Summary of 7/11/12 conference call

-- D R A F T1 -July 11, 2012
WESTAR Council Meeting
Conference Call Summary
The monthly WESTAR Council call began at 1:00. Council members and delegates
present included:
Will Allison, CO
Gordon Pierce, CO
Greg Remer, NV
Julie Oliver, WA
Dave Klemp, MT
Bob Habeck, MT
Brad Shultz, SD
Doug Schneider, WA
Trevor Baggoire, AZ
Eric Merchant, MT
Dave McNeill, UT
Alice Edwards, AK
Adele Malone, NV
Theresa Takushi, CO
WESTAR staff present: Dan Johnson, Bob Lebens, Jeff Gabler
Agenda topics:
1. Updates/announcements
2. Exceptional events draft guidance – overview and strategy (Dan Johnson)
3. For review/approval: Letter urging EPA to promulgate Wood Heater NSPS (Dan
4. Proposed PM2.5 NAAQS revision – overview and comments (Bob Lebens)
5. Draft fall WESTAR meeting agenda (Dan Johnson)
6. Other topics as time permits
Call Summary:
1. Updates/announcements
As there were no changes or corrections to the previous meeting summary, the
call summary is considered final.
The following meetings are scheduled in the coming weeks:
 7/12 EPA webinar on proposed PM NAAQS – registration required
 7/19 NACAA call on 2008 O3 implementation rule
 7/19 Public hearing on proposed PM NAAQS in Sacramento
Draft will be considered final upon review and approval by a majority of the members, typically on the
next monthly conference call.
7/31 EPA conference call on proposed exceptional events guidance
(Registration required)
The Regional Haze Workgroup has tentatively scheduled to meet in
Sacramento September 11-13. Their goal is to complete an initial draft of
a letter to EPA recommending changes to the regional haze rule. The final
draft is scheduled to be completed prior to the October WESTAR meeting.
October 1-3, NACAA meeting in Skamania, WA
October 10-12, Regional ozone meeting in Reno, NV. Bob has circulated a
draft agenda based on input from a variety of people.
October 29-30, WESTAR meeting in Salt Lake City. A contract with the
Salt Lake City Sheraton has been signed and information about making
hotel reservations will be circulated shortly.
October 31, WRAP meeting in Salt Lake City, also at the Sheraton
2. Exceptional events draft guidance – overview and strategy (Dan Johnson)
Dan noted that EPA has published draft guidance on implementing the exceptional events
rule for windblown dust events. Comments are due by 9/4 (the day after Labor Day).
Based on a preliminary review and input from several veterans of earlier rounds of
comments on the rule, Dan suggested a somewhat narrower and more focused effort than
in the past. Specifically, WESTAR previously indicated four areas of particular concern
that, for the most part, have not been resolved satisfactorily in this draft. Dan expressed
his belief that by focusing in on these areas, we are more likely to be effective than by
simply reiterating previous comments and suggestions. Further, the workload associated
with drafting comments of this sort would be more manageable. The directors agreed.
Dan asked for approval to re-activate the EER workgroup, which includes several nonWESTAR members and was given approval. He noted that an outline with
themes/positions should be completed by the time of our next conference call (8/8), and
based on input during that call, a draft will be completed for director review by the last
week of August.
3. For review/approval: Letter urging EPA to promulgate Wood Heater NSPS (Dan
Dan summarized on-going discussions with EPA on the scope and content of their
preliminary draft update to the wood heater NSPS. The proposal has not yet gone to
OMB, and it is EPA’s hope that the proposal that does go to OMB is broadly supported
by State and local agencies. The draft letter circulated with the agenda announcement is
an attempt to summarize the key points that, hopefully, State and local agencies can agree
on. The final WESTAR letter will be circulated to other multi-jurisdictional organizations
soliciting their agreement on the points, either through an agreement to sign on to the
letter or through development of individual letters from the other MJOs and/or
4. Proposed PM2.5 NAAQS revision – overview and comments (Bob Lebens)
Bob Lebens summarized the PM NAAQS proposal, highlighting the proposal to lower
the annual PM2.5 standard and to establish a new visibility standard, characterized by
EPA as an urban visibility standard. He also summarized discussions within the Planning
and Technical Committees about the proposed PM NAAQS centered on issues related to
the proposed new standard, in particular, any potential implementation issues. He noted
that a workgroup is being formed to draft comments for director review. Comments are
due to EPA by the end of August. A draft of key points will be circulated for discussion
prior to the 8/8 air director call.
5. Draft fall WESTAR meeting agenda (Dan Johnson)
Dan referred the participants to the draft agenda circulated with the conference call
agenda announcement. He noted that the agenda is based on the discussion on our last
conference call on topics and speakers for our next meeting and asked if he either missed
anything or if the times allotted for the topics seemed appropriate. He noted that, in the
past, hot topics were limited to 10-15 minute discussions, but based on feedback from our
last meeting, is now providing up to 20 or more minutes for a hot topic based on the level
of interest of the participants. He also asked if there were any additional suggestions for
6. Other topics as time permits
Bob Lebens has compiled the comments submitted by 8 states on EPA’s SO2
whitepaper, and has circulated the compilation to Planning Committee members.
The meeting adjourned at 1:35 PT.