Introduction: About Ethnography (2 weeks) "The Development of Ethnographic Fieldwork," Robert Emerson, pp. 1-26 in Contemporary Field Research, (R. Emerson. ed.), Waveland Press, 2nd Edition, 2001. "The Face of Contemporary Ethnography," Robert Emerson, pp. 27-53, in Contemporary Field Research, (R. Emerson. ed.), Waveland Press, 2nd Edition, 2001. Geertz, Clifford. "Thick Description: Toward an Interpretative Theory of Culture." In The Interpretation of Cultures. New York: Basic Books, 1973. "On Fieldwork," Erving Goffman, in Contemporary Field Research, (R. Emerson. ed. .), Waveland Press, 2nd Edition, 2001. pp.153-158. "On Ethnographic Authority," James Clifford, in Predicament of Culture, Harvard University Press, 1988. The Souls of Black Folk. W.E.B. DuBois, Dover Publications, 1994. (excerpts) Science as a field/site (2 weeks) ”The Necessity of Field Methods in the Study of Scientific Research," Robert S. Anderson, Sociology of the Sciences, volume V, 1981, 213-244. The Golem at Large: What You Should Know About Science, Harry Collins and Trevor Pinch, Cambridge University Press, 2nd Edition, 1998. Beamtimes and Lifetimes, Sharon Traweek, Harvard University Press, 1992 (out of print). Nuclear Rites, Hugh Gusterson, University of California Press, Reprint edition, 1998. "Scientific Experiment as Ritual," by Hugh Gusterson, in Naked Science (Laura Nader editor), Routledge, 1996. Silicon Second Nature, Stefan Helmreich, University of California Press, 2000. Epistemic Cultures, Karin Knorr Cetina, Harvard University Press, 1999. Laboratory Life, S. Woolgar and B. Latour Making PCR, Paul Rabinow. Science and an African Logic, Helen Verran. Doing Fieldwork: Designing (week 5) Doing Cultural Anthropology, Angrosino. Ethnography Unbound: Power and Resistance in the Modern Metropolis. Michael Buroway.1991. University of California Press. "How to Turn an Internship into Research," Judith Scott and Susan Silbey. "Designing Qualitative Research", Susan Silbey "Statistically Nonrepresentative Stratified Sampling: A Sampling Technique for Qualitative Studies," Jan e. Trost, Qualitative Sociology 9(1), 1986, 54-58. "The Integration of Fieldwork and Survey Methods." Sam. D. Sieber, 1983,.AJS. 78: 1335. Getting and Fitting In (week 5) On Trying to be an Amazon,' Jean Jackson, pp. 263-273, in Self, Sex and Gender in Cross Cultural Fieldwork (Whitehead and Conaway, ed.). "Friend Hairyfish and Friend Rattlesnake or Keeping Anthropologists in their Place," J. Howe and J. Sherzer, in MAN, Volume 21,4, 1986, pp. 680-693. Fieldwork Data (Week 5) Writing Ethnographic Fieldnotes, R. Emerson, R. Fretz, and L. Shaw. "Culture as Figurative Action", Shearing and Erikson, British Journal of Sociology, Volume 42, 1993, 481-506. Apprentice field notes, S. Silbey, first draft ethnography, Silbey, Chapter VI, from Consumer Justice, 1978; published version, Silbey, "Case Processing in an Attorney General's Office" Law & Society Review, 1980-1981. Analyzing Social Settings, Lofland and Lofland, excerpt, "brief notes on notes" Doing Ethnography, Spradley, excerpt, field notes. Participant Observation, Spradley, chapters 2,3,4. Interviewing (week 6) "Theorizing the interview" Ray Pawson, British Journal of Sociology, Volume 47, 1996, 295-314.. "Becoming a Weapons Scientist," Hugh Gusterson, in Technoscientific Imaginaries (G. Marcus, ed.) "Dramaturgical Interviewing", in Bruce L Berg, Qualitative Research Methods for the Social Sciences, Allyn & Bacon. "Semi-structured Interviewing" in Uwe Flick , Introduction to Qualitative Research, Sage. Conversational Interviewing Techniques , S. Silbey Interview protocol for scientists career project (1) , S. Silbey Scientist interview protocol (2) S. Silbey Examples of Interview Protocols Interviewing techniques (1) (2) Sample introductory interview. This is a first exploratory interview with a new informant. Example of conversational exchange. Interview with graduate student Here is an example of a more advanced interview - produced after more familiarity with the setting. Variations in Reflexive Analysis (week 7,8,9) Qualitative Analysis for Social Scientists. Anselm Strauss, 1987. "Problems of inference and proof in participant observation." Howard Becker, 1958, American Sociological Review, 23: 652-660. The Common Place of Law, Ewick and Silbey, pp.28-32,251-261. The Business of Practicing Law, Carroll Seron, pp. 151-160. Money, Morals, and Manners: The Culture of the French and the American UpperMiddle Class, Lamont, Michèle. 1992. Chapter 1, Appendix III. Sidewalk, Mitchell Duneier, pp. 333-357. Engineering Culture, Gideon Kunda, pp. 229-240. Epistemic Cultures, Karin Knorr Cetina, pp. 265-298. Seductions of Crime, Jack Katz; How Emotions Work, Jack Katz. Jamie Leeson (Ewick and Silbey), Coded Transcript Interpreting Qualitative Data , D. Silberman, excerpt, "Membership Categorization: Description as a socially organized activity" Silbey, Exercises, Aides, Analyzing Data (from Weber, Mills, Lightman, Scott etc.) "Narratives as Data" in Introduction to Qualitative Research, by Uwe Flick. The Common Place of Law, Ewick and Silbey, codebook. Ruthanne Huising, beginning to analyze field notes "The last aristocracy," S. Silbey A Debate About Methods and Epistemology (week 10) Social Studies of Science, Volume 21, 1991; Volume 24, 1994. Hirschauer, Manufacture of Bodies in Surgery, 1991, 279-319. Collins, Dissecting Surgery: Forms of Life Depersonalized, 1994, 311-333. Hirschauer, Towards a methodology of investigations 1994, 335-346. Fox, Fabricating Surgery, 1994, 347-354. Lynch, "Collins, Hirschauer and Winch", 1994, 354-369 Collins, "Scene From Afar" 1994, 369-389. Writing Ethnography: Memory, Politics, and Representation (weeks 11,12,13) Tales of the Field, VanMaanen. Anthropology as Cultural Critique: An Experimental Moment in the Human Sciences, M. Fischer and G. Marcus, excerpt. Writing for Social Scientists: How to Start and Finish your Thesis, Book, or Article. Howard Becker, 1986. "Rebbele Mordkhele's Pilgrimage in New York City, Tel Aviv, and Carpathian Ruthenia," S. Slymovics, in YIVO annual, Volume 21, Going Home, pp. 369394. "In the Science Zone: The Yanamamo and the first for representation," Michael Fischer, in Anthropology Today, 17(4); pp. 9-14; 17(5), pp. 10-13, 2001. "A Little Dirt Never Hurt Anyone: Knowledge-making and Contamination in Materials Science," Cyrus Mody, in Social Studies of Science, 31 (1), 2001 7-36. "Certifying Knowledge: The sociology of a logical theorem... " Claude Rosenthal, American Sociological Review, Volume 68, 623-646, 2003. "Identity in Mashpee", James Clifford, from Predicament of Culture. "Narratives Against the Law " from The common place of law, Ewick and Silbey Camp Pain, J. Jackson, excerpt. Rough Waters: Nature and Development in an East African Marine Par, Christine Walley. Learning to Labor, Paul Willis. Ain't No Makin' It, Jay MacLeod Slim's Table, Mitchell Duneier; Sidewalk, Mitchell Duneier