INDEXED FILE LISTS FOR SAFE WORK AUSTRALIA 1 January 2010 – 30 June 2011 INDEXED FILE LISTS FOR Safe Work Australia File No. WR11/002087 WR11/002088 WR11/002089 WR11/002090 SWA11/51 SWA11/134 SWA11/160 SWA11/161 SWA11/162 SWA11/184 SWA11/197 SWA11/50 SWA11/166 SWA11/167 SWA11/14 SWA11/24 SWA11/10 SWA11/252 SWA11/253 SWA11/266 SWA11/285 SWA11/109 SWA11/258 SWA11/242 SWA11/112 SWA11/126 SWA11/188 SWA11/189 SWA11/190 SWA11/191 SWA11/192 SWA11/193 SWA11/194 SWA11/196 SWA11/219 SWA11/220 SWA11/221 SWA11/222 SWA11/225 SWA11/136 SWA11/163 File Title WORKPLACE RELATIONS DEVELOPMENT - CONTRACTING-OUT - SAFE WORK AUSTRALIA - IT PROJECTS 2011-12 - HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCES INFORMATION SYSTEM (HSIS) DATABASE RESKIN WORKPLACE RELATIONS DEVELOPMENT - CONTRACTING-OUT - SAFE WORK AUSTRALIA - IT PROJECTS 2011-12 - WEBSITE SHAREPOINT 2010 UPGRADE WORKPLACE RELATIONS DEVELOPMENT - CONTRACTING-OUT - SAFE WORK AUSTRALIA - IT PROJECTS 2011-2012 - INTRANET SHAREPOINT 2010 UPGRADE WORKPLACE RELATIONS DEVELOPMENT - CONTRACTING-OUT - SAFE WORK AUSTRALIA - IT PROJECTS 2011-2012 - SECURE MEMBERS PORTAL SHAREPOINT Technology and Telecommunications - Application Development - Safetynet Benchmarking Project Communications - Communications Advisory Group (CAG) - Awards Review 2011 Community Relations - Sponsorship - Australian College of Toxicology & Risk Assessment Inc (ACTRA) Community Relations - Sponsorship - Safe Work ACT Awards 2011 Community Relations - Sponsorship - Australian Institute of Occupational Hygienists Communications - Planning - Public Relations/Events Team Communications - Communications Advisory Group (CAG) - Work plan 2011 Information Technology - Internet - Public Comment Roll Up Feature Information Technology - Implementation - Statistics Online SAS Project Information Technology - Planning - Secure Members' Portal Project Community Relations - Events - Awards 2011 Community Relations - Ceremonies - Awards 2010 Community Relations - Media Relations - Media Releases 2011 Community Relations - Media Relations - 2011 Community Relations - Media Relations - Media Requests 2011 Procurement – Contract-Out – Safetydocs EDRMS Contract with ***** - Variations to Project Communications - Communications Strategy - Model Work Health and Safety mining public comment period 2011 Model Work Health Safety - Market Research - Model Codes of Practice and Guidance Materials Publication - Production - Artwork and Illustration For The Model WHS Materials 2011 Technology and Telecommunications - Policy - Apple iPADS and Ultra-light Laptops SIG-OHS - Meetings (xxi) - 7-8 June 2011 - Minutes and Actions Arising SIG-OHS - Meetings (xxii) - 16-17 June 2011 - Minutes and Actions Arising SIG-OHS - Meetings (xxiii) - 29-30 June 2011 - Minutes and Actions Arising SIG-OHS Mining Meeting - 28 June 2011 SIG-OHS - Meetings (xxiii) - 29-30 June 2011 - Papers SIG-OHS - Meetings (xxiii) - 29-30 June 2011 - Chair's Briefs SIG-OHS Mining Meeting - 28 June 2011 - Minutes and Actions Arising SIG-OHS Mining Meeting - 28 June 2011 - Papers SIG-OHS Mining Meeting - 28 June 2011 - Chair's Briefs SIG-OHS - Meetings (xxiii) - 29-30 June 2011 SIG-OHS - Meetings (xxiv) - 13-15 July 2011 SIG-OHS - Meetings (xxiv) - 13-15 July 2011 - Papers SIG-OHS - Meetings (xxiv) - 13-15 July 2011 - Chair's Briefs SIG-OHS - Meetings (xxiv) - 13-15 July 2011 - Minutes and actions arising SIG-OHS - Meetings (xix) - 18-20 May 2011 - Minutes and Actions Arising HWSA - Meetings - 8 July 2011- Meeting 35 Governance - Committees - Audit Committee 2011 INDEXED FILE LISTS FOR Safe Work Australia File No. SWA11/173 SWA11/247 SWA11/251 SWA11/288 SWA11/7 SWA11/54 SWA11/105 SWA11/13 SWA11/128 SWA11/256 SWA11/133 SWA11/135 SWA11/180 SWA11/261 SWA11/262 SWA11/264 SWA11/265 SWA11/170 AD11/003349 AD11/003072 AD11/003073 AD11/003397 AD11/003399 AD11/003401 AD11/002263 AD11/002264 AD11/002266 AD11/002267 AD11/002427 AD11/002463 AD11/002464 AD11/002465 AD11/002466 AD11/003132 AD11/003133 File Title Governance - Personal Information Digest - 2011 Governance - Meetings - Select Council on Workplace Relations (SCWR) 10 August 2011 Government Relations – Representations – Progress of Jurisdictional Bills – Letters to ***** Secretariat - Briefs - Briefings for Chair - 2011 Community Relations - Strategies - National Strategy Communication Campaign 2011 Parliamentary - Questions on Notice (QoN) - Senate Estimates 30 May 2011 SRCC - Meetings - SRCC 123 15 June 2011 Agenda papers, CEO Briefs, related templates and agendas allocations Governance - Reporting - Annual Report 2010-2011 Governance - Committees - Safe Work Australia Audit Committee Meeting August 2011 Strategic Management - Risk Management - Safe Work Australia Risk Management Framework Safe Work Australia Members - Meetings 8 - 29 July 2011 SIG-Workers' Compensation - Meetings 5 - 21 July 2011 - Administrative Requirements HWCA - Meetings - 23 November 2011 - Agenda Papers and Administration Safe Work Australia Members - Meetings 8 - 29 July 2011 - Papers Safe Work Australia Members - Meetings 8 - 29 July 2011 - Chair's Briefs SIG-Workers' Compensation - Meetings 5 - 21 July 2011 - Papers SIG-Workers' Compensation - Meetings 5 - 21 July 2011 - Chair's Briefs Corporate - Planning - Agency Plan 2011-2012 PUBLICATION - Research - OHS - ACCIDENTS - STATISTICS AND DATA ANALYSIS - FATALITY DATA - COLLECTION OF NOTIFICATIONS OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH & SAFETY (OH&S) - Planning - WHS REGULATIONS AND CODES OF PRACTICE PUBLIC COMMENT OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH & SAFETY (OH&S) - Planning - WHS REGULATIONS AND CODES OF PRACTICE PUBLIC COMMENT OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH & SAFETY (OH&S) - Policy - BLOODBORNE PATHOGENS CODE RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH & SAFETY (OH&S) - Policy - ASBESTOS REMOVAL AND ASBESTOS ASSESSOR UNITS OF COMPETENCY DEVELOPMENT OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH & SAFETY (OH&S) - Research - BIO HAZARDS RESEARCH FOR CODE OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH & SAFETY (OH&S) - Planning - WHS REGULATIONS AND CODES OF PRACTICE PUBLIC COMMENT OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH & SAFETY (OH&S) - Planning - WHS REGULATIONS AND CODES OF PRACTICE PUBLIC COMMENT OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH & SAFETY (OH&S) - Planning - WHS REGULATIONS AND CODES OF PRACTICE PUBLIC COMMENT OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH & SAFETY (OH&S) - Planning - WHS REGULATIONS AND CODES OF PRACTICE PUBLIC COMMENT OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH & SAFETY (OH&S) - Planning - WHS REGULATIONS AND CODES OF PRACTICE PUBLIC COMMENT OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH & SAFETY (OH&S) - Planning - WHS REGULATIONS AND CODES OF PRACTICE PUBLIC COMMENT OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH & SAFETY (OH&S) - Planning - WHS REGULATIONS AND CODES OF PRACTICE PUBLIC COMMENT OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH & SAFETY (OH&S) - Planning - WHS REGULATIONS AND CODES OF PRACTICE PUBLIC COMMENT OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH & SAFETY (OH&S) - Planning - WHS REGULATIONS AND CODES OF PRACTICE PUBLIC COMMENT OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH & SAFETY (OH&S) - Planning - WHS REGULATIONS AND CODES OF PRACTICE PUBLIC COMMENT OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH & SAFETY (OH&S) - Planning - WHS REGULATIONS INDEXED FILE LISTS FOR Safe Work Australia File No. AD11/003134 AD11/003135 AD11/003136 AD11/003137 AD11/003138 AD11/003139 AD11/003331 AD11/003332 AD11/003333 AD11/003334 AD11/003335 AD11/003336 AD11/003337 AD11/004552 WR11/000228 WR11/000235 WR11/000221 WR11/000222 SWA11/118 SWA11/260 SWA11/142 SWA11/276 SWA11/97 SWA11/111 SWA11/123 SWA11/71 SWA11/72 SWA11/73 SWA11/169 SWA11/183 SWA11/231 SWA11/174 SWA11/88 File Title AND CODES OF PRACTICE PUBLIC COMMENT OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH & SAFETY (OH&S) - Planning - WHS REGULATIONS AND CODES OF PRACTICE PUBLIC COMMENT OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH & SAFETY (OH&S) - Planning - WHS REGULATIONS AND CODES OF PRACTICE PUBLIC COMMENT OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH & SAFETY (OH&S) - Planning - WHS REGULATIONS AND CODES OF PRACTICE PUBLIC COMMENT OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH & SAFETY (OH&S) - Planning - WHS REGULATIONS AND CODES OF PRACTICE PUBLIC COMMENT OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH & SAFETY (OH&S) - Planning - WHS REGULATIONS AND CODES OF PRACTICE PUBLIC COMMENT OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH & SAFETY (OH&S) - Planning - WHS REGULATIONS AND CODES OF PRACTICE PUBLIC COMMENT OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH & SAFETY (OH&S) - Planning - WHS REGULATIONS AND CODES OF PRACTICE PUBLIC COMMENT OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH & SAFETY (OH&S) - Planning - WHS REGULATIONS AND CODES OF PRACTICE PUBLIC COMMENT OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH & SAFETY (OH&S) - Planning - WHS REGULATIONS AND CODES OF PRACTICE PUBLIC COMMENT OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH & SAFETY (OH&S) - Planning - WHS REGULATIONS AND CODES OF PRACTICE PUBLIC COMMENT OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH & SAFETY (OH&S) - Planning - WHS REGULATIONS AND CODES OF PRACTICE PUBLIC COMMENT OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH & SAFETY (OH&S) - Planning - WHS REGULATIONS AND CODES OF PRACTICE PUBLIC COMMENT OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH & SAFETY (OH&S) - Planning - WHS REGULATIONS AND CODES OF PRACTICE PUBLIC COMMENT OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH & SAFETY (OH&S) - Planning - WHS REGULATIONS AND CODES OF PRACTICE PUBLIC COMMENT WORKPLACE RELATIONS DEVELOPMENT - POLICY - MODEL REGULATIONS DEVELOPMENT PROJECT - REGULATIONS IMPACT STATEMENT - FOCUS GROUPS WORKPLACE RELATIONS DEVELOPMENT - POLICY - MODEL REGULATIONS DEVELOPMENT PROJECT - REGULATION IMPACT STATEMENT SURVEY WORKPLACE RELATIONS DEVELOPMENT - POLICY - MODEL REGULATIONS DEVELOPMENT PROJECT - REGULATION IMPACT STATEMENT WORKPLACE RELATIONS DEVELOPMENT - POLICY - MODEL REGULATIONS DEVELOPMENT PROJECT - REGULATION IMPACT STATEMENT Work Health and Safety - Code Development - Reviewing Demolition & Excavation Codes Moderation Process - Assessor Version - Assessment Instruments SIG OHS - Out of session Comments - Priority Codes of Practice and Second Stage Codes of Practice WHS Mining - Codes of Practice - Drafts Regulation - Implementation - Health and Safety Representative (HSR) Training Heads of Workplace Safety Authorities working group 20 Work Health and Safety Regulations - Training - Health and Safety Representative - HWSA Working Group Work Health and Safety Regulations - Implementation - Entry Permit Holder TAG Work Health and Safety Regulations - Policy - Breath Holding Diving Work Health and Safety Regulations - Policy - Risk Management & Workplaces Work Health and Safety Regulations - Policy - Licensing Model Regulations - Development - Review of Draft Model Regulations For Further Guidance Material Model WHS Regulations - Harmonisation - Chapter 5 Plant and Structures Model WHS Regulations - Harmonisation and Legal Policy - Draft Regulations Model WHS Regulations - Infringement Notices and Penalties - Papers Information Management - Enquires - ABS Labour Force Data - Employed Persons INDEXED FILE LISTS FOR Safe Work Australia File No. SWA11/67 SWA11/102 AD11/001767 AD11/002103 AD11/002121 AD11/002122 AD11/003779 AD11/004545 AD11/002400 AD11/002611 AD11/002612 AD11/003023 AD11/003091 AD11/003149 AD11/003204 AD11/005054 AD11/005055 SWA11/263 AD11/003765 AD11/003766 AD11/004773 WR11/000679 AD11/001463 AD11/003159 AD11/003346 AD11/003641 AD11/004157 AD11/004163 SWA11/22 SWA11/23 File Title by State and Industry Work Health and Health Regulations - Code Development - Construction Facilities Code Publications - Production - Worker Representation Handbook OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH & SAFETY (OH&S) - Policy - NATIONAL ROAD SAFETY STRATEGY OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH & SAFETY (OH&S) - Policy - BUSINESS REPORTING LEADERS FORUM PROCUREMENT - Tendering - RFQ FACILITATE GENERAL STAKEHOLDER CONSULTATION WORKSHOPS TO INFORM THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE NEW NATIONAL STRATEGY OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH & SAFETY (OH&S) - Policy - NEW NATIONAL STRATEGY - GENERAL STAKEHOLDER MEETINGS PROCUREMENT - Contracting-out - CONTRACT FOR THE PROVISION OF EXPERT ADVICE ON THE DEVELOPMENT OF A PROGRAM LOGIC AND EVALUATION PLAN FOR THE NATIONAL WORK HEALTH AND SAFETY STRATEGY 2012-2022 AND FACILITATION OF THE RELATED TEMPORARY ADVISORY GROUP WORKSHOPS OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH & SAFETY (OH&S) - Policy - INTRODUCING WORK HEALTH AND SAFETY REPORTING IN ANNUAL REPORTS PROCUREMENT –Contracting-out - ***** PROCUREMENT –Contracting-out - ***** PROCUREMENT –Contracting-out - ***** PROCUREMENT - Agreements - ***** PROCUREMENT –Contracting-out - ***** FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT - Authorisation - CHIEF EXECUTIVE INSTRUCTIONS AND DELEGATIONS PROCUREMENT –Contracting-out - ***** PROCUREMENT –Contracting-out - ***** PROCUREMENT –Contracting-out - ***** PROCUREMENT –Contracting-out - ***** GOVERNMENT RELATIONS - Committees - STRATEGIC ISSUES GROUP FOR WORKERS' COMPENSATION - DEATH ENTITLEMENTS AND DEPENDANTS' ENTITLEMENTS TEMPORARY ADVISORY GROUP - MEETING PAPERS WORKPLANS AND PROJECT / CONTRACT MANAGEMENT GOVERNMENT RELATIONS - Committees - STRATEGIC ISSUES GROUP FOR WORKERS' COMPENSATION - DEFINITIONS TEMPORARY ADVISORY GROUP - MEETING PAPERS WORK PLANS AND PROJECT / CONTRACT MANAGEMENT COMPENSATION - Policy - SAFE WORK AUSTRALIA - MULTI-STATE EMPLOYERS TAG CONTRACT MANAGEMENT WORKPLACE RELATIONS DEVELOPMENT - CONTRACTING-OUT - HAZARD SURVEILLANCE - A YEAR IN THE LIFE OF A FARMER OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH & SAFETY (OH&S) - Research - PATH THROUGH LIFE SURVEY OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH & SAFETY (OH&S) - Research - HSR SURVEY OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH & SAFETY (OH&S) - Research - IDENTIFYING RISK FOR PSYCHOSOCIAL HAZARDS IN THE WORKPLACE - THE PEOPLE AT WORK PROJECT OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH & SAFETY (OH&S) - Planning - MODEL LEGISLATION EVALUATION PLAN DEVELOPMENT PROCUREMENT –Contracting-out - NATIONAL DATASET FOR CONTACT DERMATITIS - ***** OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH & SAFETY (OH&S) - Research - DEVELOPMENT OF EVALUATION FRAMEWORK FOR MODEL LEGISLATION Committee - Secretariat - Research Evaluation and Data Advisory Group Work Health and Safety - Health and Safety Representative - Incident and Hazard Management INDEXED FILE LISTS FOR Safe Work Australia File No. SWA11/27 SWA11/232 SWA11/233 SWA11/234 SWA11/259 SWA11/21 SWA11/55 SWA11/57 SWA11/58 SWA11/83 SWA11/275 SWA11/211 SWA11/214 SWA11/223 SWA11/229 SWA11/235 SWA11/254 SWA11/255 SWA11/267 SWA11/280 SWA11/284 SWA11/289 SWA11/77 SWA11/80 SWA11/85 SWA11/12 SWA11/44 SWA11/84 SWA11/18 SWA11/228 SWA11/42 SWA11/156 SWA11/159 SWA11/165 SWA11/226 SWA11/274 SWA11/277 SWA11/278 SWA11/29 SWA11/257 SWA11/43 File Title Publication - Research and Evaluation - Synthesis Report 2011 Publications - Research and Evaluation - Australia's Health (AIHW) 2006 -2011 Publications - Research and Evaluation - Australian Social Trends (ABS) 20072011 Publications - Research and Evaluation - Australia's Welfare (AIHW) 2003-2011 Project Management - Planning - Research and Evaluation Planned Research Project Management - Presentations - Residual Chemicals in Shipping Containers 2011 AIOH Conference Project Management - Presentations - A Year in the Life of a Farmer - 2011 AIOH Conference Contract Management - Reporting - A Year in the Life of a Farmer Contract Management - Reporting - Residual Chemicals in Shipping Containers Project Management - Planning - Hazard Exposure Surveillance System Project Management - Literature Reviews - Hazards Exposure Research Project Management - Literature Review - Hazard Surveillance - Biological Hazards Project Management - Data sets - National Hazards Exposure Worker Survey (NHEWS) 2008 - Chemicals Contract Management - Contracts - Work Ability Project Management - Literature Review - Hazard Surveillance - Chemicals Project Management - Presentations - Work Ability - Older Workers and Work Ability Conference Melbourne 2011 Project Management - Planning - Evaluation of Codes, Regulations and Regular Impact Statements (RIS) Project Management - Planning - Age, Work Ability and Work-Related Injury Project Management - Presentations - National Hazards Exposure Worker Survey(NHEWS) 2008 Project Management - Reporting - Contact Dermatitis Project Management - Presentations - Hazard Surveillance Project Management - Reporting - National Hazard Exposure Worker Survey (NHEWS) 2008 Project Management - Surveys - Regulatory Burden Study 2011 Project Management - Literature Reviews - Costs and Benefits of WHS Regulation Project Management - Evaluation - Road Freight Transport Industry Intervention Project Management - Literature Reviews - Intervention Effectiveness Literature Project Management - Literature Reviews - Intervention Effectiveness Project Management - Evaluation - HWSA Campaign Construction Scaffolding Contract Management - Contracts- Health and Safety Representative (HSR) Project Project Management - Briefings - HWSA Government Relations - Meetings - Workplace Consultative Meetings 2011 Workplace Relations Development - International Relations - World Congress 2011 Workplace Relations Development - International Relations - Workers Compensation Workplace Relations Development - International Relations - International Labour Organisation (ILO) Conventions Workplace Relations Development - International Relations - 30th International Congress on Occupational Health (ICOH) 2012 Government Relations - Visits - Visit to the European Agency of Safety and Health (EU OSHA) 2011 Government Relations – Visits - ***** - Visit to China 2011 as part of Monash Centre for Occupational and Environmental Health Project Government Relations - Visits - Chinese delegation visit to Safe Work Australia on 4 July 2011 Workers Compensation - Policy - Multi-State Employers Temporary Advisory Group (TAG) Workers Compensation - Policy - Asbestos Comparison Workers Compensation - Reporting - Comparison of Workers Compensation Arrangements Report INDEXED FILE LISTS FOR Safe Work Australia File No. SWA11/283 SWA11/6 SWA11/106 SWA11/108 SWA11/40 SWA11/287 SWA11/115 AD11/004164 AD11/004170 SWA11/28 SWA11/52 SWA11/91 SWA11/215 SWA11/238 SWA11/30 SWA11/41 SWA11/181 SWA11/90 SWA11/95 SWA11/216 AD11/000035 AD11/000037 AD11/000038 AD11/000039 AD11/000040 WR11/000167 WR11/000166 AD11/002820 AD11/002821 AD11/002822 AD11/003713 File Title Strategic Management - Reporting - National Strategy Topic Papers Publications - Reporting - Work-related injuries survey 2009-10 Publications - Work-related Mental Stress - Research documents Publications - Work-related Mental Stress - Data Workers' Compensation - Policy Development - National Action Plan 2010-13 Action Area 3 Nationally Consistent Arrangements for Asbestos Related Disease Compensation SIG Workers Compensation’ - Meetings - Death Entitlements and Dependants Entitlements Temporary Advisory Group - Actions from July 2011 Strategic Management - Planning - National Workers Compensation Action Plan 2010-2013 - Engagement and Communications Strategy OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH & SAFETY (OH&S) - Policy - NEW NATIONAL STRATEGY - GENERAL STAKEHOLDER MEETINGS FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT - Compliance - OHS - POLICY - NEW NATIONAL STRATEGY - PHOTOGRAPHER FOR WORKSHOPS Work Health and Safety - Codes and Guidance - Safety Leadership in States and Territories Information Management - Reviewing - International Work Health and Safety Strategies Government Relations - Meetings - National Strategy TAG - 24-06-2011 Evaluation of National Strategy 2002- 2012 Community Relations - Conferences - National Strategy - Adelaide Workshop SIG Workers Compensation - Meeting - Self-Insurance TAG - Meeting 4 Survey Design Workshop SIG Workers Compensation - Consultation - Permanent Impairment TAG - Medical Association Consultation SIG Workers Compensation - Research - Data Capture Reporting Requirements Self Insurance TAG Project Management - Analysis and Reporting - Motivations, Attitudes, Perceptions and Skills (MAPS) Project Management - Literature Reviews - Motivations, Attitudes, Perceptions and Skills (MAPS) Project Management - Datasets - Motivations, Attitudes, Perceptions and Skills (MAPS) OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH & SAFETY (OH&S) - Committees - INTERNATIONAL ORGANISATION FOR STANDARDISATION (ISO) NANOTECHNOLOGY TECHNICAL COMMITTEE - WORKING GROUP 3 - HEALTH SAFETY AND ENVIRONMENT OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH & SAFETY (OH&S) - Committees - STANDARDS AUSTRALIA NANOTECHNOLOGY COMMITTEE (NT-001) OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH & SAFETY (OH&S) - Committees - INTERNATIONAL ORGANISATION FOR STANDARDISATION (ISO) NANOTECHNOLOGY TECHNICAL COMMITTEE MEETING - DECEMBER 2010 OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH & SAFETY (OH&S) - Risk Management - GUIDE TO SAFE HANDLING AND DISPOSAL OF CARBON NANOTUBES OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH & SAFETY (OH&S) - Committees - OECD WORKING PARTY FOR MANUFACTURED NANOMATERIALS WORKPLACE RELATIONS DEVELOPMENT - POLICY - ATMOSPHERIC CONTAMINANT WORKPLACE EXPOSURE STANDARDS WORKPLACE RELATIONS DEVELOPMENT - POLICY - GUIDANCE NOTE ON THE INTERPRETATION OF EXPOSURE STANDARDS OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH & SAFETY (OH&S) - Policy - ELECTROPLATING GUIDE OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH & SAFETY (OH&S) - Committees - HEALTH SAFETY AND ENVIRONMENT WORKING GROUP OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH & SAFETY (OH&S) - Policy - NANOMATERIALS INFORMATION SHEET OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH & SAFETY (OH&S) - Research - NANOMATERIALS - INDEXED FILE LISTS FOR Safe Work Australia File No. AD11/003928 AD11/003929 AD11/003930 WR11/002705 AD11/004184 WR11/003128 AD11/004824 AD11/001986 SWA11/68 SWA11/87 SWA11/119 SWA11/175 SWA11/176 SWA11/177 SWA11/178 SWA11/230 SWA11/3 SWA11/63 SWA11/62 SWA11/92 SWA11/121 SWA11/171 SWA11/248 SWA11/269 SWA11/282 SWA11/195 SWA11/217 SWA11/218 SWA11/45 SWA11/9 File Title MEASUREMENT - ARC LINKAGE GRANT OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH & SAFETY (OH&S) - Policy - APRIL 2011 PUBLIC COMMENT SUBMISSIONS - DRAFT NATIONAL CODE OF PRACTICE FOR THE PREPARATION OF SAFETY DATA SHEETS OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH & SAFETY (OH&S) - Policy - DRAFT NATIONAL CODE OF PRACTICE FOR SPRAY PAINTING OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH & SAFETY (OH&S) - Policy - DRAFT NATIONAL CODE OF PRACTICE FOR THE CONTROL AND MANAGEMENT OF HAZARDOUS CHEMICALS WORKPLACE RELATIONS DEVELOPMENT - POLICY - DECEMBER 2010 STAKEHOLDER COMMENT - DRAFT NATIONAL CODE OF PRACTICE FOR THE LABELLING OF WORKPLACE HAZARDOUS CHEMICALS - SUBMISSIONS OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH & SAFETY (OH&S) - Research - NANOMATERIALS ROYAL MELBOURNE INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY (RMIT) UNIVERSITY SHORT COURSE ON NANOTECHNOLOGY WORK HEALTH AND SAFETY WORKPLACE RELATIONS DEVELOPMENT - INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS UN SUB-COMMITTEE OF EXPERTS ON THE GHS (UNSCEGHS) - MEETINGS 2011 GOVERNMENT RELATIONS - Committees - AUSTRALIAN FORUM OF EXPLOSIVES REGULATORS (AFER) MEETING NO. 13 OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH & SAFETY (OH&S) - Research - NANOTECHNOLOGY - HEALTH RISKS FOR LASER PRINTER EMISSIONS Codes of Practice and Guides - Development - Managing Risks from Hazardous Chemicals Globally Harmonised System - Meetings - 2011 - Papers, Briefings, Correspondence Model Regulations - Development - Comments to Legal on the Chemicals Regulation Development Nanotechnology - International Meetings - May 2011 Nanotechnology - Commissioned Project - Nanomaterials Rapid Toxicological Screening Method (Flinders University) Nanotechnology - Commissioned Project - Emissions from Machining Products Containing Nanomaterials (CSIRO) Nanotechnology - International Meetings - OECD, Working Party on Manufactured Nanomaterials (WPMN) - Measurement Workshop, Conference, Boston August 2011 Nanotechnology - Communications - ***** Project Management - Literature Review - Vibration and Exposure Measurement Design Model Regulations - Policy - Asbestos Work Health and Safety Regulations - Codes of Practice - Managing the Risks of Plant in the Workplace Publications - Reporting - Fatalities Notification - 07 Reports - Monthly reports 2010-11 Nanotechnology - Project Planning - Research Drafts and Reports Workplace Health and Safety - Assessment Instrument Moderation - Load Chart Disclaimer Wording for Each Crane Class PROCUREMENT – Contracting-Out – Assessment Instrument Development Contract with ***** HWSA - Meeting 35 - Industries briefings Traffic Management Codes - Jurisdictional Comments - June 2011 Nanotechnology - Project Planning - Overall project management Work Health and Safety Relations – Implementation – Health and Safety Representative (HSR) Training Temporary Advisory Group (TAG) Work Health and Safety Relations – Implementation – Health and Safety Representative (HSR) Training Culvenor Course Regulatory Impact Statement – Decision – Chapter 5 Publication – Enquiries – Data 2011-12 INDEXED FILE LISTS FOR Safe Work Australia File No. SWA11/224 File Title Technology – Database Management – National Coronial Information System (NCIS) Access and Contract