Dundee College Excellence in Articulation and progression to HE Dundee College is the lead partner in collaborative projects in computing, nursing and life sciences, funded through the Tayside and Fife Articulation Hub (TAFAH). College and university staff have worked together very effectively to develop a number of initiatives which enhance learner employability skills, support articulation and provide useful continuous professional development opportunities for staff. They support the recently established moa partnership agreements which will increase the number of guaranteed degree-level places at either the University of Dundee or the University of Abertay Dundee for college learners within Tayside region. A range of imaginative approaches are supporting these initiatives. The Computing and Vendor Exchange (CaVE) pilot programme with Dundee University enhances the employability skills of university students by offering them vendor qualifications, delivered at Dundee College. In turn, college computing learners attend some lectures at the university and experience degree-level study at first hand, which helps them greatly when they move on to university. In another project, staff from Dundee University and Dundee College have redesigned the programme in HNC Care and Administrative Practice to ensure that it articulates seamlessly with the second year of the Degree for Nursing. This has involved developing additional programme elements which bridge identified gaps in HNC provision and implementing a process for joint recruitment and selection. Opportunities for joint CPD with staff from both institutions are already underway, with models for this being disseminated nationally. Within the last year, staff at Dundee College and Dundee University have piloted a partnership delivery model entitled Life Science Articulation Plus, with HNC Life Sciences learners undertaking a SCQF level 7 module in biological sciences delivered by staff at Dundee University. This has enabled college learners to enhance academic and research skills, experience large lectures and gain a better understanding of degree-level study. In turn, college life sciences staff have delivered a SCQF level 8 module in Commercial Life Science Skills to second year Dundee University students to ensure that they acquire relevant laboratory and business skills. A number of college programmes have established associate-degree partnership arrangements with the two universities, including in art and design and sport. As part of their associate-degree programme, learners on HN programmes in Sport attend the University of Abertay Dundee one day per week. This has improved their academic skills and understanding of the demands of degree-level study, and resulted in successful articulation for many learners. These projects have had a very positive impact on learner performance and confidence and on their preparation for further study. They are enhancing greatly the attractiveness of college-based pre-degree study within the region. Staff have also benefited by building relationships, learning from each other through work-shadowing programmes and adapting their approaches so that transition for learners is as smooth as possible. As regionalisation becomes fully established in Tayside, all institutions are committed to building on the success of these initiatives and undertaking further collaborative projects across the curriculum.