SYSTEM X PUBLIC LIBRARY TECHNOLOGY PLAN FOR UNIVERSAL SERVICE DISCOUNT ELIGIBILITY Date Written: December 1, 2010 Library System X’s Mission Statement The mission of Public Library System X is to help promote within the community; the communication of ideas, enlightened citizenship, and enriched the lives of our patrons through access to educational and recreational materials in print and non-print as well as various technology based formats. The libraries within the system shall serve as a center of reliable information and support educational, civic, and cultural activities of the community, regardless of race, gender, age or social economic background, with trying to become the community center of libraries of yesteryear. Library System X’s Technology Statement In order to achieve the mission statement of the Library System X; the system needs to incorporate the use of the latest trends in technology. This technology plan will outline the areas that are being grown, developed, and evaluated as well as the means to use these new developed technologies to better serve the patrons of the this system. This technology plan is a living document that is subject to change as new technologies are made available to the system. Development of the Plan This technology plan was created from input from full time staff members, the County’s IT department and when deemed necessary various partners with in the community; i.e. the Board of Education and school librarians that have a vested interest in the technological needs of the system. The technology plan will also meet any criteria that is set forward by the State Library and if possible surpass what they have set. Library Goals Page Library System X plays an important part in the community with being a place to meet the technological needs of its patrons, but not just as a place to use technology, but a place to learn how to use this technology as well. With ever changing face of technology from the hardware to software there are many patrons that have a hard time keeping up with all of the advances 1 The Community and the Library as a Place of Learning that are being made. So to help our patrons to keep up to date, without crossing over and conflicting with other agencies, Library System X continues to offer basic computing and technology based classes that cover new software and technologies being used on public access computers to new technologies, such as e-readers for patron use and check out. Objectives to be met: To make sure that patrons are aware of the classes being held at all libraries To make sure there is at least one library staff member at each branch is prepared to teach classes To make sure that each library has the technology needed to teach classes; either in a permanent computer lab or mobile computer lab that can be used in conjunction with either a meeting or conference room Evaluation: The number of patrons attending these classes The number of new technologies being checked out that the library provides its patrons Public Computer Access Following the logic of the pervious goal of having classes to benefit the patrons of the system; not all patrons have access to computers or the internet within their homes, these patrons than turn to the library to meet these needs. From school work to job finding to checking e-mail the public access computers have become and interracial part of the library environment. And there a variety of goals to be met in order to have full function public access computers for patron use. Goals: 2 To provide a safe network and computers free from viruses, spyware, and malware To provide reasonable speeds on the network for patron use To provide the latest versions of MS Office To maintain the public access computers software/virtual environment To maintain the public access computers hardware To make sure staff knows basic trouble shooting techniques for as to why the computer might not be working and to know when to ask for help from the library or county IT staff To provide enough public access computers to make sure that there is only a minimal wait time. Page Evaluation: The statistics of computer use The downtime of computers that have issues be it hardware or software The number of virus, spyware, or malware that make it onto the computers To track the wait times of people having to wait for a computer when all public access computers are full Patrons With Disabilities Provide a class that teaches patrons with visual disabilities how to utilize software that allows them to access a computer. There are a number of available programs and software that allow either those with limited vision or those who are legally blind to still take advantage of everything the computer has to offer. Goals: Teach visually impaired patrons the basics of using JAWS software and other screen reader technologies. Provide patrons with a list of well frequented websites that are screen-reader friendly. Evaluation: Survey each member after the final class to rate the effectiveness of the program and take suggestions for possible improvements. Reduction in help requests related to computing resources by patrons with visual disabilities Gaming And the Library In this day and age the library needs to look at alternative ways in order to bring teens, tweens, and children into the library. Since libraries are looking at social networking to do this; there is another avenue to peruse, gaming. To bring more Teens and Tweens into the library To use games to find other interests Teens and Tweens into the library To allow a neutral/ground for Teens and Tweens to interact regardless of social economic backgrounds. Page 3 Goals: Evaluation: The number of YA books, magazine, and other materials that are checked out after Gaming Programming The number of teen, tweens, and children attending the gaming programs Web Presence Library System has a variety of web presences. The Library’s main website is maintained by the county as like many library websites across the state on county to maintain a uniformed look with other county agencies. The library catalogue online system is hosted by the county but is housed within the ILS, which allows patrons access to the library’s collection for the purpose of knowing what is in the collection; as well as putting holds on items in which they want. It also allows patrons to manage their accounts for the purpose of know what they have checked out and what they want to renew without having to leave home. On top of that each library branch in the system may, if they so choose, use a social networking website(s) in order to create a much more personal space for their patrons to interact with their branch. CIPA Page 4 So that Library X meets both State and Federal Laws when it comes to internet safety for children, filtering software and hardware are in place. There are several levels of security in place starting with SonicWall Internet Security Appliance, a state-of-the-art security platform that include an ICSA-certified firewall with security services including network anti-virus, IPSec VPN, digital certificate authentication and content filtering were installed in 2007 on the Library WAN. There is a second wall in place as well, iPrism; it allows for blocking of internet sites based on content ratings, which is customizable and can allow access to sites regardless of content ratings through IP addresses. These programs are used on all computers in both the library system and county. Being CIPA compliant allows access to additional State and Federal funding. TECHNOLOGY ASSESSMENT ILS Library System X as being a bold an innovative library system has migrated over to the Evergreen ILS system. Patrons and Staff have both notice the easy in which they system is used. There was only a minor learning curve once the system was in place. Both patrons and staff picked up the skills to use Evergreen off of the skills they had already based on computer and internet skills. Classes were held for Patrons and Staff to help them along in the transition. Evergreen allows staff members to do their jobs much more efficiently with the ease in which this ILS is used. As for patrons Evergreen is allowing them more access and control over their account than the previous systems. Evergreen looks to be the library’s current ILS for quite some time. Internet Access The internet has become one of the greatest technological tools since the creation of the computer. The internet allows a freedom of information that has never been seen before on such a global scale. It allows information and communications to move at speed in which it has never done in the past. This freedom of information and access to it has become a function of the library; especially for those in the community that can afford their computers and then the internet. That is why it is public access computers with internet access is a prime concern of Library System X. The computers need to remain up to date and current, (see computer replacement plan below) along with have as unrestricted as possible internet (falling into line with State and Federal Laws and to remain eligible for LSTA and E-Rate funding). Hence the reason the library system follow all CIPA guide lines. Page 5 Including the firewalls and other protection programs on the computers to protect patrons and the computers from viruses, spam, or waleware; each public access computer has Microsoft Steady State installed upon it. Steady State creates a mirrored partitioned drive that is wiped upon each reboot or log of the computer. So the computer always returns to the state in which it was when Steady State was first installed. This program alone has freed up countless hours of IT staff and Computer Downtime from having to try and fix computers harmed by viruses, spam, or waleware; allowing any staff member the ability to fix roughly 95% of the problems that occur with a simple reboot of the inflicted computer. Library System X is also bound by the filters and restrictions put in place by the county’s IT department. Library System X also allows unrestricted internet access through patrons own personal computers and devices that can connect wirelessly via a Wi-Fi signal provided by an outsourced vendor. This has also been done that ever such time that the county losses internet connectivity there is a back up to connect with for the patrons. This connection also allows the library to connect to the internet with the mobile computer lab to help patrons with untimed or restricted access to the internet for tests or proctoring. CIPA So that Library X meets both State and Federal Laws when it comes to internet safety for children, filtering software and hardware are in place. There are several levels of security in place starting with SonicWall Internet Security Appliance, a state-of-the-art security platform that include an ICSA-certified firewall with security services including network anti-virus, IPSec VPN, digital certificate authentication and content filtering were installed in 2007 on the Library WAN. There is a second wall in place as well, iPrism; it allows for blocking of internet sites based on content ratings, which is customizable and can allow access to sites regardless of content ratings through IP addresses. These programs are used on all computers in both the library system and county. Being CIPA compliant allows access to additional State and Federal funding. Web Presence Library System has a variety of web presences. The Library’s main website is maintained by the county as like many library websites across the state on county to maintain a uniformed look with other county agencies. The library catalogue online system is hosted by the county but is housed within the ILS, which allows patrons access to the library’s collection for the purpose of knowing what is in the collection; as well as putting holds on items in which they want. It also allows patrons to manage their accounts for the purpose of know what they have checked out and what they want to renew without having to leave home. Page 6 On top of that each library branch in the system may, if they so choose, use a social networking website(s) in order to create a much more personal space for their patrons to interact with their branch. Training Training in Library System X is based around core competencies that all full time library staff shall know. These included, but not limited to, basic usage of e-mail, internet, and MS Office, etc. Basic those skills that are needed to function in today technological based world. They must all have a working knowledge of the basic functions of the ILS system. With these core competencies, staff would also know how to handle basic problems with the computers so that the IT department does not have to be called for every glitch or problem. Library System X is committed to have staff participate in continuing education classes. Each staff member must at least attended two different workshops either online or in person; though more may be attended. The funds for this have already been allocated into the system’s budget. Library System X also has put into place a mobile computer training lab that is comprised of laptops, which can be moved between library branches for training purposes. These laptops can be used for trainings for both staff and the public and would not cause the public access computers to be tied up with a class. Equipment/Technology Replacement Policy Library System X uses technology on various levels ranging from library staff to the patrons. Technology has changed the way the library system functions across the board and staying up to date and current is a key concern along with keeping within the mission of the library. The purpose of this policy is to create a set of guidelines to meet the needs of the system as well to govern the use of this technology. The Cycle of Replacement With the nature of technology always change the replacement and upgrading of current technology is always a growing concern, because if it is not kept up to a reasonable date the flow of information resources may become impeded. Technology and computers allow library staff and the public to access current information and references not always available locally. The number of computers available in each library How often the computers are used (public vs. staff computers) Can a computer be reassigned to a less demanding function such as word processing or for the online catalog? Page 7 In an ideal world replacement of computers would come in a three to five year cycle, but with budgeting factors in play criteria must be put into place to help evaluate the need of computer replacement when funds aren’t fully available for the three to five year cycle: Types of Computers Within the library system there are a number of different types of computers. Some computers experience more wear and tear than other computers in the library system. What follows is the hierarchy of computers in the library: Personal Staff Computers – These computers are only used by individual staff members in their offices or cubical. They tend to be the only ones who use these computers. Special Staff Computers – These are computers that have a special designated purpose, where a handful of staff members might end up using the computer; such as Government Documents, Children’s Staff Computer, or the Genealogy Computer. Reference Computers – These computers reside at the reference desk and are used by all staff members that are assigned times at the reference desk. Circulation Computers – These computers are used by all part-time circulation staff as well as full-time staff who are assigned to circulation desk. Public Access Computers – These are the computers used by the public to access the internet and other programs made available to them by the library, which most includes the Microsoft Office Professional Suite. Word Processing Computers – These computers have no internet access and are only used as word processing computers. Download Station – This is a single terminal used to connect to the digital library for patrons to download audio books to various digital players. Children’s Computers – very basic computers with games provided by the Gates Foundation and Open Source. Card Catalogue Computers – These computers allow patrons to look up books in the library system. This hierarchy also shows the order in which computers will be recycled to a lesser function if a computer above it is newer than the one below. Page Various statistical data will be given for the annual state report. Circulation Statistics, Door Counts, and Public Access Computer Use Records will reflect the number of users coming into the library to use the Internet, non-Internet activities, or both. The library system will monitor monthly usage reports of all online data base that are made available for patron use. The number of hits that occur on the Library’s main website; along with the social networking sites with also be recorded. The library will also maintain the numbers of both staff and patrons that are receiving any type of technology training through the library be it software, hardware, or online resource. 8 Over All Evaluation of Technology Based Services There will also be an annual sampling through survey on the libraries’ use of technology in meeting the needs of both the staff and the patrons. All staff members of the library system will partake in the survey as well as a random sampling of patrons at all library branches. Library System X will review all services (at time of renewal) and consider the data and input from staff members and patrons as to how best to update and modify the system’s technology plan, which will include, but not limited to: Reviewing the technology plan annually for any needs of revisions There will be a constant review of the number of computer workstations per library so that any adjust that is needed can be made based on workstation usage Keeping an eye out for any new and/or upcoming technologies that can be used to benefit the library system, staff or patrons Date __________ APPROVED BY State Library: Date Page SUBMITTED BY Library Director: 9 Certification & Approval Annual Cost xxx.xx Source(s) of Funding County X’s Budget Internal Internet xxx.xx County X’s Budget Wireless (4 Branches) $4,320.00 Library System X’s Budget Computers, Staff $11,000.00 Library System X’s Budget Computers, Public Access Firewalls, iPrism, Sonicwall $8,960.00 xxx.xx xxx.xx xxx.xx Library System X’s Budget E-Rate Gates Grant County X’s Budget Gaming $600.00 Library System X’s Budget Online Data Bases $5,000.00 Library System X’s Budget Staff Tech Training $2,000.00 Library System X’s Budget Staff Travel Expenses xxx.xx County X’s Budget Misc. Computer: Parts, Supplies, Software, etc. $3,000.00 Library System X’s Budget Page Expenses Telephones 10 Budget