Circular Letter PPT 04/02 To: Principals and Secretaries of Boards of Management of Voluntary Secondary, Community and Comprehensive Schools PROGRAMME FOR PROSPERITY AND FAIRNESS REVIEW ADJUSTMENT Dear Principal, I am directed by the Minister for Education and Science to advise you that a once off lump sum equal to 1% of annual basic pay, rounded to the nearest cent, on 1st April, 2002, as provided for under an agreement between the employers and the Irish Congress of Trade Unions on an adjustment to the terms of the Programme for Prosperity and Fairness, will be paid in the salary issue dated 18th April 2002. This payment will be made to all teachers who are in employment in voluntary secondary, community and comprehensive schools and who are on the Department’s payroll on 1st April 2002. In accordance with normal practice, annual basic pay includes allowances in the nature of pay on that date but does not include other additions to pay. This is a once-off 1% non-pensionable lump sum payment. There will no general increase to the common basic scale and allowances. Teachers on maternity leave or sick leave will be entitled to the payment as will teachers on short term unpaid leave (i.e. leave of less than 13 weeks duration). The lump sum will be paid to teachers who are job sharing or on EPT contracts, in accordance with the normal arrangement, by reference to the pay of the wholetime staff to which they are related for pay purposes. Teachers on career breaks or long-term special leave without pay will not be entitled to the payment. A further communication will issue shortly in relation to part-time teachers. Please bring the contents of this letter to the attention of each member of your teaching staff. Any queries regarding the contents of this Circular Letter should be raised with the PostPrimary Salaries Control Section in Athlone. Yours sincerely, Johnny Bracken, Principal Officer. April 2002