Chapter 4: Neural Conduction (Membrane Potentials) 4.1 The Neuron's Resting Membrane Potential A. Recording the Membrane Potential 1. intracellular microelectrode 2. oscilloscope - Two electrodes are used in recording the membrane potential: an extracellular electrode and an intracellular electrode. - The extracellular electrode tip is positioned outside the neuron while the tip of the intracellular electrode is positioned in the neuron. The intracellular electrode must therefore be small enough to pierce the neural membrane without destroying the neuron; the tip of a microelectode is 1 thousandth of a mm. - An oscilloscope is a device that shows the difference in the electrical potential at the two electrode tips over time (as vertical displacements of a glowing spot of light that sweeps across a flourescent screen). B. Resting Membrane Potential - is about -70 mV. That is, the potential inside the neuron is 70 mV less than that outside the neuron. Neuron's in the resting state are said to be polarized because the ratio of negative to positive charges is greater inside the neuron than outside. - If -70 mV is polarized then what is a - 65 mV membrane potential and a -72 mV potential? (depolarization; hyperpolarization) C. The Ionic Basis of the Resting Potential 1. ions (Na+, K+ , Cl-, A--) 2. differential permeability - The membrane potential results from the distribution of positively and negatively charged particles called ions. There are 4 kinds of ions that contribute to the resting potential: Sodium (Na+), potassium (K+), chloride (Cl-), and negatively charged protein ions sometimes called Anions (A--). - The concentration of Na+ and Cl- ions are greatest outside of the resting cell, whereas the concentrations of K+ is greatest inside the cell and negatively charged protein ions which are synthesized inside the neuron are trapped there. - The neuronal membrane is porous (i.e., contains ion channels) and allows certain ions to pass in and out of the cell more readily than others. This passive property of the cell membrane is called differential permeability and contributes to the polarized resting potential. For example, both K+ and Cl- ions readily diffuse through the neural membrane; Na+ ions diffuse with more difficulty and anions cannot diffuse at all. 3. two homogenizing forces opposed to the resting potential a) random motion (concentration gradient) 2/17/2016 2 b) electrostatic pressure - random motion (concentration gradient) distributes particles from areas of high concentration to areas of low concentration. - electrostatic pressure attempts to evenly distribute positive and negative ions through repulsion of like charges and attraction of opposite charges. 4. sodium-potassium pump - In addition to differential permeability, Hodgkin and Huxely (1950) showed that an active process also contributes to the uneven distribution of particle ions inside and outside of the neuron. - They calculated the electrostatic charge that would be required to offset the pressure for Cl-, Na+, and K+ to move down their concentration gradients. - The calculated value for Cl- ions was -70 mV (the same as the resting potential). So, the uneven distribution of Cl- ions outside the neuron is maintained because the 70 mV force driving Cl- into the cell is met with an equal force of electrostatic pressure driving it out. - For K+ ions Hodgkin and Huxley calculated that - 90 mV of electrostatic pressure was required to prevent K+ from leaving the cell, 20 mV more than the resting potential. Therefore, some K+ must leak out of the neuron. - For Na+, the calculated values were 70 mV of electrostatic pressure and 50 mV of pressure from the concentration gradient, both of which drive Na + into the cell. So, although it is difficult for Na+ to pass through the neural membrane, some of these ions should leak in. - Hodgkin and Huxley concluded that there must be some active mechanism in the membrane to counteract the influx of Na+ and the efflux of K+. - The active transport of Na+ out of the neuron and K+ ions into them are not independent processes; there is an energy-consuming mechanism located in the cell membrane that continuously exchanges 3 Na+ ions inside the neuron for 2 K+ ions outside. This mechanism is refered to as the sodium-potassium pump. 4.2 The Generation and Conduction of Postsynaptic Potentials - When neurotransmitter molecules bind to postsynaptic receptors, they have one of two effects: depolarization or hyperpolarization. - Depolarizations are called Excitatory postsynaptic potentials (or EPSPs) because they increase the likelihood that the neuron will fire; Hyperpolarizations are called Inhibitory postsynaptic potentials (IPSPs) and decrease the likelihood that the neuron will fire. Both events are graded potentials because the strength of their effects are proportional to the intensity of the signal. - EPSPs and IPSPs travel passively through the neuron like an electrical signal travels through a cable. This results in rapid transmission that is decremental - i.e., the signal gets weaker (decreases in amplitude) the farther it travels. 2/17/2016 3 4.3 The Integration of Postsynaptic Potentials and the Generation of Action Potentials - Each neuron receives thousands of synaptic contacts which produce graded potentials. Whether or not a neuron fires depends on the summation of the signals that reach the axon hillock. - The integration of graded potentials summate in two ways: temporally and spatially. - Temporal summation refers to the combining of signals from a single synapse across time. - Spatial summation refers to the combination of signals from different synapses that are located in close proximity to each other. - If the combined stimulation results in a sufficient depolarization at the hillock then the neuron will generate an action potential; the threshold of excitation is about -65 mV for many neurons. What is an action potential? Lets consider some of the characteristics just mentioned for postsynaptic potentials to get an idea. Contrasting Potentials Postsynaptic Potentials 1. Graded events - they come in different sizes; often equal to the amount of neurotransmitter. 2. Not Propagated - they travel solely by passive cable properties. 3. Decremental - the farther they go the weaker they get. Action Potentials 1. All-or-none - it either occurs or it doesn't; like firing a gun. It is always the same size. 2. Propagated - once they begin they travel the full length of the axon. 3. Nondecremental - the height of the AP when it reaches the bouton is the same as where it started back at the hillock. 4.4 Conduction of Action Potentials is based on the action of voltage-gated ion channels - channels that open and close in response to the changes in the voltage of the membrane potential. A. Ionic Basis of Action Potentials - rising phase: When the membrane potential at the axon hillock is reduced to the threshold of excitation, voltage-gated sodium channels open and Na+ ions rush in the cell driving the membrane potential from -70 to almost +50 mV. 2/17/2016 4 - This change in membrane potential causes voltage-gated potassium channels to open and K+ ions near the membrane rush out of the cell (down its concentration gradient) while some Cl- ions rush in. At the peak of the AP, the positive internal charge keeps the K+ channels open as the Na+ channels close thus ending the rising phase and begining the repolarization phase. - repolarization phase: As K+ continues to exit the neuron there is a return to the resting potential. The K+ channels then slowly begin to close. Since they close slowly a bit more potassium leaves causing a brief hyperpolarization - that is a slight drop below the normal -70 mV resting membrane potential. - hyperpolarization is the third phase. - The AP only involves the flow of a small amount of ions through the membrane (only those right next to it) and therefore has little effect on the relative concentrations of the various ions inside and outside the neuron. Therefore, the sodium-potassium pump plays only a minor role in reestablishing the resting potential. Sodium channels close Membrane Potential (mV) +70 +50 +30 +10 Potassium channels open -10 -30 -50 Sodium channels open Potassium Channels start to close -70 1 2 3 4 5 Time (milliseconds) B. Refractory Periods - After a neuron has fired there is a brief period during which another action potential cannot be generated. This is called the absolute refractory period and lasts 1 to 2 milliseconds. - This period is followed by a relative refractory period during which only higher than normal levels of stimulation will elicit an AP. - The refractory period: (1) ensures that APs normally travel in one direction, called orthodromic conduction, (since the previous portion cannot conduct the AP in the other, antidromic, direction) and 2/17/2016 5 (2) is responsible for the fact that the rate of neural firing is related to the intensity of the stimulation; if a neuron is bombarded with stimulation it fires and then fires again after the absolute refractory period is over - the maximum is about 1,000 times per second. If there is only a low level of stimulation then the neuron will only fire after both the absolute and relative refractory periods have occurred. C. Conduction of Action Potentials - The conduction of APs in unmyelinated axons is nondecremental - i.e., it does not get weaker the further it travels in contrast to EPSPs and IPSPs. This is because the various voltage-gated ion channels are close together on the axon membrane, thus allowing the AP to travel as a wave of excitation rather than a series of discrete events. - When the AP is initiated at the hillock it does travel back into the cell body and dendrites but the sodium channels there are not voltage-activated and therefore it travels passively in the antidromic direction. D. Conduction in Myelinated Axons - is faster because the AP travels passively along segments of myelin. - the nodes of Ranvier act as boosters that recharge the AP to full strength. - Conduction of APs in myelinated Axons is called Saltatory conduction (Saltare dance or jump) E. The Velocity of Axonal Conduction - is faster in myelinated axons, as just mentioned, and is faster in large-diameter axons. - motor neurons have large diameter axons that are myelinated and some can conduct APs at speeds of up to 100 meters per second (224 mph). In contrast, small unmyelinated axons conduct APs at about 1 meter per second (2 mph). F. Conduction in Neurons without Axons - neurons without axons cannot conduct APs. Such interneurons conduct only graded potentials. Chapter 4: Synaptic Transmission 4.5 Synaptic Transmission: Chemical Transmission of Signals from One Neuron to Another Structure of Synapses - some anatomical features of the synapse (fig. 4.9). a) synaptic vesicles - contain neurotransmitter substance; located near presynaptic membrane. b) golgi apparatus (and cisternas) - are neurotransmitter packaging plants. c) microtubules - fine "struts" found in axons and dendrites that help maintain the cell's structure and also transport substances to and from the soma. 2/17/2016 6 d) mitochondria - are structures that extracts energy from glucose. - types of synapses (4 mentioned) - the two common ones are: axodendritic and axosomatic. Axodendritic synapses include the terminal end of the axon (the synaptic button) and the dendrite, which sometimes have small synaptic buds called dendritic spines on their surface. Axosomatic synapses are between the axon terminal button and the cell body. - a less common type of synapse is dendrodentritic (dendrite-to-dendrite) which are often capable of transmission in either direction. - another less common type is the axoaxonal synapse (axon-to-axon). Some of these synapses mediate Presynaptic inhibition where one terminal button partially depolarizes another so that there is less neurotransmitter to release when an action potential activates the latter button. (contrast with postsynaptic inhibition). - In addition to directed synapses, where the neurotransmitter release and reception sites are close together (i.e., a small synaptic gap), there are also nondirected synapses where the site of release is some distance from the site reception. One example, is how varicosities or swellings along the axon release neurotransmitter that travels through the extracellular space to distant target sites. Synthesis, Packaging, and Transport of Neurotransmitter Molecules - Small molecule neurotransmitters - are synthesized in the cytoplasm of the button and packaged in synaptic vesicles by the golgi apparatus. The neurotransmitter filled vesicles are then stored near areas of the presynaptic membrane. - Large molecule neurotransmitters - are peptides (chains of amino acids) and are synthesized in the cell body (like other proteins) by ribosomes. Peptide transmitters are packaged in vesicles by the cell body’s golgi complex and are transported by microtubules to the terminal buttons at a rate of about 40 cm/day (axoplasmic transport). The vescicles containing peptides are larger than those containing smallmolecule neurotransmitters and are located further away from the presynaptic membrane. Frequently, a terminal button may contain both a peptide and a small molecule neurotransmitter, a situation referred to as coexistence. Release of Neurotransmitter Molecules (T#20, T#16ab) - When an action potential reaches the button it causes voltage-activated calcium channels to open and the influx of calcium causes the vesicles to fuse with the presynaptic membrane and release neurotransmitter substance into the synaptic cleft (this is called exocytosis). - There is one important difference between the release of small molecule neurotransmitters and peptides. Small molecule neurotransmitters are released in brief pulses each time an AP triggers the infulx of calcium. Peptide neurotransmitters are released gradually over time in response to general increases in the level of intracellular calcium. The Activation of Receptors by Neurotransmitter Molecules 2/17/2016 7 - Neurotransmitter molecules bind to postsynaptic receptors which are proteins that contain binding sites for a particular neurotransmitter. - There are typically several receptor subtypes (located in different brain areas) for a particular neurotransmitter. The receptor subtypes respond to the neurotransmitter in different ways. - Neurotransmitter binding influences the postsynaptic neuron in one of two ways (depending on whether the receptor is linked to an ion-channel or a G-protein). - Ion-channel linked receptors are components of chemically-activated ion channels in the postsynaptic membrane. When a neurotransmitter binds to the receptor the ion channel opens or closes. - For example, a neurotransmitter might have an excitatory effect (i.e., cause an EPSP) by binding to a receptor that opens sodium channels, the influx of sodium would result in depolarization. An inhibitory effect (IPSP) could occur by opening potassium or cloride channels. - G-protein linked receptors are more common than ion-channel linked receptors and their effects are slower, longer-lasting, more diffuse, and more varied. - This type of receptor is composed of a long protein chain that winds its way in and out of the cell several (7) times and is located next to a G (guanine-sensitive) protein. - When a neurotransmitter binds to this receptor a subunit of the G-protein breaks away and one of two things happens. The subunit may move along the inside portion of the membrane to a nearby ion channel and cause an EPSP or IPSP. Or, it may trigger the synthesis of a chemical called a second messenger which does one of three things. - Second messengers can: (1) bind to an ion channel and induce a postsynaptic potential, (2) influence the metabolic activity of the cell, or (3) enter the nucleus and bind to DNA to influence gene expression. - Small molecule neurotransmitters are typically found in directed synapses and activate either ion channel linked receptors or G-protein linked receptors that act directly on ion channels. - In contrast peptide neurotransmitters are frequently found at nondirected synapses and are therefore released difusely in the extracellular fluid where they bind to Gprotein linked receptors that act through second messengers. - The function of small molecule neurotransmitters is the transmission of rapid and brief messages while the function of peptides appears to be the transmission of slow, diffuse and long-lasting signals. Reuptake, Enzymatic Degradation, and Recycling - Reuptake, which is the more common form of deactivation mechanism, refers to the process where neurotransmitter substance is quickly drawn back (in less than one hundredth of a second) into the presynaptic terminal after release in the synapse. - Enzymatic degradation occurs when an enzyme breaks down a neurotransmitter into a simpler product (sometimes a precursor) that is frequently reabsorbed in the terminal button and used to synthesize more of the transmitter. 2/17/2016 8 - recycling in this section refers to the construction of synaptic vesicles (by the Golgi complex) from excess portions of terminal button membrane floating in the cytoplasm. 4.6 The Neurotransmitters - There are 4 classes of small molecule neurotransmitters: (1) the amino acids, (2) the monoamines, (3) the recently discovered soluble gases, and (4) acetylcholine. In addition there is one class of large molecule neurotransmitters: the neuropeptides. - Most neurotransmitters are either excitatory or inhibitory, but there are some instances where a single neurotransmitter may have an excitatory effect at one receptor subtype and an inhibitory effect at another. Amino acid Neurotransmitters - Include glutamate, aspartate, glycine, and gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA). - These neurotransmitters are found in most of the fast-acting, directed synapses of the CNS. - Glutamate is most prevalent excitatory neurotransmitter in CNS. - GABA is the most prevalent inhibitory neurotransmitter in CNS. Monoamines - Are synthesized from a single amino acid, are slightly larger than amino acid neurotransmitters and typically have more diffuse effects. - Monoamines are produced by neurons in the brain stem and are released from axonal varicosities (swellings) into the extracellular fluid. - There are 4 monoamines: dopamine, norepinephrine, epinephrine and serotonin. - The first 3 are synthesized from the amino acid tyrosine and are classified as catecholamines; serotonin (also called 5-hydroxytryptamine or 5-HT) is synthesized from the amino acid tryptophan and is classified as an indolamine. - Enzymes convert tyrosine to L-DOPA which is the precursor of Dopamine. Additional enzymes convert dopamine to norepinephrine, and norepinephrine to epinephrine. Norepinephrine is also called noradrenaline, and epinephrine is also called adrenaline (thus the terms noradrenergic and adrenergic). Soluble-Gas Neurotransmitters - Were only recently discovered and, so far, include nitric oxide and carbon monoxide. - The soluble-Gases do not act like other neurotransmitters; immediately after they are produced in the neural cytoplasm they quickly diffuse through the cell membrane (because they are lipid soluble) into the extracellular fluid and then into nearby cells. - Once in other cells they stimulate the production of second messengers and are quickly broken down. They only exist for a few seconds and are therefore difficult to study. Acetylcholine - Is a small-molecule neurotransmitter but is not based on an amino acid. It is created by adding an acetyl group to a choline molecule. 2/17/2016 9 - Acetylcholine is the neurotransmitter at the neuromuscular junction and at most synapses in the autonomic nervous system. It is deactivated by the enzyme acetylcholinesterase in the synapse. Neuropeptides - Are putative neurotransmitters, i.e., they are suspected to function as neurotransmitters. There are approximately 50 neuropeptides. Many neuropeptides were first studied as hormones and then later found in neurons. - One class of neuropeptides, the endorphins (or endogenous opiates) have an interesting history. In the mid 70’s the receptor where opiate drugs have their effect was discovered. They were called opiate receptors and several scientists logically deduced that there must be an endogenous substance that activates these receptors. - Subsequently, several endogenous opiate-like substances were identified along with several receptor subtypes. These substances activate neural systems involved in analgesia (pain supression) and mediate the experience of pleasure, which is probably why they are addictive. - Neuropeptides are often referred to as neuromodulators because they are thought to adjust the sensitivity of populations of cells to the fast-acting signals of directed synapses. 4.7 Pharmacology of Synaptic Transmission - Drugs have two effects: they can facilitate synaptic activity of a particular neurotransmitter, in which case they are said to be agonists, or they can inhibit synaptic activity and are called antagonists. How Drugs Influence Synaptic Transmission 7 steps in neurotransmitter action (figure 4.18) 1) synthesis in cytoplasm (influenced by enzymes) 2) storage in synaptic vesicles 3) breakdown of neurotransmitter that leaks from vesicles - enzymes destroy neurotransmitter that leaks out of vesicles 2/17/2016 10 4) exocytosis - release of neurotransmitter 5) inhibitory feedback - inhibit further release by stimulating presynaptic autoreceptors 6) postsynaptic activation - bind to receptors on postsynaptic membrane 7) deactivation - reuptake/ enzymatic breakdown - According to figure 4.19, agonist drugs can affect each step except #2 (storage in vesicles), and antagonist drugs can affect all steps except #2 and #7 (deactivation). - Antagonists that bind to postsynaptic receptors, thus blocking access of the usual neurotransmitter, are called receptor blockers (or false transmitters). Psychoactive Drugs: Four Examples Cocaine (T #27)- is a potent catecholamine agonist that is highly addictive. Cocaine blocks reuptake (step 7) of dopamine and norepinephrine, which is the primary method of deactivation of these neurotransmitters. Therefore they have a have a prolonged effect at postsynaptic receptors. The major psychological effects of cocaine are euphoria, loss of appetite, and insomnia. Benzodiazepines (chlordiazepoxide and diazepam have anxiolytic, sedative and anticonvulsant effects). Benzodiazepines are GABA agonists that bind to one part of the ion channel linked GABAA receptor which increases the binding of endongenous GABA to a different part of receptor (this enhances GABA’s inhibitory effect by increasing the influx of chloride ions). So, benzodiazepines do not mimic the action of GABA. Benzodiazepine receptors are particularly dense in the amygdala which plays a role in emotion. Atropine - is an extract of the belladonna (literally beautiful lady) plant. It is a muscarinic cholinergic receptor blocker (or false transmitter). High doses of atropine disrupt memory. Carare - is an extract of a certain class of woody vines. It is a cholinergic receptor blocker that binds to the nicotinic subtype of acetylcholine receptors, which are found at the neuromuscular junction. Thus, an injection of carare paralyzes the victim and eventually kills them by blocking respiration.