Neurotransmitter Practice Draw the major parts of the neuron

Neurotransmitter Practice
Draw the major parts of the neuron. Explain the role of each part. Include the following: dendrites, axon, myelin sheath,
soma, axon terminals. Show the charge of the internal and external fluids of the axon when it is at its resting potential.
Indicate which ions are concentrated inside and outside the neurons.
The neural impulse, or ________________________ is a brief electrical charge that travels down a(n
The fluid interior of a resting axon carries mostly (positively/negatively – circle one) charged ions, while the fluid outside
has mostly (positively/negatively – circle one) charged ions. This polarization, called the
_______________________________ occurs because the cell membrane is selectively permeable.
An action potential occurs when the first part of the axon opens its gates and (positively/negatively charged _______ions
rush in causing that part of the neuron to be ___________________________.
During the resting pause following an action potential called the _____________________________, the neuron pumps
(positively, negatively charged ions outside the cell.
In order to trigger an impulse, _______________________________________signals minus _____________________
signals must exceed certain intensity, called the ____________________. Increasing a stimulus above this level (will/will
not) increase the neural intensity. This phenomenon is called the ________________-_____- response.
The strength of a stimulus (does/does not) affect the speed of an action potential.
The junction between two neurons is called a ______________________________.
The chemical messengers that convey information across the gaps between neurons are called____________________.
Neurotransmitters influence neurons either by ____________________________ or _____________________ their
readiness to fire. Excess neurotransmitters are reabsorbed to the sending neuron in a process called
Among neurotransmitters that researchers have pinpointed is _______________________, which influences movement,
learning, hunger, sleep and arousal, while __________________________ affects alertness and arousal. Finally
_____________________ is an inhibitory neurotransmitter implicated in eating and sleep disorders and is enhanced by
alcohol consumption.
A neurotransmitter that is important in muscle contraction is __________________. The poison, _______________,
produces paralysis by blocking the activity of this neurotransmitter.
Naturally occurring opiate-like neurotransmitters that are present in the brain are called _______________________.
When the brain is flooded with drugs such as _____________ or _______________, it may stop producing these
Drugs that produce their effects by mimicking neurotransmitters are called ____________________. Drugs that block the
effects of neurotransmitters by occupying their ________________________ are called _____________________.
The tremors of _____________________________ disease are due to the death of neurons that produce the
neurotransmitter ________________________________.
The symptoms of multiple sclerosis are caused by the degeneration of the ____________________ ______________.