List of Nursing Journals held at RCN Archives


Nursing Journals held at RCN Archives

The associations named in brackets are the publishers of the journal. Full titles of publications are given in bold and often include their publisher. Title changes and alternative titles are documented where possible to avoid confusion. Country of origin if not the UK is also given in brackets after title where it is not obvious.

AANA Journal (American Association of Nurse Anesthetists) Vols. 42 -52 1974-1984

AANNT: The Journal of the American Association of Nephrology Nurses & Technicians

Vol. 4, no. 1-4, supplementary edition 1977 Vol. 5, no. 2, 4 1978 Vol. 6, no. 1, 3-4, supplementary edition 1979 Vol. 8, 1981 Vol. 9 1982 Vol. 10 1983

Advances in Nursing Science (U.S.)

Vols. 1-3 1978-1981

American Association of Industrial Nurses Journal

Vol. 4, (Incomplete) Vols. 5-16 1956-68

American Journal of Nursing

Vols. 1 (7) -83 1900-1983 Also, Cumulative Index: volumes 1-30 & 23-35 bound together and 45-70 loose.

Annual Review of Nursing Research

Vol. 1 1983 Vol. 2 1984 AORN Journal (Association of Operating Room Nurses) (U.S.) Vols. 10-11 1969-1970 (bound volumes) 2 boxes of loose journals: June 1969-Dec 1971 & May 1972-Dec 1975 Vol. 19-33 1974-1980 (bound volumes) Vol. 34 Jul-Dec 1981 (bound volume) Vol 35. Jan to Jun 1982 Vol.36 Jul-Dec 1982 Vol.37 Jan to Jun 1983 Vol. 38 Jul to Dec 1983 Vol 39 Jan – Jun 1984 1

Vol 40 Jul – Dec 1984

ARN Journal: official Journal of the Association of Rehabilitation Nurses (U.S.)

Vol. 2, no. 1-2, 4-6 1977 loose in box Vol. 3, no. 1, 3, 4-6 1978 Vol. 4, no. 1-3, 5-6 1979 Vol. 5 1980

Australian Bush Nursing Journal

Vols. 1-3 1956-1958 (one bound volume)

Australian Nurses

’ Journal** (Australian Trained Nurses Association) Vols. 50-68 1952-1970 Small A5 sized bound volumes. Continuation of Australasian Nurses Journal

Australian Nurses

’ Journal (Royal Australian Nurses Federation) Vol. 1 1971-1972 Vol. 2 1972-1973 Vol. 3 1973-1974 Vol. 4 1974-1975 Vol. 6 1976 Vol. 7 1977-1978 Vol. 8 1978-1979 Vol. 9 1979-1980 Vol. 10 1980-1981 Vol 11. 1981-1982 Vol12. 1982-1983 Vol13. 1983-84 Letter sized bound volumes. Subsequently the Australasian Nurses’ Journal* and then the Australian Nursing Journal from May 1993.

Australasian Nurses ’ Journal: the journal of the A.T.N.A. [Trained]

Vol. 2 -3 1904-1905 (one bound volume) Vol. 44 -49 1946-1951 Continued as the Australian Nurses ’ Journal** from 1952.

Australasian Nurses

’ Journal* (Royal Australian Nursing Federation -RANF) Vol. 7, no. 6-12 1978 Vol. 8, no. 1- 5 & 7-12 1979 Vol. 9, no.3 Vol. 10, no. 1-12 1980 1981 2

Vol 11, No 1-11 (not 2) 1982 Vol 12 , No 1 1983 A4 size. Box of loose journals 1980-81. Previously the Australian Nurses’ Journal and subsequently the Australian Nursing Journal

Bedside Nurse

Vol.1-5 1968-1972

British Association of Orthopaedic Nurses News Sheet

June 1971 Mar, Jun, Sep, Dec 1972 Mar, Jun, Sep, Dec 1973 Mar, Dec 1974 Jun, Sep, Dec 1975 Mar, Jun, Dec 1976 Apr, Jun, Sep, Dec 1977 Mar, Jun, Sep, Dec 1978 Jun, Sep, Dec 1979 Mar, Jun, Sep, Dec 1980 Mar, Jun, Sep, Dec 1981 Mar, Jun, Sep, Dec 1982 Mar, Jun, Sep, Dec 1983 Mar, Jun, Dec 1984 Mar, Jun, Dec 1985 Mar 1986

British Journal of Intravenous Nursing

Sept 1981

British Journal of Occupational Therapy

Vol. 47 1984

British Journal of Geriatric Nursing

Vol 1 1981-82 Vol 2 Vol 3-4 1982-83 1983-84

British Journal of Nursing

Vols.29-103 1902-1955/6

British Journal of Clinical Psychology

Vol.22 1983 3

British Journal of Psychiatric Nursing

Vol 1 Vol 2, No 1-8 1981-1982 1984 (paper A4 newsletter style)

British Red Cross Society

Vol. 36 Nos. 3 & 4 July & Oct 1949 Vol. 38 Nos. 1 & 3 July & Oct 1951

Bulletin of the National Association of Nurse Anesthetists

1933-1935 (Incomplete)

Byw A Bod – The Newsletter of the Welsh Society for Nurses, Midwives and Health Visitors

1996, Number 1, Spring

Canadian Journal of Psychiatric Nursing / Canadian Psychiatric Nursing

Vol. 11 (1-8) 1970 Vol. 12 (1,2) 1971 Vol. 13 (1-6) 1972 Vols. 14(1-6)-17(1-6) 1973 -1976 Vol. 18 (1-2, 4-5) 1977 Vol. 19 (1-4, 6) 1978 Vol. 20 (1-6) 1979 Vol. 21 (1-3, 5-6) 1980 Vol. 22 1981 Vol 23 (1-4) 1982 Vol 24 (1-4) 1983 Vol 25 (1) 1984

The Canadian Nurse: official journal of the Canadian Nurses Association

Vols. 17 -80 1921-1984 Continued as Canadian Nurse/L'lnfirmiere Canadienne from 1985.

Cancer Nursing (U.S.)

Vol. 2-4, 1979-1981

Cardiovascular Nursing (U.S.)

Vols. 1-8 1965-1972 (bound) Vols. 9-11 1973-1975 (loose copies) Vols. 12-14 1976-1978 (microfilm) Vols. 15-22 1979 -1986 (microfiche) 4

Care : Science and Practice

Vol 1, No. 3 Sep 1982 Vol2, no. 4 Vol 3, No. 1 Vol 4, No. 2 Mar 1983 Sep 1983 Nov 1984 Care plan (Anglia Polytechnic University) Vol. 3(3) - 9(3) 1997-2003

Catholic Nurse

1944-1974 Winter 1979 Spring, Winter 1980 Spring, Winter 1981 Spring, Summer, Winter 1982 Spring, Summer, Winter 1983 Spring, Summer, Winter 1984

Community Psychiatric Nursing Journal

Vol 4 1984

Community View

Nos 1-23 (bound volume) CompMed Bulletin 1983 Vol. 1; 2 (1-3, 5, 7-10) 1998-2001 Counselling (The British Association of Counselling) No.39 1981

CPNA Journal

Vol. 3 Critical Care Nurse Vol.4 nos. 1-4 & 6 Vol.5 nos. 2-5

Critical Care Quarterly

Jan-Dec 1984 1985 (NB no. 1 not received from donor) Vol 5. Vol 6 1983 1982-83 1983-84 5

Cumulative Index to Hospital Literature


Cumulative Index to Nursing (and Allied Health) Literature / CINAHL (U.S.)

Vols. 1-28 1956 -1983 Cumulative Index to Nursing and Allied Health Literature from 1977 Curationis: The South African Journal of Nursing (South African Nursing Association) 1978 Vol.1 Nos. 1-3 1979 Mar, Jun, Sep, Dec 1980 Vol. 2(4), Vol. 3 (2-3) 1981 Vol. 3(4), Vol. 4 (1-3) 1982 Vol 5 (1-4) 1983 Vol 6 (1-3) 1984 Vol 7, (1-4) Development of professional practice: occasional papers (Welsh National Board for Nursing, Midwifery & Health Visiting) No. 1-2 1998

District Nursing

Vols. 1-15 1959/60-1972/73

Feedback: news and views on technology in nursing

No 1 No 1 No 1 No. 1 Jan/Feb 1978 Jan/Feb 1979 Jan/Feb 1980 Jan/Feb 1981 No 2 Summer 1981 1981 No 4 Spring 1982 1981 Summer 1982

Gazette (Queen Alexandra's Royal Army Nursing Corps)

Vol. 3 Nos.10-12 1960 Vol. 4 Nos.1-3 1961 Vol. 4 No.7 1963 Vol. 4 Nos. 10-12 1964 Vol.5 1966-1968 Vol.6 1969-1972 Vol.7 1973-1977 6

Vol. 8 1978-1982 Vol. 9 1983-1984

Gender and Society (U.S.)

Vols. 7-17 1993-2003

Geriatric Nursing (U.S.)

Vol. 2 1981 Vol. 3 1982 Vol. 4 1983 Vol. 5 1984 Gown and Gloves (Australia) Vol. 2 (2-3) 1977 Vol. 3 (3-4) 1978 Vol. 4 (4) 1979 Vol. 5 (1-3) 1980 Vol. 6 (2-4) 1981 Vol. 7 (1-4) 1982 Vol. 8 (1,2,4) 1983 Vol 9 (1-2) 1984

Guild News: official journal of the Guild of St Barnabas for Anglican Nurses

Nov 1972 -1980 (incomplete) 1981 (May & Nov) 1982 (May and Nov) 1983 (May and Nov) 1984 (May and Nov) June 2003

Health and Social Service Journal

Vols. 83-88 1973-1978 Parts 1 & 2 1979 vol. 89 Vol. 90 1980 Vol. 91 1981 1982 (parts 1&2) 1983 (parts 1&2) 1984 (parts 1&2)

Health Education Journal


Vol. 30 (1-3) 1971-1974 Incomplete Vol. 31 (1-3) Vol. 32 (2-4) Vol. 33 (1-4)

Health Services Manpower Review

Vols. 3-4 1977-1978 Vols. 5-6 1979-1980

Health Visitor: official journal of the Health Visitors Association

Vols. 37-50 1966-1977 Box 1 (loose) Vols. 52-54 1979-1981 Box 2 (loose) Bound volumes 39-57 1966-1984 Heart and Lung (U.S.) (Respiratory Nursing Society) Vol. 8, no. 6 Nov/Dec 1979 Vol. 9 1980 Vol. 10 1981 Highway (Nurses Christian Fellowship International) 1972 (incomplete) 1973 (incomplete) 1974-1979 Vol. 74 1980 Vol. 75 (1-4) 1981 1982 (no. 1-3) 1983 (no 1-4) 1984 (1,2 & 4) Holistic Nurses Association Vol. 3 (1-4) 1996 Vol. 4 (1-4) 1997

History of Nursing Group at the Royal College of Nursing

Bulletin 1 Spring 1983 Bulletin 2 Autumn 1983 Bulletin 3 Winter 1983/4 Bulletin 4 Spring 1984 Bulletin 5 Autumn 1984 Bulletin 6 Winter 1984/5 Bulletin 7 Spring 1984 Missing Bulletin 8 Autumn 1985 Bulletin 9 Winter 1985/6 8

Bulletin 10 Spring 1986 Bulletin 11 Autumn 1986 Bulletin 12 Winter 1986/7 Vol.2 No.1 1987 Vol.2 No.2 1987 Vol.2 No.3 1987 Vol.2 No.4 1988 Vol.2 No.5 1988 Vol.2 No.6 1988 Vol.2 No.7 1989 Vol.2 No.8 1989 Vol.2 No.9 1989 Continued as the History of Nursing Society Journal volume 3.

History of Nursing Society Journal

Vol.3 No.1 1990 Vol.3 No.2 1990 Vol.3 No.3 1990 Vol.3 No.4 1991 Vol.3 No.5 1991 Vol.3 No.6 1991 Vol.4 No.1 1992 Vol.4 No.2 1992 Vol.4 No.3 1992 Vol.4 No.4 1993 Vol.4 No.5 1993 Vol.4 No.6 1993 Vol.5 No.1 1994 Vol.5 No.2 1994 Vol.5 No.3 1994 Continued as the International History of Nursing Journal

The Hospital: incorporating ‘The Hospital Gazette’ and ‘The Journal of the Incorporated Association of Clerks and Stewards of Mental Hospitals.

Vols. 46-671950-1971

Hospital: the workers' newspaper of administrative medicine and institutional life, administration, national insurance and health.

Vols. 60-70 1916-1921 Hospital Abstracts (Department of Health and Social Security) Vols. 1-21, 1961-1981 9

Hospital and Health Review

Continuation of Hospital: the workers' newspaper Hospital and Health Services Review. Vol. 1, 1-12 1921-1922 Vol. 2, 14-27 1923 Vol. 3 1924 Hospital and Health Services Review (Institute of Health Services Management) Vols. 68080 1972-1984

Hygie – International Journal of Health Education

Vol. 1 1982/1 Oct 1982 March 1984 June 1984 Sep 1984 Dec 1984

ICN: official organ of the International Council of Nurses

Vols 1 -13 1926-1939

Image: The Journal of Nursing Scholarship

Vol. 16 1984 Inprint (Avon & Gloucestershire College of Health / University of the West of England Faculty of Health & Social Care) Vol. 1-4(2) 1993-1996 (Incomplete)

International History of Nursing Journal

Vol.3 No.3 Spring 1998 Vol.3 No.4 Summer 1998 Vol.4 No.1 Autumn 1998 Vol.4 No.2 Winter 1998/9 Vol.4 No.3 Summer 1999 Vol.5 No.1 Winter 1999 Vol.5 No.2 Spring 2000 Vol.5 No.3 Summer 2000 Vol.6 No.1 2001 Vol.6 No.2 2001 Vol.7 No.1 2002 Vol.7 No.2 Summer 2002 Vol.7 No.3 Spring 2003 (last issue) 10

International Journal of Nursing Studies

Vols.1-21 1964-1984 International Nursing Bulletin (International Council of Nurses) Vols. 1-9 1945-1953 Continued as International Nursing Review International Nursing Index (National Library of Medicine) (U.S.) Vols. 1-19 1966-1984

International Nursing Review: official journal of the International Council of Nurses

Vols. 1-31 1954-1984 + loose incomplete issues 1999-2004

The Irish Journal of Psychiatric Nursing

1978 (Spring, Summer, October) Vol. 2 1979 (April, Summer) 1980 (Jan, May, Jun, Nov) 1981 (2 issues) 1982

Irish Nurse

Vols. 1/2-6, 1963-1967

Irish Nurses Journal

Vols. 1-4, 1968-1971

Irish Nurses Magazine

Vol. 13 Nos. 46, 49-57, 60-66 1945 Vol. 14 Nos. 1-3, 5-11 1947 Vol. 15 Nos. 1-11 1948 Vol. 16 Nos. 1-3, 5-8, 10-11 1949 Vol. 17 Nos. 1-11 1950 Vol. 18 Nos. 1-10 1951 Vol. 19 Nos. 2-11 1952 Vol. 20 Nos. 1-9 1953 Vols. 21-30 1954-1963

Jamaican Nurse

Vols.1 (1,2) 1961; 2 (2) 1963; 3 (2) 1963 Vols. 4-15 1964 -1975 Vol. 19, no. 1 1979 Vol. 21 nos. 1-2 1981 11

Vol. 22 nos 1-3 1982 Vol 23 no 1-3 1983 Vol 24 no 1 1984

Journal of Advanced Nursing

Vol. 1-9 1976-1984

Journal of the American Association of Nurse Anesthetists

Feb 1935 May 1935 Vol. 3(3) 1935 Vols.4-15 1936-1947 Vols.20-33 1952-1965 Vols.34-37 1966-1969 Vol. 40 1972 Vol.41 1973

Journal of Community Nursing

Vols. 1-2 1977-1978/9 Vol. 3 1979-1980 Vol. 4 1980-1981 Vol. 5 1981-82

Journal of Continuing Education in Nursing (U.S.)

Vols. 1- 7(2-5) 1970-1977 Vols. 8-12 1977-1981 Vol. 13 (1-3 &5) 1982 Vol. 14 1983 Journal of Emergency Nursing (U.S.) (Emergency Department Nurses Association) Vol. 1, no.1 1975 Vol. 2, no. 1,2,4,5 1976 Vols. 3-4 1977-1978 Vol. 5, no. 1-4 1979 Vol. 6, no. 2-6 1980 Vol. 7 1981 Vols 8-10 1982-1984 Also referred to as JEN

Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health

Vols. 33-38 1979-1984 12

Journal of Obstetric, Gynecologic and Neonatal Nursing (U.S.)

(The Nurses’ Association of the American College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists) Vol. 5-13 1976-1984 Also referred to as JOGN. Continued as JOGNN

Journal of Gerontological Nursing (U.S.)

Vol. 2(4)-3 1976-1977 Vol. 4 1978 (nos. 1,2,3,5) Vol. 5, (nos. 4-6) Vols. 6-7 1980-1981 Vols 8-10 1982-1984

Journal for Hospital Infection

Vol 3 (1&2) 1982 Vol 4 Mar-Dec 1983 Vol 5 Mar-Dec 1984

Journal for Industrial Nurses

Vols. 1-14 1949-1962

Journal of Neurosurgical Nursing

Vol. 6-8 1975-1977 Vols. 10-11 1978-1979 Vols. 12-13 1980-1981 Vols 14-15 1982-1983 Journal of Nurse-Midwifery (American College of Nurse-Midwives) (U.S.) Vol. 21-26 1976-1981 Vol 27-29 1984 Continued as Journal of Midwifery and Women's Health in 1999.

Journal of Nursing Administration (U.S.)

Vols. 2-11 1972-1981 Also referred to as JONA

Journal of Nursing Care (U.S.)

Vols. 11-13 1978-1980 Vols 14-15 1981-1982

Journal of Nursing Education (U.S.)

Vols. 7-8 1968-1969 Vol. 9 1970 (No.3) 13

Vol. 10 1971 (No.1) Vol. 14-20 1975-1981 1970-1971 (incomplete) Vol. 21-23 1982-1984 Journal of Practical Nursing (National Association for Practical Nurse Education and Service) (U.S.) Vols. 13-271963-1978 Vols. 29-31 1979-1981 Vols. 32-33 1982-1983 1984

Journal of Psychiatric Nursing (U.S.)

Vols.1-4 1963-1966 Continued as Journal of Psychosocial Nursing and Mental Health Services.

Journal of Psychiatric Nursing and Mental Health Services (U.S.)

Vols. 5-22 1967-1984 Bound as Journal of Psychiatric Nursing. Continuation of Journal of Psychiatric Nursing.

Journal of the West Australian Nurses

Vol. 17 1951 Vol. 25 1959 Vol. 28 1962 Vols.31-35 1964 -1969 Vol. 36-37 1970-June 1971

Kai Tiaki (New Zealand)

Vols. 14-18 1921-1925

Kenya Nursing Journal

Vol. 1-2 1972-1973 Vol. 3 (1) 1974 Vol. 4-8 1975-1979 Vol. 9 (1) 1980 Vol. 10 (1-2) 1981 Vols. 11 & 12 1982-83

King ’s Fund News

Vol. 3 (1-3) 1980 Vol. 4(3-4) 1981 Vol. 6(4) 1983 14

Vols. 7-8 1984-5 Vol. 9(2-4) 1986 Vol. 10(1,4) 1987 Vol. 11(1,3) 1988 Vol. 12(2) 1989 Vol. 13(2-4) 1990 Vol. 14 1991 Vol. 15(1-3) 1992 Vol. 16(2-4) 1993 Vol. 17(1, 3-4) 1994 Vol. 18(1-2) 1995 Vols. 19-21 1996-8 Mar 1999 Sep 2000

Lamp: official journal of the New South Wales Nurses Association (Australia)

Vol. 22 (10-12) 1965 Vols. 23-25 1966-1968 Vol. 26 (1-7,9-12) 1969 Vols. 27-30 1970-1973 Vol. 31 (1-9,11-12) 1974 Vol. 32-38 1975-1981 Vol. 339-41 1982-1984

Maternal-Child Nursing Journal (U.S.)

Vol. 5(3)-10 1976-1981 Vol 7 (nos 10&11) 1982 Continued as Journal of the Society of Pediatric Nurses in 1996.

Maternal and Child Health

Vols 8&9 1983&1984

Maternity & Child Welfare

Vols. 1-18 1917-34

M.C.N.: The American Journal of Maternal & Child Nursing

Vols. 2-7 1977-1982

Midwife & Health Visitor

Vols. 1-10 1965-1974 Continued as Midwife, Health Visitor & Community Nurse 15

Midwife, Health Visitor & Community Nurse

Vol. 11-120 1975-1984 Continuation of Midwife and Health Visitor. Continued as Professional Care of Mother and Child. Midwives Chronicle and Nursing Notes (Royal College of Midwives) Vols. 59-97 1946-1984 Continuation of Nursing Notes and Midwives Chronicle. Continued as Midwives. Mind Out: The Voice for Mental Health (MIND National Association for Mental Health) Vol.1 (undated) Vol. 17 1976 Vols. 20-32 1977-1979 Vols. 38-44 1980 Vols. 45-56 1981

Modern Geriatrics

Vol. 8 1978 (Nos. 1,2,4-12) Vol.9 1979, no. 2 (Feb), 3 (Mar)

Mother & Child

Vols.1-36, 40-43 1930-1966,1968-1971 NAT News (National Association of Theatre Nurses) Vols. 3-21 1966-1984 Continued as British Journal of Theatre Nursing in 1991. Network: a newsletter for medical audit assistants (Clinical Audit Association) Vols. 1-18 1991-1995 New directions (Good Practices in Mental Health – GPMH) Sum 1989 Sum & Aut 1991 Spr & Sum 1992 1993-1995 Spr & Aut 1996

Newslink – National Association for staff support

Jan 1991-May 1999

New Zealand Nursing Journal


Vol. 26 1933 (5) Vol. 30 1937 (2) Vol. 37 1944 (2,3,7-10,12) Vol. 38 1945 (1,3-5,7,9-12) Vols. 39-52 1946-1959 Vols. 53-777 1960-1984 Continued as Nursing New Zealand in 1993.

Nigerian Nurse

Vol. 1((3) Jun) 1968 Vol. 2 1970 (Jan, Apr, Jul) Vol. 4 1972 Vol. 5 1973 Vol. 6 1974 (Nos. 3,4) Vol. 7 1975 Vol. 8 1976 (Nos. 3,4) Vol. 9 1977 Vol. 10 1978 1979, no. 1 (Jan-Mar), 2 (April-June) Vol. 13(1) 1981 Vol. 14 April June 1984

Nightingale Fellowship Journal

Vols. 1-142, 1929-2002 (incomplete)

Nurse Education Today

Vol. 1 1981 Vol. 2-4 1982-1984

Nurse Educator (U.S.)

Vol.1 1976 (Incomplete) Vols. 1-3 1976-1978 Vol. 4 1979 Vol. 6 1981 Vol. 7 1982

(The) Nurse Practitioner

Vol. 2 1977 (Nos. 5,6 & 8) Vols. 3-4 1978-1979 Vols. 5-6 1980-1981

Nurses' Journal



Nurses' Journal of the Pacific Coast (U.S.) (Californian State Nurses' Association)

Vol. 1 1905

Nursing (U.S.)

Vo/s. 3-4 1973-1974 Vols. 7-8 1977-1978 Vol. 9 1979 (Mar, Sep, Nov) incomplete. Vol. 10 1980 Nursing (add-on Journal of Clinical Nursing) 1st Series 1979 Parts 1-3 (April, May, June) 1 st Series Parts 1-18, 1979-1980 1 st Series Parts 19-24 1980-1981 2 nd series Parts 1-22 May 1982-Feb 1984 Feb – Dec 1984 (loose)

Nursing Administration Quarterly (U.S.)

Vol. 2-4 1977-1980 Vol. 5 1980-1981 Vol. 6&7 1981-1983

Nursing and Healthcare

Vols. 1-2 1980-1981 Vols 3-4 1983 Vol 5 1984

Nursing Care

Vol. 6 Nos. 1-10,12 1973 Vol. 7 Nos. 1-5,6-12 1974 Vol. 8 Nos. 1-7,10-12 1975 1976, Jan-Aug, Oct-Nay (incomplete) 1977 Jan-Apr, Jul (incomplete)

Nursing Clinics of North America (U.S.)

Vols. 1-15 1966-1980 Vol. 16 (2-4) 1981 Vols 17-19 1982-1984

Nursing Digest

Vol. 3 (no. 2-6) 1975 18

Vol. 4 (no. 2-5) 1976 Vol. 5 (no. 1) 1977 Vol. 6 (no. 3-4) 1978

Nursing Dimensions

Vol. 7, no. 1-3 March 1975-1979 Nursing Focus (Royal College of Nursing) 1-5 (5) 1979-1980 Vol.1 1979 Vol. 2 1980-1981 Vol 3 – 5 1982-1984

Nursing Forum

Vols. 1-20 1962-1981 Vol 21 1984

Nursing Illustrated

Vol. 1 Sep 1938 -3 Mar 1939 (3 copies) Vol. 2 10 Mar 1939 -1 Sep 1939 (2 copies) Vol. 3 8 Sep 1939 -1 Mar 1940 (2 copies) Vol. 48 Mar 1940 -30 Aug 1940 (2 copies) Vol. 56 Sep 1940 -10 Jan 1941 (3 copies)

Nursing Journal of India

Vols. 34-35 1948-1949 Vols. 37-67 1946-1976 (Incomplete) Vols. 68-72 1977-1981 Vols. 73 – 75 1982-1984

Nursing Journal of Singapore

Vol. I (1,2) 1961 Vol. II (1,2,3,4) 1962 Vol. III (1,2,3) 1963 Vol. IV (1,2) 1964 -Vol. IX (1,2) 1969 Vol. X (1) 1970 Vol. XI (1,2) 1971 Vol. XII (1,2) 1972 Vol. XIII (1,2) 1973 (1974 and 1975 vols.) Vol. 16 (1) 1976 Vol. 17 (1,2) 1977 19

Vol. 18(1,2) 1978 Vol. 19 (1,2) 1979 Vol. 20 1980 Vol. 21 1981 Vol 22 1982 Vol 23 1983

Nursing Leadership

Vol. 1, no. 2-3 1978 Vol. 2, no. 1-2, 4 1979 Vol 5& 6 1982-83

Nursing Mirror

Vols. 5-153 1907-1981 (Vol.29 April-Sept 1919 missing) Amalgamated with Nursing Times, Nov 1985.

Nursing Notes

Vols. 4-58 1891-1945 Nursing Outlook (U.S.) (American Academy of Nursing) Vols. 1-32 1953-1984 Index for 1956-1963 only.

Nursing Papers/Perspectives on Nursing (Canada)

Vols. 1-16 1969-1984

Nursing Record

Vols. 1-9 1888 -1892 Continued as: Nursing Record and the hospital world. All volumes bound as Nursing Record.

Nursing Record and the Hospital World

Vol.10, 12-28 Jan-JuI 1893, 1894-1902 Continuation of Nursing Record. All volumes bound as Nursing Record. Continued as British Journal of Nursing Nursing Research (U.S.) (Eastern Nursing Research Society) Vols. 1-31 1952-1982

Nursing Research Abstracts

Vols. 1-6 1978-1984

Nursing Standard


1968-1972 1972-1976 1968-1976 (one volume) 1977-1979 Nos. 125-173 1980 Nos. 174-225 1981 (3 volumes: 1 unbound) 1982-1984

Nursing Studies Index


Nursing Success Today

Vol. 1 1984

Nursing Times

Vols. 1-77 1905-1981 From November 1985 this incorporates Nursing Mirror.

The Nursing Times Community Outlook

August 1977-1980

Nursing World

Vols. 125-134 1951-1960

Occupational Health

Vols. 15-33 1963-1981 (Incomplete) Vols. 34-36 1982-1984

Occupational Health Journal

Vols. 17-19 1965-1967 Occupational Health Nursing (U.S.) (American Association of Occupational Health Nurses) Vols. 17- 29 1969 -1981 Vol. 30 – 32 1982-1984

ONA Journal: official journal of the Orthopaedic Nurses' Association Inc.

Vols.1-6 1974-1979 (Incomplete)

Oncology Nursing Forum (Canada)

Vols. 5-6 1978-1979 Vols. 8-9 1981-82 Vol 10 1983 21

Vol 11 1984

Pacemaker: magazine of the Nurses Christian Fellowship

1971 (Apr,/Jun) & 1976-Jan/Mar 1981 (A5 format) Apr 1981-1983 (A4 format, new numbering: issues 1-4 per year)

Patient Counselling and Health Education (U.S.)

Vols. 1-2, 1978-1980 Vols. 3-4 1981-1983 Vols. 5-6 1983-1984 Patient voice (Patients Association) No. 31-51 Winter 1986- Winter 1990 (typo on journal says 1991) No. 53-59 Summer 1991 – Summer 1993 No. 61-65 Autumn/Winter 1993-Autumn 1994 No. 67-70 Spring 1995 - Spring 1996 Continued as: Patients' voices Patient voice (Patients Association) Issue 8, 1999 Issue 10-12 Aug 2000 – Aug 2001 Issue 14-18 Oct 2001 – Jan 2003 Continuation of: Patients’ voices Patients' voices (Patients Association) Issue 1-7 Autumn 1996- Spring 1999 Continuation of: Patient voice 1986-1996 Continued as: Patient voice 1999-2003 [NB Filed with: Patient voice] Pediatric Nursing (National Association of Pediatric Nurse Associates & Practitioners) (U.S.) Vols. 1-10 1975-1984

Pelican Journal (RIE Nurses)


Perspectives in Psychiatric Care

Vols. 14-19 & 22 1976-1981 & 1984

Philippine Journal of Nursing

Vol. 32(1-4,6) 1963 Vols. 33-36 1964-1967 22

Vols. 37(1) 1968 Vol. 43(4) 1974 Vols. 44-46 1975-1977 Vol. 47/48 1978 Vol. 49 (1-3) 1979 Vol. 50 (2,4) 1980 Vol. 51 (1-3) 1981 Vol. 54 (1-3) 1984

Practitioner, The

Vol. 224 1980 Vol. 225 1981 Vol. 226 1982 Vol. 227 1983 Vol. 228 1984 PMRAFNS Magazine (Princess Mary's Royal Air Force Nursing Service) Vol. 1 (No.1) June 1978 1979 1980-1987 1992-2000

Public Health

Vol. 94 1980 Vol. 95 1981 Vol. 96 1982 Vol. 97 1983 Vol. 98 1984

Public Health Nurse

Vols. 13-22 1921-1930

Public Health Nursing

Vols. 23-44 1931-1952 Index to Public Health Nursing Magazine 1909-1952 (I vol) Loose copies: Nov 1940, April 1941 & May 1942

Quarterly Journal for Chinese Nurses

Vols. 1-6 1920-1925

Queen's Nurses Magazine

Vols. 17-37 1920-1947 (brown cover) 23

Vol. 37-38 1948-1949 (green cover)

Queen ’s Nursing Journal

Vols. 16-19 1973-1977

RCN Emergency Nurse

1983-4 1985-88 1989-91

Rehabilitation Nursing

Vol. 6 1981 Vol. 7 1982 Vol. 8 1983 Vol. 9 1984

Research in Nursing and Health (U.S.)

Vol. 1 1978 Vol. 2 1979 Vol. 3 1980 Vol. 4 1981 Vol. 5 1982 Vol. 6 1983 Vol. 7 1984

Review & Information Bulletin

Vols. 12 & 13 1931-1932

Registered Nurse (U.S.)

Vols. 34-42 1971-1979 Vol. 43 1980 Vol. 44 1981 Vol. 45 1982 Vol. 46 1983 Vol. 47 1984 Bound as RN Magazine.

Royal College of Nursing Bulletin

Dec 2001 to date. [Royal College of Nursing Forum Newsletters: see separate list.] 24

Royal College of Nursing Members Magazine

Winter 2001/2 to date.

Royal Free Hospital Nurses League Magazine

1958-1960 1962-1985 1989-1995 1997-2003

St. Thomas's Hospital Gazette

1969-1996 (incomplete) Santo Thomas Nursing Journal (Incomplete) Vol. 3 (4) Mar 1965 Vol. 4 June, Sep, Dec, Mar (1965-66) Vol. 5 June, Sep, Dec, Mar (1966-67) Vol. 6 June, Sep, Dec 1967, Apr 1968 Vol. 7 Oct 1968

Senior Nurse Vol. 1 1984

Share (King's Fund) Nos. 1-18 1991-1997

Social History of Medicine

Vols. 1-19 1988-2006

Sociology of Health and Illness

Vol. 1 1979 Vol. 2 1980 Vol. 3 1981

South African Nursing Journal

1947-1978 1952 Jan-Jun, Aug-Oct, Dec

South African Nursing Record

Vol. 9 1921-1922

South Australian Journal of Nursing

Vols. 1-2 1966-67 25

Supervisor Nurse (U.S.)

Vols. 1(2)-5 1971-1974 (Incomplete) Vols. 6-10 1975-1979 Vol. 11 1980 Vol. 12 1981 Continued as Nursing Management in 1981. Technic (Association of Operating Department Practitioners) Vol. XV, no. 1 Feb 1969 Vol. 1, nos. 1-3 1976 Nos. 14-20 1979 Nos. 21-26 1980 Nos. 27-32 1981 1983 – No’s 40-45 1984 – No’s 46-51

Tradimus – association of student nursing

Vol 1-11 1986-1989 Also folder of loose duplicates

Topics in Clinical Nursing

Vol. 1, nos. 2-3 Vol 2 1980-81 Vol 3 1981-82 Vol. 5 1983-84

Trained Nurse (U.S.)


UNA (Australia)

Vols. 3-7, 42-54 1905-10,1944-47

UNA Nursing Journal (Australia)

Vols.46-74(4) 1948 Jul- Aug 1976

Western Journal of Nursing Research

Vol. 1 1979 Vol. 2 1980 Vol. 3 1981 Vol. 4 1982 Vol. 6 1984 26

World Health Forum (World Health Organization)

Vol. 1 (1-2) 1980 Vol. 2 1981

World's Health

Vols. 4-11 1923-1930 WHO Chronicle (World Health Organization) Vols. 1-23 1947 -1969 (Incomplete) Vols. 24-33 1970-1979 Vol. 34 1980 Vol. 35 1981

World of Irish Nursing (Eire)

Vols.1- 4 1972 -1975/6 Vols. 6-8 1977-1979 Vols. 9-13 1980-84 Continued as New World of Irish Nursing in 1992.

Zambia Nurse: official journal of the Zambian Nurses' Association

Vols.1-11 1965 -1979 (incomplete) 27
