Agenda - Dundee Voluntary Action

Third Sector Mental Health Service Providers Forum
Meeting of 4th November 2014 at 2pm
At Dundonald Centre.
1. Welcome / Apologies.
Liz Drumm, Community Mental Health Services Development
Manager, NHS Tayside (Chair) opened the meeting.
Andrew Beckett, Dundee City Council Social Work Department
Ian Boyle, SAMH Carers Service
Ruth Brown, Dundee Voluntary Action (Note-taker)
Dave Close, Hot Chocolate
Tom Garnett, Dundee Association for Mental Health (DAMH)
Shona Laidlaw, Dundee Independent Advocacy Support
Kathryn Thompson, Hearing Voices Network
Gillian Tracey, The Richmond Fellowship Scotland
Emma Wilson, Penumbra Nova Service
In Attendance
Angus Greenshields, Dundee Social Enterprise Network
Janet Hughes, Gowrie Care
Charlene Kenny, Tayside Carers’ Support Project
Suzi Morris, The Rep Creative Learning Team
Anastasia Polytanou, Dramatherapist (Young Peoples Service)
Rose Sadowski, Dramatherapist (Adult Service)
Liam Yule, SAMH Community Support Network
2. Self Directed Support
Angus Greenshields, Dundee Social Enterprise Network gave a talk
about the service providers’ portal “My Life”, and the potential benefits
of involvement for voluntary organisations. There will be a “soft
launch” of “My Life” on n16th Feb, and it goes live on 2nd March.
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Angus distributed a Feedback Questionnaire for completion by
interested parties. Members commented on the similarity between
SDS and the Direct Payments system, and the apparent lack of
appetite for either amongst people who currently use mental health
3. Note of Meeting of 12th November 2014
Agreed to be accurate.
4. Matters arising from Meeting of 12th November 2014
Page 4. NHST Services. The briefing on Advance Statements has still
to be delivered by DIAS to service users at Dundonald Centre.
5. Follow up to Mental Health Strategy consultation, planning event
of 6th June, and formation of Strategic Planning Group
Andrew gave a PowerPoint presentation about the feedback gathered
from those who were consulted during this exercise. Members again
highlighted the need to provide a feedback report to everyone who
had given their time and commitment to participating in the
consultation. Lack of feedback to service users and carers was seen
as a major barrier to progress. There have now been two meetings of
the Strategic Planning and Commissioning Group, but no convening
of working groups yet. Forum members and their service users had
previously volunteered to join working groups, and there was concern
that the time lapse between consultation and consequent action is
having e a negative impact on involvement work. Representatives
agreed to raise these issues again at the next meeting of the
Strategic Planning Group.
6. Health and Social care Integration
Andrew outlined the key changes we can expect integration of Health
and Social Care to bring. Consultation on the draft scheme ends on
6th February. The mental health strategy will be required to feed in to
the overall Health and Social Care Strategy which is needed by
October 2015.
Andrew also informed the group of a forthcoming visit from Scottish
Recovery Network to discuss “Making Recovery Real”, a programme
for sustainable change in mental health services. He invited anyone
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interested to attend the meeting on 26th February at Dundee House to
hear about what is proposed and discuss its potential for Dundee.
7. Update from each organisation present
SAMH: Carers Support service is receiving positive feedback. The
charging policy is affecting uptake of the Housing Support service.
Penumbra: Nova Project continues to see people achieving positive
outcomes including volunteering and paid employment. A showcase
event is planned for next month. The carers’ service is not yet at
capacity, but those who are participating are finding the support
The Richmond Fellowship Scotland: Successfully competed for
£3k to develop an activities programme.
Dundee Voluntary Action: Service User Network is again hosting
Singdee at The Friary, and has a new Reflective Writing group
starting. Service users are currently represented on the Adult Support
and Protection Committee, Disability and Age Awareness Committee,
and Dundee Mental Wellbeing Network. Outreach at service points is
gathering pace.
Hearing Voices Network: Peer mentor training is completed.
Community cafe is back on sure financial footing. Fundraisers coming
up: Pamper night at Charlie Taylors on 24th Feb, and coffee morning
on 4th April.
Dundee Association for Mental Health: Greenbuds new
programme starts 3rd March. 6 out of the 10 sessions planned will be
led by former participants. The cycling initiative has won the NHST
Quality Award for Partnership Working.
Dundee Independent Advocacy Support: Has had a 62% increase
in referrals over the last 6 to 9 months. 47% of these were mental
health matters. 3 new funding bids have been submitted. There are
currently 40 volunteers, being 25 citizen advocates, 10 crisis
advocates, and 5 others. 94% of recent clients were satisfied with the
outcome of their involvement with DIAS.
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NHST Mental Health Service: Interviews have been held for the post
of Team Manager, Mental health Services. Responsibility for CMHTs
has transferred back to Liz.
8. Dundee Suicide Prevention Group
Ruth gave feedback from the meeting of Wed 10th Dec 2014
 Progress in recruitment of a suicide prevention co-ordinator (30 hour
 Neil Frasers update on the Commitment 19 work – People in Distress.
 The work of the training subgroup.
 The successful Integrated Care Fund bid for extension of the Safe
Zone Bus and associated activities.
9. Dundee Mental Wellbeing Network.
Ruth gave feedback from the meeting of 15th December 2014
 A new DVD produced by The Corner to give young people information
about where to find The Corner and what to expect when they go
 Tayside Multi-agency Suicide Review Group is recruiting a 30 hr
worker. Not to be confused with the 30 hour Suicide Prevention Coordinator being recruited by the Dundee Suicide Prevention Group.
 Choose Life Children &Young People subgroup recently provided
successful intervention to a group of young people experiencing
escalating self-harm.
 Deborah Gray, Public Health spoke about the Welfare Reform mobile
app which is being developed, and showed a draft of the information
resource sheet being worked on by the subgroup. (DIAS details need
 Alan Gibbon, community chaplain advised that the listening service is
expanding. A national volunteer training programme has been
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Short Breaks Public Social Partnership
Ruth gave an update on progress to date highlighting measures to
engage service users. It was emphasised that the short breaks are
intended to primarily benefit the person with a mental health support
Any Other Competent Business: There was none.
Date of Next Meeting: Wednesday 13th May 2015. 2pm. –
4pm. NB. This meeting will be held at the offices of DIAS.
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