Sunday, 29.06.2003 18:00 - 20:00 Registration Monday, 30.06.2003 09:00 - 10:00 Registration 10:00 Sausen: Welcome and Information CHAIR: Paul Madden Engine emissions and plume processes 10:20 Gleitsmann G, Somnitz H, Zellner R: Novel rates of OH induced sulfur oxidation implications to the plume chemistry of jet aircraft 10:40 Wahl C, Kapernaum M, Krüger V, Rainer P, Aigner M: Determination of soot mass fraction soot density and soot fractal character in flame exhaust gases 11:00 Coffee break 11:20 Anderson B E, Winstead E L, Hudgins C H, Branham S, Plant J V, Thornhill K L: Overview of results from the NASA experiment to characterize aircraft volatile aerosol and trace species emissions (EXCAVATE) 12:00 Miake-Lye R C, Zaccardi V: SAE E-31 committee on aircraft exhaust emission measurements and an aerospace information report on the measurement of nonvolatile Particle Emissions 12:20 Sorokin A, Katragkou E, Arnold F, Busen R, Schumann U: SO3 and H2SO4 in exhaust of an aircraft engine: Measurements and implications for fuel sulfur conversion to S(VI) and SO3 to H2SO4 12:40 Lunch break CHAIR: Ulrich Schumann 14:00 Schumann U: Welcome, Aeronautic Research at DLR Ghazi A: Welcome, Perspective EU, Environment and Aviation 14:40 Petzold A, Wilson C W, Arnold F, Baltensperger U, Fiebig M, Fritzsche L, Giebl H, Gysel M, Hitzenberger R, Hurley C D, Katragkou E, Kurtenbach R, Madden P, Nyeki S, Puxbaum H, Schumann U, Stein C, Vrchoticky S, Wahl C, Wiesen P: Particle emissions from aircraft engines - An overview of the european project PARTEMIS 15:20 Kurtenbach R, Kapernaum M, Lörzer J, Niedojadlo A, Petrea M, Wahl C, Wiesen P: Emission of non-methane volatile organic compounds (NMVOCs) from a jet engine combustor and a Hot End Simulator (HES) during the PARTEMIS project 15:40 Goos E, Braun-Unkhoff M, Slavinskaya N, Frank P: Modeling of soot precursor formation in laminar premixed flames with C1- C2- and C6-Fuels 16:00 Coffee break CHAIR: Karlheinz Haag 16:20 Lee D S, Sun C-G, Cooper M, Snape C, Wilson C: Stable carbon isotope signatures of aircraft particles 16:40 Vancassel X, Sorokin A, Mirabel P: Modelling of volatile particles during PARTEMIS 17:00 Garnier F, Ferreira-Gago C, Brasseur A L, Uthéza F, Paoli R, Cuenot B: Growing and dispersion of particles in a turbulent exhaust plume 17:20 Plumb I, Randeniya L, Vohralik P, Baughcum S L: The effect of plume processes on aircraft impact 17:40 Wilson, C W: Aviation fuels - Where are we going and why? 18:00 Break 19:00 Ice-breaking reception in the Zeppelin museum Tuesday, 01.07.2003 Transport and impact on chemical composition CHAIR: David S. Lee 09:00 Crowther R, Law K, Pyle J, Nedelec P, Smit H, Volz-Thomas, A: NOy in the UT/LS: A source attribution study utilising MOZAIC measurements 09:20 Isaksen I S A: The TRADEOFF project: Goals and achievements 09:50 Brunner D, Staehelin J, Hauglustaine D, Jourdain L, Rogers H L, Koehler M O, Pyle J A, Berntsen T K, Gauss M, Meijer E, van Velthoven P, Grewe V, Sausen R, Pitari G, Mancini E, Isaksen I S A: On the quality of chemistry-transport simulations in the upper troposphere/lower stratosphere region 10:10 Grewe V: Lightning NOx emissions and the impact on the effect of aircraft emissions - Results from the EU-project TRADEOFF 10:30 Coffee break CHAIR: Georgios Amanatidis 10:50 Hauglustaine D, Stordal F, Myhre G, Gauss M, Berntsen T, Isaksen I: Impact of present-day and future subsonic aircraft emissions on tropospheric ozone and associated radiative forcing of climate 11:10 Gauss M, Köhler M, Grewe V: Impact of aircraft NOx emissions: Effects of changing the flight altitude 11:30 Prather M, Hsu J, Wild O, Sundet J, Isaksen I: CTM Simulation of tropopause ozone: Lessons from TRACE-P 11:50 Meijer E, Van Velthoven P, Bregman B, Seger A, Brunner D: Improved mass fluxes in a global chemistry-transport model: implications for upper tropospheric chemistry 12:10 Rodriguez J M, Logan J A, Rotman D A, Bergmann D, Baughcum S L, Friedl R R, Anderson D E: Activities of NASA's Global Modeling Initiative (GMI) in the assessment of subsonic aircraft impact 12:30 Lunch break CHAIR: Ivar Isaksen 13:50 Wuebbles D J, Dutta Mayurakshi P, Kenneth O, Baughcum S L: Parametric study of potential effects of aircraft emissions on stratospheric ozone 14:10 Baughcum S, Plumb I, Vohralik P: Stratospheric ozone sensitivity to aircraft cruise altitudes and NOx emissions 14:30 14:50 Stubenrauch C: Introduction to Poster Session 1 15:05 Poster Session 1 with Coffee (Engine emissions and plume processes, Transport and impact on chemical composition) 17:20 Brenninkmeijer C, Slemr F, Zahn A, Fischer H, Hermann M, Heintzenberg J, Schlager H, Ziereis H: Investigating the global atmosphere by using commercial aircraft: CARIBIC and MOZAIC 17:40 Gossling S: The importance of aviation for tourism: Status and trends 18:00 end of sessions CHAIR: Philippe Mirabel Wednesday, 02.07.2003 09:00 Dessens O, Rogers H, Pyle J,all SCENIC-project members: The SCENIC project: presentation and first results 09:20 Pitari G, Mancini E, Rogers H, Dessens O, Isaksen I, Rognerud B: A 3D model intercomparison of the effects of future supersonic aircraft on the chemical composition of the stratosphere Particles and clouds CHAIR: Philippe Mirabel 09:40 Kärcher B, Schumann U, Aigner M, Schurath U, Schrems O, Sausen R, Kruse H, Schiller C, Borrmann S, Arnold F, Feichter J, Lohmann U, Ström J, Rother T, Brinkop S, Busen R, Flentje H, Gierens K, Graf J, Haag W, Hendricks J, Mannstein H, Petzold A, Wendling P, Frank P, Gerlinger P, Noll B, Stricker W, Wahl C, Möhler O, Schaefers S, Stetzer S, Immler F, Döpelheuer A, Krämer M, Mangold A, Wollny A, Schneider J, Wilhelm S, Aufmhoff H, Timmreck C: Particles and cirrus clouds (PAZI) - Overview of results 2000-2003 10:20 Coffee break 10:40 Arnold F: Upper tropospheric aerosol formation inside and outside aircraft wakes: new findings from mass spectrometric measurements of gaseous and ionic aerosol precursors and very small aerosols 11:10 Baumgardner D, Kok G, Raga G, Diskin G, Sachse G: Single particle black carbon measurements in the UT/LS 11:30 Suzanne J, Ferry D, Popovicheva O B, Shonija N K: Ice-nucleating ability of soot particles in UT/LS 11:50 Möhler O, Schnaiter M, Wagner R, Schurath U, Mangold A, Krämer M: Experimental investigation of homogeneous and heterogeneous freezing processes at simulated UTLS conditions 12:10 Monier M, Wobrock W, Flossmann A: Detailed modelling of cirrus cloud - An intercomparison of different approaches for homogeneous nucleation 12:30 Lunch break CHAIR: Corinne Marizy 13:50 Friedl R, WB-57 CRYSTAL-FACE science team: Overview of contrail and cirrus cloud measurements from the WB-57 aircraft in the CRYSTAL-FACE mission 14:10 Minnis P, Garber D P, Nguyen L, Duda D P, Palikonda R: Simulation of contrail coverage over the USA missed during the air traffic shutdown 14:40 Duda D P, Minnis P Costulis P K Palikonda R: CONUS contrail frequency estimated from RUC and flight track data 15:00 Danilin M Y, Baughcum S L, Read W G: Contrail properties derived from UARS MLS measurements 15:20 Poster Session 2 with Coffee (Particles and Clouds, Mitigation), Introduction: Stubenrauch C 16:30 Mannstein H: Observations of contrails and cirrus over Europe 17:00 Zerefos C, Eleftheratos K, Zanis P, Balis D, Stordal F, Myhre G: Updated perturbations on cirrus and contrail cirrus 17:20 Penner J, Liu X: Potential alteration of ice clouds by aircraft soot 17:40 Break 19:30 boarding: Ship Cruise on Lake Constance with Dinner CHAIR: Winfried Dewes Thursday, 03.07.2003 09:00 Hendricks J, Kärcher B, Döpelheuer A, Feichter J, Lohmann U: Potential impact of aviation-induced black carbon on cirrus clouds: Global model studies with the ECHAM GCM 09:20 Marquart S, Ponater M, Mager F, Sausen R: Future development of contrail cover optical depth and radiative forcing: Impacts of increasing air traffic and climate change 09:40 Guldberg A: A studie of contrails in a general circulation model 10:00 Coffee break Mitigation 10:20 10:40 11:00 11:20 11:50 13:30 14:10 14:40 15:00 Ponater M, Marquart S, Ström L, Sausen R, Gierens K, Hüttig G: On the potential of the cryoplane option to reduce aircraft climate impact Lee D S, Sausen R, Marquart S, Fichter C, Norman P: Tradeoffs in contrail and CO2 radiative forcing by altered cruise altitudes Noland R, Toumi R, Williams V: Policies for mitigating contrail formation from aircraft Green, J: Greener by Design Lunch break CHAIR: Robert Sausen Schumann, U: What did we learn? Discussion Sausen: Homework and Good Bye end of conference Poster Session 1 (Tuesday, 01.07.2003, 15:05 - 17:20) Engine emissions and plume processes 1. Hitzenberger R, Giebl H, Petzold A, Gysel M, Nyeki S, Weingartner E, Baltensperger U, Wilson C W: CCN activation of jet engine combustion particles during PARTEMIS 2. Worsnop D R, Miake-Lye R, Boudries H, Wormhoudt J, Anderson B: Gas and aerosol chemistry of commercial aircraft emissions measured in the NASA EXCAVATE experiment 3. Katragkou E, Wilhelm S, Arnold F, Wilson C W: Sulfur (VI) in the simulated internal flow of an aircraft gas turbine engine: first measurements during the PARTEMIS project 4. Fiebig M, Fritzsche L, Stein C, Nyeki S, Petzold A: Emission of volatile and non-volatile ultrafine particles from a combustion source during PARTEMIS 5. Sorokin A, Vancassel X, Mirabel P: Kinetics of binary nucleation in aircraft exhaust plume 6. Garber D P, Minnis P, Costulis P K: A USA commercial flight track database for upper tropospheric aircraft emission studies 7. Hayashi S, Yamada, H, Takazawa K, Makida M, Kurosawa Y: Interaction of NO and ice crystals produced from combustion generated water vapor in a simulated jet engine exhaust gas plume 8. Geigle K P, Schneider-Kühnle Y, Krüger V, Tsurikov M, Lückerath R, Braun-Unkhoff M, Slavinskaya N, Frank P, Stricker W, Aigner M: Validation of the kinetic soot model: An experimental and theoretical study on soot formation using LII and shifted vibrational CARS 9. Gysel M, Nyeki S, Weingartner E, Baltensperger U, Giebl H, Hitzenberger R, Petzold A, Wilson C W: Jet engine combustion particle hygroscopicity under subsaturated conditions during PARTEMIS 10. Bukovnik M, Kalivoda M: AvioMEET inventory tool and its applications Transport and impact on chemical composition 11. Leigh P, MacKenzie R, Borrman S: Air parcel trajectories in the south european UTLS: implications for the impact of air traffic emissions 12. Gauss M, Isaksen I, Lee D: The impact of aircraft on the chemical composition of the atmosphere and options for reducing the impact A 3D CTM model study 13. Köhler M O, Rogers H L, Pyle J A: Modelling the impact of subsonic aircraft emissions on ozone 14. Krämer M, Beuermann J, Schiller C, Grimm F, Arnold F, Peter T, Meilinger S, Meier A, Hendricks J, Petzold A, Schlager H: Uptake of nitric acid in cirrus clouds 15. Wuebbles D J, Dutta M, Jain A, Baughcum S L: Radiative forcing on climate from aircraft emissions in the stratosphere 16. Berntsen T, Gauss M, Grewe V, Hauglustaine D, Isaksen I, Mancini E, Meijer E, Pitari G, Sausen R: Sources of NOx at cruise altitudes, implications for predictions of ozone and methane perturbations due to NOx emissions from aircraft Poster Session 2 (Wednesday, 02.07.2003, 15:20 - 16:30) Particles and clouds 1. Minikin A, Petzold A, Fiebig M, Hendricks J, Schröder F: Aerosol properties measured in situ in the free troposphere and tropopause region at midlatitudes 2. Popovicheva O, Persiantseva N M, Shonia N K: Hygroscopicity and wetting of aircraft engine soot and its surrogates: CCN formation in UT 3. Mangold A, Büttner S, Ebert V, Giesemann C, Krämer M, Möhler O, Saathoff H, Schurath U, Stetzer O, Teichert H and Wagner R: Ice water content of cirrus clouds and its dependency on different types of aerosols 4. Nielsen J K: 3D simulation of cirrus formation from airplane contrails 5. Gierens K, Brinkop S: Heterogeneous nucleation effects on cirrus cloud coverage 6. Palikonda R, Phan D, Minnis P: Contrail coverage over the USA derived from MODIS and AVHRR data 7. Minnis P, Palikonda R, Ayers J K: Contrail coverage over the North Pacific from MODIS and AVHRR Data 8. Stubenrauch C, Meerkoetter R: Survey of cirrus properties from satellite retrievals using TOVS and AVHRR observations 9. Immler F, Schrems O: Comparison of cirrus cloud properties in the northern and southern hemisphere on the basis of lidar measurements 10. Tripathi S, Vancassel X, Grainger R, Rogers H: A Fast Stratospheric Aerosol Microphysical Model (SAMM) Mitigation 11. Lee D S, Sausen R: Climate responses of aviation NOx and CO2 emissions scenarios