Ancient Rome Study Guide

Ancient Rome Study Guide
Bishop of Hippo
First Emperor of Rome
A.K.A. Augustus
Reformed and streamlined the gov’t
Civil law
Private laws that are applied to
citizens of the Roman Republic
Ruler with complete control of the
6 months
Belief against the church
Control of foreign lands by another
Huge farming estate, Ranch
Division of the Roman military that
consisted of approximately 5000 men
Hired soldiers
The Head Pope!!!!
-typically in Rome!!!!
“Rich people” – upper class
Given credit for the spread of
“The poor” – lower class
Astronomer/mathematician who
proposed the Earth-centered theory
Wrote Aeneid.
What were the teachings of Jesus of
Teachings were based on Jewish
Teachings: 10 Commandments, Old
Testament Prophecies
Compare and Contrast the Roman senate
during the Republic and the Empire.
Republic: chose dictator, patrician,
passed laws
Empire: advisors, mediators, court
What impact has Ancient Rome had on
you? Use political, social, and economic
examples of Ancient Rome and the
United States to support your answer.
Politically: rights of accused people,
innocent until proven guilty, judges
interpret the laws, penalties depend on
social class
Women can own a business
Women are incorporated.
Women are in school!!!!!
We use their ideas of inflation control
and slavery.
How did the expansion of the Roman
republic affect Roman farmers? What
effect did this have on the Roman
Roman farmers had to have slaves for
production which reduces innovation and
Why did most conquered people remain
loyal to Rome?
They were taken care of, given
citizenship, aided with trade, given roads
to travel, and given protection.
Describe the two systems of law that
developed under the Roman republic and
how they changed. Why was the rule of
law important during the Roman empire?
civil Law
System of laws that governed the
citizens of the Roman Republic. This
caused a problem later when the empire
had foreign subjects who were not
protected because they were not citizens.
This created the Law of Nations that
placed all people under the law with
What was the Roman society like?
Women were allowed to participate
in everything except politics. They were
educated and men were the head of the
household. Religion was polytheistic
and based on the Greek religion.
Why was religious tolerance allowed
with the Jews?
To prevent Jews from going against their
religion or revolting.
Who was Diocletian? What was his
focus and what were his strategies for
accomplishing his goals?
Emperor who split the empire to try to
‘save’ it from failing.
Fixed Prices, required farmers to stay on
their land, and required sons to do the
same job as their fathers.
How did geography influence the
development of Roman civilization
compared to Greek civilization?
Latins settled on rolling hills which
allowed them to establish a unified
civilization. The Greeks on the other
hand had mountains that created separate
city-states that lacked unity.
Who was Julius Caesar? Why was he
The last dictator of the Roman
Republic who conquered Gaul and was
made dictator for life. He was
assassinated because the senators
believed he was trying to make himself
king with complete power.
Why were people all of a sudden
flocking into the Roman empire during
the late 300s?
Prosperity and religious freedom. War
in Asia. Invading Huns.
Ancient Roman religions comes from
Greek and Etruscan religions
Who did Rome fight in the Punic Wars?
Summarize the three wars.
Rome vs. Carthaginians
1st Punic War - Rome defeats Carthage
and wins the islands of Sicily, Corsica,
and Sardinia
2nd Punic War - Hannibal marches all
around through the Pyrenees and Alps
and loses 1/3 of Army, but sweeps across
Never captures Rome
Rome outflanks by sending an army to
3rd Punic War - Rome destroys
Kill everyone
Sell survivors into slavery
Pour salt all over
What was the focus of Roman
Grandeur and Beauty
What did Augustus use the census for?
Develop fair tax base.
What are the two major contributions of
Religious Freedom
Moving the Capital.
What was the importance of the Laws of
the Twelve Tables?
It allowed protest of the laws because
they were known.
Why was engineering so important to the
Rome was built on a swamp and they
needed fresh water.
Describe Roman architecture and explain
what made it unique.
To a large degree, Romans used Greek
models for their architecture. However,
they developed their own unique style
and building techniques. Where Greeks
aimed for simple elegance, the Romans
emphasized grandeur. They built
immense palaces, temples, and stadiums
as monuments to their power. Romans
improved upon existing structural
devices such as columns and arches.
Using concrete, they developed the
rounded dome in buildings such as the
Pantheon. Using their expertise in
engineering, they built many structures
such as aqueducts and bridges that lasted
long after the fall of the empire.