GROWTH – DEDICATED CALL – 10/00 TOPIC IV.16 Determination of the origin of hormones in cattle 1. CONFORMITY WITH THE WORK PROGRAMME This topic falls under the Competitive and Sustainable Growth Programme, generic activity Measurement and Testing. Specifically, it is related to Objective GROW-20006.2.2 Measurement and Testing anti-fraud methodologies for which expressions of interest have been called. 2. KEYWORDS Anti-fraud-regulations, anabolic steroids, cattle, GC-C-IRMS, abuse, growth promoters 3. SUMMARY OF OBJECTIVES AND JUSTIFICATION The fight against abuse of anabolic substances for growth promotion in cattle is of main importance in the EU, but the illegal administration of endogeneous hormones is difficult to control. The established methods are based on an indirect detection of administration e.g. on calculation of a statistically signi-ficant decision limit above which a natural occurence is highly improbable. A new approach is the use of Gas Chromatography-Combustion-Isotope Ratio Mass Spectrometry (GC-C-IRMS). This method is based on the premise that the stable isotope composition of the natural endogeneous hormones is di-stinct from the synthetically produced ones. The administration of endogeneous hormones to animals affects the isotopic abundance and offers thereby the advantage of a direct proof of illegal used anabo-lic substances in livestock farming. The possibility to detect the abuse of endogeneous hormones for growth promotion helps to ensure the quality of food for human consumption. 4. BACKGROUND The use of the steroid hormones to enhance growth in animal production is common practice for more than 30 years. According to their chemical structure a classification can be made between endogeneous steroids (e.g. testosterone, progesterone, estradiol17), exogenous steroids (e.g. 19-nortesto-sterone) and non-steroidal extraneous (diethylstilbestrol) compounds. These substances are particularly effective in ruminants, especially in cattle fattening. Hormones, including those used to promote growth in livestock farming, are known to be related to cancer in laboratory animals and humans. In addition it is assumed that hormones may magnify the effects of known carcinogens. Because residues of these substances may be dangerous to the consumers and may also affect the quality of foodstuffs of animal origin, the use of all substances having a hormonal action for fattening purposes is banned in the EU since 1988 (88/146/EEC DC 10/00/Topic IV.16/ Pg 2 replaced by 96/22/EC). In contrast, in the United States the FDA has approved the three naturally occuring hormones, progesterone, testosterone and estradiol-17 and the three synthetic hormones trenbolone acetate, zeranol and melengestrol acetate for use in cattle. From countries where the administration of these substances is allowed the importation of farm animals, meat or meat products into the EU is prohibited or under strict control. The Council Directive 96/23/EC regulates the surveillance of these substances and residues in the animals and animal products. One of the implications of the ban is the necessity of developing a system including analytical methods for monitoring the presence or the concentrations of anabolic steroids in offal and excrementa of animals reared for meat production. The location of sampling is on the farm, at the slaughterhouse, at retail level and at the borders. The nature of the taken samples depends on the place of sampling. For the detection of exogeneous steroids in the different tissues sensitive and specific methods and for screening purposes multi-residue methods are well established. As the endogeneous hormones are naturally present in animals the detection of an illegal administration presents a more difficult challenge, because no absolute and definitive method to distinguish between the natural and administered hormone is available. The physiological levels and proportions of the hormones, their precursors and metabolites depend on the gender, the reproductive status, age, breed, nutrition, housing and season. The data obtained so far for endogeneous anabolic steroids clearly indicate that under physiological conditions there are high variations between animals. Above all, they also vary within each animal. Highest residue concentrations could be measured in urine, fat and kidney. Steroid hormones are naturally present in the tissues of meat producing animals in the lower µg/kg to ng/kg range. Hormones are also conjugated to glucuronic and sulfuric acid, bound to plasma proteins and esterified with fatty acids. Administration of endogeneous hormones to animals leads either to an increase, to a decrease or to no significant difference in the concentrations of the adminstered hormone, the metabolites or the precursors. To monitor the abuse of endogeneous hormones different approaches are described: Establishing of a physiological baseline level of the hormone in the different tissues of the different animals and definition of a decision limit, beyond which the animal is considered to have been illegally treated (9). By reason of the above described variability of the hormones in the tissues of animals the applicability of this method is restricted. Establishing of steroid profiles and ratios. For this the concentration ratio for the substance in question or a metabolite relative to an endogeneous reference compound (ERC) is determined. As administered natural steroid hormones have to be metabolized in the same way as the endogeneous compounds, the ratios of hormones to their precursors and/or metabolites may be distorted by treatment. This method is used for detection of anabolic abuse in doping analysis in human and equine sports (3,6,11). In cattle different steroid profiles are examined (5). The disadvantages of such a test are: DC 10/00/Topic IV.16/ Pg 3 The hormone pattern and also the concentration ratio is influenced by different factors such as age, the examined tissue and by the breed. The test can be defeated by simultaneous administration of the endogeneous reference compound as known from doping control in athletes. Use of IRMS. A new approach is the determination of the 13C/12C ratio of the hormones, precursors and metabolites with IRMS. Depending on the photosynthetic pathways of CO2 incorporation into plant material, namely C3 and C4, the 13C/12C ratio differs significantly: The C4 plants are distinguished from C3 plants by a higher 13C abundance. Within each photosynthetic type only slight variations are observed. Endogeneous hormones in animals are biosynthesised from precursor molecules derived from a wide variety of vegetable materials, whereas synthetic hormones are made from a single plant species (mostly soy) which have a lower 13C abundance. The method to detect the abuse of steroids is based on this premise. Administration with an endogenous hormone will alter the 13C/12C ratio of the incurred hormone and of the metabolites, whereas the 13C/12C ratio of the precursors remain unchanged. The method is used for the detection of steroid abuse in human and equine sports (1,2,10) and work has already been started with cattle (4,8). After testosterone administration a significant difference was observed between the 13C/12C ratio of a precursor and the metabolites of testosterone in urine of cattle. In bile only small differences were found between the compounds but the ratio of an ERC and the metabolite was affected significantly. The reason for these variations may be explained by the different feeding regimen of the animals. The advantage of this method is a direct proof of illegal administration of endogeneous hormones. Another advantage of this method is that as far known the 13C/12C-ratio of the endogeneous hormones is only dependent on the diet of the animals. The method of isotope ratio mass spectrometry has not yet been applied to other tissues than urine and bile in cattle 5. ECONOMIC AND SOCIAL BENEFITS The implementation of the Council Directives 96/22/EC and 96/23/EC demands the availability of reliable analytical methods to monitor the observance of the ban for these substances. The results produced by these methods must often fulfil criteria valid in juridical cases. The occurrence of false positive or false negative results has to be excluded. Existing methods to prove the abuse of endogeneous hormones in fattening cattle are based on indirect determinations. The introduction of IRMS methods into the analysis of hormones offers the ability to distinguish directly between natural endogeneous and administered endogeneous hormones. The use of GC-C-IRMS in detection of illegally administered endogeneous hormones is described so far only for urine and bile in cattle. Through an extension of these methods and the determination of the influence of nutrition the proof of illegal administration will be facilitated and thereby it improves the efficiency with which the EU ban can be enforced. It is important to maintain the high sanitary level of protection for the consumers chosen by the EU. From the development of effective control methods the following advantages are expected: DC 10/00/Topic IV.16/ Pg 4 Because all member states are obliged to monitor food producing animals, food and food products for the presence of banned compounds a reliable tool to secure the unambiguous detection of illegal administered hormones for the control authorities is necessary. The method may not only assist in the on-farm and slaughterhouse inspections but also in the monitoring of live animals and food imports from third countries into the EU. Through the productive collaboration between laboratories from different EU Member States a further harmonisation of the control is expected. An overall aim is the protection of the consumers in regard to undesired residues in food and an in-crease of the confidence of the consumers into the quality of food and by it will help to reduce the concern in this area. On the other side the use of effective control methods will protect the honest farmer from farmers who use the banned substances to enhance their profit and distort competition. Through the installation and harmonisation of an effective control of food producing animals and foods, trade disputes both between the member states and between the EU and third countries will be reduced. 6. SCIENTIFIC AND TECHNOLOGICAL OBJECTIVES For the purposes of establishing a GC-C-IRMS procedure to identify meat from cattle administered with endogeneous hormones and an extension of the procedures for control of illegal treatment at on-farm and slaughterhouse inspections the following specific objectives are essential: Development of an efficient extraction method For analysis by GC-C-IRMS, new extraction methods for the hormones, their precursors and their metabolites from muscle tissue, faeces, fat, liver and kidney shall be applied to improve the yield and reproducibility of the extraction method and compared with customary extraction methods. Hydrolysis of conjugated and bound steroids An investigation of different hydrolysis methods for the conjugated and bound steroids in the various matrices is necessary. Development of a purification procedure The clean-up procedure for analysis by GC-C-IRMS is of critical importance (very low level of use range (ng/kg), losses, interferences,…). For this reason, several effective methods for the clean-up of the different matrices have to be tested. Optimisation of the GC-C-IRMS procedure The GC analysis including derivatisation procedures and inlet systems has to be optimized according to the specific requirements of IRMS. Establishing a range of 13C values of steroids in cattle A standardized and controlled feeding study shall be the essential part to determine the biological variability of isotopic patterns serving as scientifically accepted database for official control purposes. Cattle reared for meat production shall be DC 10/00/Topic IV.16/ Pg 5 raised under defined environmental conditions in special regard to the nutrition and further shall be treated with the respective endogenous hormones. During rearing of the animals urine, faeces and blood, and after slaughtering muscle tissue, fat, liver, kidney and also urine, faeces and blood shall be taken. From the samples obtained in the above experiments the profiles of the hormones, metabolites and precursors in the different tissues shall be determined by methods with sufficient specificity and detection capability. The 13C/12C-ratio of the analytes (hormones, metabolites and precursors) occured in satisfactory concentrations for the GC-C-IRMS shall be determined. Validation of the method The method for the detection of endogeneous hormones in urine will be validated by an intercomparison study. 7. TIME SCALE Although no rigid time scale requirements apply to this project, a maximum of 4 years is considerated as being realistic to conduct such a research including the validation step 8. IMPORTANT ADDITIONAL INFORMATION The main stakeholders (control laboratories, national authorities, …) should be deeply involved in the whole process (development, implementation, validation, etc). References 1. Aguilera R., Catlin D.H., Becchi M., Phillips A., Wang C., Swerdloff R.S., Pope H.G., Hatton C.K., Screening urine for exogeneous testosterone by isotope ratio mass spectrometric analysis of one pregnanediol and two androstanediols Journal of Chromatography B 727, (1999), 95-105 2. Becchi M., Aguilera R., Farizon Y., Flament M.-M., Casabianca H., James P., Gas Chromatography/Combustion/Isotope-ratio mass spectrometry analysis of urinary steroids to detect misuse of testosterone in sport Rapid Communications in Mass Spectrometry 8, (1994), 304-308 3. Bonnaire Y., Dehennin L., Plou P., Toutain P.L. Testosterone administration to mares: Criteria for detection of testosterone abuse by analysis of metabolites in plasma and urine Journal of Analytical Toxicology 19, (1995), 175-181 4. Ferchaud V., Le Bizec B., Monteau F., Andre F. Determination of the Exogenous Character of Testosterone in Bovine Urine by Gas Chromatography-Combustion-Isotope Ratio Mass Spectrometry Analyst 123, (1998), 2617-2620 DC 10/00/Topic IV.16/ Pg 6 5. Fritsche S., Schmidt G., Steinhart H. Gas chromatographic-mass spectrometric determination of natural profiles of androgens, progestogens, and glucucorticoids in muscle tissue of male cattle European Food Research and Technology 209, (1999), 393-399 6. Horning S., Geyer H., Flenker U., Schänzer W. Detection of exogeneous Steroids by 13C/12C Analysis In Recent Advances in Doping Analysis (5): Proceedings of the 15th Cologne Workshop on Dope Analysis, (Ed. Schänzer, W.; Geyer, H.; Gotzmann, A.; Mareck-Engeleke) Sport und Buch Strauss, Cologne 1998 7. 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