3-Year B.Sc. Nursing Program COURSE DESCRIPTION Training in Anatomy Human skeleton. Types of bones and their joints. The muscular system. Body regions, trunk walls and body cavities. Anatomy of the nervous system - central, peripheral and autonomic. Nerve pathways. Mediastinum. Cardiovascular system. The heart. Systemic and pulmonary circulation. The respiratory tract. The lungs, pleura. Gastrointestinal tract. Big glands of the abdominal cavity. Portal venous system. Peritoneum. Retroperitoneal space. Adrenal glands. The urinary system – kidneys, ureters, urinary bladder. Male and female reproductive organs. Sense organs. The lymphatic system Training in Physiology Human vital processes. Neuroendocrine regulation of physiological processes. Characteristics of the skeletal, smooth and cardiac muscles. Sensation, movement, perception. Brain activity, sleeping, wakefulness. Higher nervous activity of the central nervous system. Physiology of the endocrine system. Heart physiology. The vascular system, Hemodynamics and autoregulation of the blood flow in tissues. Physiology of the respiratory system, mechanics and regulation of breathing processes. Pulmonary circulation and gas exchange. Kidney physiology, kidney filtration. Renin-angiotensin system. Urine production. Regulation of fluid and electrolyte and acid–base balance. The gastrointestinal tract – motor and excretive activities. Intestine hormones. Digestion and absorption of nutritional substances. Physiology of the hemopoietic system. Metabolism. Physiology of sensory sensations. Training in Pathology Pathological symptoms - circulatory disorders, retrogressive, inflammatory and neoplastic changes. Dynamics of a disease process. Interpretation of the causal relationship between the changed structure and functions of the organism. Detailed pathomorphology of the diseases of selected organs and systems. Ageing, death. Training in the Physical Examination Physical examination and medical history of infants, children and adults – mental and physical state, skin, eyes, ears, oral cavity, throat, neck, thorax, lungs, breasts, cardiovascular system, abdomen, male and female reproductive organs, the peripheral circulatory system, musculoskeletal system and the nervous system. Patient’s clinical records. Education in Biochemistry and Biophysics Biochemical basics of the human organism integrity. Structure and functions of macromolecules of the human body. Biophysical basics of human organism functioning. 1 Training in Genetics Elements of classical genetics (Mendel laws). Elements of embriology, cytophysiology and immunology. Human karyotype. X-linked inheritance. Environment and variability of the organism. Gene and chromosome mutations. Mutagenic factors. Education in the Field of Microbiology and Parasitology Introduction to microbiology, virology, bacteriology and parasitology. Systematics of pathogenic microbes. Morphology and physiology of the bacterial cell. Morphology of the environment and the human body. Characteristics of pathogenic parasites. Pathogenicity, means of microbial transmission in the body. Elements of immunology and epidemiology of the infectious diseases. Prevention of the infectious diseases (vaccinations, sera). Obtaining and sending the material for microbiological tests. Immunoprevention of the infectious diseases. Dangers of the infectious diseases in Poland and in the world. HIV, AIDS, viral hepatitis. Infectious diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Neuroinfections. Education in the Field of Public Health Human and environmental hygiene. Food and nutrition hygiene. Hygiene of working and studying. Cultural and social aspects of public health. Economic aspects of health. Ecological and health hazards in place of inhabitance, study and work. Health hazards in the contemporary societies in the world. Healthcare systems – organizational structure, goals and tasks. Health services market. Sources of healthcare financing. Social diseases. Analysis of the occurrence of selected diseases. Prophylaxis and prevention of diseases – aims, tasks and forms. Healthcare programs. Structure and resources of nursing. Training in Pharmacology Groups of drugs and their mechanisms of action. Pharmacology of the central and peripheral nervous systems, cardiovascular system, respiratory system, urinary system, gastrointestinal tract and the endocrine glands. Blood and blood substitutes. Side effects of drugs. Interactions between drugs. Sources of information on drugs. Drug dependence. Disinfectants. Training in Radiology Radiological diagnostics – types, indications for radiological examinations. Radiotherapy – types, indications, caring for the patient undergoing radiotherapy. Training in Psychology Personality – structure, mechanisms, development. Human behavior in social situations. Biopsychosocial model of health and disease. Disease as a difficult situation. Psychological help in the disease. Stress and health. Psychosomatic dependences. Theories, models and concepts of interpersonal communication. Styles of communication. Passing on and receiving information. Influence of iatrogenic situations on the nursepatient relation. Specific problems related to disease and disability. 2 Education in Sociology Social model of health. Systems of social support – nurses’ roles in solving health problems of an individual and social groups. Social effects of disease and disability. Hospitals a social system – models of hospital healthcare, satisfaction from healthcare. Structural conditioning of nurse’s and doctor’s professional roles. Sociological aspects of the nurse-patient relation. Social and cultural aspects of dying, death and orphanhood. Training in Education Upbringing as a social phenomenon. Educational environment. Philosophical basis of educational activities. Educational objectives as a realization of personal and social values. Educational strategies. Theories, forms and methods of upbringing. Educational difficulties. Creating educational environment. Health education of chidren, youth and adults. Organization and methods of early years care and education in social institutions. Training in Law Legal system, structure of legal documents, human rights, law interpretation. Health institution legislation. Health insurance legislation. The Act on the Profession of Nurse and Midwife. Laws concerning self-government organizations. Rights of the patient. Liability in Medical Professions – Civil, Criminal, Employees’, Professional. Elements of the Labor Law. Education and Professional Development of Nurses. Nurse Organizations in Poland and abroad. GROUP OF MAJOR CONTENTS Training in the Basics of Nursing Historical conditions, the presence and future of the occupation of nurse. Social and professional role of a nurse. Factors influencing the development of nursery. Health needs of an individual and satisfying them. Care of a patient. Models of care. Methods of collecting information – medical history, observation, measurements, analysis of records. Role of a nurse in the process of diagnosis, treatment and rehabilitation. The caring process as a method of nurse’s work. Principles and techniques of performing nursing activities. Role of a nurse in a healthcare institution. Theories of nursing. Training in the Philosophy and Ethics of the Nursing Profession Relations between philosophy and the profession of a nurse. Philosophical concepts of a human being. Ethics and morality. Analysis of a moral situation and the process of taking a moral decision. Moral values, norms and assessments. The ethics in the practice of a nurse. The rules of nursing ethics. Modern ethical concepts in nursing practice. Ethical dilemmas in nurse’s work and the methods of solving them. Training in Health Promotion Health paradigms. Health behaviors and factors influencing the health state. Lifestyles. Health promotion in the healthcare system. Health assessment. Methods of forming prohealth behaviors. Role of a nurse in promoting a healthy lifestyle. 3 Training in the Primary Care Structure and range of health services in primary healthcare. Tasks of primary healthcare team. Determination of health and social problems of an individual, family and local community. Planning and performing nursing care in the place of inhabitance, study and work. The role of a nurse in fulfillment of tasks resulting from health promotion programs Training in Midwifery, Gynecology; Obstetric and Gynecological Nursery Fertilization and development of a human fetus. Family planning, methods of birth regulation, preparation for parenthood. Diagnostic methods in normal and high risk pregnancy. Preparing a pregnant woman and her family to the delivery. Perinatal care – nursery and obstetric care in the preterm, physiological and complicated delivery. Care of a preterm baby and newborn after the delivery. Care of a woman in physiological and complicated puerperium. Pathology of the female reproductive organs – inflammations, infections. Infertility. Neoplastic diseases of the female reproductive organs. Neoplastic diseases of breasts, breast cancer. Health problems of women in their menopause age. Training in Pediatrics and Pediatric Nursing Hospitalization as a situation which is difficult for a child and their family. Diseases and lifethreatening conditions of a newborn and premature baby. Congenital malformations. Etiology, pathogenesis and clinical picture of the developmental age diseases: diseases of the respiratory system, the cardiovascular system, the urinary tract, the gastrointestinal tract and the blood. Allergic diseases in children – methods of diagnostics and therapy. Preparation of a child patient for diagnostic tests. Nursing care of a child patient – types and forms of support. Training in Internal Diseases; Nursing in Internal Medicine Etiology, pathogenesis, clinical picture and care for a patient in the diseases of the cardiovascular system, the heart, blood vessels, respiratory system, gastrointestinal system (stomach, intestines, big glands of the abdominal cavity), the liver, the pancreas, the urinary system (kidneys, urinary bladder), musculoskeletal system, the muscles, the endocrine system and the blood. Role of a nurse in diagnostics and treatment of internal medicine diseases. Training in Surgery and Surgical Nursing Injuries of the locomotor system: wounds, contusions, fractures, sprains - causes, methods of diagnostics and therapy. Caring for patients after mechanical and thermal injuries. Preparing the patient for surgical diagnostic examinations. Infections in surgery. Preparing a patient for emergency and elective surgery. Preparing a patient for surgery in one-day surgery. Selected aspects of organ surgery. Post-operative care for patients after surgery with particular consideration of the type of anesthesia. Surgical methods in general and trauma surgery Training in Rehabilitation; Nursing the Disabled Types of disability. Psycho-social problems of a disabled person and their family. Cooperation with a disabled person, their environment and institutions supporting the 4 rehabilitation. Goals, principles and stages of rehabilitation. Complex rehabilitation – medical, occupational, social. Equipment and orthopedic devices supply. Role of a nurse in rehabilitation of the disabled. Methods and techniques of rehabilitation. Integration of a disabled person in the places of inhabitance, work, education and upbringing. Rehabilitation of people with impaired vision. Rehabilitation of people with injuries of the locomotor system. Training in Geriatrics and Geriatric Nursing The proces of ageing in the biological, psychological and socioeconomic aspects. Physiological and psychological features of the elderly. Health and psychosocial problems of the elderly. Etiopathogenesis, course, treatment and prevention of the diseases of the elderly people: diabetes, heart diseases, arterial hypertension, atherosclerosis, dementia, Parkinson’s disease, depression. Training in Neurology and Neurological Nursing Etiopathogenesis of neurological disorders. Diagnostic methods in neurology. Disorders of basic biological processes: blood circulation, breathing and consciousness; effect of these on functioning of the nervous system. Disorders of sensation, movement and muscular tension. Congenital and acquired malformations of the nervous system. Vascular diseases of the brain. Brain and spinal cord injuries. Demyelinating diseases. Brain tumors. Diseases of the muscles and peripheral nerves. Caring for patients with neurological diseases. Training In Psychiatry and Psychiatric Nursing Types, etiology and pathogenesis of mental disorders. Clinical image of mental disorders. Methods of diagnostics and treatment in psychiatry. Specific features of caring for the mentally ill patient. Communication with the mentally ill patient. Role of a nurse in the prevention, diagnosing and complex therapy of mental disorders considering pharmacology, psychotherapy and occupational therapy. Training In Anestesiology; Nursing in Life-threating Events Anesthesia. Preparing a patient for anesthesia. Caring for a patient after anesthesia. Cardiopulmonary resuscitation. Intensive care with and without the use of medical equipment – recognition of life threatening states. Care for the unconscious patient. Acute conditions of diseases – shock, acute decompensated heart failure, acute respiratory distress syndrome, acute renal failure, intoxication, multiorgan injuries. Taking care of a patient with venous and arterial access system. Training in Palliative Care Palliative and hospice care. Symptoms occurring in patients with advanced stages of neoplastic processes. Communication with a patient and their family. Support for the family in the periods of disease and mourning. 5 Training in Emergency Medicine Organization and functioning of Emergency medical services in Poland and in the world. Current natural and technological threats. Providing medical security during catastrophes. Medical segregation during catastrophes. Patient’s state assessment on the basis of basic life parameters. Emergency proceedings during mass events and catastrophes as well as special situations of chemical, radioactive and biological contamination. Preparing a patient for medical transport. Cooperation with emergency units. Education in Nutrition Assessment of nutrition state and type. Malnutrition and its consequences. Enteral and parenteral nutrition. Elements of dietetics – types of diets. Differentiation of diets for children and adults. Nutrition in different diseases. Nutrition in patients with increased catabolism. Role of a nurse in nutritional treatment. Education on Research in Nursing Subject, aim and field of research in nursery. Stages of research. Methods and techniques of research. Principles of interpreting empirical data. Principles of drawing conclusions. Construction of elaborations and projects. Ethics in research. Copyright law fundamentals. Intellectual property protection. Electives Training in Nosocomial Infections (A), Sign language (B) or Mental Health (C) (A) Epidemiology of the in-hospital infections – microbial sources and reservoir in the hospital, ways of infection spreading and controlling in-hospital infections. Checking inhospital infections. Team organization. Disinfection as an element of preventing in-hospital infections. Sterilization as an element of controlling in-hospital infections. Blood stream infections, sepsis, hospital acquired pneumonia and lower respiratory tract infections, urinary tract infections, fungal infections. Monitoring of infections, epidemiological analysis. Examination of a patient admitted to a ward. Principles of drawing material for bacteriological tests – bronchi excretion, urine, blood. Current and periodical bacteriological analysis. (B) Medical sign language. Communication with deaf and dumb people, Dactylolgraphic signs – static, dynamic, numerical and ideographic. Gathering information about a patient. Informing the patient on the diagnostic processing. Basic nursing procedures. Informing the family and calling for help. (C) Mental health as a function of mental development. Constructions of personality – effects on healthy behavior. Emotions and healthy behavior. Effective communication and healthy behavior. Promotion of mental health. 6