Excel for Beginners III

Anatomy of a “social”-ite
tools & things I actually use for work and home
jessamyn@gmail.com – email and chat
jessamyn_west@yahoo.com – chat and junk mail
jessamyn_west@hotmail.com - chat
iamthebestartist – AOL chat
jessamyn.com – personal website
libarian.net – professional website
jessamyn.info – portal of sorts, professional info
jessamyn.vox.com -- trying out a new blog software
jessamyn.wordpress.com – practice site, not much there
jessamyn.tumblr.com – practice site
social sites
librarian.livejournal.com – keeping track of LJ friends
flickr.com/photos/iamthebestartist/ -- my online photos
linkedin.com/in/jessamyn – public linkedin profile
wikipedia.org/wiki/User:Jessamyn -- wikipedia user page
myspace.com/iamthebestartist – keeping track of myspace friends
metafilter.com/user/292 – MetaFilter profile page
facebook.com/p/Jessamyn_West/22701970 – public facebook profile
librarything.com/profile/jessamyn – social reading
del.icio.us.com/jessamyn – social bookmarks
twitter.com/jessamyn – chatter & short form blogging
last.fm/user/jessamyn/ -- music tracking
couchsurfing.com/people/jessamyn - travel
jessamyn.paperbackswap.com/profile/ - trading real life books
Tools vs. Brands
things to think about
common brands - blogger, twitter, wordpress, movable type, livejournal
used for - sequential posting for one or many people, syndicating content
not good for - non-linear structure, graphic design
caveats - "first have something to say" choose your tool carefully
common brands - mediawiki (wikipedia), pbwiki,
used for - collaboration, multi-page sites, getting content online fast
not good for - controlled content, total beginners
caveats - easily spammed, easy to prevent spamming with a little work
common brands - AIM, gtalk, Yahoo IM, MSN messenger, meebo, adium, pidgin
used for - short messaging to people already using these services, decent replacement for
many 24/7 ref tools, keeping in touch with YA crowd, inter-office discussion
not good for - non-tech savvy public, one-to-many discussion
caveats - must make sure you keep/don't keep logs in accordance with privacy policies
social networking sites
common brands - facebook, myspace, ning, linkedin
used for - staying connected to people, sharing information, friend of a friend connections
not good for - broadcast messages, chat, people not already on the network
caveats - privacy, honesty, easy to get in and then say "what's this for?"
photo sharing sites
common brands - flickr, smugmug, picasa, zoto
used for - hosting and sharing photos
not good for - multi-user accounts, lowest possible price, commercial images
caveats - some technological capability necessary
How are libraries using these tools?
How could libraries be using these tools?
Free and Simple - Testing the Waters
companion to the talk at librarian.net/talks/nnyln
Find a Blog to Read
- search technorati.com, blogsearch.google.com, liszen.com
- use Google Reader or Bloglines to keep track of it
- explore tags, archives and categories, see what works
Interact with Blogs
- get a non-work email account to use for registering/commenting
- use technorati.com or icerocket.com to find other blogs that interest you
- leave comments, be clear, contribute to a conversation
Chat using Instant Messenger
register for an account at aim.aol.com, yahoo.com, msn.com or gmail.com
download free chat software [ichat or adium if you're on a Mac; Trillian if you're on a PC]
use Meebo if you can't download software.
send me a message: AIM: iamthebestartist MSN/Yahoo: jessamyn_west Gtalk: jessamyn
Start a Blog
- what do you want to say or link to or discuss?
- use blogger.com, livejournal.com, wordpress.com or vox.com, free
- Write in it & tell your friends about it. Link to them & they'll link back.
Read RSS Feeds
easy tutorial: http://frl.bluehighways.com/frlarchives/000123.html
RSS feed for librarian.net is http://librarian.net/atom.xml
got a Mac? Use NetNewsWire as a standalone application
Want a web app? Use Google Reader.
Use Wikipedia & Join the Community
Wikipedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/
sign up for an account & log in when you make changes or add information
read up on your areas of expertise
advanced: start your own wiki!
Join a Social Software Network
Put your pictures on Flickr.com [link to me!]
Put your dog on Dogster.com, link to your friends' dogs
Link to friends on Myspace.com, Linkedin.com, Facebook.com or others
Get a Twitter account and read what other librarians are, um, "tweeting" about
One link per question - some answers
Which libraries are using __________ successfully?
Library Success Wiki <libsuccess.org>
How can I get beginner students started using a mouse?
Mousercise! <pbclibrary.org/mousing/mousercise.htm>
What is a good source for library news online?
LISNews <lisnews.org>
How can I browse through library blogs from different types of libraries?
Blog Without a Library - <blogwithoutalibrary.net/links/>
What is a good source for library jobs?
LIS Jobs <lisjobs.com>
Where are some social software policies libraries have used?
Web2Learning has a list <web2learning.net/archives/1250>
What are the things people want to do on a website?
Connect, transact, and find out <goodexperience.com/2008/03/>
What are some technology learning projects that really work?
23 things/Learning 2.0 - <plcmcl2-about.blogspot.com/>
Why is learning technology no longer optional for librarians?
Libraries & Technology page w/ examples <dpi.wi.gov/pld/librarytech.html>
Where can I get data to support moving towards new technologies?
Pew Internet Life reports <www.pewinternet.org>
Where can I get tutorials about learning some of these technologies?
College @ Home <collegeathome.com/blog/2008/05/29/>
The Five Things
1. open source & open sources
2. collaborative and “social” information
3. disruptive tech & repurposable content
4. “the tubes” and "the cloud"
5. local knowledge & content
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