Unit 1, Week 2- Word Work Plans Theme: Making Friends Mr. Putter and Tabby Pour the Tea Focus: Words with short o, u, and e Spelling Words: went, tell, pet, job, fog, not, tug, hut, tub, bun Review Words: fix, has High Frequency Words: another, move, year Monday: Vocabulary – Oral Vocabulary card story The Three Friends or Day one of Robust Vocabulary lesson from the story vocab. Word Work – Students use response cards (included) to identify the sound they hear in the word: wet, tub, nut, fog, hot, jog, hut, let, met. Use letter cards to guide students in making job, fog, hog; wet, set, met; tug, hut, tub. (p. 39A-39B) Grammar – Commands A command is a sentence that gives an order or tells someone to do something. A command usually begins with an action word and ends with a period. Transparency 2 High Frequency Words – Introduce High Frequency word cards, Chant &Check, Define, describes attributes and uses each high frequency word in a sentence. another, move, year Tuesday: Vocabulary: – Robust Vocabulary Lesson: Day 2 Word Associations or Oral Vocabulary Card Lesson 41E . Give On-Level Practice pg. 10 for homework or classwork. You could also give p. 10 as a post test on the words. Work Work Activity: Use response cards to identify the vowels they hear in leg, log, lug, tent, doll, dull, net, not, nut. Do making words activity, p. 41G, by moving in and out of vowels. hot, hut; cup, cop; bed, bud; pup, pep; nod, Ned; mud,mod. Do On-Level practice book p. 9. Grammar: – Exclamations , a sentence that shows strong feeling, Transparency 7. Wednesday: Vocabulary: – Robust Vocabulary Lesson: Day 3: Making Choices and Questions, Reasons, and Examples of Vocab. Lesson or Oral Vocab Cards – 65D Word Work Activity – Word Sort, T 41H Do this in partners. If done early, have them put the words in ABC order. Grammar: Sentence Capitalization/Punctuation, Transp. 8 Thursday: Vocabulary – Robust Vocabulary Lesson-Day 4-Relating Words and Synonyms or Oral Vocab. Cards- Lesson 65N Work Work – Do phonemic Isolation exercise, p. 65O. Follow up with Making words with a partner. Use small cut up letters Grammar –Commands and Exclamations, Transp. 9 (proofread) Friday: Vocabulary – Review and Assess: Students do short assessment. See Voc. Plans Work Work –Review and Assess: Silent Spelling Review (writing block Play Silent Spelling: Students sit in groups of 4 with 1 white board and 1 pen. Teacher says a word from the spelling list. First student writes first letter and passes board. 2nd student writes next letter and on and on until the word is spelled. If a student sees that a word is spelled wrong, he or she may change only one letter on their turn. When all members think the word is correct, they hold up the word. This game is SILENT!! ) Spelling Test is taken during Writing Block. Grammar – Review and Assess, Statements and questions: independently for assessment. Transparency 10. Students complete bed sock cup went job fix tell tug fog hut has pet not tub bun Use for Day 3 Monday –. Use letter cards to guide students in making job, fog, hog; wet, set, met; tug, hut, tub. (p. 39A39B) Tuesday - Do making words activity, p. 41G, by moving in and out of vowels. hot, hut; cup, cop; bed, bud; pup, pep; nod, Ned; mud,mod. h o t u b d e n N c p p m j f g ing ed w s Making Words j f g w s h o t u b d e n c p p m l Spelling Words: hot, hut, cup, cop, bed, bud, pup, pep, nod, mud, mod, wet, nut, fog, jog, let, met j f g w s h o t u b d e n c p p m l Spelling Words: hot, hut, cup, cop, bed, bud, pup, pep, nod, mud, mod, wet, nut, fog, jog, let, met j f g w s h o t u b d e n c p p m l Spelling Words: hot, hut, cup, cop, bed, bud, pup, pep, nod, mud, mod, wet, nut, fog, jog, let, met another year move u e o u e o u e o Use for Day 1 and Day 2. Students hold up correct card when hearing the word.