Transcript of New Jersey Women`s Voice Interview

Transcript of New Jersey Women’s Voice Interview
1.) What is your:
 Name? Linda M. Harper
 Age? 44
 Education Level? Associates Degree
 Current Profession? Director
 Marital Status? Civil Union
 Race/Ethnicity? White American
 Political Affiliation? Democratic
 Religion? (Or, would you consider yourself a religious/spiritual
person?) Nazarene
 Relationship to me (the interviewer)? Neighbor
2.) Do you have:
 Siblings? 2
 Children? 0
3.) What was your first job?
 Babysitter
4.) What did you want to be when you were young?
 Rich! I actually was interested in nursing.
5.) Are you involved in community service? What? Why or why not?
 Yes, Big Brothers Big Sisters. I’m involved in this program because I love
6.) What is your opinion about women changing their last name after marriage?
Would or did you change your last name? Why or Why not?
 My opinion I don’t agree with women changing their name because
women lose their identity but when I was married to my ex-husband I did
change my name, but I wouldn’t do it again.
7.) Do you think a man is looked at differently if he stays home to take care of
his children? Would your family approve of this type of arrangement?
 Yes, my family would approve. I personally think it’s great! However,
society I think looks at it differently.
8.) Should the dominant breadwinner in a relationship have more say or power
in that relationship (for example, to determine how the money is used)? Five
or ten years ago did you expect to make more or less money than your
partner? Do you feel the same way today?
 No they shouldn’t! However, in some relations it blends its self to the
personality. I feel that I need to always make more money than my
partner. Yes, it is that way in my civil union. I bring home the money
9.) In your experience, does parenting differ for sons and daughters? Please
 It think as an aunt we treat them equal, we try to get them involved in
sports as well as the arts and all of our nieces and nephews participate.
They gave us away in our civil union; we try to show them there is no
What do you think of feminists? What do you think their goals are?
Do you know any feminists? Would you consider yourself one? Why or why
 I think that feminists should be represented by professionals. Their goals
are to break barriers for the next generation and become equal. Yes, I
would and do consider myself a feminist.
Do you think women are more likely to vote for a female presidential
candidate because they share the same gender? Why or why not?
 Some will and some will not. People uneducated about the candidates may
tend to vote for same gender because like is comfortable with like.