth's surface, Qdrs is direct short wave recieved on a horizontal plane, and Qdfs is diffuse short wave recieved on a horizontal plane. Direct shortwave (Qdrs ); the amount of direct shortwave reaching the earth's surface is dependent upon the transmissivity of the atmosphere, the distance travelled in the atmosphere and the incident flux density. The atmosphere absorbs and redirects. The following expression simply combines these factors: Qdrs = am QA sin where QA a m sin [22B.2] is the flux density normal to the solar beam just outside the earth's atmosphere (1360 W m-2) is an atmospheric transmission coefficient, is the optical airmass number, the ratio of slant-path elevation length through the atmosphere to zenith path length, and uses the sun's elevation angle from the horizon () to convert from radiance perpendicular to the solar beam. The sun's elevation angle can be determined from: sin = sin sin + cos cos cos [15(t - to )] [22B.3] where all angles are in degrees. is the latitude, is the solar declination corresponding to the time of observation (Table 22B.1), t is time of day in hours, and to is the time of solar noon. Table 22B.1 Solar declination angles (in degrees) on the first day of each month Jan Feb Mar -23.1 -17.3 -8.0 Apr May June +4.1 +14.8 +21.9 July Aug Sept +23.2 +18.3 +8.6 Oct Nov Dec -2.8 -14.1 -21.6 The optical air mass number, m, for elevation angles greater than 10 degrees may be representated by: m = (pa/po )/ sin [22B.4] The ratio pa/po is atmospheric pressure at the observation site divided by sea level atmospheric pressure. The transmission coefficient (a ) varies around 0.9 for a very clear atmosphere, to around 0.6 for a hazy or smoggy atmosphere. A typical value for clear days would be around 0.84. 21 22 Radiant Energy Appendices Diffuse sky irradiance (Qdfs ) may be estimated by using half the difference between the irradiance on an horizontal surface below and above the atmosphere. Thus, Qdfs = 0.5 QA (1 - am ) sin When clouds obscure the sun,Qs = Qdfs, since there is no direct radiation component. [22B.5] The net solar radiation exchanged at the surface accounts for the solar radiation reflected: Qsn = Qdrs + Qdfs - r(Qdrs + Qdfs) = Qs (1-r) [22B.6] where Qsn is net solar radiation exchanged at a horizontal surface, and r is the surface reflectivitly coefficient or albedo. Ordinarily only the total incoming flux Qs (global radiation) is measured. An albedo of 0 is equivalent to a black body that absorbs all short wave and reflects nothing in the short wave. An albedo of 1 is for an object that reflects all incoming short wave. Table 22B.2 Typical short-wave reflectivity (albedo) of soils and vegetation. Surface albedo Open water Swamp forest Coniferous forest Deciduous woodland Lawn grass, dry Lawn grass, wet Spring wheat Winter wheat Winter rye Cotton Lettuce 0.05 0.16 0.16 0.18 0.21 0.35 0.10 - 0.25 0.16 - 0.23 0.18 - 0.23 0.21 0.18 Surface albedo black soil, moist black soil, dry grey soil, moist grey soil, dry sand, moist fine sand, dry fine snow, wet, greyish snow, wet, coarse snow, dry, clean 0.08 0.14 0.11 0.27 0.24 0.37 0.46 0.61 0.88 Potatoes 0.19 Note these values are for high elevation angles of the sun and should be used with caution if the sun is below 30°. 22 22 Radiant Energy Appendices C. CALCULATION OF LONG-WAVE RADIATION RECEIVED AT THE EARTH'S SURFACE Longwave radiation includes both incoming atmospheric or counter radiation (Ql) emitted continuously by atmospheric gases (primarily water vapor and CO2), aerosols, and clouds, and outgoing terrestrial or thermal radiation (Ql) emitted by surface elements. In accordance with Stefan's law, the emitted flux densities are: Ql= a Ta 4 [22C.1] Ql = s Ts 4 [22C.2] and where a and s are atmospheric and surface emissivity coefficients, the Stefan-Boltzmann constant, and Ta and Ts the temperature in of the air and the surface in Kelvins. Clear sky emissivity may be calculated as a function of vapor density at 1-2 m height: a = 0.58 va1/7 [22C.3] or of temperature (above freezing in °C) at 1-2 m height a = 0.72 + 0.005 T a [22C.4] Clouds have an emissivity of 1.0, so when clouds are present, atmospheric emissivity is higher than for a clear sky. The atmospheric emittance on cloudy days can be estimated by adding the energy emitted by the clear sky portions of the sky to the energy emitted by the clouds. The atmospheric emissivity for cloudy days is therefore: ac = a + C (1 - a - 4 dT/Ta) [22C.5] with a given by equation [C.4], C the fraction of the sky covered by clouds, and dT the difference between T a and cloud base temperature. Typically dT is around 2°K. Equation [C.5] predicts ac = a when C = 0, and ac = 1-4 dT/Ta when C = 1. Estimates of ac are relatively insensitive to errors in estimating C and dT since the range of ac is relatively small. Estimates accurate to at least ±10% should be possible with very crude estimates of C and dT. 23 22 Radiant Energy Appendices Laminar wind direction Transition Fully Turbulent outer layer turbulent layer laminar sublayer leading edge Fig. 14.1. Schematic of development of flow regimes over an infinite plane (after Gray, 1991) 21 Resistance to heat and mass transport 21.1 DIFFUSION AND RESISTANCE Fick's first law of diffusion: The flux (E, kg m-2 s-1) of a component i by diffusion in the direction z is proportional to the gradient of concentration in that direction (dCi/dz, kg m-3 m-1), where the proportionality factor is the diffusion coefficient (Di, m2 s-1): Eiz = - Di dCi = - m2 s-1 dz kg m-3 kg m = - m2 s [21.1] The flux of material can be expressed in terms of the resistance to transport within the medium. Resistance is the ratio of the flow path length to the diffusion coefficient (dz/Di). If flux is expressed in terms of volume or mass or heat flowing through a unit area per unit time, then the resistance takes on units of s/m or rate of transfer of entity = potential difference/resistance i Eiz = dCi = dC ri dz Di [21.2] where Eiz is the flux of material 'i' in the z direction dCi is the change in concentration of material 'i' as measured over the distance dz Di is the diffusion coeficient (m2/s) of material 'i'; and ri is the resistance of material 'i' (s/m). Diffusion resistances for the transport of momentum, heat, water vapour and CO2 in the atmosphere are commonly employed; 22 Radiant Energy Appendices 24 rM resistance for momentum transfer at the surface of a body rH resistance for convective heat transfer rv resistance for water vapour transfer rc resistance for CO2 transfer Example: The rate of water loss from your skin just after you get out of a swimming pool? Tskin = 33°C, Ta = 30°C, RH = 0.20, Dv (30)=25.7 m2/s x 10-6, dz= 2.5 mm Ev = - dpv (dz/Di)-1 assume that at the skin surface RH = 1, therefore e*a(33°C) = 5032 Pa ea(30°C) = e*a(30°C) x RH = 4245 Pa x 0.20 = 849 Pa rv = dz/Dv = 0.0025 m (25.7 x 10-6 m2/s)-1 = 97 s/m Ev = (5032 - 849 Pa) (97 s/m)-1 = 43 Pa of vapour s-1 m-2 which when converted to amount of water evaporated this is 0.3 g (m2 s)-1 21.2 DETERMINATION OF RESISTANCE TO HEAT TRANSFER Convection is basically the transfer of heat and mass by moving air. Although this may involve turbulent transfer, as opposed to laminar transfer, the mathematical function describing flux densities is analogous to diffusion. The expression describing the transfer process of heat and mass in air, must however consider whether convection is forced or free; the degree of turbulence and the shape of the object within the air stream. Forced convection refers to the condition in which the medium (air or liquid) is moved past a surface by some external force (i.e. wind). The rate of transfer at right angles to the airstream is dependent upon the wind speed and surface roughness. The vertical velocity increases with distance away from the exchange surface to a constant value. Free convection refers to the ascent of air above an hot object (when placed in cooler air) or the descent of air above a cold object. Free convection occurs due to density gradients in the air or liquid as it is heated or cooled by the exchange surface. These density gradients cause the air mass to mix. With free convection the vertical velocity of the air mass increases with distance away from the exchange surface, but at a certain distance it reaches a maximum and then begins to decrease until it is eventually zero. Due to the different velocity profiles between forced and free the resistance to heat transfer and thus vapour transfer will vary according to whether convection is forced or free. To determine whether forced or free convection is occurring the inertial, viscous, and buoyant forces must be considered. This can be done by using dimensionless groups of transport processes. Two such groups, the Reynolds number and the Grashof number, are routinely used for engineering problems. 25 22 Radiant Energy Appendices Reynolds number (Re ) provides an indication of whether flow is laminar or turbulent. At low Re, viscous forces predominate, and the flow is laminar. At high Re, inertial forces predominate and flow becomes turbulent: Re = u d v -1 u v d [21.3] is velocity of the fluid or gas (m s-1); is kinematic viscosity of air = 151 x 10-7 m2 s-1 is characteristic dimension (dia of cylinders and spheres, length of plates). For leafs this is usually taken as the average width Grashof number (Gr ) provides an indication of the effect of a buoyant force (an air mass rising due to heating) upon the effects of whether flow is laminar or turbulent: Gr = a g d 3(Ts - Ta) v-2 a g d Ts Ta is coefficient of thermal expansion of air = 1/273 is gravitational acceleration = 9.8 m s-2 is characteristic dimension is surface temperature (°C) is air temperature (°C) [21.4] 26 22 Radiant Energy Appendices To determine whether forced or free convection is dominant in atmospheric processes the Grashof - Reynolds ratio is used: Gr/Re2 [21.5] If this ratio is much below one, forced convection dominates. When the ratio is near one both free and forced convection must be considered. To determine the resistance coefficient for heat transfer (rH) from the boundary layer may be determined by two different methods. The first method utilizes non-dimensional numbers to determine whether convection is forced or free and the second method utilizes aerodynamic measurements and equations. 1. Non-dimensional method for determination of rH. First determine whether convection is dominantly forced or free than use one of the following equations. Forced convection the resistance to heat transfer for a flat surface is: 1.5 d rH = 1/2 DH Re (v/DH) 1/3 [21.6] DH is the diffusion of sensible heat in air = 2.15 x 10-5 m2 s-1 (at 20°C) and for general conditions (air at 20°C and 100 kPa) this equation can be reduced to: rH = 307 (d/u )1/2 [21.6b] where d is in m and u is in m/s Free convection the resistance to heat transfer for a flat surface is: d rH = 0.54DH Gr (v/DH) 1/4 [21.7] and for general conditions (air at 20°C and 100 kPa) this equation is: rH = 840 d Ts - Ta 1/4 [21.7b] where temperature is in °C. 2. Determination of rH by aerodynamic measurements The boundary layer resistance of a surface can be described by: ln z - dz + zH ln z - dz + zM H M rH = k2 u [21.8] 27 22 Radiant Energy Appendices 21.3 DETERMINATION OF RESISTANCE TO VAPOUR TRANSFER The resistance of vapour flow from a leaf surface (rv) must consider two resistances that of vapour transport throught the leaf epidermis, rvs, (stomate and cuticle) and the boundary layer resistance, rva . For a leaf with equal resistances on both sides: rv= (rvs + rva )/2 [21.9] rva may be approximated by a resistance equation for diffusion of water vapour in laminar flow from a flat plate: rva = 1.5 d Dva Re 1/2 v/Dva 1/3 [21.10] Dva is the diffusion of water vapour in air = 2.42 x 10 -5 m2 s-1 at 20°C at 20°C and 100 kPa this equation may be reduced to: rva = 283 (d/u )1/2 [21.10b] rvs varies according to a combination of factors; the intensity of radiation, the air temperature, and the moisture potential of the leaf. Optimum conditions for maximum exchange between the leaf and the atmosphere is when the stomates are open the widest and thus the resistance is the least. Given there is no other limiting conditions least resistance (rvs of about 200 s m-1) occurs at air temperatures of 27°C, received short-wave irradiance of between 200 and 400 W m-2. When temperatures or plant water status become limiting the stomates close and the rvs will increase to beyond 3200 s m-1. The stomate resistance will generally vary between these two values depending upon environmental conditions. 23. Penman's Revisited BIORE212 28 23 Penman's Revisited Penmans: Potential Evapo-transpiration Equation [23.1] describes transpiration in terms of environmental parameters (energy budget, vapor pressure, and temperature) and diffusion resistances of both heat (rH ) and vapour (rv) providing the ability for stomatal resistance to control transpiration. Given a well watered dense crop surface or wet soil surface the heat exchange and vapour exchange surfaces are the same and the vapor resistance becomes neglible when compared to boundary resistance so, rH = rv. Converting vapour pressures to vapour densities using Eq [19.6] (g/m3), using the aerodynamic rH method to express rH and setting rH = rv; Equation [21.8] can be given as: (Qn - Qg)] + [ f(u) ( *va - va)] Qep = + ƒ(u ) = [23.1] the wind function which is ƒ(u ) = hv/rH [23.1a] and thus has units of J m g-1 s-1. If the equation is used for daily evapotranspiration, Qg may be set to zero and ƒ(u) can be taken as: ƒ(u) = 0.458(1 + u ) [23.1b] where u is the daily average windspeed in m/s as measured at 2 m above the ground surface (z) and resulting units are MJ m g-1 d-1 if Qn and Qg are in MJ m-2 d-1. Further simplifications of Penmans Equations 212/man/M22evap.doc 23. Penman's Revisited BIORE212 29 The data requirements for Penman's combination formulaes for potential evaporation can still be relatively extreme. Further simplification is possible if we assume that Qep depends primarily on energy supply to the evaporating surface and thus vapour gradients and wind effects are neglible: Qep = ∆ Qn / (∆ + ) [23.2] Further simplification has been done by setting Qn proportional to total incoming short wave radiation Qs and the air temperature Ta (°C) : Qep = 0.025 °C-1 Qs (Ta + 3°C) 212/man/M22evap.doc [23.3] 23. Penman's Revisited BIORE212 30 24 Other Evapotranspiration Methods 24.1 PHYSICAL BASED METHODS Aerodynamic-Profile Method In the profile methods the turbulent transport equations (20.1, 20.2, 20.3) are used to estimate the flux density of water vapor (E ) and heat (H ) from an exchange surface. These methods require that the vapour density, temperature, and wind speed be measured at two heights and that the eddy transfer coefficients, KH and Ke be estimated. The eddy transfer coefficients vary greatly with any daily fluctuations in windspeed and thus often result in poor estimations. The eddy transfer coefficients can be simplified and replaced by an approximation (Eq. 24.1a) and the energy transfer due to evaporation of water can then be calculated: Qe = - hv a 0.622 Ke ez1 -- ez2 pa 1 2 [24.1] where Qe is the energy involved in evaporating water (J s-1 m-2), and u 2 - u 1 z2 - z1 [24.1a] ln zz 2 2 1 The amount of heat transfer to the atmosphere (QH) can also be estimated with equation [20.2] and assuming that KH = Ke. Ke = k2 The Energy Budget (Monteith and Unsworth, 1990; Gray, 1991) The amount of energy transfer due to evaporation of water can also be estimated by using an energy budgeting technique (kJ s-1 m-2) for a crop, soil, or water surface: Qe = Qn - Qh - Qg [24.2] Qe = turbulent flux of latent energy. This term may be calculated by difference or may be calculated using resistance or aerodynamic equations. Qn = net radiation (net shortwave and net longwave). Qh = is the sensible heat loss which is the energy flux that goes into heating the air and depends upon turbulent transfer and can be estimated by resistance or aerodynamic equations. Qg = is the rate at which energy utilized in heating the soil or water . A reasonable daytime approximation for crops is : Qg = 0.1 Qn 212/man/M22evap.doc 23. Penman's Revisited BIORE212 31 For soils Qg can be relatively large at any one time during the day, but net storage over a 24 hr period is neglible as nighttime loss of soil heat negates that gained during the day. For daily averages, Qg can be taken as zero. More accurate forms of this equation considers advection energy and energy storage in the control volume. As both the Qh and Qe terms are affected by turbulent transfer and their resistance terms may be related then a ratio of these ( the Bowen ratio ) can be used to simplify calculations = Qh a cp (T1 - T2 ) rv = rH Qe (v1 - v2 ) [24.3] Qh and Qe may be estimated by resistance or aerodynamic methods. Measurements of temperature and vapour density are needed at two heights along with estimates of vapour and heat transfer resistances (rv and rH) between these two heights. Using the Bowen ratio to substitute for Qh in Equation [24.2] , the rate of energy utilization by evapotranspiration may be estimated: Qe = (Qn - Qg ) / (1 + ) [24.4] For the atmosphere just above the surface the assumption that rv = rH provides reasonable accuracy and removes the need for obtaining values for these terms as they cancel out: Data for this method must be collected over short periods of time, thus making data collection difficult. Bowen's ratio is especially difficult to estimate and can contribute the largest amount of error to the estimate of LE. The value of has little influence on LE provided -0.1 < <0.1, which is normally the case for humid conditions when water is not limiting and most of Qn goes into Qe rather than Qh. 212/man/M22evap.doc 23. Penman's Revisited BIORE212 32 24.2 EMPIRICAL METHODS Thornthwaite (Gray 1970) Thornthwaite (1948) and Thornthwaite and Mather (1954) developed a complicated expression for Etp (potential evapotranspiration) in terms of mean air temperature: Etp = 16.2 df 10Ta I where Etp a [24.5] is the potential evapotranspiration for a 30-day month (mm) df is the daylight factor (the possible number of hours of bright sunshine for the month divided by 360). This is a function of latitude and solar declination (time of the year) Table 16B.1. Ta is the mean monthly air temperature (°C) I is a heat index, which is the sum of all the months (n) with mean monthly temperature above 0°C: n I= • m=1 Tm 5 1.51 [24.5a] and the exponent a is a cubic function of I, expressed as: a = 6.75 x 10-9I 3 - 7.71 x 10-6I 2 + 1.179 x 10-2I + 0.492 [24.5b] The procedure for calculation of monthly Etp is to: 1. Calculate I for all the months in which the mean monthly temperature is above 0°C (Equation 24.5a); for the Canadian Prairies this can be considered to be April through October; 2. Use Equation 24.5b to obtain a ; 3. Use Equation 24.5 with the monthly air temperature and the appropriate daylength factor to obtain Etp . For Saskatoon (Latitude 52 °N) the daylight factors, df, are; April 1.17, May 1.33, June 1.36, July 1.37, Aug 1.25, Sept 1.06, and Oct 0.88. The dominant parameters are temperature and length of day. Used together they account for the balance of radiation exchanges, air movement, humidity and other meteorological parameters that affect evaporation. The formulae developed by Thornthwaite are based upon catchment-area data and controlled experiments. The above equation is deceptively simple as the monthly indices have to be adjusted for the length of day which is dependent upon the latitude. The equation is meant only for monthly estimates and although the values will be of the right order of magnitude they are only approximate. 212/man/M22evap.doc 23. Penman's Revisited BIORE212 33 Blaney and Criddle (1950) This formula uses temperature, relative humidity and length of daytime hours. Based upon measurements in New Mexico and Texas they found that the monthly evapotranspiration (mm) from a growing crop was: Et = 25.4 (1.8Ta + 32) k d (1.14-hr ) where k [24.6] is a crop constant (Gray, 1991) small grains, 3 months, 0.75 alfalfa, frost-free months, 0.85 corn, 4 months, 0.75 beans, 3 months, 0.65 potatoes, 3 months, 0.70 Tam is the mean monthly air temperature (°C) d is the monthly ratio of daytime hours within the month of concern divided by the total in the year; hr is the mean monthly relative humidity (ratio). For Saskatoon (52°N) the monthly ratios of annual daytime hours (d) are; April 0.0929, May 0.1085, June 0.1113, July 0.1120, Aug 0.1012, Sept 0.0849, and Oct 0.0739. The formula gives in the simplest possible form recognition of two factors already mentioned, namely that if the heat budget is shared in fixed proportions between evaporation and heating of the air then air temperature will be a useful parameter for correlation. For normal crops the transpiration is limited by day length (Penman 1963). This method tends to provide a more reliable estimate of seasonal evapotranspiration than the Thornthwaite method for arid regions (Gray 1970). Example: What is the daily potential evaporation given the following daily measurements: Ta = 25°C, Ts = 20°C, RH = 0.30, u = 3 m/s, Qn = 20 MJ m-2 d-1, Qg =0 From Eqs 13.3 and 13.5; e*a = 3169 Pa and ea = 950 Pa From Eq 13.6; *a = 23.0 g/m3 and a = 6.9 g/m3 212/man/M22evap.doc 23. Penman's Revisited BIORE212 34 Baier and Robertson (1965) This technique estimates daily latent evaporation from simple meteorological observations and astronomical data all simply obtained. The technique was developed from climatological records taken at agricultural research stations at Ottawa, Normandin, Swift Current, Lacombe, Beaverlodge, and Fort Simpson during a 5 year period. The method is a multiple regression analysis using 3 to 6 variables. Some of the mutliple regression equations with their regressions coefficients (r) are presented below: Etb = (0.933Tr + 0.928Tm + 0.0486QAo - 87.03)/44.2 r = 0.68 [24.7a] Etb = (1.09Tr - 0.0228Tm + 0.0506QAo + 2.99pd - 42.28)/44.2 r = 0.76 [24.7b] r = 0.81 [24.7c] r = 0.84 [24.7d] Etb = (1.04Tr + 0.35Tm + 0.0403QAo + 2.31pd + 0.101u - 69.30)/44.2 Etb = (0.531Tr + 0.337Tm + 0.0107QAo + 0.0512Qs + 1.77pd + 0.0977u - 53.39)/44.2 where Etb is the daily evapotranspiration from a Bellani plate (cm/d); Tr is the difference in °F between daily maximum and daily minimum temperature Tm is the maximum daily air temperature (1.2 m above ground); is the daily solar radiation received just outside the earth's atmosphere on a plane horizontal to the earth's surface (cal cm-2 d-1). Qs is the daily solar radiation (direct plus diffuse) received at the earth's surface (cal -2 -1 cm d ). pd is the vapor pressure deficit (p'v - pva) as determined from the saturated vapor pressure deficit measured from the mean daily temperature minus actual vapor pressure (mb); u is the daily windspeed (miles per hour). QAo The potential evaporation is from a black Bellani plate atmometer. Although it is possible to obtain an estimate using only three variables (Eq. 16.3.1) the accuracy improves with a greater number of variables. The reliability of the estimates are further improved if daily values of estimated evaporation are accumulated for periods longer than 2 weeks. 24.3 Instrumental Methods The direct measurement of evaporation using the depletion rate of a free water body exposed to atmospheric conditions is routinely made, however the interpretation of the data must always be in consideration of the method used. The size of the surface exposed, the type of terrain surrounding the instrument, and shading of the instrument are but a few of the variables that will affect the evaporation rate. For these reasons any instrumentation used must be made with identical instrumentation and in identical surroundings to those used at other meteorological stations so as to insure that comparisons can be made. These instruments are 212/man/M22evap.doc BIORE212 23. Penman's Revisited 35 termed relative as the measurements made are done so in comparison to the atmospheric evaporativity. Units of expression are similar to that used in precipitation; mm. There are four main classes of relative evaporation gauges: (1) large evaporation tanks sunk into the ground or floating on protected waters; (2) small evaporation pans; (3) porous porcelain bodies; (4) wet paper surfaces. Each has its advantages and disadvantages. a) Large evaporation tanks (Gray 1970) Large evaporation tanks are used routinely at major meteorological stations throughout Canada and the U.S. The most commonly used one is the U.S. Weather Bureau Class A pan. This pan is 4 feet (1.2 m) in diameter and 10 in (0.25 m) deep. It is constructed of galvanized steel and water is maintained 5-7 cm from the top. It is set upon timbers so that the bottom is about 15 cm above the surface thus eliminating difficulties caused by drifting soil and snow. Earth is embanked up over the timbers leaving approximately a 2-3 cm air gap to permit air circulation under the pan. Wind, temperature, and rain measurements should be taken from the same local. Water level is maintained at a constant level by daily additions of water to the pan. The evaporation rate is thus determined by the amount of water added. The results from these tanks are only of value when compared with other similar tanks and are not representative of the true evaporation rate from soil or lake surfaces. For accurate comparisons between met stations and for proper use of correction coefficients if the data is to be applied to water bodies the pans are generally kept within cut grassed areas of certain dimensions. b) Small evaporation pans Most recording atmometers use small evaporation pans (usually 15 to 30 cm in diameter) which measure the variation of the weight or level of water with time. A simple cylindrical pan with a pointed wire soldered to the bottom (for determination of constant water level) is most commonly used. The amount of water necessary to bring the water level back to the point of the wire is daily added. If a large number of these are to be used for any one project care must be taken concerning color, size, height installed above ground. c) Porous porcelain bodies Porous porcelain spheres, cylinders, or plates have been used by various workers since 1813. The porous material and the shape is meant to represent soil or plant conditions. The one most commonly used is the Bellani plate which is a thin black plate 7.5 cm in diameter. The Bellani plate is attached to a reservoir of water that is filled with distilled water. It is considered to be more sensitive to wind than the Class A evaporation pan. Bellani plate readings are commonly presented in cm3 of water and to be converted to cm they must be divided by the plate area (44.2 cm2). d) Wet paper or cloth-wick surfaces This type is represented by the Piché atmometer, which consists of a graduated tube closed at the upper end while the bottom end, ground flat, is placed upon a circular piece of filter paper. 212/man/M22evap.doc 23. Penman's Revisited BIORE212 36 The vessel is filled with distilled water and the filter paper exposed to the atmosphere. The results are very sensitive to wind speed. A modern variation of this utilizes a wick to transfer the water to the filter paper. The amount of evaporation is sensed by a float and recorded on the chart by a pen-writing system. Comparisons of Atmometer methods (Gray 1970) In comparison of the relative importance of three major factors in evaporation; net radiation, humidity, and wind, researchers have found that the ratio of components for the Class A pan was 80:6:14, while that for the Bellani Plate was 41:7:52. To convert atmometer readings to crop or lake evapotranspiration heights (cm) the following conversion coefficients are generally applicable for Western Canada: crops 0.0226 x Bellani reading (cm3) lakes Evaporation by soil water balance measurements 0.67 x Class A pan (cm) 0.70 x Class A pan (cm) Determination of the amount of soil water lost due to evapotranspiration involves measurement of other soil water processes such as soil water additions from precipitation and capillary rise and soil water losses such as drainage. The ability of the soil to store water must also be accounted for. The general equation for estimation of evapotranspiration is thus: Et = P - D + d [24.7] where Et is the amount of water lost from the soil surface due to evaporation and from the plant leaves due to transpiration; P is the amount of precipitation (mm); D is the amount of drainage (mm); d is the amount of soil water lost or gained within the depth interval (mm). This equation assumes that there is no water gain from capillary rise and that no runoff occurs. If the soil is below field capacity and no precipitation occurs than all decreases in the soil moisture content can be attributed to evapotranspiration: Et = d [24.8] Unless a soil lysimeter is used problems with the estimation of the drainage portion and soil water rise from deeper wetter horizons can result in considerable error. In lysimeter studies the waters leaching through the soil profile are collected from the bottom and changes in soil moisture are determined by weighing or by direct soil moisture measurements. 212/man/M22evap.doc BIORE212 212/man/M22evap.doc 23. Penman's Revisited 37