Combined approaches for ensemble post-processing Thomas Hopson and Joshua Hacker National Center for Atmospheric Research, Boulder, CO Abstract Novel approaches to post-processing (calibrating) 2-m temperature forecasts are explored with the ensemble reforecast data set published by the NOAA Earth Systems Laboratory (Climate Analysis Branch). As in several previous studies, verification indicates that post-processing the ensemble may be necessary to provide meaningful probabilistic guidance to users. We apply a novel statistical correction approach by combining a selection of statistical correction approaches used in the literature [e.g. logistic regression, and quantile regression] under the general framework of quantile regression (QR) to improve forecasts at specific probability intervals (as compared to fixed climatological thresholds). One of the benefits of our approach is that no assumptions are required on the form of the forecast probability distribution function to attain optimality, and we ensure that resultant forecast skill is no worse than a forecast of either climatology or persistence. Specifically, we focus on the following research question: a) the impact of seasonality on (calibrated) ensemble skill; b) the impact of calibration data size on postprocessed forecast skill; c) the utility of ensemble dispersion information to condition ensemble calibration; d) the benefits of blending logistic regression-derived ensembles with QR in enhancing forecast skill; e) assessment of most beneficial forecast quantities for post-processing. Results will be assessed using traditional (probabilistic) verification measures as well as a new measure we introduce to examine the utility of the ensemble spread as an estimator of forecast uncertainty. Introduction Two motivations for generating ensembles: Non-Gaussian forecast PDF’s Ensemble spread as a representation of forecast uncertainty. => our technique addresses this Benefits of post-processing: -- Improvements in statistical accuracy, bias, and, reliability (e.g. reliability diagrams, rank histograms; Hamill and Colucci 1997, 1998) -- Improvements in discrimination and sharpness (e.g. rank probability score, ensemble skill-spread relationship (Wilks, 2006) => forecast skill gains equivalent to significant NWP improvements Statistical post-processing can improve not only statistical (unconditional) accuracy of forecasts (as measured by reliability diagrams, rank histograms, etc), but also factors more related to “conditional” forecast behavior (as measured by, say, RPS, skill-spread relations,etc.) -- inexpensive statistically-derived skill improvements can equate to significant NWP developments (expensive) (Hamill reference?) -- necessity of postprocessing: Application to point location => by definition must improve ensemble dispersion Background work: Hamill reforecast project New approaches: -- use whatever is available to improve forecasts => persistence -- blend multiple calibration tools: QR, logistic regression - Our focus is ensemble forecasts for probability intervals as compared to fixed climatological thresholds (thus requiring interpolating LR calcs) Quantile Regression (QR) Introduced in 1978 (Koenker and Bassett, 1978), quantile regression (QR) is an absolute error estimator that can conditionally fit specific quantiles of the regressand distribution (beyond just the mean or median), which does not rely on parametric assumptions of how either the regressand or residuals are distributed. And by virtue of being an l1-method, the conditional fit is less sensitive to outliers than square error estimators (Koenker and Portnoy 1997). See also Bremnes (2004) for an application of QR to calibrating weather variable output. Specifically, let {yi} represent a set of observations of the regressand y of interest, and {xi} an associated set of predictor values. Analogous to standard linear regression, a linear function of x can be used to estimate to a specific quantile q of y n q (xi ;) 0 k xik ri (1) k 0 with residuals ri yi q (xi ;) and (0,1) . However, instead of minimizing the squared residuals as with standard linear regression, in QR a weighted iterative minimization of {ri} is performed over : n n min (ri ) arg min (yi q (xi ;)) i 1 (2) i 1 with weighting function u u0 . ( 1)u u 0 (u) (3) In addition to the benefit of being less sensitive to outliers compared to standard linear regression, QR optimally determines the relationship of a regressor set on specific quantiles of the regressor, with no parametric assumptions. This point can be seen in Figure 1 where, by way of example, we have applied Eqs. (1) – (3) for persistence (previous day’s temperature) as a forecast of 24hr July temperature (Salt Lake City airport 1979 to 2001; discussed below) for the 0.1, 0.5 (median), and 0.9 quantiles. The red line is the fit for the central tendency (mean) using standard linear regression; the middle black line is the fit of the median (q0.5); upper black line is for q0.9; and the lower black for q0.1. Notice the similarity but noticeable divergence of the median and mean fits for larger temperatures. Notice also the heteroscedastic behavior of the persistence QR fitting, which is seen by the convergence of the 0.1 and 0.9 quantile lines for higher temperatures. Physically, such behavior can be justified from higher temperatures being typically associated with high pressure anomalies, which have longer persistence than cold front passages. Another powerful benefit of QR is that the cost function Eq (3) is precisely associated with the creation of a flat rank histogram verification, which itself is a necessary requirement for a calibrated ensemble forecast. Here, we implicitly define a “calibrated ensemble” as one being equivalent to a random draw from an underlying (but typically unknown) probability distribution function. This will be discussed further below. In addition, although QR constrains the resultant quantile estimators to satisfying this requirement, at the same time it also constrains the estimators to optimal “sharpness” (Wilks 1995; i.e. creating “narrow” forecast PDFs as compared to a purely climatological distribution). Data Sets 1979-2001 15-member 24hr ensemble temperature forecasts (MRF ca. 1998; bred modes; Hamill ref) Conditional climatology for winter and summer: -- include forecasts valid 15 Jan/July +/- 15 days Surface temperature observations at Salt Lake City airport (KSLC) valid 00 UTC (4 PM LST) -- use of persistence as regressor is the observation of temperature valid at forecast initialization time. In Figure 2 we show time-series of the daily uncalibrated 15-member ensemble temperature forecasts (colors) versus the observation (black) at station KSLC over the period of 1990-2001 for: a) 24hr lead-time January forecasts; b) 24hr July; c) 360hr January; b) 360hr July, and the associated rank histograms in Figure 3 but for the complete data set (1979-2001) although sub-sampled to remove temporal autocorrelations (***Cairyn 2010*** discussed the tendency of rank histograms to oversample due to the verification time-series’ temporal autocorrelations, which we remove here to mitigate this effect). Notice the underbias of the forecasts for both months and lead-times. Also notice the decrease in forecast dispersion from January to July, noticeable in the time-series plots of 360hr forecasts. If the bias were removed, would this dispersion be accurate, in that changes in dispersion from season to season and from day to day would be reflective of forecast skill? Methods In this section we describe our ensemble calibration method and experimental design. Recall the five research questions addressed in this paper: a) the impact of seasonality on (calibrated) ensemble skill; b) the impact of calibration data size on post-processed forecast skill; c) the benefits of blending logistic regression-derived ensembles with QR in enhancing forecast skill; d) the utility of ensemble dispersion information to condition ensemble calibration; e) assessment of most beneficial forecast quantities for postprocessing; and d) in all this, the impact of forecast lead-time on the preceding issues. To examine a), we perform separate calibrations on January and July data sets; to examine b), the calibration methodology (discussed below) uses training sets of 2 months (Januarys or Julys), 5mo, 10mo, and 22mo. In each case, out-of-sample post-processed forecasts were generated to reproduce the same 23 month time period (Januarys or Julys of 1979-2001) as the uncalibrated forecasts to be used for validation. The initial data was a 15-member ensemble set; so although arbitrary, we produce this same number of post-processed ensembles for comparison with the original set. Note that the post-processing described below is done independently for each forecast lead-time (24-hr, 48-hr, …, 360-hr) to address the impact of d) discussed above. A description of the steps of the post-processing methodology is described below. Note that throughout, we employ cross-validation to minimize the likelihood of model “over-fitting”. Task I: derive an out-of-sample 15-member ensemble set for each season, day, lead-time, and training data length (2mo, 5mo, 10mo, 22mo) using logistic regression (hereafter “LR”; Clark and Hays***; Wilks and Hamill 2007) to be used for comparison with the original reforecast ensemble set and as trial regressors for QR (Task II below). Figure 4 diagrams this LR procedure. Step 1: estimate 99 evenly-spaced (in probability) climatological-fixed quantiles (thresholds) c from the available observational record. Step 2: estimate CDF of being less than or equal to this set of climatological thresholds c using LR, pc (z) 1 1 exp z (4) n where the independent variables of the logit z 0 k xk are: a) persistence; and k0 chosen from the reforecast ensembles, b) ens median, c) ens mean, d) ens std, e) (ens mean)*(ens std), f) constant. For each threshold c, significant regressors ( a) – f) ) were chosen by first ranking the regressors based on their p-values, then apply ANOVA to assess if sequentially-more-complex models reject the null hypothesis with 95% confidence (retaining only a constant fit 0 in some instances). Independent models were generated for each threshold c, season, lead-time, and training data length (2mo, 5mo, 10mo, 22mo). In addition, model training was done on independent sets from those used to generate final estimates (training on ½, fitting on the remainder, then swapping). These were then used to generate a daily- and forecast-lead-time-varying CDF of exceeding the prescribed climatological intervals c. Step 3: our goal of the post-processing is a 15 member equally-probable ensemble set to compare with the original reforecast ensemble, so a same-sized out-of-sample LR ensemble set was generated for each day and each lead-time by linearly-interpolating from the CDF of Step 2 to produce a “sharper” posterior forecast PDF (15-member ensemble) than the climatological prior of Step 1. The out-of-sample ensemble set is used as an independent regressor set in the QR procedure of Task II below, as well as set aside for verification and comparison. Final model coefficient estimation was also redone using the complete training data set, and saved. Task II: derive an out-of-sample 15-member ensemble set for each season, day, leadtime, and training data length using QR, as diagramed in Figure 5. Step 1: determine 15 evenly-spaced climatological quantiles (thresholds) of the seasonal temperature (same as used in the LR procedure above, but for only 15); used as starting baseline to ensure resultant ensemble skill is no worse than “climatology”. Step 2: use forward step-wise cross-validation to select optimal regressor set (training on ½, fitting on the remainder, then swapping). The regressors are: a) persistence; b) corresponding LR-derived out-of-sample quantile as described above in Task I; and chosen from the reforecast ensembles, c) corresponding ensemble(quantile), d) ens median, e) ens mean, f) ens std. Note that c) is selected by sorting the ensembles for each day (and lead-time), and selecting the ensemble that corresponds to the (to-befit-)quantile of interest. Note that we also post-process separately without the LR-derived ensemble set (regressor b)) to provide an independent comparison of LR and QR postprocessing skill. Model selection proceeds as follows: regressors (a)-(f) are individually fit using Eqs (1)-(3), and ranked based on the lowest value of their out-of-sample cost n function (CF; Equation (2)) (r ) , and are also required to satisfy the binomial i i 1 distribution at 95% confidence (if not, the model is excluded). If the best one-regressor model CF value is lower than the CF value using the climatological (constant) quantile of Step 1, then the best one-regressor model is retained; otherwise, the climatological fit is retained, and model selection stops. If the best one-regressor model is retained, then model selection proceeds to assess a 2-regressor model, which includes the regressor from the best-fit single-regressor model and iteratively-assessing all remaining regressors. The best-performing 2-regressor model is retained if its out-of-sample CF value is lower than the single-regressor model (and also satisfies the binomial distribution at 95% confidence) and model selection proceeds to the 3-regressor model, etc.; if not, then the simpler 1-regressor model is retained and model selection stops. Once the bestfit model regressor set is determined, out-of-sample estimates are produced, and a final model estimation is redone using the complete training data set. Step 3: for each quantile (and lead-time), refit models for each quantile (Task II, Steps 1-2) for specific ranges of ensemble dispersion. Out-of-sample best-fit model estimates (hindcasts) from Step 2 are sorted into three (arbitrary number) different ranges of quantile dispersion defined by q q0.5 . The dispersion intervals are determined from the requirement that an equal number of hindcasts (from Step 2) fall within each. Over each range, model selection and fitting is done using identical steps as just described in Steps 1-2 above. As with Step 2, out-of-sample estimates are produced from crossvalidation for verification and comparison, and final model coefficient estimation is done using the complete training data set. Note that in Task II, Step 3 we deliberately use the previous post-processed ensembles of Task II, Step 2 to determine dispersion intervals instead of the raw uncalibrated reforecast dispersion. This ensures that at least the average dispersion of the ensemble set would be accurate. Further, by segregating the hindcast ensembles into different ranges of ensemble dispersion, and then re-post-processing (Step 3), we ensure that (dynamic) changes in ensemble dispersion is also calibrated and contains information about the (relative and variable) forecast uncertainty. This final step allows the raw ensemble forecast to self-diagnose periods of relative stability or instability, which itself informs its own post-processing, and in essence is a form of dynamically-determined analogue selection (see Hopson and Webster 2010 for an example of analogue postprocessing applied to ensemble forecasts). Results The methods described above discuss five separate post-processing approaches: 1) LR (Task I); 2) QR (Task II, Steps 1-2); 3) QR over separate dispersion bands (Task II, Step 3) (hereafter SS-QR); 4) same as 2) but using LR-derived ensembles as independent regressors; 5) same as 3) but using LR-derived ensembles as independent regressors. Unless noted, in what follows we compare out-of-sample ensembles derived from approaches 1) – 3). In Figure 6, we show the same time-series of temperature as shown in Figure 2, but after postprocessing using approach 3) and using the 22mo training set. Note that as shown, the postprocessed ensemble dispersion has been inflated for all forecast leadtimes and seasons. Also the apparent forecast underbias appears to be removed, in that the observations are now generally embedded within the ensemble bundle. Also very apparent is the overall inflation of the ensemble dispersion in the 360-hr forecasts (panels c and d) compared to the 24-hr forecasts (panels a and b), as one would expect. But also notice the relative seasonal inflation in forecast dispersion particularly noticeable in the 360hr forecasts of January (panel c) compared to July (panel d). Have we reached the limits of forecasting skill at 360hrs? Recall that our postprocessing methodology begins with a (constant) climatological quantile prior; if we cannot enhance skill further, this prior is taken as the posterior. In panels c) (January) and d) (July) of Figure 6 we observe daily variations in ensemble structure for (almost) all quantiles, implying further skill beyond climatology. However notice in panel d) the constant (climatological) q.875 quantile [14/(15+1) = 0.875], which implies minimal forecast skill of summer high temperature extremes at 360hr.1 However, we do observe significant variability in the lower tail of the quantile distribution in panel d), implying increased skill of the forecast system’s ability to discern cold temperature incursions as compared to high temperature anomalies during summer months. This stretching of the PDF (by virtue of the fixed upper quantile) produces a daily-variable skewness in the resultant postprocessed PDF’s (no gaussianity requirements for QR), as well as daily skill-spread variations. 1 Also calling into question the observed variability of the upper q.9375 quantile. Objectively, how successful was the forecast system at providing skillful, calibrated forecasts? The rank histograms shown in Figure 7 provide one way to assess the calibration of the ensemble forecasts’ own uncertainty estimates. (Only July 24-hr lead-times shown; other lead-times show similar results. As discussed in Figure 3, we sub-sampled the time-series to remove temporal autocorrelations; July was chosen since its temporal autocorrelation is smaller than January, providing more verification samples). These figures were generated from out-of-sample 15-member ensemble (with 16 intervals) 24-hr forecasts after postprocessing with LR and 2mo training periods (panel a); dispersion-selected QR (Task II, Step 3 above) and 2mo training periods (panel b); LR and 22mo training (panel c); and QR and 22mo training (panel d). The red dashed lines are 95% confidence intervals (CI) on the expected counts in each bin for a perfect model. Comparing Figure 3 with Figure 7, we see the large improvements both LR and QR provide in producing calibrated forecasts. How about comparisons between the two approaches of LR and QR? For 16 intervals, we would expect one interval count to fall outside the CI on average, if the forecasts were perfectly calibrated; instead, 7 intervals for the LR 2mo training lie outside the CI, 4 intervals for the LR 22mo training, 1 for SSQR 2mo training, and none for SS-QR 22mo training. What we see, then, is the utility in longer training windows producing more accurate ensemble forecasts, especially notable in the 7 interval-to-4 interval drop for LR. But this also points out the superiority of QR over LR in producing reliable forecast PDFs (recall QR’s cost function minimizes to uniform rank histograms), in which the QR rank histograms are statistically uniform. However, we also expect LR could show fewer out-of-bounds intervals if more climatological intervals were chosen in the calibration and interpolation (99 were chosen; see Task I). (In truth, we have not accounted for observation error, which would tend the rank histograms into a U-shape; flat rank histograms then show the post-processing approaches have implicitly inflated their dispersion to account for this. A truer calibration should actually show an underdispersion.) However, note that flat rank histograms are a necessary but not sufficient condition … Hamill has argued … SS rank histogram results as f(training window) … Objectively investigating postprocessing sharpness … => SS plots -- assess using: a) RMSE; b) Brier; b) RPSS; d) ROC For Brier, expect LR to excel (along with CRPS – except LR uses more limited regressor set). We return to the earlier point concerning QR’s ability to account for non-gaussian behavior. In Figure *** kernel-fits to the original uncalibrated and calibrated 24-hr ensemble forecast for one day (July 3, 1995) contained in the red ovals in Figures 2 and 6 panel b. Comparing the PDFs, notice the significant variation in their non-gaussian structure and the change in the ensemble spread and mean bias, with the observation now imbedded within the calibrated PDF. Also shown is the tail of the climatological PDF (dashed), showing the forecasts for this anomalously cold event are significantly sharper than climatology. One of the driving considerations in investigating new postprocessing approaches was to improve the information content of the ensemble spread (i.e. as a representation of potential forecast error). In particular, this motivated the additional dispersion refinements to the postprocessing listed in Task II Step 3 above. However, at this point, for each quantile of interest we have two different QR-based post-processing models to choose from: one derived from Task II Step 2, and one from Task II Step 3. These two models represent trade-offs between robustness (the former uses a larger hindcast data set for model estimation) and fidelity of forecast dispersion (the latter ensures information in the variable ensemble dispersion). But this begs the question if there are significantenough gains in the information content in the variable ensemble dispersion of Step 3 to justify the risk of loss of robustness? Hopson (2011) argues that one measure for assessing the degree of information in an ensemble’s variable dispersion is given by m1 s s2 s 2 2 s 2 var(s) (5) which is a ratio of the mean dispersion of a forecast system compared to how much the forecast spread varies from forecast to forecast, where s is some measure of forecast ensemble spread, is the expectation (average) value over the available forecast hindcasts, and var(s) s s 2 represents the variance of the dispersion itself. Alternatively, one could simply take m2 std(s) s (6) where std(s) is the standard deviation of s. In Figure *** we represent both of these measures in the form of a skill-score (see Wilks 1995), SS m forc mref m perf mref (7) where mforc, mref, mperf are some measure of skill for the forecast system, a reference forecast, and a perfect forecast, respectively. Specifically, we take s to be the ensemble standard deviation, mref as a non-dispersive model, and mperf as one with very large variation in dispersion. What we see is *** => SS plots of my skill-spread skill score Investigating merged approach: LR as independent regressor under QR framework -Significant regressors (ranked in importance): 1) - 2) forecast ensemble mean; persistence (21) 3) ens forecast stddev (16) 4) forecast ensemble member (12) 5) logistic regression “ensemble” (8) -- optimal set varied depending on the quantile and the season For operational purposes and for a general array of applications, it is not clear the emphasis that should be placed on which skill measures in particular. One possible option in making final postprocessing selection between the three postprocessing models of LR, QR, and SS-QR would be to take the one that gives the highest average skill-score of the QR CF, Brier (average of results for three climatological thresholds 0.33, 0.5, and 0.67), ROC (average of results for three climatological thresholds 0.33, 0.5, and 0.67), RMSE, CRPS, scalar version of the Rank Histogram (ref ***), and a skill-spread verification measure we have introduced (Hopson ref). 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