Department of Aeronautical Engineering School of Mechanical Engineering Vel Tech Dr RR & SR Technical University Course Material U4AEA10 AIRCRAFT STRUCTURES I 1 U4AEA10 AIRCRAFT STRUCTURES – I LTPC 3104 OBJECTIVE To study different types of beams and columns subjected to various types of loading and support conditions with particular emphasis on aircraft structural components. UNIT I Statically Determinate and Indeterminate Structures 9 Analysis of 2 D, 3 D trusses- Frames-Composite beams, Propped cantilever- fixed-fixed beams- Clapeyron's Three Moment Equation - Moment Distribution Method, Super position method (brief). UNIT II Energy Methods 9 Strain Energy due to axial, bending and torsional loads – Castigliano’s theorems- Maxwell's and Betis Reciprocal theorem, UNIT I load method - application to beams, trusses, frames, rings, etc. UNIT III Columns 9 Columns with various end conditions – Euler’s Column – Rankine’s formula - Column with initial curvature - Eccentric loading – Southwell plot – Beam column, Short column, Long column, Stability of columns. UNIT IV Failure Theory 9 Maximum Stress theory – Maximum strain theory – Maximum shear stress theory – Distortion Theory – Maximum strain energy theory and simple problems of shaft under combined loading. UNIT V Introduction to Theory of Elasticity 9 Equilibrium and Compatibility conditions for elastic solids. 2D elasticity equations for plane stress, plane strain and generalized plane strain cases Airy’s stress function. Simple problems in plane stress / plane strain using Cartesian and polar coordinates. Super position techniques. Examples include (a) panels subjected to a Generalized plane strain Biaxial loading (b) Uniform/Linearly varying edge loads on elastic half plane (c) Thick cylindrical shells. TOTAL: 45+15(Tutorial) = 60 periods TEXT BOOK 1.Donaldson, B.K., “Analysis of Aircraft Structures – An Introduction”, McGraw-Hill, 1993. 2.Bruhn.E.F.”Analysis and design of flight vehicle structures” Tri set of offset company, USA, 1973. REFERENCE BOOKS 1.Timoshenko, S., “Strength of Materials”, Vol. I and II, Princeton D. Von Nostrand Co, 1990. 2.Peery, D.J., and Azar, J.J., “Aircraft Structures”, 2nd edition, McGraw–Hill, N.Y., 1993. 3.Megson, T.M.G., “Aircraft Structures for Engineering Students”, Edward Arnold, 2 1995. UNIT – I Analysis of 2 D, 3 D trusses Frames Composite beams, Propped cantilever Fixed-fixed beamsClapeyron's Three Moment Equation Moment Distribution Method, Super position method (brief). STATICALLY DETERMINATE AND INDETERMINATE STRUCTURES Statically determinate structure. If the structure can be analyzed and the reactions at the support can be determined by using the equations of static equilibrium such Fx = 0 and Fy = 0 and M = 0, then it is called as a statically determine structure. Example: Simply supported beam, pin jointed truss or frame. Truss and Frame Truss Frame Truss is defined as number of members Frame is defined as number of members riveted together to carry the horizontal, together to carry the horizontal. vertical and inclined loads in equilibrium. Vertical loads in equilibrium. Types of Frames Frames are classified into two types. 1. Perfect 2. Imperfect (i) Deficient frame (ii) Redundant frame perfect and imperfect frames Sl.No Perfect frame Imperfect frame 3 1. 2 Perfect frames have sufficient or Imperfect frames have less or more enough members to carry the load. members to carry the load than the required numbers. It satisfies the formula n = 2j-3 It does not satisfy the formula n = 2j-3 Sl. No Deficient frame Redundant frame If the number of members are If the number of members are 1. less than the required number of more than the required number of members n < 2j-3 members n > 2j-3 Eg. Triangular frame Eg: Square frame n = 3, j = 3 n = 4, j = 4 3 n = 2j-3 n = 2j-3 3 = 2×3-3, 4 = 2×4-3, 3=3 4≠5 Where, n = number of members, j = number of joints. conditions of equilibrium used in the method of joints The conditions of equilibrium used in the method of joints are, Fx = 0, Fy = 0. One of the assumption is all the joints are pin jointed, there is no moment. The equilibrium condition Mx = 0 is not used. Pin-joined plane frame. Pin-joined plane frames (also known as trusses) are commonly used in structures to span large distances where constructing beams is uneconomical. They are common as roof structures in industrial buildings, and large assembly building and bridges. Assumptions made in the analysis of a pin-jointed plane frame. The structural action of a frame is derived from the following assumptions to get an ideal frame. The frame has perfect hinge joints. For practical purposes, this assumption gives reasonable results and makes the actual frame more stable. The frame is loaded only at the 4 joints and not in between the joints. The weights of members acting over their length are calculated and transferred to the joints for analysis. Some bending of the members due to their own weight or loads acting in between the joints is generally neglected. The centroidal lines of the members meet at the joint. By careful fabrication and design, this can be reasonably achieved. If the lines are not concurrent, some moment due to eccentricity is developed. Two methods employed for the analysis of a pin-jointed frame and principle involved in each case: The basic approach to the analysis of a frame is the section method. We take a section cutting a number of bars, and consider the equilibrium of either of the two parts so obtained. On solution, the equilibrium equations so formulated can give us values of unknown bar forces and reactions. Depending upon the method of taking a section, there are basically two methods of analysing a frame, as shown in figs. 5 Section around a joint or method of joints: In this case, as in fig, a section is taken around a joint, isolating the joint completely. The important point to note is that the isolated joint is in equilibrium under the action of a set of concurrent forces. Thus, there are two equilibrium equations for each joint, H=0 and V=0, where H and V re the summations o components along two mutually perpendicular directions. In a stable, determinate frame, there are 2j equations available and the number of members is only (2j-3). The three extra equations available can be used to calculate the three unknown reactions or for checking. Ritter’s method of section: Here, the section is taken as shown in fig. the truss is separated into two parts by such a section and each part is in equilibrium under the action of a general coplanar fore system. There are three equilibrium equations. H=0, V=0, and M=0, available for such a force system and three unknown forces can, therefore, be determined. If the retains are calculated from the conditions of equilibrium for the frame as a whole, then the advantage of Ritter’s method of section is that it enables us to determine the force in any member by taking a section cutting that member. In the method of joints, it is necessary to go from free ends as in a cantilever truss. Before we discuss these methods in detail, we need to look at some simple procedures to enable us to find forces in some members through visual inspection or to check the results. Two methods of building a frame work: Staring with a triangle of three members and three joints, the frame can be built up to any extent by adding two members for every additional joint. This gives an internally stable frame work, which can be supported suitably for external stability. Starting from a firm foundation, two members can be made to form a joint. The frame can be built up further as described. Note that the frame work is dependent upon its attachment to the foundation for internal stability. 6 Analyse the frame shown in fig. and find the forces in all the members. Solution : There are three members forces and three reactive components – RAH, RAV, and RCV, we formulate two equations for each of the joints a, B and C and determine the six unknowns. Joint A from the free body diagram shown in fig. H 0 , RAH FAC FAB V=0 +, RAV FAB 2 0 2.5 1.5 0 2.5 (i) (ii) Note that members AB and AC are assumed to be tension. The ratio of the length, the vertical, and horizontal projections for member AB are 2.5, 1.5 and 2.0. Joint B From the free body diagram in fig. 7 H 0 , 80-FAB 2 2 FBC 0 2.5 2.5 (iii) V=0 +, 1.5 1.5 FBC 0 2.5 2.5 (iv) -40-FAB Joint C from the free body diagram in fig. H 0 , FAC FBC 2 0 2.5 (v) V=0 +, 1.5 0 2.5 (vi) RCV FBC These equations can be solved to evaluate the six unknowns. FAB = -14.58 kN (The member is under compression and not tension as assumed) FBC = - 52.09 kN (The member is in compression) FAC = 41.67 kN The member is in tension as assumed) and RCV = 31.25 kN, RAH = -30 kn RAV = 8.75 kN Analyse the frame loaded as shown in fig. and determine the forces in all the members. 8 solution : The reactions are determined from the equilibrium conditions of the frame as a whole. Let RAH and RAV be the vertical reaction at B. H = 0 +, RAH+30=0, RAH = - 30kN Acting towards the left. M 0 2A +,30 2+30 3+60 3-RBV 6 0, RBV 55kN V 0, RAV 55 30 60 0, R AV 35kN From visual inspection, considering joint C shown in fig. FBC = 60 kN (tensile) and FAC = FCD, both tensile or both compressive. As shown in fig, the ratio of the length, horizontal and vertical projections are 13 , 3 and 2 for AB and BD. From the free bodies of the joints shown in fig. we observe the following. Joint A 9 2 V 0, R AV FAB H=0, -30-63.1 13 0 3 13 , FAB 35 13 63.1 kN (compressive) 2 FAC 0, FAC 82.5 kN (tensile) From joint C, FCD = 82.5 kN (tensile) Joint D V 0, 55+FDB 2 13 0, FDB 99.15 kN (Compressive) The forces in all the members are known. As a check, the equilibrium of joint B can be verified. H at joint B gives. 30 63.1 3 13 99.15 3 13 0 V at joint B is equal to -30-60 +63.1 2/(13)1/2 +99.15 s/(13)1/2, which is equal to zero. The forces in all the members are shown in fig. The direction of RAH is opposite to that assumed. All the member forces are shown in their correct nature in fig. It may be easier in many cases to find the reactions from the equilibrium conditions for the whole frame. The member forces can be analysed joint by joint. Analyse the truss shown in figure and determine the forces in all the members. Solution: The reactions are found from the equilibrium conditions of the frame as a whole H=0 gives RAH =0 M=0 @ A +gives 20 2 + 50 2+ 20 4 + 30 4 – RFV 6 = 0, RFV= 56.67 kN V = 0 gives RAV + 56.67 – 20 – 50 – 30 = 0, RAV = 63.33 kN 10 A visual inspection of the frame shows that Force in member BC (considering joint C)=20 kN (tensile) Force in member AC = Force in member CE Considering joint D, the members BD and DF are collinear. There is a vertical load of 30 kN at D. If the axes are selected as shown in fig, force in member DE= 30kN for equilibrium in a direction perpendicular to BF. The force is member DE is compressive. Members AB and BE are inclined at 45 to the horizontal, giving a ratio of 1, 1, 2 for h,v, and l of these members. Members BD and DF have a ratio of 2,1 and 5 for h, v and l Joint A V= 0 gives (fig) 63.33 FAB 1 2 0 FAB =-89.56 kN (Compressive ) H=0 gives 11 1 89.56 2 FAC 0, FAC 63.33kN (tensile) FCE =63.33 kN (tensile) From joint C, Joint F From the free body shown in fig , V=0 gives 56.67 FDF 1 5 0 FDF 126.72kN (compressive) H 0 gives 126.72 2 5 FFE 0 FFE = 113.34 kN (tensile) From joint D, FBD =126.72 kN(compressive) Joint E V=0 gives -30-20 +FEB 1 2 FEB =70.71 kN (tensile) =0 We have determined the forces in all the members. As a check, let us consider the equilibrium of joint B. H at joint B. 89.56 1 2 70.71 1 2 126.72 2 5 0 V at joint B, 50 20 89.56 1 2 70.71 1 2 126.72 1 5 0 Figure shows the forces in all the members. Analyse the Warren truss shown in fig, and find the forces in all the members. Solution: 12 The reactions are determined as RAH =30 kN M=0 @ A +, 30 2.598 +60 3 +60 3 +60 6+30 12 – RBV 9 =0 RBV= 108.66 kN, RAV=41.34 kN The forces in the diagonal members meeting at any of the joint B, D, F or H must be equal and opposite to give V=0 as shown in Fig. The diagonal members are inclined at 60 to the horizontal giving an h,v, l ratio of 1, 3 , 2 from the free body diagrams in fig. we can observe the following. V=0 gives Joint J FHJ 3 30 0 2 FHJ 34.64 kN (tensile) H=0 gives FJG = 17.32 kN (compressive) FHG =34.64 kN (Compressive) H= 0 at joint H gives FHF = 34.64 kN (tensile) 13 Joint G V=0 gives 108.66 FGH 3 3 FGF 0 2 2 3 3 FGF 0 2 2 FGF = 90.83 kN (compressive) 108.66 34.64 FFE = 90.83 kN (tensile) From joint F, H =0 gives’ 14 FGE 90.83 34.64 17.32 10.77kN(tensile) F 2 2 H=0 Joint F 90.83 90.83 34.64 56.19 kN(compressive) 2 2 Joint E V=0 gives FED 3 3 90.83 60 0 2 2 FED =21.54 kN(compressive) H=0 gives FEc 21.54 90.83 10.77 0,FEC 66.97(tensile) 2 2 Joint D V =0 gives FDC =21.54 kN (tensile) H=0 gives 21.54 21.54 56.19 2 2 =77.73 kN (compressive) Joint C V =0 gives FDB = FCB 3 3 21.54 60 0 2 2 FCB =47.74 kN (tensile) H=0 1 1 21.54 66.97 0 2 2 FCB =53.87 kN (tensile) FAB =47.74 kN (compressive) The forces in the members are shown in fig. FCB 47.74 One two unknown member forces can be evaluated at a joint by the method of joints, explain. 15 In the method of joints, section is taken around the joint to isolate it. Since the joint is subjected to a concurrent, coplanar force system, two conditions of equilibrium, H=0 and V=0, are available for the joint from which two unknown forces can be determined. The commonly used graphical method is the graphic equivalent of the method of joints. We will discuss a number of methods which use different techniques but the basic principle is the joint equilibrium. As mentioned earlier, there are 2j equations for a frame with j joints, but only (2j-3) members. Three equations can be used for finding reactions or for checking. The reactions can also be determined from the equilibrium conditions for the frame as a whole, i.e H=0, V=0 for the loads and reactive forces. The following examples illustrates the conventional method of joints. Plane truss and Space truss A plane truss is a two dimension truss structure composed of number of bars hinged together to form a rigid framework, all the members are lie in one plane. Eg: Roof truss in industries. A space truss is a three dimension truss structure composed of number of bars hinged together to form a rigid framework, the members are lie in different plane. Eg: Transmission line towers, crane parts. Methods used to analyze the plane & space frames Analytical method. 1. Method of joints 2. Method of sections (Method of moments) 3. Tension coefficient method. Graphical method. Assumptions made in the analyze of a truss 1. In a frame or truss all the joints will be pin jointed. 2. All the loads will be acting at the joints only. 3. The self-weight of the members of the truss is neglected. Only the live load is considered. 4. The frame is a perfect one. Cantilever truss If anyone of the member of the truss is fixed and the other end is free, it is called a cantilever truss. There is no reaction force at the fixed end. Simply supported truss If the members of the truss are supported by simple supports, then it is 16 called simply supported truss. Reaction forces are at the simply supported ends. Hints to be followed while analyzing a cantilever truss using method of joints There is no need to find the support reactions. The analysis is to be started from the free end where there is a maximum of two unknown forces, using the condition of equilibrium Fx = 0, and Fy = 0. All the members are assumed to be tensile. Consider tensile forces as positive and compressive as negative. The force convention is, upward force assigns positive sign and downward force assigns negative sign. Hints to be followed while analyzing a simply supported truss using method of joints The support reactions are determined first. The analysis is to started from the free end where there is a maximum of two unknown forces, using the condition of equilibrium Fx = 0, and Fy = 0 . All the members are assumed to be tensile. Consider tensile forces as positive and compressive as negative. The force convention is, upward force assigns positive sign and downward force assigns negative sign. Relation between the numbers of members and joints in a truss n = 2j – 3, Where, n = number of members, j = number of joints. This relation is used to find the type of the frames. Perfect frame is only solved by method of joints. Primary and secondary stresses in the analysis of a truss If the stresses are produced due to direct loads like tension, compression and torsion then the stresses are called primary stress. If the stresses are produced due to expansion, compression and temperature variation then the stresses are called secondary stress. Statically indeterminate structure: The simple equations are not sufficient to solve some problems. Such problems are called statically indeterminate structures. For solving statically indeterminate problems, the deformation characteristics of the structure are also taken into account along with the statical equilibrium equations. Such equation, which contain the deformation characteristics, are called compatibility equations. Statically indeterminate structures. If the forces on the members of a structure cannot be determined by using conditions of equilibrium (Fx = 0 and Fy = 0 and M = 0), it is called statically indeterminate structures. 17 Example: Fixed beam, continuous beam Types of statically indeterminate structures: 1. Simple statically indeterminate structures 2. Indeterminate structures of equal lengths 3. Composite structures of equal length Continuous beam: A beam, which is supported on more than two supports, is called a continuous beam. Such a beam, when loaded will deflect with convexity upwards, over the intermediate supports and with concavity upwards over the mid of the spans. The intermediate supports of a continuous beam are always subjected to some bending moment. The end supports, if simply supported will not be subjected to any bending moment. But the end supports, if fixed, will be subjected to fixing moments and the slope of the beam, at the fixed ends will be zero. 1. Beams of unsymmetrical sections 2. Beams of uniform strength 3. Flitched beams A square bar of 20 mm side is held between two rigid plates and loaded by an axial force P equal to 450 kN as shown in fig, Find the reactions at the ends A and C and the extension of the portion AB. Take e=200 GPa. Solution : Given : area of bar (A) = 20 20 = 400 mm2 ; Axial force (P) = 450 kN = 450 103 N; Modulus of elasticity (E) = 200 GPa = 200 103 N/mm2 ; Length of AB (lAB) = 300 mm and length of BC (lBC) = 200 mm. Reaction at the ends Let RA = reaction at A, and RC = reaction at C. Since the bar is held between the two rigid plates A and C, therefore, the upper portion will be subjected to tension, while the lower portion will be subjected to compression as 18 shown in fig. Moreover, the increase of portion AB will be equal to the decrease of the portion BC. We know that sum of both the reaction is equal to the axial force, i.e RA + RC = 450 103 (1) Increase in the portion AB, R A l AB R A 300 AE AE And decrease in the portion BC, l AB l AB R A l BC R C 200 AE AE (2) Since the value lAB is equal to that of lBC therefore equating the equations (1)and (2), R A 300 R C 200 AE AE RC R A 300 1.5 R A 200 Now substituting the value of RC in equation (2) R A 1.5 R A 450 RA and 450 180 kN 2.5 or 2.5 R a 450 Ans. RC=1.5 RA = 1.5 180 = 270 kN Ans. Prove the clapeyron’s theorem of three moments. It state, “if a beam has n supports, the end ones being fixed, then the same number of equations required to determine the support moments may be obtained from the consecutive pairs of spans i.e AB-BC, BC-CD, CD-DE and so on.” Proof : Consider a continuous beam ABC, fixed at A and C and supported at B as shown in fig. Let l1 = Span of the beams, l1 = Moment of inertia of the beam in span AB, l2, l2 = Corresponding value for the span BC, MA, = Support moment at A, MB = Support moment at B, MC = Support moment at C, 19 Fig. x= Bending moment at any section X, considering the beam between two support as simply supported and x’ = fixing moment at any section X, of the beam, We know that in the span AB, the bending moment at any section X at a distance x from A, M x x 'x EI1 M d2 y ... 2 EI dx d2 y x 'x dx 2 Multiplying the above equation by x and integrating the same for the whole span AB i.e, from 0 to I1. l l l x.d2 y EI x.x.dx x. x '.dx dx 0 0 0 4 dy EI1 x. y a1 x1 a'1 x '1 dx 0 or EI[l1iB yB ) 0(iA y A )] a1 x1 a'1 x '1 EI[l1 iB yB ] a1 x1 a'1 x '1 Since yB is equal to zero, therefore EI1 l1 iB = a1 x1 a'1 x'1 a1 = Area of the diagram in the span AB, x1 = distance of centre of gravity of diagram from A in the span AB, 20 a'1 x '1 = Corresponding values for the diagram and iB = Slope of the beam AB at B. we know that the shape of the ’ diagram is trapezoidal, having end ordinates equal to M A and MB as shown in fig. therefore splitting up this trapezium into two triangles, l l l 2l a'1 .x '1 MA 1 1 MB 1 1 2 3 2 3 (MA 2MB ) l12 6 Substituting this value of a’1. x'1 in equation (2) l12 EI1 l1 iB a1 x1 (MA 2MB ) 6 or EI1 iB E . iB a1 x1 l (MA 2MB ) 1 l1 6 (3) a1 x a l (MA 2MB ) 1 I1 l1 6I1 Similarly, in the span BC, taking C as the origin and x positive to the left, a1 x 2 l (MC 2MB ) 1 (4) I2 l1 6I2 a2 = area of the diagram in the span BC, EiB' = Where, ' x 2 = Distance of centre of gravity of diagram from C in the span BC, a '2 = Area of the diagram in the span BC, ' x 2 = Distance of the centre of gravity of the diagram from C in the span BC and i'B = Slope of the beam BC at B, Since iB is equal to –iB, therefore E . iB is equal to – E . I’B 21 or a x2 a1 x1 l l (MA 2MB ) 1 2 (MC 2MB ) 2 I1 l1 6I1 6I2 I2 l2 l l 6a x1 6a x 2 (MA 2MB ) 1 (MC 2MB ) 2 1 2 I1 I2 I1 l1 I2 l2 MA 6a x1 6a x 2 l1 l l l 2MB 1 MC 2 2MB 2 1 2 I1 I1 I2 I2 I2 l2 I1 l1 6a x1 6a x 2 l l l l MA 1 2MB 1 2 MC 2 1 2 I2 l2 l2 I1 I2 I2 I1 l1 Flexural Rigidity of Beams. The product of young’s modulus (E) and moment of inertia (I) is called Flexural Rigidity (EI) of Beams. The unit is N mm2. Constant strength beam. If the flexural Rigidity (EI) is constant over the uniform section, it is called Constant strength beam. Composite beam. A structural member composed of two or more dissimilar materials jointed together to acts as a unit. The resulting system is stronger than the sum of its parts. The composite action can better utilize the properties of each c constituent material. Example : Steel – Concrete composite beam, Steel-Wood beam. Application of the theorem of three moments to a fixed beam: Sometimes, a continuous beam is fixed at its one or both ends. If the beams is fixed at the left end A, then an imaginary zero span is taken to the left of A and the three moments theorem is applied as usual. Similarly, if the both beam is fixed at the right end, then an imaginary zero span is taken after the right end support and the three moments theorem is applied as usual. Carry over factor: Consider a beam Av fixed at A and simply supported at B, let a clockwise moment be applied at the support B of the beam as shown in fig below. 22 Let l = Span of the beam = Clockwise moment applied at B (i.e MB) and MA = Fixing moment at A. Since the beam is not subjected to any external loading, therefore the two reactions ®- must be equal and opposite as shown in fig. Fig. Taking moments about a and equating the same. R.l = MA + (1) Now consider any section X, at a distance x from A. we know that the moment at X. Mx = MA-R.x Or EI d2 y MA R.x dx 2 d2 y ... M=EI 2 dx Integrating the above equation, EI dy Rx 2 MA .x C1 dx 2 Where C1 is the first constant of integration, we know that when x = 0, then dy =0. therefore dx C1=0. Or EI dy Rx 2 MA .x dx 2 (2) Integrating the above equation once again, EI.y MA .x 2 Rx3 C2 2 6 Where C2 is the second constant of integration. We know that when x=0, then y=0. therefore C2=0. 23 MA .x 2 Rx3 EI.y 2 6 Or (3) We also know that when x = l, then y=0. Therefore substituting these values in equation (3) 0 MA .l2 R.l3 2 6 Rl3 MA .l3 6 2 or R.l=3MA Substituting the value in equation (1) 3MA MA or MA MB y 2 2 MA 1 MB 2 It is thus obvious, that carry over factor is on-half in this case, We see from equation (2) that EI dy Rl2 MA .x dx 2 Now for slope at B, EI.ib MA .l Rl2 2 ...( R.l=.MA ) 3 MA .l MA .l 2 =- MA .l l 2 4 ... MA 2 24 iB = = l 4EI l 4EI …(Minus sign means that the tangent at B makes an angle with AB in the negative or anticlockwise direction) 4EI.iB l Define the term ‘Carry over factor’, derive a relation for the stiffness factor for a beam simply supported at it both ends. Consider a beam AB simply supported at A and B. let a clockwise moment be applied at the support B of the beam as shown in fig. Let l = of the beam, and = Clockwise moment at B. Span Since the beam is simply supported at A, therefore there will be no fixing moment at A. moreover, as the beam is not subjected to any external loading, therefore the two reactions must be equal and opposite as shown in fig. Taking moments about A, R.l = (1) Now consider any section X, at a distance x from a, we know that the moment at X, Mx R.x d2 y ... M=EI 2 dx d2 y EI 2 R.x dx Integration the above equation, dy Rx 2 EI C1 dx 2 (2) Where C1 is the first constant of integration. Integrating the above equation once again, Rx3 EI.y C1x +C2 6 25 Where C2 is the second constant of integration. We know that when x=0, then y=0. Therefore C2=0. Rx3 EI.y C1x 6 Or (3) We also know that when x=l, then y=0. therefore substituting these values in the above equation, Rl3 0 C1l 6 C1 Rl2 l 6 6 ...( R.l = ) Substituting this value of C1 in equation (2), EI dy Rx 2 l Rlx 2 l dx 2 6 2l 6 x 2 l 2l 6 ...( R.l=) Now for slope at B, substituting x=1 in the above equation, EI.iB is = = l 3EI l 3EI l2 l l l l 2l 6 2 6 3 …(Minus sign means that the tangent at B makes an angle with AB in the negative or anticlockwise direction) 3EI.iB i Stiffness factor. It is the moment required to rotate the end while acting on it through a unit rotation, without translation of the far end being (i) Simply supported is given by k = 3 EI / L (ii) Fixed is given by k = 4 EI / L Where, E = Young’s modulus of the beam material. I = Moment of inertia of the beam L = Beam’s span length. 26 It is the moment required to rotate the end, while acting on it, through a unit angle without translation of the far end. We have seen that the moment on a beam having one end fixed and the other freely supported, 4EI.iB l Stiffness factor for such a beam (substituting iB = 1), k1 4EI l Similarly, we have that the moment on a beam having simply supported ends, 3EI.i B l Stiffness factor for such a beam (substituting iB = 1), k2 3EI l Derive a relation for the stiffness factor for a beam fixed at the end simply supported at the other. Consider a beam AB fixed at A and simply supported at B. Let a clockwise moment be applied at the support B of the beam as shown in fig. Let l = Span of the beam, = Clockwise moment applied at B (i.e. MB) and MA = Fixing moment at A. Since the beam is not subjected to any external loading, therefore the two reactions ® must be equal and opposite as shown in fig. 27 Taking moments about A and equating the same, R.l = MA + (1) Now consider any section X, at a distance x from A. we know that the moment at X, Mx = MA – R.x Or EI d2 y ... M=EI 2 dx d2 y MA R.x dx 2 Integrating the above equation, EI dy Rx 2 MA .x +C1 dx 2 Where C1 the first constant of integration. We know that when x=0, then dy 0 . Therefore dx C1 = 0. Or EI dy Rx 2 MA .x dx 2 (2) Integrating the above equation once again. EI.y MA .x 2 Rx 2 2 6 Where C2 is the second constant of integration. We know that when x = 0, then y=0. Therefore C2 = 0. Or EI.y MA .x 2 Rx3 2 6 (3) We also know that when x=l, then y=0. Therefore substituting these values in equation (3) M .l2 R.l3 2 A . 2 6 Rl3 MA .l2 6 2 or R/l = 3MA (4) It is thus obvious, that carry over factor is one-half in this case, We see from equation (2) that 28 dy Rl2 MA .x dx 2 Now for slope at B, substituting x = l in the above equation, EI EI.iB MA .l Rl2 2 ...(R.l=3MA ) 3 MA .l MA .l 2 iB = Ma .l l 2 4 l 4EI l 4EI = ... MA 2 …(Minus sign means that the tangent at B makes an angle with AB in the negative or anticlockwise direction) 4EI.iB l Distribution factor and importance in the moment distribution. Sometimes, a moment is applied on a structural joint to produce rotation, without the translation of its members. This moment is distributed among all the connecting member of the joint in the proportion of their stiffness. Consider four members OA, OB, OC and OD meeting at A. let the members OA and OC be fixed at A and C, whereas the members OB and OD be hinged at B and d. let the joint O be subjected to a moment as shown in fig. Fig. 29 Let l1 = length of the moment OA, I1 = Moment of inertia of the member OA, E1 = Modulus of elasticity of the member OA, l1, I2, E2 = Corresponding values for the member OA, l3, I4, E3 = Corresponding values for the member OC, l4, I4, E4 = Corresponding values for the member OD. A little consideration will show that as a result of the moment , each member gets rotated through some equal angle. Let this angle through which each member is rotated be . We know that the stiffness of member OA, 4E I k1 1 1 ...( End A is fixed) l1 3E I Similarly, k2 2 2 ...( End B is hinged) l2 4E3I3 and k3 ...( End C is fixed) l3 3E I and k4 4 4 ...( End D is hinged) l4 now total stiffness of all members, k = k1+k2+k3+k4 and total moment applied at the joint, = k Moment on the member OA, 1 = k1 Similarly, 2 k 2 : 2 k 3 and 4 k 4 1 k1 k1 k k Similarly, 30 k 2 k 2 k ; 3 3 and 4 4 k k k 1 k1 k Similarly, 2 k 2 ; 3 k 3 k k and 4 k 4 k k1 k 2 k 3 k , , and 4 are known as distribution factors for the members OA, k k k k OB, OC and OD respectively. The moments 1, 2, 3, 4 are known as distributed moments. The quantities Moment distribution method. (Hardy Cross Method). It is widely used for the analysis of indeterminate structures. In this method, all the members of the structure are first assumed to be fixed in position and fixed end moments due to external loads are obtained. Distribution factor. When several members meet at a joint and a moment is applied at the joint to produce rotation without translation of the members, the moment is distributed among all the members meeting at that joint proportionate to their stiffness. Distribution factor = Relative stiffness / Sum of relative stiffness at the joint If there is 3 members, Distribution factors = k3 k1 k2 , , k1 k2 k3 k1 k2 k3 k1 k2 k3 Carry over moment and Carry over factor. Carry over moment: It is defined as the moment induced at the fixed end of the beam by the action of a moment applied at the other end, which is hinged. Carry over moment is the same nature of the applied moment. Carry over factor (C.O): A moment applied at the hinged end B “carries over” to the fixed end A, a moment equal to half the amount of applied moment and of the same rotational sense. C.O. = 0.5. Five members OA, OB, OC, OD and OE meeting at O, are hinged at A and C and fixed at B, d and E. the lengths of OA, OB, OC, OD and OE are 3m, 4m, 2m, and 5m and their moments if inertia are 400mm4, 300mm4, 200mm4, 300mm4 and 250mm4 respectively. Determine the distribution factors for the members and the distributed moments. 31 Solution : Given Length OA=3m, Length OB = 4m, Length OC = 2m, Length OD = 3m; Moment of inertia of OC = 200mm4 ; Moment of inertia of OD = 300 mm4 ; Moment of inertia of OE = 250 mm4 and moment on D = 4000 kN-m. We know that stiffness factor for OA, kA similalrly, k B 3EI 3 E 400 400E I 4 ...( Member is hinged at A) 4EI 4 E 300 I 4 ...( Member is fixed at B) Now complete the column for stiffness for all the members, keeping in mind whether the member is hinged or fixed at the end. Now find out the distribution factor and distribution moments for each member as shown in the above chart. Now from the above chart, we find that the distribution factors for OA, OB, OC OD and OE 1 3 3 1 1 , , and respectively . are , 4 16 16 4 8 The moment of 4000 kN-m applied at the joint O will be distributed among the member as obtained from the above in the following table. OA Length (m) 3 M.I (mm4) 400 OB 4 300 OC 2 200 OD 3 300 OE 5 250 Member Stiffness (k) 3E 400 400 3 4E 300 300 4 3E 200 300 2 4E 300 400 3 4E 250 200 5 Distribution factor 400E 1 1600E 4 300E 3 1600E 16 300E 3 1600E 16 400E 1 1600E 4 200E 1 1600E 8 Distributed moments N-m 1 4000 1000 4 3 4000 750 16 3 4000 750 16 1 4000 1000 4 1 4000 500 8 Thus distributed moments for OA, OB, OC, OD and OE are 1000, 750, 750, 1000 and 500 Nm respectively. Statically determinate structures and statically indeterminate structures: 32 Sl. No 1. 2. 3. Statically determinate structures Statically indeterminate structures Conditions of equilibrium are sufficient Conditions of equilibrium are insufficient to analyze the structure to analyze the structure. Bending moment and shear force is independent of material and cross sectional area. No stresses are caused due to temperature change and lack of fit. Bending moment and shear force is dependent of material and independent of cross sectional area. Stresses are caused due to temperature change and lack of fit. Continuous beam: A Continuous beam is one, which is supported on more than two supports. For usual loading on the beam hogging (- ive) moments causing convexity upwards at the supports and sagging (+ ive) moments causing concavity upwards occur at mid span. Advantages of Continuous beam over simply supported beam: 1. The maximum bending moment in case of continuous beam is much less than in case of simply supported beam of same span carrying same loads. 2. In case of continuous beam, the averaging bending moment is lesser and hence lighter materials of construction can be used to resist the bending moment. General form of Clapeyron’s three moment equations for the continuous beam: A A ll Ma 11 2 Mb 12 Mc 12 ( L2 B C 6 A1 x1 6 A2 x2 ) 11 12 Where, Ma = Hogging bending moment at A Mb = Hogging bending moment at B Mc = Hogging bending moment C l1 = length of span between supports A, B l2 = length of span between supports B, C x1 = CG of bending moment diagram from support A x2 = CG of bending moment diagram from support C A1 = Area of bending moment diagram between supports A, B A2 = Area of bending moment diagram between supports B, C Clapeyron’s three moment equations for the continuous beam with sinking at the 33 supports: A B l1 l2 C 6A x 6A x Ma 11 2 Mb 12 Mc 12 1 1 2 2 - 6EI 1 2 11 12 11 12 Where, Ma = Hogging bending moment at A Mb = Hogging bending moment at B Mc = Hogging bending moment C l1 = length of span between supports A, B l2 = length of span between supports B, C x1 = CG of bending moment diagram from support A x2 = CG of bending moment diagram from support C A1 = Area of bending moment diagram between supports A, B A2 = Area of bending moment diagram between supports B, C δ1 = Sinking at support A with compare to sinking at support B δ2 = Sinking at support C with compare to sinking at support B. Clapeyron’s three moment equations for the fixed beam A B l 6 Ax Ma 2 Mb 12 Where, Ma = Hogging bending moment at A Mb = Hogging bending moment at B l = length of span between diagram from support A x = CG of bending moment diagram from support A A = Area of bending moment diagram between supports A, B Clapeyron’s three moment equations for the continuous beam carrying UDL on both the spans. A l1 B 34 l2 C 6 A x 6 A x w l3 w l3 Ma 11 2 Mb 12 Mc 12 1 1 2 2 = 1 1 2 2 4 4 11 12 Where, Ma = Hogging bending moment at A Mb = Hogging bending moment at B Mc = Hogging bending moment C l1 = length of span between supports A, B l2 = length of span between supports B, C Values of (6A1 x1 / l1), (6A2 x2 / l2) values for different type of loading. Type of loading UDL for entire span Central point loading Uneven point loading 6A1x1 / l1 Wl3 / 4 (3/8)Wl2 (wa / l)/(l2 –a2) 6A2x2 / l2 Wl3 / 4 (3/8)Wl2 (wb/l) / (l2-b2) Procedure for analyzing the continuous beams with fixed ends using three moment equations: The three moment equations, for the fixed end of the beam, can be modified by imagining a span of length 1 0 and moment of inertia, beyond the support the and applying the theorem of three moments as usual. Two conditions for the analysis of composite beam. (i). Strain (Stress x E) in all the material are same (e 1 = e 2) (e 1 = (Pl1 / A1 E1); e2 = (Pl2 / A2E2)) (ii). The total load = P1 + P2 + P3 (P1 = Stress x area) Distribution factor for the given beam. A A L B Join Member A AB BA BC CB CD Relative stiffness 4EI / L 3EI / L 4EI / L 4EI / L 4EI / L DC 4EI / L B C D L C L D Sum of Relative stiffness Distribution factor 4EI / L (4EI / L)/(4EI / L) = 1 (3EI / L) / (7EI / L) = 3/7 (4EI / L)/ (7EI / L) = 4/7 4EI / L) / (8EI / L) = 4/8 4EI / L) / (8EI / L) = 4/8 3EI / L + 4EI/L = 7EI / L 4EI/L + 4EI/L = 8EI / L 4EI / L Distribution factor for the given beam. 35 (4EI / L)/(4EI / L) = 1 Figure Join Member Relative stiffness A AB BA BC CB 4E (3I) / L 4E (3I) / L 4EI / L 4EI / L B C Sum of Relative stiffness 12 EI / L 12EI / L + 4EI / L = 16EI / L 4EI / L Distribution factor (12 EI / L) / (12EI / L) = 1 (12EI / L)/(16EI / L) = ¾ (4EI / L) / (16EI / L) = ¼ (4EI / L) /(4EI / L) = 1 Distribution factor for the given beam Join Member Relative stiffness Sum of Relative stiffness Distribution factor B BA BC 0 (no support) (4EI / L) (4EI / L) 0 (4EI / L) / (4EI / L) = 1 C CB CD 3EI / L 4EI / L D DC 4EI / L 3EI / L + 4EI/L = 7EI / L 4EI / L UNIT – II Strain Energy due to axial, bending and torsional loads Castigliano’s theorems 36 (3EI / L) / (7EI / L) = 3/7 (4EI / L) / (7EI / L) = 4/7 (4EI / L) /(4EI / L) = 1 Maxwell's and Betis Reciprocal theorem UNIT I load method Application to beams, trusses, frames, rings, etc. ENERGY METHODS Strain Energy: The strain energy of a member will be defined as the increase in energy associated with the deformation of the member. The strain energy is equal to the work done by a slowly 37 increasing load applied to the member. 2. Define Strain energy density. The strain-energy density of a material will be defined as the strain energy per unit volume. 3. Define Modulus of toughness. The area under the entire stress-strain diagram was defined as the modulus of toughness and is a measure of the total energy that can be acquired by the material. 4. Define Modulus of resilience. The area under the stress-strain curve from zero strain to the strain y at yield is referred to as the modulus of resilience of the material and represents the energy per unit volume that the material can absorb without yielding. We wrote uy 2y 2E 5. Write the expression for strain energy under axial load. If the rod is of uniform cross section of area A, the strain energy is U L 0 p2 dx 2AE 6. Write the expression for strain energy due to bending. For a beam subjected to transverse loads the strain energy associated with the normal stresses is 2 L M U dx 0 2EI where M is the bending moment and EI the flexural rigidity of the beam. 7. Write the expression for strain energy due to shearing stresses. The strain energy associated with shearing stresses, the strain-energy density for a material in pure shear is 2xy u 2G where txy is the shearing stress and G the modulus of rigidity of the material. 8. Write the expression for strain 38 energy due to torsion. For a shaft of length Land uniform cross section subjected at its ends to couples of magnitude T the strain energy was found to be T 2L U 2GJ Where J is the polar moment of inertia of the cross-sectional area of the shaft. 9. Explain strain energy for a general state of stress. The strain energy of an elastic isotropic material under a general state of stress and expressed the strain energy density at a given point in terms of the principal stresses a, b and c at that point: u 1 a2 b2 c2 2v a b bc c a 2E The strain-energy density at a given point was divided into two parts: u, associated with a change in volume of the material at that point, and ud, associated with a distortion of the material at the same point. We wrote u = u + ud, where u 1 2v 2 a b c 6E ud 1 2 2 2 a b b c c a 12G and 10. Define Castigliano’s theorem. In any beam or truss subjected to any load system, the deflection at any point r is given by the partial differential coefficient of the total strain energy stored with respect to a force Pr acting at the point r in the direction in which the deflection is desired. Figure 39 Figure shows a structure AB carrying a load system P1, P2, P3 ….Pr, ….Pn. Let the deflection at the point r be yr. Let We = External work done be the given load system Wi = Corresponding strain energy stored. We = Wi Wi yr = Lim Pr 0 . Pr Wi yr = Pr =Partial differential coefficient of the total strain energy stored with respect to Pr. 11. Define Maxwell’s reciprocal theorem. In any beam of truss the deflection at any point D due to a load W at any other point C is the same as the deflection at C due to the same load W applied at D. Figure (i) shows a structure AB carrying a load W applied at any point C. Let the deflection at C be c. Let the deflection at another point D be d. Figure (ii) shows the same structure AB carrying the same load W at D. Let the deflections at C and D be c and d respectively. Figure 12. Give the relation between number of joints and the number of members in a perfect frame. Let there be n members and j joints in a perfect frame, Fig. (a) Fig. (a) 40 Suppose we remove three members AB, BC and CA and the three joints A, B and C. We are now left with (n – 3) members and (j – 3) joints. Studying this remaining part of the frame (Fig. (b)), we find that the number of members in such that, for each joint, there are two members. Hence for the (j – 3) joints we have 2(j – 3) members. Fig. (b) n – 3 = 2 (j – 3) n = 2j – 3 Hence for a stable frame the minimum number of members required = twice the number of joints minus three. 13. Derive the expression for Strain Energy under Axial Loading. Strain Energy under Axial Loading When a rod is subjected to centric axial loading, the normal stresses x can be assumed uniformly distributed in any given transverse section. Denoting by A the area of the section located at a distance x from the end B of the rod and by P the internal force, we write x = P/A. Figure U 2 P dV 2EA 2 or, setting dV = A dx, U L 0 P2 dx 2AE 41 In the case of a rod of uniform cross section subjected at its ends to equal and opposite forces of magnitude P. Figure U P2L 2AE 14. A rod consists of two portions BC and CD of the same material and same length, but of different cross sections. Determine the strain energy of the rod when it is subjected to a centric axial load P, expressing the result in terms of P, L, E, the cross-sectional area A of portion CD, and the ratio n of the two diameters. Figure 1 1 P2 L P2 L 2 2 2 P L 1 1 Un 2 2AE 2 n2 A E 4AE n or 1 n2 P2L Un 2n2 2AE We check that, for n = 1, we have U1 P2L 2AE which is the expression given in equation for a rod of length L and uniform cross section of area A. We also note that, for n > 1, we have Un < U1; for example, when n = 2, we have U2 = 5 8 U1. Since the maximum stress occurs in portion CD of the rod and is equal to max = P/A, it follows that, for a given allowable stress, increasing the diameter of portion BC of the rod results in a decrease of the overall energy-absorbing capacity of the rod. 42 Unnecessary changes in cross-sectional area should therefore be avoided in the design of members that may be subjected to loadings, such as impact loadings, where the energyabsorbing capacity of the member is critical. 15. Derive the expression for strain energy in bending. Strain Energy in Bending Consider a beam AB subjected to a given loading and let M be the bending moment at a distance x from end A. Neglecting for the time being the effect of shear, and taking into account only the normal stresses x = My/I, Figure M2 y 2 U dV dV 2E 2EI2 2 x Setting dV = dA dx, where dA represents an element of the cross-sectional area, and recalling that M2/2EI2 is a function of x alone, we have U L 0 M2 2EI2 y dA dx 2 Recalling that the integral within the parentheses represents the moment of inertia I of the cross section about its neutral axis, we write U L 0 M2 dx 2EI 16. Determine the strain energy of the prismatic cantilever beam AB taking into account only the effect of the normal stresses. 43 Figure The bending moment at a distance x from end A is M = - Px. Substituting this expression we write 2 2 LP x P2L3 U dx 0 2EI 6EI 17. Derive expression for strain energy due to torsion. Strain Energy in Torsion Consider a shaft BC of length L subjected to one or several twisting couples. Denoting by J the polar moment of inertia of the cross section located at a distance x from B and by T the internal torque in that section, we recall that the shearing stresses in the section are xy = T/J. Substituting for xy we have U 2xy 2G dV T 2 2 dV 2GJ2 Setting dV = dA dx, where dA represents an element of the cross-sectional area, and observing that T2/2GJ2 is a function of x alone, we write U L 0 T2 2GJ2 dA dx 2 Recalling that the integral within the parentheses represents the polar moment of inertia J of the cross section, we have U L 0 T2 dx 2GJ 44 Figure In the case of a shaft of uniform cross section subjected at its ends to equal and opposite couples of magnitude T yields. T 2L U 2GJ 18. A circular shaft consists of two portions BC and CD of the same material and same length, but of different cross sections. Determine the strain energy of the shaft when it is subjected to a twisting couple T at end D, expressing the result in terms of T, L, G, the polar moment of inertia J of the smaller cross section, and the ratio n of the two diameters. Figure 1 1 T2 L T2 L 2 2 2 T L 1 1 Un 2GJ 4GJ n4 2G n4 J or Un 1 n4 T 2L 2n4 2GJ We check that, for n = 1, we have T 2L U1 2GJ Which is the expression given in equation for a shaft of length L and uniform cross section. 17 We also note that, for n > 1, we have Un < U1; for example, when n = 2, we have U2 = 32 U1. Since the maximum shearing stress occurs in the portion CD of the shaft and is proportional to the torque T, we note as we did earlier in the case of the axial loading of a rod that, for a given allowable stress, increasing the diameter of portion BC of the shaft results in a decrease of the overall energy-absorbing capacity of the shaft. 19. Find the deflection at the free end of a cantilever carrying a concentrated load at the free end. Assume uniform flexural rigidity. 45 Solution:Figure shows a cantilever carrying a point load P at the free end A. The bending moment at any section distant x from the free end is given by M = - Px Strain energy stored by the cantilever Wi l M2dx P2 x 2dx P2 l3 . 2EI 2EI 2EI 3 0 p2 l3 Wi 6EI By the first theorem of Castiglione, the deflection in the line of action of the forceP, 3 Wi 2P l Pl3 P 6EI 3EI 20. Find the central deflection of a simply supported beam carrying a concentrated load at mid span. Assume uniform flexural rigidity. Solution:Figure shows a beam AB simply supported at A and B and carrying a central load P. Each reaction P 2 The bending moment at any section in AC, distant x from the end A is given by, P M x 2 Figure Strain energy stored by the beam 46 Wi Wi M2dx 2 2EI 2 3 1/2 p2 x 2 dx 4 2EI 0 23 p 1 l pl . . 4EI 3 8 96EI p2l3 96EI The deflection in the line of action P is given by Wi 2pl3 P 96EI pl3 48EI 21. A simply supported beam carries a point load P eccentrically on the span. Find the deflection under the load. Assume uniform flexural rigidity. Solution:Figure shows a beam AB of span l which carries a load P at C. Figure Let AC = a and BC = b. Pb l .Pa Reaction at B = l The strain energy stored by the beam AB Reaction at A= Wi = strain energy stored by AC + strain energy stored by BC 47 2 2 Pb dx Pa dx x x l 2EI 0 l 2EI 0 a Since b p 2 b 2 a 3 p 2 a 2 b3 p 2 a 2 b 2 a b 6EIl2 6EIl 2 6EIl 2 a+b=l p2a 2 b2 Wi 6EIl Deflection under load P is given by Wi . 2P a b Pa 2 b 2 P 6EIl 3EIl 22. Define: Strain Energy 2 2 When an elastic body is under the action of external forces the body deforms and work is done by these forces. If a strained, perfectly elastic body is allowed to recover slowly to its unstrained state. It is capable of giving back all the work done by these external forces. This work done in straining such a body may be regarded as energy stored in a body and is called strain energy or resilience. 23. Define: Proof Resilience. The maximum energy stored in the body within the elastic limit is called Proof Resilience. 24. Write the formula to calculate the strain energy due to axial loads (tension). U P2 dx 2 AE limit 0 to L Where, P = Applied tensile load. L = Length of the member A = Area of the members E = Young’s modulus. 25. Write the formula to calculate the strain energy due to bending. U M2 dx limit 0 to L 2 EI Where, M = Bending moment due to applied loads. E = Young’s modulus 48 I = Moment of inertia 26. Write the formula to calculate the strain energy due to torsion T2 dx limit 0 to L 2GJ Where, T = Applied Torsion G = Shear modulus or Modulus of rigidity J = Polar moment of inertia U 27. Write the formula to calculate the strain energy due to pure shear T2 U K dx limit 0 to L 2GA Where, V = Shear load G = Shear modulus or Modulus of rigidity A = Area of cross section K = Constant depends upon shape of cross section. 28. Write the down the formula to calculate the strain energy due to pure shear, if shear stress is given. U 2V 2G Where, τ = Shear stress G = Shear modulus or Modulus of rigidity V = Volume of the material. 29. Write the down the formula to calculate the strain energy, if the moment value is given M2 L 2 EI Where, M = Bending moment L = Length of the beam E = Young’s modulus I = Moment of inertia U 30. Write the down the formula to calculate the strain energy, if the torsion moment value is given. T2L U 2GJ Where, T = Applied Torsion 49 L = Length of the beam G = Shear modulus or Modulus of rigidity J = Polar moment of inertia 31. Write down the formula to calculate the strain energy, if the applied tension load is given. P2 L U 2 AE Where, P = Applied tensile load. L = Length of the member. A = Area of the member E = Young’s modulus. 32. Write the Castigliano’s first theorem. In any beam or truss subjected to any load system, the deflection at any point is given by the partial differential coefficient of the total strain energy stored with respect to force acting at a point. U P Where, δ = Deflection U = Strain Energy stored P = Load 33. What are the uses of Castigliano’s first theorem? 1. To determine the deflection of complicated structure. 2. To determine the deflection of curved beams, springs. 34. Define: Maxwell Reciprocal Theorem. In any beam of truss the deflection at any point ‘A’ due to a load ‘W’ at any other point ‘C’ is the same as the deflection at ‘C’ due to the same load ‘W’ applied at ‘A’. 35. Define: Unit load method. The external load is removed and the unit load is applied at the point, where the deflection or rotation is to found. 36. Give the procedure for unit load method. 50 1. Find the forces P1, P2, ………. in all the members due to external loads. 2. Remove the external loads and apply the unit vertical point load at the joint if the vertical deflection is required and find the stress. 3. Apply the equation for vertical and horizontal deflection. 37. Compare the unit load method and Castigliano’s first theorem. In the unit load method, one has to analyze the frame twice to find the load and deflection. While in the latter method, only one analysis is needed. 38. Find the strain energy per unit volume, the shear stress for a material is given as 50 N/mm2. Take G = 80000 N/mm2. U 2 per unit volume. 2G = 50 2 / (2 x 80000). = 0.015625 N / mm2. per unit volume. 39. Find the strain energy per unit volume, the tensile stress for a material is given as 150 N/mm2. Take E = 2 x 10 N/mm2. f2 Per unit volume 2E = (150)2 / (2 × (2x 10 2) = 0.05625 N/mm 2 per unit volume. U 40. Define: Modulus of resilience. The proof resilience of a body per unit volume. (ie) The maximum energy stored in the body within the elastic limit per unit volume. 41. Define Trussed Beam? A beam strengthened by providing ties and struts is known as Trusted Beams. UNIT – III Columns with various end conditions Euler’s Column Rankine’s formula Column with initial curvature 51 Eccentric loading Southwell plot Beam column, Short column, Long column, Stability of columns. PART – A 1. Define crippling load. The compression members which we come across do not fail entirely by crushing. These members are considerably long in comparison with their lateral dimensions. Hence, these members start bending, i.e buckling when the axial load reaches a certain critical value. 52 Once a member shows signs of buckling it will lead to the failure of the member. This load at which the member just buckles is called buckling load or critical load or crippling load. The buckling load is less than the crushing load. The value of the buckling load is low for the long members and relatively high for short members. The value of the buckling load for a given member depends upon the length of the member and the least lateral dimension. 2. Define effective length of a column. The effective length of a given column with given end conditions is the length of a equivalent column of the same material and section with hinged ends having the value of the crippling load equal to that of the given column. 3. Write the relation between effective length and actual length for various end conditions of column. Actual length of column = l, effective length = L Case 1 Both ends hinged L=l Case 2 One end fixed, One end free L = 2l Case 3 Both ends fixed l L 2 Case 4 One end fixed, one end hinged l L 2 4. What are the assumption made in Euler’s theory? Euler’s formula for the cripping load is based on the following assumption : (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (v) (vi) (vii) The column I initially perfectly straight and is axially loaded. The section of the column is uniform. The column material is perfectly elastic, homogeneous and isotropic and obeys Hooke’s law. The length of the column is very large compared to the laternal dimensions. The direct stress is very small compares with bending stress corresponding to the buckling condition. The self-weight of the column is ignorable. The column will fail by buckling alone. 5. Define slenderness ratio of the column. The ratio L effectiveness length is called the slenderness ratio of the column. K least radius of gyration 6. Write Rankine’s formula for colum. 53 Let P be the actual crippling load. Rankine stated his empirical formula 1 1 1 P Pc Pc Where Pc = Fc A = crushing load Pe = Buckling load according to Euler’s formula 2EI = Eulerian load = L2 7. Define factor of safety for column. This is the ratio of the critical load to the safe load on the column. 8. Define Column A structural member, subjected to an axial compressive force is called a strut. A strut may be horizontal, inclined or even vertical. But a vertical strut used in buildings or frames is called a column and whose lateral dimensions are small as compared to its height. 9. What are the types of column failure? 1. Crushing failure: The column will reach a stage, when it will be subjected to the ultimate crushing stress, beyond this the column will fail by crushing. The load corresponding to the crushing stress is called crushing load. This type of failure occurs in short column. 2. Buckling failure: This kind of failure is due to lateral deflection of the column. The load at which the column just buckles is called buckling load or crippling load or critical load. This type of failure occurs in long column. 10. What is slenderness ration (buckling factor)? What is relevance in column? It is the ratio of effective length of column to the least radium of gyration of the cross sectional ends of the column. Slenderness ration = 1 eff / r 1 eff = effective length of column r = least radius of gyration Slenderness ratio is used to differentiate the type of column. Strength of the column depends upon the slenderness ratio, it is increased the compressive strength of the column 54 decrease as the tendency to buckle is increased. 11. What are the factors affect the strength column? 1. Slenderness ratio Strength of the column depends upon the slenderness ratio, it is increased the compressive strength of the column decrease as the tendency to buckle is increased. 2. End conditions: Strength of the column depends upon the end conditions also. 12. Differentiate short and long column Short column 1. It is subjected to direct compressive stresses only. 2. Failure occurs purely due to crushing only. 3. Slenderness ratio is less than 80. 4. It’s length to least lateral dimension is less than 8. (L / D < 8) Long column It is subjected to buckling stress only. Failure occurs purely due to buckling only. Slenderness ratio is more than 120. It’s length to least lateral dimension is more than 30. (L / D > 30) 13. What are the assumptions followed in Euler’s equation? 1. The material of the column is homogeneous, isotropic and elastic. 2. The section of the column is uniform throughout. 3. The column is initially straight and load axially. 4. The effect of the direct axial stress is neglected. 5. The column fails by buckling only. 14. What are the limitations of Euler’s formula? 1. It is not valid for mild steel column. The slenderness ratio of mild steel column is less than 80. 2. It does not take the direct stress. But in excess of load it can withstand under direct compression only. 15. Write the Euler’s formula for different end conditions. 1. Both ends fixed. PE 2. Both ends hinged PE 2 EI (0.5 L)2 2 EI ( L)2 3. One end fixed, other end hinged. 2 EI PE (0.7 L)2 L = Length of the column 55 4. One end fixed, other end free. 2 EI PE (2 L)2 16. Define: Equivalent length of the column. The distance between adjacent points of inflection is called equivalent length of the column. A point of inflection is found at every column end, that is free to rotate and every point where there is a change of the axis. i.e, There is no moment in the inflection points. (Or) The equivalent length of the given column with given end conditions, is the length of an equivalent column of the same material and cross section with hinged ends, and having the value of the crippling load equal to that of the given column. 17. What are the uses of south well plot? (Column curve). The relation between the buckling load and slenderness ratio of various column is known as south well plot. The south well plot is clearly shows the decreases in buckling load increases in slenderness ratio. It gives the exact value of slenderness ratio of column subjected to a particular amount of buckling load. 18. Give Rankine’s formula and its advantages. PR fC A (1 a (1eff / r )2 ) Where , PR = Rankine’s critical load fC = yield stress A = cross sectional area a = Rankine’s constant leff = effective length r = radius of gyration In case of short column or strut, Euler’s load will be very large. Therefore, Euler’s formula is not valid for short column. To avoid this limitation, Rankine’s formula is applicable for both long and short column. 19. Write Euler’s formula for maximum stress for a initially bent column? σ max = P / A + ( M max / Z) Pa =P/A+ (1-(P/PE ))Z 56 Where, P = axial load A = cross section area PE = Euler’s load a = constant Z = section modulus 20. Write Euler’s formula for maximum stress for a eccentrically loaded column? σ max = P / A + ( M max / Z) P Sec(1 eff/2) (P/EI) =P/A+ e (1 ( P / PE ))Z Where, P = axial load A = cross section area PE = Euler’s load e = eccentricity Z = section modulus EI = flexural rigidity 21. What is a beam column? Give examples. Column having transverse load in addition to the axial compressive load are termed as beam column. Eg: Engine shaft, Wing of an aircraft. 22. Write the expressions for the maximum deflection developed in a beam column carrying central point load with axial load, hinged at both ends. max = O /(1 ( P / PE )) Where, δO = QL3 / 48EI Q = central point load P = axial load PE = Euler’s load 23. Write the expressions for maximum bending moment and max. Stress developed in a beam column carrying central point load hinged at both ends. [1 0.18( P / PE )] [1 ( P / PE )] σ max = P / A + ( M max / Z) M max = MO Where, MO = QL / 4 Q = central point load P = axial load PE = Euler’s load Z = section modulus 57 24. Write the expressions for the maximum deflection developed in a beam column carrying uniformly distributed load with axial load, hinged at both ends. max O /(1 ( P / PE )) Where, δO = 5w L4 / 384 EI w = uniformly distributed load / m run. P = axial load PE = Euler’s load. 25. Write the expressions for the maximum bending moment and max, stress developed in a beam column carrying uniformly distributed load with axial load, hinged at both ends. [1 0.03( P / PE )] [1 ( P / PE )] σ max = P / A + ( M max / Z) M max = MO Where, MO = wL2 / 8 w = uniformly distributed load / m run P = axial load PE = Euler’s load Z = section modulus 26. Write the expressions for the deflection developed in a beam column carrying several point loads at different distance with an axial load, hinged at both ends. y sin kx [ Q1 sin kc1 Q2 Sin kc2 Q3 sin kc3........ ] ( x / PL)[Q1c1 Q2c2 Q3c3...... ]Pk sin kL sin k( L x)[Q2 sin k(L-c2 ) Q3 sin k( L c3 )] (( L x) / PL))[Q2 ( L c2 ) Q3 ( L c3 )]Pk sin kL 27. Write the general expressions for the maximum bending moment, if the deflection curve equation is given. BM = - EI (d2y / dx2) PART – B 1. Derive the expression for crippling load when both ends of the column are hinged. Case 1 : when both ends of the column are pinned or hinged. The following fig. shows a column AB of the length l and uniform sectional area a, hinged at both the ends A and B. let P be the crippling load at which the column has just buckled. 58 Consider any section at a distance x from the end B. let y be the deflection (lateral displacement) at the section. The bending moment at the section is given by, El d2 y Py dx 2 El d2 y Py 0 dx 2 fig. d2 y P y0 dx 2 El The solution to the above differential equation is P P y C1 cos x C2 sin x EI EI Where C1 and C2 are constants of integration. At B, the deflection is zero. At x = 0, y = 0 C1 = 0 A also, the deflection is zero. i.e at x = l, y = 0 P 0 = C2 sin l EI Since C1 = 0 we conclude that C2 cannot be zero. This is because if both C1 and C2 are zero the column will not bend at all. Hence sin l l P 0 EI P 0, , 2,3,4 EI Considering the least practical value, 59 l P EI P= 2EI l2 2. Derive the expression for crippling load when one end of a column is fixed and other is free. Case 2 : when one is fixed and the other is free. The following fig. shows a column AB of length l whose lower end B is fixed, the upper end A being free. Let due to the crippling load P the column just buckle. Let a be the deflection at the top end. El d2 y P(a y) dx 2 Where y is the deflection at X. d2 y EI 2 Py Pa dx d2 y P Pa y 2 dx EI EI The solution to the above differential equation is P P y C1 cos x C2 sin x a EI EI Where C1 and C2 are constants of integration. At B, the deflection is zero. At x = 0, y = 0 0 = C1 + 0 C1 = -a The slope at any section is given by dy P P P P C1 sin x C2 cos x EI EI dx EI EI At B the slope is zero, 60 Fig. At dy 0 dx P 0= C2 EI C2 = 0 x = 0, At A the deflection is a AAt x = l, y = a P a = -a cos l a EI P cos l 0 EI Considering the least practical value, l P EI 2 P= 2EI 4l2 3. Derive the expression for crippling rod when both ends of the column are fixed. Case 1 : when both ends of the column are fixed. The following fig. shows a column AB of the length l whose ends A and are both fixed. Obviously there will be a restraint moment say M0 at each end. Let P be the crippling load. Consider any section X distance x from the lower end B. The bending moment at the section X, is given by. 61 El d2 y M0 Py dx 2 El d2 y Py M0 dx 2 fig. M d2 y P y 0 2 dx El EI The solution to the above differential equation is P P M0 y C1 cos x C2 sin x EI EI P (1) Where C1 and C2 are constants of integration. The slope at any section is given by dy P P P P C1 sin x C2 cos x EI EI dx EI EI At B, the deflection is zero. At x = 0, y = 0 C1 = 0 0 C1 M0 P C1 M0 P At B, the slope is zero, At dy 0 dx P 0= C2 C2 0 EI x = 0, At A, the deflection is zero At x = l, y = 0 0 P M0 M0 cos l EI P P 62 (2) P M0 1 cos l 0 P EI P cos l 1 EI l P 0, 2 4,6, ... .... EI Considering the first practical value, l P 2 EI P= 42EI l2 4. Derive the expression for crippling load when one end of the column is fixed and the other end is hinged. Case 4 : when one end of the column is fixed and other end is pinned or hinged. The following fig. shows a column AB of the length l whose upper end A is hinged while its lower end B is fixed. Let P be the crippling load. Studying the nature of bending we realize that there will be a restraint moment Mb at the lower fixed end. The existence of the restraint moment therefore justifies the need for horizontal force also at the top end a without which no bending moment can occur at B. hence the hinge at A must exert a horizontal force H at A. Consider any section X at a distance x from the lower fixed end B. The bending moment at the section is given by, 63 El El d2 y Py H(l x) dx 2 d2 y Py H(l x) dx 2 fig. d2 y P H y (l x) 2 dx El EI The solution to the above differential equation is P P H y C1 cos x C2 sin x (l x) EI EI P (1) Where C1 and C2 are constants of integration. The slope at any section is given by, dy P P P P H C1 sin x C2 cos x EI EI P dx EI EI (2) At B, the deflection is zero. At x = 0, y = 0 H H 0 = C1 + l C1 l P P At B, the slope is zero, At dy 0 dx P H 0= C2 EI P x = 0, C2 H EI P P At A, the deflection is zero At x = l, y = 0 0 Simplifying we get, P P tan l l EI EI P H EI P H lcos l sin l EI P P EI P The solution to this equation is 64 l P 4.5 radians EI l2P =(4.5)2 20.25 EI 20.25 EI P l2 Approximately 20.25 = 22 P 22 EI l2 5. Calculate the safe compressive load on a hollow cast iron column (one end rigidly fixed and the other hinged) of 150 mm external diameter and 100 mm internal diameter and 10m in length. Use Euler’s formula with a factor of safety of 5 and E = 95 K N/mm2. Solution : D = 150 mm d = 100 mm l 10 L 5 2m 5 2 1000 mm 2 2 =5000 2 mm I= (150 4 100 4 ) 1.994 107 mm4 64 P safe load= 2EI 2 95 1.994 107 373.92 kN L2 (5000 2)2 373.92 74.78 kN 5 6. A hollow alloy tube 5 metre long with external and internal diameters equal to 40 mm and 25 mm respectively was found to extend by 6.4 mm under a tensile load of 60 kN. Find the buckling load for the tube, when used as a column with both ends pinned. Also find the safe compressive load for the tube, with a factor of safety of 4. Solution : Area of the section = A (402 252 )mm2 765.76 mm2 4 When subjected to tension Extension Wl AE 65 WL 60 103 5 103 61213.6 N/mm2 A 765.76 6.4 I (40 4 25 4 ) 106489 mm 4 When used as a column 64 E P Buckling load 2Ei 2 61213.6 106489 2573.43 N L2 50002 Safe load, with a factor of safety of 4 5573.43 643.36 N 4 7. A bar of length 4 meters when used as a simply supported beam and subjected to a uniformly distributed load of 30 kN/m. Over the whole span deflects 1.5 mm at the centre. Determine the crippling loads when it is used as a column with the following conditions: i) Both ends pinjointed ii) One end fixed and the other hinged, iii) Both ends fixed Solution : Analysis as a beam w = 30 kN/m = 30 N/mm l = 4000 mm, = 15 mm. 5 wl4 384 EI 5 wl4 5 30 (4000)4 2 EI . 1013 Nmm2 384 384 15 3 Analysis as a column i) When both ends are hinged Crippling load ii) 2EI 2 1 2 1013 = 412335 N=4112.335kN 2 l 3 (4000)2 When one end is fixed and the other end is hinged. Crippling load iii) P P 22EI 2 4112.335 =8224.67 kN l2 When both ends are fixed 66 Crippling load P 42EI 4 4112.335 =16449.34 kN l2 8. Determine the ratio of the buckling strengths of two circular columns – one hollow and the other solid. Both the columns are made of the same material and have the same length, cross-sectional area and end conditions. The internal diameter of the hollow column is half of its external diameter. Solution : D1 = External diameter of the hollow column D2 = 0.5 d1 = internal diameter of the hollow column D = Diameter of the solid column Since both the columns have the same area 2 D2 2 (D1 0.25D1 ) 4 4 D12 4 D2 3 2EIh L2 2E Is Buckling load for the solid column = Ps L2 1 D14 D14 4 4 Ph Ih D1 D2 16 Ps Is D2 D4 Buckling load for the hollow column= Ph= 2 15 D 4 15 4 5 . 14 . 16 D 16 3 3 9. Derive the expression for load when column subjected to eccentric loading. Rankine’s Method: Consider a short column subjected to an eccentric load P. let e be the eccentricity from the geometric axis. Let A be the sectional area of the member. P P.e P P.e Maximum compressive stress =Pmax yc yc A I A AK 2 67 = P= P ey c 1 2 A k Pmax A ey 1 2c k Let f be the safe stress for the column material Safe load for the column at the eccentricity e is given by fA P eyc 1 k 2 If the effect of buckling be also included, the safe eccentric load fA P L2 ey c 1 1 k 2 k2 Where l = effective length of the column ii) Euler’s Method: Consider a column AB of length l subjected to an eccentric load O at eccentricity e. let the top of the column be free and the bottom of the column be fixed. Let y be the deflection at any section X distant x from the fixed end B. let a be the deflection at A. The bending moment at the section X is given by EI d2 y P(a e y) dx 2 d2 y P P(a e) y 2 dx EI EI fig. The solution to the above differential equation is given by, y C1 cos x P P C2 sin x (a e) ..(i) EI EI The slope ay any section is given by 68 dy P P P P C1 sin x C2 cos x dx EI EI EI EI At B, x = 0 and y = 0, and 0 = C1 + (a+e) and 0 = C2 At A, x = l and y = a a = - (a+e) cos l dy 0 dx P EI P (a e) EI P a = (a+e) 1 cosl EI P (a+e) cos l e EI a + e = e sec l P EI The maximum bending moment for the column occurs at B and is equal to P (a+e) Max.B.M. = M = Pe sec l P EI Hence the maximum compressive stress for the column section at B P A Pe sec l P EI Z If both ends of the column had been hinged, it can be shown that the maximum bending moment L P M Pe sec 2 EI 10. A column of circular section made of cast iron 200 mm external diameter and 20 mm thick is used as a column 4 metres long. Both ends of the column are fixed. the column carries a load of 150 kN at an eccentricity of 25 mm from the axis of the column. Find the extreme stresses on the column section. Find also the maximum eccentricity in order there may be no tension anywhere on the section. Take E = 94000 N/mm2. 69 Solution : Area of the column = A (2002 1602 ) 11310 mm2 64 Moment of inertia of the section about a diameter (20 4 16 4 ) 4.637 10 7 mm 7 = I 64 Section modulus 4.637 107 Z 4.637 105 mm3 100 Effective length of the column L l 4 2 metres = 2000 mm 2 2 Maximum bending moment M Pe sec Let us determine the angle L P 2 EI L P 2 EI L P 150 1000 1000 0.1855 radian 2 EI 94000 4.637 107 =1063=1038' say 1040' sec 1040'=1.017 Maximum bending moment M = 150 1000 25 1.017 = 3813750 N mm Maximum compressive stress = Pmax = P M A Z 150 1000 3813750 13.26 8.22 11310 4.637 105 = 21.48 N/mm2 If tension is just to be avoided corresponding to the maximum eccentricity. 70 P M A Z P A Pe sec L P 2 EI Z 150 1000 150 e 1.1017 11310 4.637 105 e 4.637 105 40.3 mm 11310 1.017 11. Derive the expression for maximum compressive stress if column with initial curvature. The following fig. shows a column AB of length l with both its ends pinned. The column has an initial curvature having a central deflection a’. Let at a distance x from the end B the initial deflection be y’. For purpose of analysis let us assume a sine curve for the initial deflection be y’. For purpose of analysis let us assume a sine curve for the initial profile of the centre line of the column, So that, y'=a' sin x l dy' a' x cos dx l l d2 y ' 2a' x sin 2 2 dx l l ...(i) When the loading on the column reaches the critical value P, the column will deflect to the form ACB, so that the deflection at x changes from y’ to y. this happens due to the bending moment Py. d2 (y y ') Py dx 2 Ei d2 (y y ') P y 2 dx EI d2 y P d2 y ' 2a' x y sin 2 2 dx EI dx l l ..(ii) 71 Let the solution to the above differential equations be given by y Ca' sin x l Where c is a constant of integration. dy x x Ca' cos dx l l and d2 y 2 x Ca' 2 sin 2 dx l l Substituting the expressions for y and Ca' d2 y in equation (ii) we have, dx 2 2 x P x 2a ' x sin Ca' sin sin 2 2 l l EI l l l 2 P 2 C 2 2 EI l l C= 2 l2 P 2 l EI 2 1 1 2 P Pl 1 1 2 P0 EI Hence the equation to the deflected form of the column is given by y Pe a'sin Pe P l ...(iii) The deflection will be a maximum at the mid-section C. Let a be the central deflection l At x= , y=a 2 a= Pe a' Pe P Maximum B.M.=M=B.M. at the mid section =Pa = PPe a' Pe P 72 Maximum compressive stress =Pmax P0 Pb = = P M P My e A Z A AK 2 PPe y P a' c 2 A Pe P AK Pe a' y Pe a' y e P 2 c P0 1 . 2 1 A Pe P K Pe P k Pe a' y c = P0 1 . 2 p0 P K or rearranging, Pmax P0 a' yc 1 1 2 K P0 Pe 73 UNIT – IV Maximum Stress theory Maximum strain theory Maximum shear stress theory Distortion Theory Maximum strain energy theory Simple problems of shaft under combined loading. 74 Maximum stress theory: This theory states that the failure of a material occurs when the maximum principal (tensile) stress reaches the elastic limit stress of the material in simple tension or the maximum principal stress (that is, the maximum principal compressive stress) reaches the elastic limit stress in simple compression. Maximum strain theory: This theory states that the failure of a material occurs when the maximum principal tensile strain in the material reaches the strain at the elastic limit in simple tension or when the minimum principal strain (i.e. maximum principal compressive strain) reaches the elastic limit strain in simple compression. Maximum shear stress theory. This theory states that the failure of a material occurs when the maximum shear stress in the material reaches the maximum shear stress at the elastic limit in simple tension. Distortion energy theory. According to this theory, the elastic failure of a material occurs when the distortion energy of the material reaches the distortion energy at the elastic limit in simple tension. Maximum strain energy theory. This theory states that the failure of a material occurs when the maximum strain energy in the material reaches the maximum energy of the material t the elastic limit in simple tension. Maximum principal stress theory. This theory states that the failure of a material occurs when the maximum principal (tensile) stress reaches the elastic limit stress of the material in simple tension or the maximum principal stress (that is, the maximum principal compressive stress) reaches the elastic limit stress in simple compression. In this theory, the maximum or the minimum principal stress is taken as the criterion of failure. Minimum principal stress is actually the maximum compressive principal stress. Mathematically, the failure condition is 1 |3 ’ |3| means the numerical values of 3 (only if 1 is tensile) (only if 3 is compressive) 75 To prevent failure, 1 < |3| < At the point of failure, 1 = |3| = (1) (2) The above theory is in good agreement with experimental results of brittle materials such as C.I The above theory I contradicted in the following cases. i) In simple, tension test on mid steel sliding occurs approximately 45 to the axis of the specimen, showing that the failure in this case is due to maximum shear stress rather than the direct tensile stress. ii) A material even though weak in simple compression has been found to sustain hydrostatic pressure far in excess of the elastic limit in simple compression. In design problems and ’ in equations (1) and (2) are replaced by the safe values of stresses obtained by diving the elastic limit stress (or the limit of proportionally or yield point stress or the ultimate stress) by a factor of safely. Let these safe stresses be t and c(1 = safe tensile stress and c = safe compressive stress). and For design purposes : 1 = t |3|= c Principal stresses in a M.S. body are +40 MN/m2 and -100 MN/m2, the third principal stress being zero. Find the factor of safety based on the elastic limit if the criterion of failure for the material is the maximum principal stress theory. Take the elastic limit stress in simple tension as well as in simple compression to be equal to 210 MN/m2. Solution : here 1 = 40 MN/m2, 2 = 0 and 3 = -100 MN/m2 Now 1 = t Or 1 = f.o.s 210 5.25 f.o.s= 1 40 Also |3 | c or |3 | ' f.o.s f.o.s= 210 2.1 100 So the material, according to the maximum principal stress theory, will fail due to compressive principal stress. 76 f.o.s = 2.1 Principal stresses in a c.I. body are + 35 MN/m3 and – 80 MN/m2, the third principal stress being zero. Find the f.o.s based on the elastic limit if the criterion of failure is the maximum principal stress theory. Take the elastic limit stress in simple tension as 70 MN/m2 and in simple compression as 500 MN/m2. Solution : Here 1 = 35 MN/m2, 2 = and 3 = -80 MN/m2 Now 1 = t Or 1 = f.o.s 70 2 f.o.s= 1 35 Also |3 | c f.o.s= ' f.o.s ' 500 6.25 |3 | 80 The material will fail due to tensile principal stress. f.o.s = 2 maximum principal strain theory: This theory states that the failure of a material occurs when the principal tensile strain in the material reaches the strain at the elastic limit in simple tension or when the minimum principal strain (i.e. maximum principal compressive strain) reaches the elastic limit strain in simple compression. Now 1 = principal strain in the direction of principal stress1 1 = 1 (2 3 ) E 3 = Principal strain in the direction of the principal stress 3 1 3 (1 2 ) E According to the maximum principal strain theory, the conditions to cause failure are 77 1 E and | 3 | [ 1 must be positive] ' E [ 3 must be negative] or 1 [3 (2 3 )] E E and 1 ' | 3 (1 2 ) | E E or [1 (2 3 ) and [3 (1 2 ) ' To prevent failure [1 (2 3 ) and [3 (1 2 ) ' At the point of elastic failure and [1 (2 3 ) (1) [3 (1 2 ) ' (2) In design ’ in equation (1) and (2) are replaced by safe stresses which can be designated by t, and c respectively. For design purposes [1 (2 3 ) [3 (1 2 ) c The above theory is not used much in practice as it does not fit well with the experimental results except for brittle materials for biaxial tension-compression state of stress for which it is sometimes recommended. Maximum shear stress theory: This theory states that the failure of a material occurs when the maximum shear stress in the material reaches the maximum shear stress at the elastic limit in simple tension. 78 Maximum shear stress = 1 3 2 Maximum shear stress at the elastic limit in simple tension = 1 3 to prevent failure 2 2 or 1 3 to prevent failure 2 At the point of failure 1 -3 = (1) In actual design in the above equation is replaced by the safe stress t. This theory gives good arrangement with experimental results on ducts materials for which = ’ approximately. This theory is quite simple to apply as compared to the other theories (next two theories applicable to ductile materials and gives quite safe results. This theory is very commonly used in machine design for ductile materials. The above theory is contradicted in the following cases. i. The theory does not give agreement with experiments for materials for which is quite different from ’. So it cannot be applied to brittle material such as C.I. ii. Under hydrostatic pressure or equal tensions in these direction, the maximum shear stress is always equal to zero, meaning thereby that material will never fail under hydrostatic pressure or equal tensions. This is physically impossible. Under equal tensions in three principal directions, a brittle failure is expected and hence the maximum principal stress theory must be more relevant in this case. iii. The theory does not give as close results as found by experiments on ductile materials, However, it gives the safe results. A M.S shaft 10 cm diameter is subjected to a maximum torque of 15 kNm and a maximum bending moment of 10 kNm at a particular section. Find the f.o.s according to the maximum shear stress theory if the elastic limit in simple tension is 240 MN/m2. Solution : 79 b maximum bending stress = maximum shear stress = M 10 1000 10 6 320 N / m2 3 Z 10 32 100 T 15 1000 240 10 6 3 3 10 d 16 16 100 Principal stresses are given by 2 106 320 1 1 106 320 240 2 6 b b 4 10 4 2 2 2 106 320 480 160 106 1 1 (1 1.805) 2 320 148 106 or -41 10 6 N/m2 According to the maximum shear stress theory, 1-3 = Here 1 148 106 , 2 0 and 3 41 106 N/m2 (148+41) 106 =189 10 6 N/m2 240 106 f.o.s= 1.27 Ans. 189 106 Maximum strain energy theory: This theory states that the failure of a material occurs when the maximum strain energy in the material reaches the maximum energy of the material at the elastic limit in simple tension. Mathematically, at the point of failure V 2 2 1 22 32 2(12 23 31 ) V, giving 2E 2E 12 22 32 2(12 23 31 (1) In actual design in the above equation is replaced by the allowable stress obtained by dividing (or the ultimate stress or yield point stress) by a f.o.s. The results of this theory are similar to the experimental results for ductile materials (i.e. the materials which fail by general yielding) for which = ’ approximately. 80 Also note that order of 1, 2 and 3 is immaterial here. i. The theory does not apply to materials for which is quite different from ’. ii. Under hydrostatic pressure 1 = -p, 2 –p and 3 = -p, giving p when 3(1 2) 1, 2 and 3 are put in equation (1). It has been found that this result does not agree with experiments. Actually much higher pressures can be applied than those given by the equation p . 3(1 2) iii. It does not give results exactly equal to the experimental results even for ductile materials, even through the results are quite close to the experimental. Distortion energy theory. According to this theory, the elastic failure of a material occurs when the distortion energy of the material reaches the distortion energy at the elastic limit in simple tension. V (1 2 )2 (2 3 )2 (3 1 )2 12G and shear strain energy due to the elastic limit stress V V (1 0)2 (0 0)2 (0 )2 2 2 12G 12G 1 , 2 0 and 3 0 Equating the two energies, we get (1 2 )2 (2 3 )2 (3 1 )2 2 (1) or 2 12 22 32 (12 23 31 ) (2) 2 In actual design in equations (1) and (2) is replaced by safe equivalent stress t, in simple tension. The above theory has been to give best results for ductile for ductile materials for which =’ approximately. Note that order of 1, 2 and 3 is immaterial for this theory. i. The theory does not agree with the experimental results for the material for which is quite different from ’. ii. For hydrostatic pressure or tension, the above theory gives = 0. This means that the material will never fail under any hydrostatic pressure or tension and this is obviously not correct. Actually when three equal tensions are 81 applied in three principal directions, brittle fracture occurs and as such maximum principal stress theory will give reliable results in this case. A solid shaft transmits 1000 kW at 300 r.p.m maximum torque is 2 times the mean. The shaft is subjected to a bending moment, which is 1.5 times the men torque. The shaft is of ductile material for which the permissible tensile and shear stresses are 120 MPa and 60 MPa respectively. Determine the shaft diameter using suitable theory of failure. Give justification of the theory used. Find result by use of max. principal stress theory also. (AMIE Sec B, Winter 94). Solution : It is problem of combined bending and torque. Principal Stresses : b 32M 16T , = 3 3 d d 1 1 32M 32 16 Principal Streses = b b2 42 3 3 M2 T 2 3 (M M2 T 2 ) 2 d 2 d d 1 16 16 M M2 T 2 , 2 0 and 3 3 (M M2 T 2 ) 3 d d Best theory is the distortion energy theory, which gives, 12 32 13 2t 2 or 16 2 2 d3 M M T or 16 2 2 2 2 2 d3 2M 2M 2T T t or i.e, Now 2 2 16 2 2 d3 4M 3T 32 3 1 3 M2 T 2 d 4 2 M M2 T 2 2 2t (1) 2NTmean 1000 103 60 82 2 2 16 2 2 2 d3 M M T 2 2 16 3 2t d 2 300 Tmean 1000 103 60 or 100 103 100 kNm i.e Tmean T-Max.torque= and M=Max.B.M.= 200 kNm 150 kNm Putting in equation (1) we get, 2 120 106 d3 2 32 150 200 103 3 d 32 103 3 32 3 (150)2 (200)2 1502 (200)2 6 2 2 3 120 10 4 120 10 4 3 3 or d 6.191 10 d=0.1836 m= 183.6 mm Ans. Justification for the theory used: The theories generally used for ductile materials are (i) maximum shear stress theory and (ii) distortion energy theory. Out of these theories, distortion energy theory is best for ductile materials, as the experimental results for these materials fit very well with this theory. Maximum shear stress theory gives results on safer side, that is a little more materials is used than the actual required as given by distortion energy theory. Maximum shear stress theory results: M2 T 2 3 d t 32 2 3 or 10 or d3 This gives 2 3 200 150 6 32 d 120 10 32 (200 / )2 (150 / )2 103 6 120 10 d3=6.755 10-3 83 and d = 0.189 m = 189 mm Ans. Since t = 2 (given), the equivalent torque criterion gives same results. Maximum principal stress theory : i.e or 1 3 M M2 T 2 d t 2 32 3 M+ M2 T 2 d t 16 2 2 150 150 200 3 3 6 10 16 d 120 10 or 2d3 150+ (150) (200) 3 120 10 6 10 16 or 150+ 1502 2002 or d3 54.0379 10 4 2 2 2 120 103 d3 16 d=0.1755 m = 175.5 mm Ans. 15. What are the types of failures? 1. Brittle failure: Failure of a material represents direct separation of particles from each other, accompanied by considerable deformation. 2. Ductile failure: Slipping of particles accompanied, by considerable plastic deformations. Theories of failure: 1. Maximum Principal Stress Theory. (Rakine’s theory) 2. Maximum Principal Strain Theory. (St. Venant’s theory) 3. Maximum Shear Stress Theory. (Tresca’s theory or Guest’s theory) 4. Maximum Shear Strain Theory. (Von-Mises-Hencky theory or Distortion energy theory) 5. Maximum Strain Energy Theory. (Beltrami Theory or Haigh’s theory) Maximum Principal Stress Theory (Rakine’s theory) According to this theory, the failure of the material is assumed to take place when the value of the maximum Principal Stress (σ 1 = f y ). 84 Maximum Principal Strain Theory. (St. Venant’s Theory) According to this theory, the failure of the material is assumed to take place when the value of the maximum Principal Stain (e1) reaches a value to that of the elastic limit strain (fy / E) of the material. e 1 = fy / E e1 1/ E[ 1 (1/ m)( 2 3 )] f y / E [ 1 (1/ m)( 2 3 )] f y In 3D In 2D, σ 3 = 0 e1 1/ E[ 1 (1/ m)( 2 )] f y / E [ 1 (1/ m)( 2 )] = fy Maximum Shear Stress Theory. (Tresca’s theory) According to this theory, the failure of the material is assumed to take place when the maximum shear stress equal determined from the simples tensile test. In 3D, ( 1 3 ) / 2 f y / 2 ( 1 3 ) f y In 2D, ( 1 2 ) / 2 f y / 2 ( 1 ) f y Maximum Shear Stress Theory. (Von-Mises-Hencky theory or Distortion energy theory) According to this theory, the failure of the material is assumed to take place when the maximum shear strain exceeds the shear strain determined from the simple tensile test. In 3D, shear strain energy [( 1 2 )2 ( 2 3 )2 ( 3 1 )2 ] due to distortion U = (1/ 12G) Shear strain energy due to simple tension, U = f y2 / 6G (1/ 12G) [( 1 2 )2 ( 2 3 )2 ( 3 1 )2 ] = f y2 / 6G [( 1 2 )2 ( 2 3 )2 ( 3 1 )2 ] = 2 f y2 [( 1 2 )2 ( 2 0)2 (0 1 )2 ] = 2 f y2 In 2D, Maximum Strain Energy Theory (Beltrami Theory) According to this theory, the failure of the material is assumed to take place when the maximum strain energy exceeds the strain energy determined from the simple tensile test. In 3D, strain energy due 2 2 2 [ 1 2 3 (1/ m)( 1 2 2 2 2 2 ) ] Strain energy due to simple 85 to deformation tension, U = f y2 / 2 E U = (1/2E) (1/2E) [ 12 22 32 (2 / m)( 1 2 2 2 2 2 ) ]= f y2 / 2 E [ 12 22 32 (2 / m)( 1 2 2 2 2 2 ) ]= f y2 [ 12 22 (2 / m)( 1 2 )] fy 2 Theories used for ductile failures In 2D, 1. Maximum Principal Strain Theory. (St. Venant’s theory) 2. Maximum Shear Stress Theory. (Tresca’s theory or Guest’s theory) 3. Maximum Shear Strain Theory. (Von-Mises-Hencky theory or Distortion energy theory) Limitations of Maximum Principal Stress Theory (Rakine’s theory) 1. This theory disregards the effect of other principal stresses and effect of shearing stresses on other planes through the element. 2. Material in tension test piece slips along 45 to the axis of the test piece, where normal stress is neither maximum nor minimum, but the shear stress is maximum. 3. Failure is not a brittle, but it is a cleavage failure. Limitations of Maximum Shear Stress Theory. (Tresca’s theory). This theory does not give the accurate results for the state of stress of pure shear in which the maximum amount of shear is developed (in torsion test). Limitations of Maximum Shear Strain Theory. Distortion energy theory) (Von-Mises-Hencky theory or It cannot be applied for the materials under hydrostatic pressure. Limitations of Maximum Strain Energy Theory. (Beltrami Theory). The theory does not apply to brittle materials for which elastic limit in tension and in compression are quite different. Failure theories and its relationship between tension and shear. 1. Maximum Principal Stress Theory. (Rakine’s theory) y = fy 2. Maximum Principal Strain Theory. (St. Venant’s theory) y = 0.8 fy 3. Maximum Shear Stress Theory. (Tresca’s theory or Guest’s theory) y =0.5 fy 4. Maximum Shear Strain Theory. (Von-Mises-Hencky theory or Distortion energy theory)y = 0.577 fy 5. Maximum Strain Energy Theory. (Beltrami Theory or Haigh’s theory) y = 0.817 fy Octahedral Stresses: A plane, which is equally inclined 86 to the three axes of reference, is called octahedral plane. The normal and shearing stress acting on this plane are called octahedral stresses. oct 1/ 3 ( 1 2 )2 ( 2 3 )2 ( 3 1 )2 Plasticity ellipse: The graphical surface of a Maximum Shear Strain Theory (Von-Mises-Hencky theory or Distortion energy theory) is a straight circular cylinder. The equation in 2D is 12 1 2 22 fy 2 which is called the Plasticity ellipse UNIT V Equilibrium and Compatibility conditions for elastic solids. 2D elasticity equations for plane stress, plane strain and generalized plane strain 87 cases Airy’s stress function. Simple problems in plane stress / plane strain using Cartesian and polar coordinates. Super position techniques. Examples include (a) panels subjected to a Generalized plane strain Biaxial loading (b) Uniform/Linearly varying edge loads on elastic half plane (c) Thick cylindrical shells. 1. Write the differential equations of equilibrium for two-dimensional problems? 88 2. Write the condition of compatibility for elastic solids? 3. Define plane stress and plane strain. 4. Write Airy’s stress function. 89 5. Write the components of stress and strain. 90 6. Write the strain components by the method of superposition. 1. Explain the following (i) Notation for forces and stresses (ii) Components of 91 stress (iii) Components of strain. 92 93 94 2. Explain the following (i) Plane stress and plane strain (ii) compatibility equations. 95 3. Explain (i) St.Venant’s Principle (ii) Airy’s stress function. 4. 96 Explain (i) Strain Rosette (ii) Compatibility equations. 97 AIRCRAFT STRUCTURES – I PART – A 1. Give the relation between the number of members and the number of joints in a truss and explain its significance. 2. A solid cylinder 100 cm long and 5 cm in diameter is subjected to a tensile force of 80 kN. One part this cylinder of length L1 is made of steel (E = 210 GPa) and the other part of length L2 is made of aluminium (E = 70 GPa). Determine the length L1 and L2 so that the two parts elongate to an equal amount. 3. Write down three moment equation in the general form. 4. Define and the S.I. units for (a) Stiffness (b) Flexural rigidity 5. A cantilever beam of length L is subjected to a tip load P, find the deflection at the tip using Castigliano’s theorem. 6. State Reciprocal theorem. Give an example. 7. Find the slope at the support of a simply supported beam of length L and subjected to a uniformly distributed load by unit load method. 8. Draw Euler’s curve for a column and explain critical slenderness ratio. 9. Give the Rankine’s formula and its significance. 10. A solid cube of steel (G = 80 GPa) is subjected to a shear of 56 MPa. Find the strain energy per unit volume. PART – B 11. (a) method. Find the forces in the members of the truss shown in the figure by any one Figure. Or (b) Find the forces in the members of the landing gear tripod shown in the figure 98 12. (a) Find the support moments and draw bending moment diagram of the continuous beam shown in Fig using three moment equation. Or (b) Find the support moments and draw bending moment diagram of the continuous beam shown in the figure using moment distribution method. 13. (a) Find the horizontal reaction of the frame shown in the figure using strain energy method. (b) Determine the forces in the system shown in the figure, assuming the cross section area of all bars equal and taking the force X in the diagonal AD as the statically indeterminate quantity. 99 14. (a) The cross section of a hinged-hinged column 1 m long is Z with 3 cm x 2 mm top and bottom flange and 5 cm x 2 mm middle web. Derive the formula used. E = 70 GPa. Or (b) A beam-column made of steel simply supported at both ends is subjected to a concentrated load of 1000 N at a distance 1 m from the right support and an axial load of 1000 N. Find the deflection at mid-point and the maximum deflection. Given: L = 4 m, b = 20 mm, E = 210 GPa, calculate the load the column can carry. Derive the formula used. 15. (a) A simply supported beam column of length L is subjected to a axial load P and a moment at M at one of the support. Find the slope at the supports. Or (b) A circular shaft of tensile yield strength 300 MPa is subjected to a combined state of loading defined by a bending moment M = 15 kN-m and torque T = 20 kN-m. Calculate the diameter d which the bar must have in order to achieve a factor of safety N = 3. Apply the following theories. (i) Maximum shear stress theory (ii) Maximum distortion energy theory (iii)Octahedral shear stress theory. 100 AIRCRAFT STRUCTURES – I PART – A 1. Where are the truss-type structures found in an aircraft? 2. Define the ‘carry-over’ factor used in the moment distribution method. 3. Transform the cross-section show in figure to a section made of aluminium alone. What is the criterion used? 4. Write down the moment-curvature relationship for the section shown in figure. 5. Compute the strain energy stored in the bar indicated in the figure. 6. State Maxwell’s Reciprocal Theorem. 7. What is an ideal column? 8. The load carrying capacity of a column (increases/decreases/remains unchanged) because of eccentricity? 9. State 2 failure theories applicable to brittle material. 10. What is the failure criterion according to the maximum shear stress theory? PART – B 11. (a) Determine the forces in the members of the truss indicated in figure. 101 Or (b) Look at the 3-element truss configuration shown in figure E = 70 GPa for the material used. The cross-section area of each member is 5 cm2. The length of member (2) is 99.75 cm- this member is stretched so that a pin can be inserted at B to connect the 3 members together. Determine the forces induced in the members. Determine also the vertical and horizontal displacement of point B. State and prove Clapeyron’s 3 – moment equation. Or (b) Determine all support reactions for the beam shown in figure Use Clapeyron’s 3-moment equation. Then, draw the shear force and bending moment diagrams. EI is constant. 12. (a) 13. (a) (b) (i) State the prove Castigliano’s theorems. (ii) Using energy methods, determines the slope at point B of the beam shown in figure E = 210 GPa, I = 10- 4 m4. Or Determine all the support reactions of the beam shown in figure using energy methods. Then draw the shear force and bending moment diagrams. E = 210 GPa, I = 10- 4 m4. 102 14. (a) (b) 15. (a) (i) Derive and obtain the first 2 buckled shape and corresponding buckling loads of a fixed-fixed column. (ii) Explain Rankine’s hypothesis. Or Write notes on the following topics (i) Inelastic column buckling. (ii) The Southwell plot. What is a beam-column? Where can a beam-column type of structure be found in an aircraft? Explain the structural analysis of a beam-column type of structure, with an example. Or (b) (i) Explain the maximum distortion energy failure theory. Refer figure Point A is a critical point located on the top surface of the lever arm. Determine the maximum load P0 according to the maximum distortion energy failure theory using a factor of safety of 1.5. The shaft is made of steel with a yield stress value of 300 MPa. (ii) Explain the maximum principal stress theory of failure. AIRCRAFT STRUCTURES – I PART – A 1. Differentiate between statically determinate and indeterminate trusses with examples. 2. What is equivalent rigidity of a composite beam? Explain with an example. 103 3. Explain unit load method with an example. 4. Define carry-over factor in moment distribution method. 5. State Castigliano’s theorems. 6. State Reciprocal theorem. 7. Calculate the strain energy stored in a cantilever of length L, subjected to a tip load P. 8. Draw Euler’s curve for a column and explain critical slenderness ratio. 9. What is South well’s plot? 10. A solid cube of steel (G = 80 GPa) is subjected to a shear of 56 MPa. Find the strain energy in per unit volume. PART – B 11. (a) (b) 12. (a) Find the forces in the members of the truss shown in the figure by any one method. Or The truss shown in figure is supported as cantilever at the joints A and H. Find the forces in the members. Find the support moments and draw bending moment diagram of the continuous beam shown in the figure and using three moment equation. 104 (b) 13. (a) (b) 14. (a) (b) Or Find the support moments and draw bending moment diagram of the continuous beam shown in the figure and using moment distribution method. A thin circular ring of radius R and bending rigidity EI is subjected to three symmetric radial compressive loads lying in the plane of the ring structure. Obtain the expression for the bending moment and plot its distribution. Or Calculate the vertical deflection of the point B and the horizontal movement of D in the pin-jointed frame work shown in the figure. All members of the frame work and linearly elastic and have cross sectional areas of 1800 mm2. E = 200 GPa. Find the critical load and stress for the column made of Steel, (E = 210 GPa) shown in the figure, assuming both ends are pinned. Or A beam column made of steel simply supported at the both ends is subjected to a concentrated load of 1000 N at a distance 1 m from the right support and an axial load of 1000 N. Find the deflection at mid-point and the maximum deflection. Given : L = 4 m, b = 20 mm, d = 40 nm, E = 210 GPa, calculate the load the column can carry. Derive the formula used. b is the width of the cross section and d is the depth of the section. 105 15. (a) (b) Explain the various theories of failure and their relative merits and demerits. Or A circular shaft of tensile yield strength of 350 MPa is subjected to a combined state of loading defined by a bending moment M = 15 kN-m and torque T = 10 kN-m. Calculate the diameter d which the bar must have in order to achieve a factor of safety N = 2. Apply the following theories. (i) Maximum shear stress theory. (ii) Maximum distortion energy theory. (iii) Octahedral shear stress theory. AIRCRAFT STRUCTURES – I PART - A 1. 2. Explain the general criteria to determine whether a truss is statically determinate? A 20 cm long steel tube 15 cm internal diameter and 1 cm thick is surrounded by a brass tube of same length and thickness. The tubes carry an axial load of 150 kN. Estimate the load carried by each. Es = 210 GPa, Eb = 100 GPa. 3. Write down three moment equation in the general form. 4. Define stiffness factor in moment distribution method. 5. Explain unit load method with an example. 106 6. State Reciprocal theorem. 7. Differentiate between long and short column. 8. What is Southwell’s plot? 9. A solid cube of steel (E = 210 GPa) is subjected to a tension 200 MPa, find the strain energy per unit volume. 10. Explain Octahedral shear stress theory. PART – B 11. (a) (b) 12. (a) Find the axial loads in the members of the truss shown in the figure by any one method. Or Find the axial loads in the members of the truss shown in the figure. Find the support moments and draw bending moment diagram of the continuous beam shown in the figure using three moment equation. Or 107 13. (b) Find the support moments and draw bending moment diagram of the continuous beam shown in the figure using moment distribution method. (a) In figure a vertical load P is supported by a vertical bar DB of length L and cross-section A and by two equally inclined bars of length L and cross-section area A1. Determine the forces in the bars and also the ration A1/A which will make the forces in all the bars numerically equal. (b) 14. (a) (b) 15. (a) (b) Or For the truss shown in the figure, determine the horizontal reaction at A and B. (i) State and prove Castigliano’s theorem. (ii) Find the defection at the point of load of a simply supported beam of length L, subjected to a concentrated load P at a distance ‘a’ from the left end and ‘b’ from the right end using unit load method. Or Find the buckling stress of a hinged-hinged column of length 100 cm and having I-cross-section. The dimensions of the flange are 10 cm x 1 cm and the web 12 cm x 1 cm. Derive the formula used. E = 70 GPa. Derive an expression for the deflection curve of a beam-column simply supported at both ends and subjected to a uniformly distributed load w and an axial 1cap P. Or A circular shaft of tensile yield strength 300 MPa is subjected to a combined state of loading defined by a bending moment M = 15 kN-m and Torque T = 15 kN-m. Calculate the diameter d which the bar must have in order 108 to achieve a factor of safety N = 2. Apply the following theories. (i) Maximum strain theory. (ii) Maximum shear stress theory. (iii) Maximum distortion energy theory. AIRCRAFT STRUCTURES – I PART – A 1. When is a structure said to be statically indeterminate? 2. What is the relationship between bending moment and shear force? 3. Sketch the bending moment diagram of a fixed-fixed beam of length L subject to a concentrated moment Mo applied at x = L/2. 4. Define the carry-over factor. 5. Refer figure. What is the strain energy stored in the bar? 6. State Castigliano’s second theorem. 7. What is the ‘effective length’ of a column? 8. What is an ideal column? 9. Name 2 failure theories suitable for ductile materials. 10. Give example of brittle materials. Name a failure theory suitable for a brittle material. PART – B 11. Refer figure. Derive and obtain an expression for the mid-point slope and deflection using moment-area theorems. Beam length is L and EI is constant. 12. (a) Refer figure. Beam length = 1.5 m. Cross-section is rectangular of size 2 x 0.5 cm. Material used is aluminium. Determine (i0 the reactions at the fixed end, and (ii) the reaction and slope at the prop. Or 109 (b) Refer figure q = 20 kN / m. Determine all support reactions. Sketch the shear force and bending moment diagrams. EI is constant. Figure. 13. 14. (a) Refer figure. Derive and obtain an expression for the mid-point slope and deflection using energy methods. Or (b) Refer figure. Determine the axial force in the truss members. Determine also the vertical and horizontal displacements of joint B. The material used has a modulus of 70 GPa. The cross-section area of all the members is 3 sq. cm. (a) (i) Discuss the effect of initial imperfections in columns (ii) Derive and obtain the Euler buckling load of a pinned-pinned column of length L. Or (i) Explain the construction of a South well plot. What are its uses? (ii) Describe how the buckling load of a given column can be estimated using energy methods. (b) 15. (a) (b) (i) What are the typical materials used for aircraft construction? List the criteria governing the selection of aircraft materials. (ii) Explain the maximum principal stress failure theory. (iii) Explain the maximum principal strain failure theory. Or (i) Explain the distortion energy failure theory. (ii) A shaft is subjected to a maximum torque of 10 kNm and a bending moment of 7.5 kNm at a particular section. The allowable stress in simple tension is 160 MN/m2. Determine the shaft diameter using the distortion energy failure and a factor of safety of 2. 110 Figure. ***************** 111