TABLE 3 PSALM TABLES FOR SEASONS Note: The psalm printed in bold italics may be used as the sole psalm. ADVENT Week of Advent 1 M E M T W Th F Sat 50, 54 80, 82 5, 7 42, 43 25, 26 9, (10) 70, 71 74, 75 76, 77 40, 46 16, 17 27, 28 Week of Advent 2 M E M T W Th F Sat 44 56, 57 62, 63 53, 54, 60 85, 86 145 144, 146 11, 12, 13 10, 14 73 82, 90 93, 94 Psalms are assigned by date from 19 December to 24 December. Week of Advent 3 M E M T W Th F Sat 40 70, 74 75, 96 76, 97 77, 98 71 25, 26 50, 54 25, 82 44 49 42, 43 M E 144, 146 46, 95 121, 122, 123 124, 125, 126, 127 128, 129, 130, 131 45, 113 10, 57 4, 9 80, 84 24, 48 89.1-37 85 19 Dec 20 Dec 21 Dec 22 Dec 23 Dec 24 Dec 20 CHRISTMAS M E Dec 25 CHRISTMAS DAY 110, 117 8 Dec 26 STEPHEN Dec 27 JOHN Dec 28 HOLY INNOCENTS Dec 29 Dec 30 Dec 31 13, 31.1-8, 150 21, 147.13-end 36, 146 19, 20 111, 112, 113 102 57, 86 97 123, 128 131, 132 65, 84 90, 148 Jan 1 Jan 2 Jan 3 Jan 4 Jan 5 18.1-30 127, 128, 131 89.1-37 8, 48 NAMING AND CIRCUMCISION 103, 150 115 45, 46 2, 110 85, 87 96, 97 EPIPHANY Jan 6 THE EPIPHANY In years in which 6 January is not a Sunday, if, for pastoral reasons, the Epiphany is celebrated on the Sunday between 2 and 8 January, the psalms displaced by its celebration are used on 6 January. The psalms appointed for 7-12 January are not used beyond the Saturday after 6 January. Jan 7 Jan 8 Jan 9 Jan 10 Jan 11 Jan 12 M E 99, 147.1-12 46, 147.13-end 2, 148 97, 149 98, 150 96, 145 118 145 67, 72 27, 29 93, 132 66, 110 In years in which 6 January is a Sunday, that day is both the Feast of the Epiphany and the First Sunday of Epiphany, and the Baptism of Christ is celebrated on Sunday 13 January, which is the Second Sunday of Epiphany. In those years, the psalms appointed for 7-12 January are used in the week following the Epiphany, the psalms for the Week of Epiphany 1 in the week following the Baptism of Christ, and the psalms for the Weeks of Epiphany 2 and 3 in the remaining weeks of Epiphany. Week of Epiphany 1 M E M T W Th F Sat 2, 110 8, 9 19, 20 21, 24 67, 72 29, 33 34, 36 45, 46 47, 48 61, 65 68 84, 85 21 Week of Epiphany 2 M E M T W Th F Sat 145, 146 132, 147.1-12 81, 147.13-end 76, 148 27, 149 122, 128, 150 71 89.1-37 97, 98 99, 100, 111 73 61, 66 Week of Epiphany 3 M E M T W Th F Sat 40, 108 34, 36 45, 46 47, 48 61, 65 68 138, 144 145 21, 29 24, 33 67, 77 72, 76 Week of Epiphany 4 M E M T W Th F Sat 57, 96 93, 97 95, 98 99, 110 113, 115 118 2, 20 19, 21 81, 111 86, 87 146, 147 148, 149, 150 Feb 2 (or the Sunday falling between 28 January and 3 February) THE PRESENTATION OF CHRIST IN THE TEMPLE The Psalms for Ordinary Time are used from the day after the Presentation until Shrove Tuesday. LENT M E Ash Wednesday Th F Sat 38 77 3, 7 71 51 or 102 74 31 73 Week of Lent 1 M E M T W Th F Sat 10, 11 44 6, 17 42, 43 22 59, 63 12, 13, 14 46, 49 9, 28 137, 138, 142 54, 55 4, 16 22 Week of Lent 2 M E M T W Th F Sat 26, 32 50 35 34 40, 41 3, 25 70, 74 52, 53, 54 3, 51 71 6, 38 23, 27 Week of Lent 3 M E M T W Th F Sat 5, 7 6, 9 38 56, 57 22 31 11, 17 61, 62, 64 36, 39 59, 60 69 116, 130 Week of Lent 4 M E M T W Th F Sat 70, 77 54, 79 63, 90 53, 86 102 32 25, 28 80, 82 52, 91 94 13, 16 140, 141, 142 Week of Lent 5 M E M T W Th F Sat 73, 121 35, 123 55, 124 40, 125 22, 126 23, 127 26, 27 61, 64 56, 62 42, 43 31 128, 129, 130 Easter Week M E M T W Th F Sat 111, 117, 146 112, 147.1-12 113, 147.13-end 114, 148 115, 149 116, 150 135 136 105 106 107 145 HOLY WEEK EASTER 23 Week of Easter 2 M E M T W Th F Sat 2, 19 8, 20, 21 16, 30 28, 29 57, 61 63, 84 139 104 33 34 118 66 Week of Easter 3 M E M T W Th F Sat 96, 97 98, 99, 100 105 136 107 108, 110, 111 61, 65 71 67, 72 73 77 23, 27 Week of Easter 4 M E M T W Th F Sat 103 139 135 118 33 34 112, 113, 114 115, 116 47, 48 81, 85 36, 40 84, 86 Week of Easter 5 M E M T W Th F Sat 145 19, 147.1-12 30, 147.13-end 57, 148 138, 149 146, 150 105 96, 97 98, 99, 100 104 66 118 Week of Easter 6 M E M T W 65, 67 124, 125, 126, 127 132, 133 121, 122, 123 128, 129, 130, 131 20, 81 21, 47 145 84, 85 Rogation Rogation Rogation ASCENSION DAY F Sat 24 Week of Easter 7 M E M T W Th F Sat 93, 96, 97 98, 99,100 2, 29 24, 72 28, 30 42, 43 18 68 36, 46 139 147 48 The Psalms for Ordinary Time are used from the day after Pentecost until the eve of the Fourth Sunday before Advent. ALL SAINTS TO THE EVE OF ADVENT Week of 4th Sunday before Advent M E M T W Th F Sat 92, 96, 97 98, 99, 100 111, 112, 116 118 137, 138, 143 145 2, 146 5, 147.1-12 9, 147.13-end 11, 15, 148 16, 149 18.31-end, 150 Week of 3rd Sunday before Advent M E M T W Th F Sat 34 36, 40 37 42, 43 31 84, 86 19, 20 21, 24 23, 25 26, 27 28, 32 33 Week of 2nd Sunday before Advent M E M T W Th F Sat 70, 71 67, 72 73 74, 76 77 78.40-end 46, 47 48, 52 56, 57 61, 62 63, 65 78.1-39 Week of the Sunday next before Advent – Christ the King M T W Th F Sat M E 92, 96 97, 98, 100 110, 111, 112 125, 126, 127, 128 139 145 80, 81 99, 101 121, 122, 123, 124 131, 132, 133 146, 147 148, 149, 150 25